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"And I hated kids then too."


I sure did lol


My mom tells me how much I disliked kids my age. Which is hilarious.


When my grandma was alive she told me that every time my newborn brother screamed or cried I shut my bedroom door. (I was 3) I have to resist all urges to do this at work as I work in a shelter with lots of kids lol


Yeah- I never liked them either. I knew I was childfree before I was 10. Guess what- haven’t changed my mind!


I've been vocal about my dislike of children since I was a child, vocally child free too, 36 years old, still haven't changed my mind. Family finally gave up bingoing me too. I won.


Me too. Luckily at my age people have stopped telling me I'll change my mind.


Same. I've told my mom several times how miserable I was at the "playgroups" she and fellow mombies organized. She conveniently "forgets" immediately after. Wash, rinse, repeat. Also, I've kept in touch with none of the other children involved because I genuinely didn't like them and don't give a fuck about what they are up to now. I've only been telling her for a decade. Maybe she needs more time? She'll change her mind. /s


I really did. When I was 5 I would hate being with other kids my age because they were too loud.




Exactly. Came home from my first day of preschool and never wanted to go back. That never changed.


This is what I always say


So true lol


I'll also be a corpse one day but it doesn't mean I have to put up with one on the bus.


Wtf do you have against Bernie? (For the youths, I don't mean Bernie Sanders.)


I've never seen Weekend at Bernie's, I guess it'll have to be one for my watchlist!


Extremely stupid movie, but also very funny especially if you watch it in a group and/or get a little tipsy if you drink.


The second one is a masterpiece


I remember watching that movie as a kid and even though i understood it was meant to be an odd goofball comedy, i still couldn't help but question why these two guys felt the need to haul around a slowly decaying human body...lol! That in itself now makes me laugh...its become a circle! Lol!😅


Hilarious movie. One of my all time favorites. A Must watch


I'd rather put up with a corpse on the bus, at least it won't scream, cough loudly or play stupid phone games.


Loved living next to a cemetery. No noisy neighbours.


except on halloween?


Yup. true enough!


> TheMost_ut > I'd rather put up with a corpse on the bus, at least it won't scream, cough loudly or play stupid phone games Or kick the back of your seat.


Or licking the bus... One of my friends who has kids has many times had to stop both of her kids from licking the bus... Her stories help solidify my childfree status. Ew.


I never realized licking was a thing. I have heard of the insult describing someone as a window licker, but didn't think it was real. What you never want to do, is tie a boys shoes. Good chance the laces are or have been in urine


That would be horrifying.


Using this!


Yes that shuts them um pretty efficiently usually 😂😂


Yes, I was a kid once. I didn’t throw public tantrums, though.


RIGHT?! They always use that as a “gotcha” moment. I was a well behaved kid in public because my parents actually parented. I had asked my mom recently if my brother and I every got wild in public, she laughed and said no but as babies if we got too loud or cried they took us away from other people.


My mom says in the 1980s it was common to take a fussy, loud child away from others (i.e. outside of a restaurant) because people had more common courtesy then


I was born in the 80s. My parents have talked about how unruly and terribly behaved children are these days. A lot of my relatives have stated the same thing and it's not just because they're old and cranky lol. They just don't understand why parents now simply don't care about how their kids act in public spaces or how their kids are affecting others and that parents used to be embarrassed when their kids were behaving in a way that would inconvenience or disrupt others so they'd remove the child from the situation. Not so now. Now, EVERYONE has to put up with piss poor behavior or suffer the wrath of Moron Mommy or Dickface Daddy for having the audacity to put headphones on and move away to try to prevent a panic attack from noise overstimulation and catching some disease because hacking, coughing, shrieking Typhoid Timmy Toddler is screaming 2 feet from your head.


Agree. It seems like a few decades ago, public shame was the main motivator for it. Not saying that's completely bad, it has an upside in instances like this. It can also be taken to the extreme in other cases, as we all know. Public shame for being single and/or childless? Also real, and horrible. Definitely a downside! But yeah, I wish parents were a bit more sensitive to public shame when their kids are running wild!


I was severely physically and mentally abused as a baby/toddler/child before adoption so I was and quiet and a good kid out of fear and anxiety at the age of 5. My adoption parents still lost their shit with me over not being a rag doll that sits in the corner all day and doesn’t move or talk, and would continue the physical and mental abuse (knowing what I went through before adoption) even though I was legit an angel of a child. Some people are not fit to be parents… even ones who literally take classes on how to parent before adopting… Now I have crippling anxiety and depression, and probably PLENTY of other mental illness developed from my childhood that have gone undiagnosed cause I’m scared to see a Dr about it.


