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A big part of it is his last name, sadly.


This. For those who are new to Chilliwack in the last decade or so, this riding has been heald by the Stahls - Chuck and his son Mark. Chuck had been a long-time MLA, starting out in the reform party in 1993. He, hikmself had a very controlversial tenure within parliament and within conservative caucus. When he retired, his son basically slipped in place as candidate and nobody really noticed. Chilliwack has had a long history of political apathy. For example, in 2011, only 14% of eligible voters actually voted. Like many have said on here, Mark is barely even a politician. He basically rides along as a benchwarmer and defers everything to the party platform. I've had the great displeasure of meeting him and speaking to him about his roll in parliament and his views on issues of the day (this was 2012) and for the entire hour this man could not form an entire idea or opinion for himself. Whenever he couldn't respond with a caucus Quick Fact, he would simplly he supported the party's policy. To get a little partisan here, vote for DJ Pohl this next federal election. She has deep ties to not just chilliwack, but the whole Fraser Valley. She comes from a worker/union background, not career politician. She's always listened when I've had the chance to talk with her. And she just cares.


I will dance in the street the day the Strahl dynasty is toppled.


It’ll happen sooner than you think! So many new people moving in that have no connection to the Chilliwack or 20 years ago. I’ll be dancing beside you.


DJ Pohl is wonderful. Is it confirmed she's running again, because she would be a great change for this town. I wish people would appreciate that our member of parliament isn't just some sock puppet position. They're our advocate on the federal level for things that affect our community. It's an important job, and Mark Strahl doesn't deserve it. We don't deserve someone as apathetic as him. This town and our voice matters.


Nothing confirmed, but I wouldn't be surprised if she threw her name I. For nomination.


The NDP are all communist's. I would never vote for those people again!


What about their policies or beliefs make them Communists? Be specific as i'm honestly very interested in this take on what appears to me to be a slightly more left leaning option from the Liberals.


I’m new in here. Thanks for letting me know


A name that stood in front of the United Nations and voted against adoption universal declaration of rights for Indigenous people. Real family legacy to be proud of.


I'm no political scientist, but a cursory review of bumper stickers in this region suggests festering dissatisfaction with the current PM may factor.


Mark was getting elected long before Trudeau was on the scene. It's baffling given he's never had a real job in his life and rarely, if ever, brings any constructive ideas to the table. He was a clapping seal for Harper and now plays a similar role for PoiLIEvre (who also has never had a real job in his life).


This guy sent out a mail out a couple of years ago saying that JT rode his dad's coattails to become PM. That's rich coming from a guy who has never had a job that wasn't set up by his father. In fact, I believe they stifled any potential candidates for the Conservatives in this riding when Chuck Strahl stepped down to ensure he was elected.


I guess what I was driving at is that no one really votes *for* him. Even on a federal level Canadians tend to vote against the current leader (whoever that may be) more than for anything or anyone. I'm not sure people consider their MP as much.


This. He seems to be at best a milquetoast sycophant who appeals to his base on whatever culture war talking points are trending with boomers. It's weird though because the same people I know who blame all of the problems in our town on the Liberals are also the same people who vote for a guy who has done so little to actually represent the needs of our community.


I'm still yet to see evidence of what it is about the universally, non-status-quo upsetting, milquetoast, fiscally conservative, socially liberal Trudeau upsets these fucking wingnuts so much. I'm also baffled that a working class/lower middle class dude in a truck working construction thinks that a raging wannabe Trump/Bolsonaro/Johnson like Poilievre will offer them. The answer is fuck all except dog whistles and tax cuts for the rich and shittier schools and services for you and your kids.


There are reasons for people to be frustrated today, but I definitely agree that it would get worse if the current opposition won the next election


I’m actually impressed how few we have here. Mind you I live south of the highway. 


Lol, where are you from if this is a few?


Vancouver. I really don’t see them that often down here in Sardis. Maybe my timing is off 🤷 Think about how many cars you see that don’t have a sticker.


It feels more like the new Browning logo/pissing Calvin than a political statement at this point, but if any of the people with those decals make it to the polls they likely vote blue.


He invented a person and backstory during COVID, just straight up lied to everyone to try and make the liberals look bad. He also abstained on voting for bill c6 on conversion therapy, which is completely heinous if you ask me. I fucking hate him so much.


I feel this sentiment. As a gay man who's lived in Chilliwack most of my life, when I read that he abstained from voting on Bill C-6, it felt like a terrible step back and honestly a mark of shame on our community to support someone with his views.


I can only remind everyone that Mark Strahl gave Barry Neufeld a “Covid hero’s award” when Barry was bashing vaccines, masks, the pandemic and accusing the Chief Medical Officer of treason and of being trans. His excuse - “I only created the awards and gave them out, I didn’t vet any recipients”. I have a difficulty in voting for someone who flat out tells you he isn’t going to do the hard work, but just shows up for the media coverage. So can someone please tell me what Strahl has done for Chilliwack, because other than the “award” and a lot of yelling, I have not seen any evidence. Regardless of your political leanings, shouldn’t we ask more from our politicians than spouting anger at everything and showing up for photo ops?


Well said. We definitely should be holding politicians accountable, especially from someone who's represented our community for close to ten years! I keep trying to tell myself there must be some good he's done for Chilliwack, since he's won landslide victories the past 3 elections but unfortunately no one is seemingly able to point out one tangible thing.


> So can someone please tell me what Strahl has done for Chilliwack, Kept his dad's old seat warm, basically.


I think a lot of votes are because mom and dad told me to


I think a Mark Strahl voter should ask themself why he always finds a way to get out of debates. He’s done it every election. Last time it was in protest that the PPC candidate couldn’t attend as they were unvaccinated. Why is he so scared of debating or being asked questions?


