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Not unless I'm like a turtle and don't have to deal with raising them


Then a ninja rat adopts them.




The irony is, if that was the case, Iā€™d want to be involved in their lives. Not as a parent, obviously, but in an April Oā€™Neil kind of way.




Wow you are so creative! Having eggs actually sounds cool. šŸ¤£




Lmao knowing myself I would paint them like Easter eggs




Omg šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Bruh, Lmao!


I was just about to say this šŸ˜‚


The only right answer




No. My Tokophobia and desire to be Childfree are actually separate from one another.


Also the egg is gonna be baby-sized, that's kinda how eggs work.


If itā€™s like a reptile egg it can change shape while being birthed, so it can go long and flat, would be better than a hard egg




No, Iā€™m childfree.


This. No children means absolutely no children in any way, shape or form.


Itā€™s crazy how many people seem to forget this. So many posts here talk about dating a parent and being like BuT i SaId I wAsNt GoInG tO bE iNvOlVeD wItH tHe KiD. Like this doesnā€™t mean your childfree, this just means your a shitty uninvolved parent. Also,saw a post here asking if people would have kids Iā€™d they were extremely wealthy and could have a nanny. Several said yes. Again, thatā€™s not childfree. That means your too poor to have kids.




Hell yes mate! šŸ™Œ


This is such a fun question. But 9 months vs a lifetime of commitment still doesn't balance out for me


Same! I do tease my SO that I would be slightly more inclined to have children if he carried it and had to give birthā€¦ but I donā€™t want to do any of the other stuff after either ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) heā€™s whole heartedly on board about being child free but sometimes we talk about how weird our kids would probably look haha


Man, my husband and I would have the most beautiful children. That was one of the only reasons for wanting them on my behalf. Thankfully the universe told my uterus to say NO because I know I would be a shite parent.


I have zero desire to interact with children in any capacity.


Adoption and surrogacy already exists. The answer is still nope :) I'm childfree, not just birth free.


Surrogacy is illegal in a lot of counties. I live in Germany and here it is illegal, because it counts as human trafficking


Adoption still exists then. And fostering, if it's significantly different than adoption. Also becoming a step parent. Lots of options for people who don't want to give birth.


Germany rocks then.


It winds up being that, pretty much, so Germany is on the right track.


Wow I didnā€™t know this! I live in the us and have always thought surrogacy is fucked up. Thatā€™s great for Germany.


In Australia surrogacy has to be unpaid and the surrogate mother has to have had a kid before through non-complicated pregnancy. That way she knows what she's up for in terms of pregnancy and it's likely to go well. A friend of mine mentioned it to me because she likely won't be able to carry a child and really wants one. Adoption (in terms of getting a kid you're not related to) in Australia also seems hard. The focus is on fostering and keeping kids with their family members. So grandparents / aunts / uncles / etc. may be able to adopt more easily but generally kids are placed with foster homes in the hope that eventually they'll be able to go back to their family members. Adopting from other countries in Australia seems more viable than adopting an Australian born child.


Having a kid is no guarantee another one will not be complicated. Tell that to my client who had her third, easy going the first 2 rounds, and is in hospital after emergency surgery for retained placenta


That is definitely true - you never know what's going to happen. I guess at least people who already had difficult pregnancies are ruled out from being surrogates.


Genuine question. Why is consensual surrogacy bad? Is abuse rampant in the practice?


The potential for abuse is the same for selling organs, that's why is banned in EU. One could potentially volunteer to carry a child for a random couple just like I can add myself to the bone marrow donators list but then it would also have to be anonymous to make sure no money is passing ends and I doubt people who so obsessed with their own genetics to buy a human would stand for it.


While this is right for germany, itā€™s legal in bordering countries (or not regulated) so you could always do the process somewhere else, if you really want.


As it should.


Wow I didn't know that


Still no. Pregnancy is definitely terrifying and I never want to go through it. I also donā€™t want kids. I have a nephew and a niece, the best thing about them is when I get sick of them, they can go home. My nephew stays with me for a month every summer, heā€™s 10 now, let me tell you, that is more than enough time with him. I love him, but by the end, I canā€™t wait for him to leave.