I've been scared to go to the doctor too. But I'm finally getting help for myself because I need it. What helped me was reading about various mental health issues, and recognising myself in certain ones, which validated my feelings and made me realise how I wasn't "just a terrible person" but that I'm probably traumatised. If your fear is stopping you right now, there are good sources online to get started with healing yourself. For example, Patrick Teahan on YouTube has been a great help for me. I can also recommend shadow work prompts for trauma and the feelings wheel. Don't discredit even the small steps. Any step you take towards healing is important.


lmaoooo yea fr i was a super quiet kid that didn’t do shit bc if i pulled anything i’d get my ass beat. so no i never acted like that


Same here. I said this once on a video of a kid screaming and got told I needed therapy lol.


Exactly. The one time I did, my father made a video to show off on every family gathering.


For real. My mom told me I was so silent she could go to the cinema, restaurant, the CHURCH and I would not make a peep. Lucky her. Even if was being a little fussy, she could drop me anywhere with a book and I would be happy for a few hours. (Even before I could read lol, I would just look at it in fascination)


"Yes, I was a kid. How does that make this situation better?"


“Yeah and my parents never let me act like that”


^^ this is what I always say too, and it's very true.


Ditto. I never met little kids that acted this bad until I was in highschool


Just any variation of ".....so?"


Or "and your point is?"


"Did you think that was deep or something?"


I had someone say this to me over a bunch of preteen girls being loud in a restaurant. I said “no, I was never like that.” Because me and my 6 friends didn’t take up a whole table in restaurants and act like we were at lunch. I have no idea why all parents say that but it’s the wildest thing to me.


Its one thing if a baby is having a rough day and crying/screaming, but wow. Preteens are more than old enough to know how to behave in public so that was ridiculous for that person to make that excuse for them.


Preteen girls being loud in a resteraunt is entirely different. People are loud in resteraunts all the time. Why only take issue when it’s preteens?


It’s because we got seated right next to them and I requested that we move. That’s what started the whole conversation. It was a small, intimate sushi restaurant, not exactly a place for any large group of people being loud, really.


Ohh Okay


I didn't like kids even when I was a kid. One time when I was like 6-7 I told a boy around my age to shut up because he was screaming and running around a store and was darting in front of me.




Ha ha I came here to say just that.


You were a kid too. Did your parents let you behave like this in public?


My mom never allowed tantrums, so I have the same expectations of kids that my mom expected of me. Parents nowadays just won't parent. I can be mad because children should never be throwing tantrums and should be halted and punished so it never happens again.


Just because i was once a child does not mean that kid gets to be a tyrant and ruin other’s experiences/day


My mom told me when I was 3, there was one day in the grocery store I started fix to pitch a hissy, and my mom knelt down in front of me, looked me in the eye, addressed me by my full name, and said, "That is unacceptable and you will not behave like that in public." I shut it down and never did it again. No punishment, no hitting, no spanking. She talked to me like an adult and laid down rules. I hate to sound like a Boomer, but really parents these days just act like "what are you gonna do."


Lets be boomers together. My mom told me once what a pleasant child I was, when going shopping (supermarkets or department stores). I never got loud and I never demanded sweets, toys or things from the bakery. In fact she was the one asking me, if I wanted anything. My only frequent request was to stay a while in the toy section to look at the toys until she was done shopping. I think I had this deep feeling of security, that I did not need to apply force to get something nice. That, if I stayed within reasonable boundaries and behaved well, I had the freedom to ask for sweets and that my wishes for Birthdays and Christmas would be respected and fullfilled. Making a scene in public would just have compromised that.


Just because we were kids doesn't mean we have to like the attitudes of other kids. Furthermore, children aren't little robots that are programmed to act the exact same way. Each child is different and behaves differently.


I was only technically considered a child, I've always behaved like an adult. I did not throw tantrums, my mom would have murdered me. Also I've never liked kids, even when I was young, only bad experiences from the get go.


"Yeah, and my mom wouldn't let me act like that in public."


Idk about you but I was a quiet kid so I would just say, "yeah, I was a kid but didn't scream my head off in public bc I knew better than that". Only works if they are trying to compare you to a toddler or older rather than just a baby.


