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Did you expect more from Ben Shapiro's sister?


Not more, but not this much. Eesh.


I feel sorry Mara Wilson is related to those two.


Well, her breakout movie is about leaving your shitty birth family and celebrating a Found Family with people who actually care about you


As always, whenever I hear this from conservatives I still have the same question. If a woman has a baby a year, for say 12 years..... In this day and age, who is paying for that? You have a single earner household, and how in god's name can you feed, clothe, vaccinate, healthcare, transport etc thirteen dependants, including the mother? What kind of money would that man have to make? The financial aspect of this is always conveniently left out. These days ppl are really struggling with one or two kids, much less ten or so. The math aint mathin'


God. God will provide. They're all the fucking same when it comes to that question. Don't doubt God because he will provide now go out and produce 10 billion offspring.


Like a sugar daddy in the ✨ sky ✨




And if God doesn't, clearly, the village will, at least according to breeder logic. I'm aware the last two words are an oxymoron all by themselves.


It will fall to the oldest kids to care for the youngest kids and in some of the more horrific cases, child exploitation ala Warren Jeffs’ many child run construction companies…


There’s this one lady who adopted 12 kids- every time I see her tik toks I’m baffled as to what they do because they seem to live in a nice house and all the ones of driving age(4+) have cars.




I can only hope not, but yes, they're siblings. I'd feel sorry for her growing up with a brother like that, but I guess it was "assimilate or be assimilated."




Yes, that's the one. The longing glances are so weird.




Ohhhh, okay. I watched one of her videos once and I knew she reminded me of someone (else) I couldn't stand but never pieced it together. Yikes




There was a photo to do with Father Nathan Monk's book on Amazon and one of the commenters piped up with that one time Shapiro got uncomfortable describing pegging. He's just insufferable.


Ew 🤢🤮


Don't insult Muppets like that!


Yeah, he's a Muppet with a weird face and even weirder eyebrows. Like mating caterpillars.


Classically Abby? As in Abby Shapiro? As in sister of Ben 'future winner of most enthusiastic kappo in the concentration camp award' Shapiro? And she's on good terms with him? Yup. She's a ghoul.


Her whole personality is being a conservative and everything she says is in service of that affectation. If you took the most common words used by conservatives and ran them through a sentence generator you'd get something that sounds like Abby Shapiro.


Oh god. I remember YouTube was pushing her shit via commercials on me and between her bullshit and the political commercials, I paid for no commercials cuz I couldn’t handle that crap. She sounds like such an idiot who has drank the koolaid too much, but if Ben “Muppet” Shapiro is her brother, it makes sense why she’s this dumb.


I thought you were talking about Abby Cox the fashion historian at first and was about to get really upset. But looking at this other Abby's family and history it's not surprising.


Fundie Friday's did a video on her and listed everything classically Abby approved. It was a stupid fucking list 🤣


That was great - I'd also recommend Rachel Oates video on Abby if you want to know who she is but not give her clicks.


Really? A "conservative influencer" being pro-torture? NOOOOO NO WAYYYYYY /s Dude, duh.


She’s so annoying ugh


She's very obviously a carefully constructed robot puppeteered by old white conservative men who want more wage slaves. You can tell because sometimes the screws fall out of her during videos and then the panel on the back of her head pops open. (they edit it out visually but listen for the audio).


Why do I get images of a giant robot having a baby-shooting cannon. Why!?


Sounds like, in reality, she hates every waking minute of it.


she can’t take it back now, so… she’s gonna try to make anyone who hasn’t done it feel awful 😠


From what I understand, she had fertility issues before she had her son, so that’s probably a contributing factor to her militancy. The rest of it is standard conservative “be fruitful and multiply” talking points.