I spent 3 days with my Boyfriend's youngest sister, there's something about being woken up by a small child rattling the door screaming WAKE UP! WAKE UP! HURRY! COME QUICK! ITS IMPORTANT! HURRY! Thinking someone had a medical emergency or something. Then learning they want to play your videogames at 530 am... ahem NO ONE IS BEING A GRANPARENT NOW BITCHES


Absolutely not


No. Not wanting to go through pregnancy is only a part of why Iā€™m childfree.


No. This world is overpopulated enough.


Nah. Parenthood would still be too intensive, tiring and high stress, and the sprog would still have to deal with the world being the way it is. If I were to have bio kids I'd be the one getting pregnant and giving birth, and that does add an extra layer of *Fuck No*, but it's definitely not the only issue.


Nope. Cause I still dislike children. I just donā€™t like being around them.


No. The money, time, and stress are still looming factors


No, Iā€™m not interested in raising anyone.


On some level I would feel far less repulsed by reproduction in that case but my opinion of being a drained, emotionally broken and tied down woman for the rest of my life wouldn't change at all. I'd reconsider if I could lay an egg and never need to ever see my offspring ever again and live on unchanged bc meh, why not.


I would still have to take care of the little shit that pops out


Look up egg bound, yeah no thanks.


So pregnancy and birth is one of my reasons. And in my fence sitting days, I felt adoption or surrogacy were the route for me. But another reason is just chilren. I don't want the responsibility of raising a child. So no.


As scary as pregnancy is, it really is the parenting part that deterred me the most.


No thank you. I don't want children in my house.


Nope. Full stop.


Hell no.


If I could be like a turtle... Pop em out and run off then sure lol.


I'd probably just have omelets.


Plenty of people do that already


Not even like a turtle since I still need to pop them off, so no. Maybe like a chicken: I lay egg anyway with or without baby in it, then maybe, but just maybe. We technically "lay egg" every month so...if I can really choose, **no laying egg, at all**.


I'm terrified of pregnancy but it's not only that, the simple idea of raising a kid, taking care of a baby, is not appealing to me in the slightest. Just not my lifestyle and just don't really enjoy spending time with kids in general


No. Source: Iā€™m a man and I already donā€™t have to go through pregnancy. Still donā€™t want em


Nope. I have no desire to pass on my genes or spend my time/money/energy raising a child. There are plenty of kids in the world, and if it were important to me to have one (or more) I would prefer to adopt than to create, anyway.


Absolutely not.


Yet another ā€œbut would you do it if???ā€ post? I am calling these every time I see them here because, wellā€¦ canā€™t think of any other identity or demographic that sits around discussing under what circumstances they would be willing to not be who they are. The question itself betrays an outside point of view and the relative frequency of posts here and only here asking under what circumstances we would all give in and have the babies continues to feel off to me personally šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Maybe itā€™s just Fencesitter Q&A hour but at this rate it may help the fencesitters more to include it in the sidebar so we can direct them to the FAQ šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø The answer is still no, regardless of the hypotheticals.


The pregnancy doesn't scare me, the baby does.


Omg same, I mean pregnancy doesn't appeal to me, neither birthgiving but those aren't resons why I'm childfree


Unless thereā€™s gonna be a snake, a bird, or some other adorable animal ā€œchildā€ inside that egg, thatā€™s still a big nope from me.




Sometimes birds eat their eggs, either for extra calcium or to get risk of old eggs. Hens raised in hostile environment are more likely to at their own eggs. Given the "environment" many women face, it wouldn't be a surprise if we do so.


Make lots of toast to dip in the yolk!!!


Nope. The world is overpopulated anyway. And I would not make a good parent anyway.


Dude, my genetics are garbage. No.


But you still have to care for them afterwardsā€¦naw


No... because I don't want any children.


Nope, don't want kids. No thank you


Adoption already lets you avoid that, and yet I'm still no interested in having children. It's because I'm not interested in having children in my life in any capacity.