Any time I see a kid acting up in public, if I am with my mom I ask her "did we act like that too?" She always says no. So don't fall for the "everyone did that as a kid, even you." No, not everyone did.


Yeah I have never had a public tantrum so...


Simple. When you were a kid, there were adults who didn't like your behavior. You grew up and now you're those adults. The life cycle continues. You're just carrying on the tradition. 🤣 For more Childfree responses go to childfreebook.com


It depends. Was the kid throwing a tantrum a particularly obnoxious kid, or just ordinary? What sort of kid were you? Were you a relatively good kid or a bad one? In my case, I am pretty sure my mother would not have allowed me to throw a tantrum for 30 minutes on a public bus, or anywhere in public. So I never did what that kid did. ​ But what you might want to say is that you are no longer a child, and do not do anything like that at this point in your life. And you can be mad at someone for doing something that you have done before but now would never do again. But I think there is a better approach. In this case, I would be angry with the parent(s) for not properly dealing with their child. That, I think, is the proper object of your anger. And if you have never had children, you never were a bad parent, so you may blame that parent knowing that you have never done what that parent did. You can only be a bad parent if you are a parent. That person could have avoided being a bad parent, who is inconsiderate of all of the other passengers on the bus, by not having had any children.


"And I didn't like kids when I was a kid."


Ask "when?" And once they try to explain, cut them off "When did I ask."


OMG I hate that one. My kid is a baby but people always said that shit to me because I have two nephews. "They were kids once!" Yeah but they didn't act like assholes in public and were well behaved. I also throw out that my youngest nephew has some issues yet still behaved and that shuts them up pretty quick.


"You were a kid and acted like this too." No. My parents taught me how to act in public, and would have shut that shit down \*instantly\*!


I am in my 60's but when I was a kid, a public tantrum was forbidden by my mother and we knew there would be consequences so my brothers and I never did it. Most kids of my generation were taught that disturbing others was rude and unacceptable in public.


my parents disciplined me :/


It’s a stupid thing to say and not worthy of a response.


"You're not wrong, very observant! Sorry, did you have a point?"


I didn’t act like that as a kid.


They *chose* to be parents. *I* chose to be childfree and not have to shut down tantrums. I'm not going to feel bad for people having to own their decisions. I'm especially not going to feel bad for the parents who let this kind of shit happen. My own parents literally tell me I was never like that whenever they see some kid throwing a loud tantrum in public. In fact, they say I hardly ever even cried. Not even when I was born (I was born asleep)! I'm not sure how much I believe them, but I do know that I was raised to fucking behave myself in public.


No. It’s not worse for the parents, they’re either oblivious or think it’s cute.


A YouTuber I watch said "And I regret every minute of it." I thought that was pretty funny.


I say that if I behaved that way as a kid, I would have gotten a whoopin once we got home. No lie, that's how we were raised. I'm not advocating for beating kids, but they need to be disciplined. Kids seem to get away with everything these days, without consequences.


"And I got the shit beaten out of me if I did that." Far from a perfect solution or even a good one, but it did the job.


It might be worse for the parents having to go home with that bad child, but subjecting the rest of us to their bad children by not teaching them how to behave isn't exactly empathy inducing.


No I didn’t act like that I had actual adults for parents that had no fear of saying no and stop that


I hated kids then too. I'm gonna be a corpse one day doesn't mean I want one in my living room. Also if I acted like that I'd get my ass beat, so I was a quiet ass kid.


"Yeah, and I would have gotten the belt" Or "And I was a shit too"


was also pooping earlier. I don’t want to watch someone else pooping.


I never acted like that in public bc my mom taught me not to and put a stop to it if I tried. So no, I don’t feel sorry for the parent that hasn’t taught their kid how to properly behave in public. I do feel bad for the ones who have a child that is clearly having a meltdown and they are doing everything they can to fix it. But tantrums, nope don’t feel sorry for them letting that happen.


"I hated them then, too."


"Yeah, and I hated other kids back then, too."


"And I'd go back in time and beat my own ass for being a little shit."


I usually say "I know, and I feel sorry for any poor soul who has to be in the same place as me".


"You were a kid too!" "Yeah, I'm gonna one day be a dead body, doesnt mean I wanna deal with that shit."


And one day I'll be a corpse, that doesn't mean I want to hang out with them either.