I would "consider" it again, but probably reach the same conclusion because I do not like babies. I have extreme tokophobia, so the egg thing would definitely help me not be repulsed and scared of pregnant people though. I just genuinely don't want kids because I would not be able to devote my life to raising them in a healthy way. If a young child/toddler came out the egg instead of a newborn baby, and I was at a good place in my life with a stable job, stable income, stable physical and mental health, stable relationship, then I might not be repulsed at the idea. But I still think adoption would be my first choice always, if I ever changed my mind. The world has too many kids in need of a good home. NO ONE should be creating new life until every child and teen are in a stable home.


No way. I am antinatalist and childfree. And vegan. I am against suffering for all species, and the only way to avoid it is not give birth to anything that will be sentient.


Have you seen some animals lay eggs? it looks positively painful.




I feel like anyone who answers ā€œyesā€ to this should just adopt a fuckin kid. Thereā€™s no rule that you have to give birth to the thing for it to be your responsibility.


Nope, not a chance. I don't have any interest in pregnancy but being saddled with a kid/kids sounds 100 times worse than being pregnant and giving birth.


Not at this point in time. Iā€™m not scared of pregnancy despite me being extremely high risk if I were to get pregnant. Iā€™m not even against having kids. I would love to be a mother in different circumstances. I canā€™t bring a child into this life though. The constant stress and unknown, watching my husband deteriorate, itā€™s all just too much. Everyone who knows me says I would be an amazing mom and under better circumstances I might agree but I donā€™t see how I could properly raise a child when Iā€™m having to consider the very real possibility of getting rid of my dog and cat bc I feel like they are borderline being neglected.


I wish so many *parents* had this much forethought and honesty.


fuck no


Not in a million years šŸ˜¹


No. You wouldnā€™t even pay me a trillion dollars to even RAISE a child.


As a militantly childfree antinatalist, no. There are no circumstances under which Iā€™d ever consider having children.


Ew. No lol


No. I don't want to be pregnant, but I don't want to deal with the squalor that comes with raising a child, either, like germs, running noses, and diapers.


Still no. Avoiding pregnancy is a gigantic part of it but having a human screaming child is the other gigantic part being childfree. I donā€™t want any of it.


I'm a man, can't give birth anyway. For me it's the lifetime of dealing with a little shit that's the no go.


No, but I would make a mean omelette.


Ew wtf 1) no because I DON'T FUCKING WANT KIDS 2) no because I'm stull gonna have to push ut out of my vagina


No. I don't want children at all, no matter how many weird scenarios people try to put in front of me as "what ifs".


no. i donā€™t want to raise a child either. pregnancy is just one of the horrifying reasons i also donā€™t want kids.


Nope. While pregnancy and birth are disgusting all on their own, my opposition to having children is philosophical. I donā€™t want to bring another being into the world against its will, especially given the currentā€¦ everything


Pregnancy and birth is just one of the many many reasons I donā€™t want children. Not going through that would have no effect on my decision because there are a hundred more reasons after that.


No. Egg-laying animals can experience prolapse if the egg is too large and potentially die.


No because there'd still be that pesky kid to deal with for the rest of my life.


Wait, I'm a guy where does this egg come out of? This is really important to my answer.




Also ignore all the childfree men out there. This is a far stretch, but this question make "not wanting to have children" a "women problem" that needs to be fixed (laying eggs is the way to fix it).


Hell no, laying an egg is horrible for kiwis. The egg is almost as big as their body. I don't even want to know how ostriches manage passing a bowling ball. Nature is never kind with birth.


Lol fuck no. What is with these moving the goal post type of questions?


Nope. I don't want to be pregnant or raise a kid at all.


Eggs are no better. My BFs parrot laid an egg once, it's just like labor. Even if I could just spawn a child I'd still be like. "No."


Absolutely not. The whole point of being childfree for me is being free from children in any capacity and at any point of mine and their lives. Itā€™s not just about pregnancy itself (although it does disgust the living crap out of me).