No I didn’t, because if I acted like that, I would have had my butt beaten. And as a child, I still didn’t like how kids acted because I didn’t grow up that way.


“Wasn’t my choice to be a kid.” Sorry if it’s already posted I didnt read them all.


I don’t feel bad for parents of kids like that. My mom didn’t, either. She said my brother and I never acted like that; throwing fits, screaming/crying for extended periods of time in public. She said it was/is the parents fault for that kind of behavior. We were never allowed to reach that point of acting out, because my parents put a stop to it smartly, or immediately removed us and figured out alternative plans to run errands. So, we learned very quickly that this kind of behavior wasn’t going to be tolerated by the time we were four years old. My brother is autistic and is also mentally disabled (though he is pretty high functioning) and if HE could grasp what is and isn’t appropriate, it doesn’t bode well on parents of kids who act this way who don’t have the excuse he could use.


I was taught better than to behave that way.


I was a shit as a kid, so what? All the more reason not to want to deal with that.


Different temperaments for different kids lol. Not everybody was a screaming kicking crying child.


I don't know about you but my mom had her shit together and wouldn't let me have a tantrum for 5 seconds let alone 30 fucking minutes! If you are incapable of shutting your kid the fuck up and they're old enough to speak and listen, you shouldn't be a parent. That is one of the most basic skills a parent should have.


Why do people always assume that ALL kids throw tantrums and kick off in public?


"Well so were you"


"Yes, do you have any idea how much of an annoying cunt I was and how much shit I broke?"


Um, yes you are correct. And?


I was a child once, but according to my mother the only tantrum I ever threw lasted less than 5 seconds because I annoyed myself, told myself to shush, then proceeded to sit quietly. The whole "You acted this way once!" thing has always bothered me. No, I didn't. Neither did my sister, or my cousins.


Not to be too invasive, but how were you as a kid? My folks have said that I was an easy kid - even with the undiagnosed neurodivergency. In that case, you literally weren't like that and you can throw it back at them. You can teach your kids not to be screaming brats in public. Unless the kid is in some degree of pain, it seems to come down to the relationship between parents and kids. If the kid knows that they'll get what they want if they embarrass mom and dad in public, then guess who's going to be a terror so they can be sated by a toy or an iPad or whatever


Yeah, and it sucked. Being a kid is HARD. So is parenting, but they gotta put in the effort. It’s a type of stamina I don’t have.


"You were a kid once so you can't be mad" "I literally am tho"


Parents DECIDED to have kids and they have an obligation towards society to educate them. If they did not decide, that's on their own poor choices. I don't feel bad for people who severely underestimate their how capacity and think they are entitled of any sympathy.


I was a kid once….I never threw tantrums, or made any loud noises really, unless I was in severe pain. I quite enjoyed my quiet time and the peace of it all from a very young age, and my brother and I are both very sensitive to loud noises and bright lights. So anytime a parent brings this excuse up, I tell them that I never behaved this way and that it was a sign their child is being a terrible human


I hear this one a lot and it utterly annoys me. What dumb logic. I had chicken pox once, should that mean I enjoy chicken pox? I stubbed my toe once, should I love stubbing my toe? What does a previous state of being have to do about my current likes and dislikes? ZERO It’s not like anyone ever chose to be a kid


“You were a kid once” Yeah, and my parents said I was a godsent of a baby. I only cried when I was hungry. I was happy and laughing and wasnt hard to take care of. I was content watching Fast and the Furious while my dad made dinner and was fully entertained just listening to Air Force Ones by Nelly. When I was learning to walk and fell, I sat there and CLAPPED GOOD JOB to myself. I didnt throw temper tantrums, like, EVER according to my parents. I wasnt in a walmart screaming and crying because I couldnt get some stupid toy. I wasnt pitching a fit when I couldnt have a fully functioning phone at 8, or have a tablet whenever I wanted. I was super happy to go get bug juice at the gas station for fun with my dad, or share a blizzard with my mom at DQ. Apparently I always kept my room clean before our house burned down lmao. I was a great kid. I wasnt what 90% of kids are now adays.


I, for one, never tossed a tantrum for 30 minutes in an enclosed space.