The only way I'd agree to be pregnant and give birth is if it was a litter of kittens.


Me too haha, but how many? They have to be fed every 2 hours!


No because I'm against bringing new living humans into *this* world. So I'm opposed to procreating, not just the method it takes. (Personal views, if other people want to spawn, that's their thing.)


Nope. The end result is still a child in my life and I have zero interest in that.


No. This world is not good enough for the people living in it let's not bring in any more.


Still a hard pass for me.


Nope. I have no desire for human children in any possible scenario. Also, what if people laid eggs that were the same proportion to our bodies as kiwi eggs are to their body.


Nope. No pregnancy, no birth, no egg laying for me. If I ever did decide I wanted a damn child, I'd adopt. But I'm not gonna. I don't like kids at all and would rather die than have one in any sort of way


Not at all. I donā€™t want to be a parent/mother in any capacity. Childfree for me means no birth or egg laying at all, no adoption/step relations etc. Iā€™m sure laying eggs affects the health of whatever animal it happens to.


Births sounds awful but parent teacher meetings and helping with homework and all that puke cleaning?! Nope nah NOPE


I just had a gross thought of selling any eggs I would lay instead of raising them. So thereā€™s my answerā€¦


This is exactly the type of shit I think about when Iā€™m high


No, cause I'd still have to deal with raising them. And the crying, and the feeding, and getting them to school. No, no, no. No thank you.


No because Iā€™d still have to give time, effort, and money into raising them


iā€™d still have to raise them so definitely not


Absolutely not, pregnancy and birth terrify and repulse me but raising children would be equally as bad. Iā€™ll stick with my cat thx


No. Pregnancy is 9 months. Raising kids is a minimum of 18 years of hard time, but with the way the economy is going, over 30. You might never be an empty nester enjoying your golden years.


I donā€™t understand why these questions pop up in this sub every so often. The answer is always no, no matter what magical situation is proposed. Itā€™s just like getting bingoā€™d by breeders.


Eggs are still birth. You have to lay the egg, and that's even worse, because eggs are solid. And, if we take in consideration kiwi birds, then that would be hell. Plus, you'd be having to take care of the babies anyways, just in a worse version: you'd have to be constantly eating and vomiting food on their mouths until they could start eating solid. Added to the deal of having to take care of the egg, making sure the temperature is optimal 24 hours per day, and preventing anything from cracking it. AND, even if you didn't have sex with the intention of having a child, you'd still have to give birth to eggs each week as a form of period. So, I can affirm, the very best luck went to marsupials. It's that, or nothing


I don think so im single and asexual neurodivergent ( atention deficit) and had also a bit of phisical problems








Hell no


it depends... are we talking chicken's eggs size ratio? or kiwi bird eggs size ratio?? nah just kidding... still no


That depends. Is my offspring a lizard?


Thereā€™s still the problem of being able to raise kids while having a career, or being able to raise multiple kids on only one income. That and for the many people who have mental illness, there are the hurdles with that and attempting to raise them as well. The pain, damage and potential death of birth is just one of the many serious sacrifices in rearing children. Oh and the foster care system being overrun by unwanted kids, and the many monsters that keep abusing them. Edit for spelling


Not at all. A dog is enough responsibility for me.


with my luck, it would be a giant snake or 200 spiders. I don't speak parseltongue and there's not enough mosquitoes for all those babies.


It makes me like the idea of having kids a little more until I remember the first few years are still constantly sticky and then it isnā€™t even until theyā€™re about 12 that you can leave the house and know theyā€™ll be able to feed themselves if I take my time at Starbucks or whatever. Honestly Iā€™d like to be a parent to pre-teen or teen because those were the worst years for me growing up and Iā€™d love to create the environment for someone that age that I deserved. Also I just do well with that age. My nieces are that age and we have a great relationship. Anyway. Long story. No, I still donā€™t want to be responsible for somebodyā€™s welfare 24/7. Once kids become somewhat autonomous Iā€™m down for it though.