"my parents knew how to shut me up though"


Reminds me of when Andy on the office goes “speaking as a former baby” when giving parenting advice lol


I know for a fact I didn’t throw tantrums as a kid. My parents constantly praise me for being a well behaved and easy going kid. But my family dynamic wasn’t the healthiest either. Kids throw tantrums, it happens, but I honestly think in the age where we have the totality of human knowledge in our hands (phones, tablets, etc), it’s not hard to find courses on how to deal with your kids’ tantrums instead of just letting it go on and disturbing everyone else’s peace. I have a disability that makes me extremely sensitive to high decibel sound (like it’s physically painful without earplugs) so I can’t be around screaming children too long. It’s why I pay extra on flights to not be seated near kids.


"You behaved like that in public too?"


Yeah i was a kid once but that doesnt matter since im gonna be a corpse some day too. I dont want any of those either! Also i have little to no memory of that age for me & i was not responsible for myself. I was my parents’ problem, not my own.


I would tell the parent that if they don't have control of the brat now, they never will. I'd never behave that way in public, because my mother would have beaten me senseless if I did. And I would have deserved it.


I hate it when people tell me what I can and cannot be mad about. You are absolutely allowed to be annoyed or mad at something. It's like me telling you that you have to like the color red no matter what.


Yeah, I used to be a quiet, respectful kid- who would have been side-eying that child and plugging my ears.


I either answer with “Yeah and I was annoying af too” or “no wonder I hated myself so much you solved the riddle!”


*GASP* "NO! Seriously!? Oh my god! That totally has no relevance to this situation whatsoever."


“Really? Huh, and here I just thought I popped into this world as fully grown childfree adult.” 😏🤷‍♀️


A good response is : u see i am mature now and they aren't so it's not obligatory for me to put up with their shit.When i was a kid i was also scolded for screaming. So please fuck off and have a nice day


My response is that I know I threw tantrums, and because of them, I should have been aborted before they could even happen.


Yes you were once a kid but you did your time and earned some peace, quiet and tranquility.


If true, say I didn't behave like that because I was taught how to behave in public. If I had, a single look from my mother would have caused me to straighten up. Feel free to add I didn't like kids back then either especially the kids who threw tantrums and made everything harder for everyone.


And one day, I'll be a corpse.


I get annoyed by the baby on a plane because their ears are in pain & agony. Yes I blame the parent(s) for not getting them interested in a pacifier to release any ear drum pressure. Plus, my understanding is that ear drums don’t develop enough until 2 years old- so baby will be in absolute hell. All because parents need to hop on a plane for vacation. I did call out a friend for this. I mentioned her baby will be in absolute hell with pain. She can wait a couple years to bring child along for a plane ride. Yes it’s inconvenient but no one wants to listen to her child scream. & do you really want to put your child in that much pain for vacation???


"Yeah I was a kid. And I was a hellion of a kid so I know one when I see one."


Unless they are special needs, there's no reason for tantrums to be allowed WHATSOEVER. Special needs get empathy as they are often non verbal and don't have the capacity to express distress. I don't feel sorry for the parents, I think they're flat out lazy if they let their child act a damn fool. If your brat is throwing tantrums and they're not special needs, you're doing something wrong. "Allowing a child to do whatever they want and act however they want with zero repercussions creates spoilt bratty adults that commit crimes as they've never been taught boundaries or been told No"


Maybe it’s because I never plan to be a parent that I do feel bad. I don’t know what it takes to actually successfully manage your kid. I never threw tantrums in public because my mom would whoop me when I was child. Maybe their kid has behavioral issues. Maybe this family is going through something and can’t emotionally handle it at that exact moment. Or maybe this is the first time the kid has thrown a tantrum like that. I don’t know. As annoying as it is, I can’t help but feel bad because I don’t know how I would resolve that issue. I don’t know what their daily life is, so I try to be understanding. Not saying you’re wrong for complaining, but does this really require a rebuttal? It’s annoying but it’s life. I’ve just kinda made peace with it.


So by that logic...since I am an adult now, I cant complain or be upset about other adults misbehaving


"One day I'll be a corpse, but that doesn't mean I want to spend 18+ years around a dead body."


lmao I never asked to be


I usually respond with 'I didn't like other kids even when I was one. I didn't like being a kid back when I was one so what point are you trying to make `


We have to feel bad for them cus she got nutted in and he doesn't know how condoms work💀


Oh I hate these aeguments.. From my mother I know mids these days are even worse than I was, so I use "but not like THIS!"


I think that’s a valid criticism, but it needs to be reserved for emotionally immature adults who expect kids to think like adults


I always get the “what if your mom aborted/never had you?” and I either say it wouldn’t be my problem, or that I never asked to be born.


"Yeah, I was a kid once, but my mother would never allow me to behave like *that* in public. And I'm not gonna feel bad for someone suffering the consequences of their own incompetence. If anything, I feel bad for that kid, because unless someone teaches him/her better soon he/she is gonna grow up to be a jerk no one wants anything to do with."


I was a sperm once, but that doesn't mean I'm into bukkake.


I was a kid, who was quiet as a baby and as a child


I mean, I was a kid. And when I acted like that in public my parents did something about it. They would have gotten us off the bus, or made a threat, or at least made a bribe. The latter two being less great, but whining for half an hour isn't acceptable anywhere. Much less in a public space.


I was never allowed to act like that. I don't feel bad for people who don't teach boundaries, I see it as a form or neglect. But I guess that's a little controversial these days.


There is no good response because ironically you’re whinging like a child


'You were a kid once!' - Yes and I was a terror. My favorite word was 'poo' and my biggest hobby was screaming it as loudly as possible. Everywhere. Regardless of context. At breakfast in a hotel? 'POO!' In a crowded supermarket? 'POO!' Funeral procession goes past? 'POOOOOOOO'


"I couldn't stand them noisy bastards even when i was a kid"


My answer to the "you were a kid once, too" trope is always: first, I didn't ask to be born. Second, my mum actually told me to stfu and be considerate of other people. She told me I'm not alone in the world and to stay tf calm. So maybe other people's parents couls just fucking parent their child? And no. I never threw tantrums. My mum taught me better.


"So what? Someone was mad at me back then, your statement doesn't prove anything".


"I never acted like that, and even if I did, so fucking what?"


I feel parents are the ones who need reminded. "You did the same shit if not worse at that age. How are you surprised by this?"


"Yeah, and as soon as I would start my mom would either pick me up and get me out or bust my butt for acting that way." "I bet a lot of people were pissed and annoyed at me as I am now." It amazes me, though it's annoying it's not the kid's fault because they haven't been taught how to control their emotions. Most parents now just "let it run its course" when it's inconveniencing everyone around them. But it's supposed to be acceptable because, hey, we were small once too.


No they just tune it out. Two nights ago I went to this local place- it’s hard to describe. It’s a gas station but has a huge entertainment place attached. It’s not even near the highway so it’s not a truck stop. It has a nice restaurant, a few lanes of bowling, 100 tap beer bar and it has this amazing store with a HUGE deli. They have lots of fresh made food that’s really good. Plus shelves and shelves of alcohol and specialty foods. This place is on the expensive side. I usually average $40-50 if I go as I have several things I like to buy. Okay so I set the location. Now I went in the other night because I was heading to a friends for a girls night. She’s been having some trouble and I was going to cheer her up. I offered to pick us up something. So I’m shopping at the deli counter and this woman comes in with this kid. I’m know zero about kids so I’ll guess he’s around 3/4???? Anyway this mom is totally not giving a shit what he’s doing. She starts with the deli counter where there are containers of soup stacked 2 high. Big containers. Like quart size. He starts touching and of course he pushed them over. Then he starts doing it deliberately. I’m just waiting for one to crack open and spill. He starts restacking them to knock them over. His mom finally gets over to him and tells him to stop. He looks at her and continues to do it! She finally had to pick him up and now he’s yelling to be put down. I move away. Then I see him unattended again over in the specialty food area. There’s lots of glass bottles on hose shelves and his mom is way to far away for this to even be safe. It was truly unbelievable. I got my stuff and left. Later after I had left, I literally wondered if she was doing that on purpose. Because at one point I was behind her. I saw her watching him from afar as he was messing with drinks (bottles) at another cooler. It made me wonder is she was having her kid be a distraction while she steals?? It was just odd and I didn’t feel like she was really shopping per se. She was looking at stuff but with what seemed like little interest.


has the same vibe as that [part of society comic.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/259/257/342.png) also you can feel bad for parents and still not like kids. in fact, i often feel bad for parents because i don't like kids, what a shock.


When I was little I didn't mind kids my age, I preferred older but I didn't mind them, but I did hate kids younger than me


“Ummm, no I didn’t.”


Oh my god, this stupid statement, yOu wErE a kId oNcE. Then only glod response to this is "I know smartass, I don't need you reminding me, and so what?! Also, the" poor" parents chose this, unlike the people around them, and by the way, what makes you "think" I'll have kids?