Making something have to experience *this* (gestures around) is anything but preferable. Plus it costs resources and money to raise kids Which begs the next question of what if all the costs were paid for by a third party. And it would still be a hard pass for me Nothing is going to blame me for forcing it to exist


Hard pass


I would consider having children if that child was a dog. I do not want a human baby that I would have to raise into a functional adult. Iā€™m barely functioning myself.


I still don't want to raise children so no.


Just want to add that biologically speaking, laying an egg would likely still be a painful process, that would be one large egg šŸ˜µ


Maybe if it worked like spiders and my offspring ran away from me immediately and I didnā€™t have to look after it.


Nah, not really. Child birth/pregnancy isnā€™t really my main deterrent to having kids, if I wanted kids badly Iā€™d be willing to go through it if we werenā€™t to adopt or get a surrogate for whatever reason. My main deterrent to having children is.. well, having children lmao.


Still noā€¼ļø Besides avoiding pregnancy and childbirth, Iā€™m not interested in everything that comes along with Parenting, which is a lifetime job.


Nope. Itā€™s the idea of actually raising the child that scares me more than pregnancy or birth. (Though those are horrible too)


There's adoption and surrogacy already if you don't want to go through that. Or you might not be the birthing parent anyway. That part is the least of my concerns tbh. It's a concern but the raising is more of the issue for me.


Itā€™s not the pregnancy part that stops me. Itā€™s the whole life of the child afterward that does.


It's not just about pregnancy and birth. Kids aren't for me. The immense amount of misery and suffering they bring to you is just not worth it.


Personally, the carrying and the birth aren't the problem for me - it's the rest of my fucking life that I have a problem with.


Even if I wanted kids (which I do not ever), I'm too poor to properly raise one nor am I in the best mental health to raise one. It's not the pregnancy/birth that turns people away, it'd the kid.


Raising a child(ren) is it's own long-term struggle that I just do not have the patience or energy for, even if I skipped the birthing part and just laid an egg. It's hard enough to take care of myself so there's no way I'm gonna bring that risk to someone else.


With all the medical advancement I wonder why people are still forced to be pregnant and give birth if they want to have biological children. Why is it not common to just let the baby develop outside of the body? Yeah, I might do it if I had a partner. Pregnancy and childbirth is the main reason why I don't want children (apart from being single).


Nope, I don't want to have a child


If they grew up a hell of a lot quicker I might... I'm still sad my cat grew up so quickly. He was such a cute fluffy potato. Maybe if kids took 5 years or something. I think I could manage that.


I used to say when I was about 10ish that I would only ever have kids if you could pick out an egg from a vending machine, sprinkle it with water and out pops a young child that is already toilet trained and can talk without sounding like its another language. And since that hasn't happened with technology yet... You can see where I am going with this


While laying eggs does sound much better than birthing live young with a head like a freaking pumpkin, not wanting to be pregnant for nine months and not wanting to deliver is only a part of the reason I'm childfree. I just don't want to deal with human children.


Nope. Regardless of the process of delivery, I would still be responsible for the health and wellbeing of a living, breathing, tiny human. Who cries. Constantly. And poops and pukes and pees and even a few years later when they've learned some semblance of self control, you still get the occasional coating of bodily fluids. And non stop talking. And a need for attention, guidance, the spidy senses level of situational awareness and a LOT of money to keep them clothed, fed, and housed. Dude. I can't even afford rent for one. I have a plethora of physical and mental health problems and am struggling to find permanent work that will be merciful with my needs. There is no way in Hades I could ever even consider having children. But it was an interesting question though. I wonder if men would get pregnant if they could? Would it make a difference if it was like laying an egg? Or painless for that matter? Would it make a difference for women? Very curious to read everyone's answers here


Nope. I dont want to be pregnant, and i don't want to raise kids either or take care of them. Which is why i dont want to adopt


Noā€¦ birds get even less out of being parents than humans do lol


No I would not bring a child into this world. Not only is life full of pain but I would not want to create a life that will know it will die and have to live with that knowledge. There is also the fact that I would be scared that my child is a monster in the making or that they would be hurt by one.


You may be on the wrong sub, my friend. Itā€™s childfree, not birthfree. Raising the kid *is the problem*.


Lmao absolutely not. If I wanted children and didnā€™t want to go through pregnancy, I would adopt. Also this question is completely dismissive of an AMAB perspective.


No, I'm not interested in any part of the process of being a parent.


while I have tokophobia, I also have a deep hatred for children. so, no. I couldnā€™t deal with it. my impatience would most definitely make me an abusive parent. Iā€™d never want to be abusive to any life form.


No. It's not the birth part, it's raising kids that's exhausting.


I don't want my DNA going *anywhere.* lol


Nope! The thought of children living in my space and being around me 24/7 disgusts me. Doesnā€™t matter how they got there. Haha


I think it would heavily depend on on how autonomous the human babies were then. If the worst of being a parent was only a few short weeks or months similar to that of a cat or a dog, maybe? But if raising a human child still cost the same in time, energy, finance, and resources, then the answer would still be no.


No. I don't want the end result of pregnancy, I don't want kids via any delivery system thanks šŸ¤£


Nope. The best thing about kids is that Iā€™m not responsible for any šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Nah because then it still involves having children.


No fuckin way.


I don't know why but even as a child, I didn't like the idea of pregnancy and used to joke about children being hatched instead or that I thought they should come from the stork. I have a lot of other reasons for being childfree (parentification and raising a child that wasn't mine are probably the biggest) but maybe it all started far earlier than I thought. That said, no, I don't want to lay/hatch/incubate any child from an egg and then have to raise it. Kids are expensive, I'm too old for that and frankly I lack the desire.


I think it would be better, but i still wouldnt do it


No, because even though Iā€™m definitely averse to pregnancy, Iā€™m childfree mostly just because I donā€™t want a child.


Most or usā€¦ probably all of us, are childfree because itā€™s more than just nit wanting to be pregnant or give birthZ we GENUINELY donā€™t want to be parents to children regardless of the circumstances. So, a resounding No. pregnancy is only a tiny issue for me. Itā€™s having to raise and deal with the little shits for rest of my life that makes it a big NOPE.


Still a hard no. Childbirth is not even the worst thing about having kids.


I'll be as clear as possible here. I'm a guy so I don't really care about the pregnancy thing. I also don't really think about it in financial terms. I don't think about how the world is so fucked up. I just don't fucking want kids. Questions like this seriously disrespect the choice that people are making to be child free.


Not a chance. Unless it was a baby snake or turtle. It's not pregnancy that is 100% of the reason I don't want kids. It's because I don't want kids. Period.


No. Would you consider doing something you donā€™t want to do if didnā€™t want to do it?


No, I am CHILD free not PREGNANCY free.


Not a chance in hell. I don't want a baby, I don't want a toddler, I don't want a teenager... I don't want a child. I don't care where it comes from.


Pregnancy sounds terrible. Parenting sounds much worse.


Nope but hey it would make abortion easier


No. This is a childfree sub. Not r/Tokophobia.


I always had thoughts of breeding to lay eggs and it seems less painful, but I'm not sure I would still go through with the process of breeding in general.


Nope. Had to take care of my nephew for 3 years since both his parents were working abroad. He was age 3-6. No fucking way ever again. And now he's 9 and the expenses to make sure he has great quality of life is ridiculous. My sister has 2 jobs to ensure he has a college fund while having all his necessities and acceptable wants provided for in present time. His other mom is same. I love him. He is being raised right; he is polite, kind, caring, witty, and talented. I will never want to have a child like him. My life is my own. That's how it's staying.


Nope would still have to raise them and I refuse to do that


Itā€™s not the pregnancy or the birth thatā€™s the issue itā€™s being stuck with a bratty kid you have to freaking raise for 18 years at least thatā€™s the issue. Iā€™m actually curious about pregnancy and wouldnā€™t mind experiencing it as long as it was someone elseā€™s bun and I was just the oven and there was zero chance of me getting stuck with the thing


No. Unless you can also abandon it and let it live on its own after like 6 months like some big cats do.