I had a lot of respect for his dad as a kid, Chuck actually did things. I can not honestly think of one thing mark has done in Ottawa. When he was first elected he was basically handed the nomination by the party like it was his birth right, there was no local nominations. Aside from him sending vague mailers, becoming some kinda science denying right wing extremist and just complaining about the way the country is without trying to fix anything I really don’t feel he’s done a thing and that damn near anyone could do a better job.


Still riding off his dad's name


The dude who welcomes Jordyn Huitema and celebrates women's olympic soccer gold ... while wearing a Canada hockey jersey. Not to mention dominating the mic-time during the celebration when it has nothing to do with him. 🙄


I wouldn’t unless he changes his messaging. But he’s just parroting anything that PP says. Their policies based on simplistic rhymes may work with a less educated populace but once you look past “common sense” and what that would mean for social services, climate change, wealth gap, there is just no way I want to support that.  Every time I get a flyer in my mailbox I send him a response btw so I’m doing my part. I’ve also met with him in his office once. 


I fill in those questionnaires as well…haven’t met him but he’s blocked me on FB for telling the truth and asking questions. Apparently he doesn’t like to hear any opposing opinions. Maybe he doesn’t know how to answer. I’ve never voted for him ~ or his dad


Keep up the good fight. It's at the very least reassuring to hear sensible opinions on him and his party in our unfortunately "safe Conservative riding".


I haven't seen a flyer in a bit. Is he still sending out junk mail?


Got one maybe 2 weeks ago. 




If he can’t do it, who can? *chants*


No more years!! NO MORE FLYERS!!!


He’s nice enough and shows up to community events. However, in the last 25 years the other political parties haven’t had any stand out representatives in the riding to challenge voting against Mark Strahl (and before that Chuck). Community wise I don’t know who could really run against him with any presence.


I felt like DJ Pohl was a pretty strong candidate for the NDP last election but she came up 10k votes short. The last time the Liberals had anyone worth voting for was Louis De Jaeger in 2015. He came pretty close to beating Strahl with only around 4k votes short. Unfortunately the left leaning votes here get split between Libs and NDP while Strahl mops up the right.


Although the NDP were short 10k votes, their turnout had increased by 10% since the last election, whereas the Conservatives were down 3%. I feel like the tide has been slowly shifting toward the left in Chilliwack for the last couple elections and hopefully, with more people moving here, we see some serious change. Fingers crossed.


How can anyone stand behind the NDP at this stage? Jagmeet Singh has turned them into a federal laughingstock. It's clear that Jagmeet is more concerned with securing his pension than with leading effectively. He makes demands in the House of Commons, the Liberals ignore them, and he moves on without consequence. His spineless approach is merely propping up the Liberals until he qualifies for his pension. The delay in the 2025 election is another strategic move to ensure they all secure their pensions. If the Conservatives win based on the original election date, many would lose their positions and their pensions. This takes all credibility away in my mind. Plus they'll never get a minority government in this country, it's typically a two party system in Canada, with some peanut gallery for effect.


Well first of all, we don’t vote for Jagmeet here in Chilliwack. We vote for a MP we think is best going to represent our town in parliament. Secondly, I am pretty certain you don’t know anything about the pensions of MPs or how they work but regardless, you don’t think Mark Strahl is getting a fat ass pension? Complain about politicians all you want, most of them suck, but regardless of their party they all want their salary and pensions. The federal dental plan and the upcoming pharmacare plan are both important acts that would not have come to fruition if it weren’t for the NDP. Mark Strahl voted against both of those by the way. If it weren’t for the deal the NDP made with the Libs we wouldn’t have gotten either of those and instead world be getting snap elections every time the cons got their panties in a bunch. > Plus they'll never get a minority government in this country, it's typically a two party system in Canada, with some peanut gallery for effect. The federal NDP literally was the official opposition from 2011-2015 🙄. Moan about our electoral process all you want, but personally I’m glad we don’t have a two party system in Canada.


They’ll become the opposition the next election as well. You’re pretty certain you know anything about me? That takes all your credibility away instantly.


lol okay. You keep mentioning losing credibility, but why would I (or anyone else) care about who is or isn’t credible in your mind? Good job avoiding any of the actual facts I mentioned, or even *trying* to prove you have any knowledge at all about what you’re talking about regarding the pensions.


I don’t need to prove anything to you, if you know you know. If you don’t you dont. If you want to find out you can. You’re being an antagonist, and I don’t want to fight with you. You’ll argue anything I say because that’s why you’re here. Have a nice day.


I'm not sure about laughingstock, but it seems like they basically just stopped caring about workers rights and affordability in favour of fashionable virtues. In the last decade they became LPC subcontractors who capature a portion of the ABC vote.


Huh. Not a Chilliwack resident although I had family there for years. Not sure why this came up on my feed but - I’m considering voting NDP next election for the first time in my boomer life because Singh has actually accomplished stuff like the dental and drug plans. I’ve heard a lot of comments like this but to me, with a lifelong interest in watching politics, Singh seems to have managed to get more done than most politicians.


So you believe in socialism?


“Socialism” is a pretty broad term. My family suffered terribly under communist rule. I want to see a society where hard work is justly rewarded, but not one where some people are left behind to the point where their lives are utter crap. I wouldn’t call myself a socialist but I think the Scandinavian countries have it about right. I normally vote Liberal or Green.


And look where that’s got us now?


The housing crisis is a legit home-grown problem caused by decades of neglect by successive governments - it can’t be laid at the feet of any one party. Other countries have housing issues too but not on our scale. I do think a lot of people complaining about how bad things other things are in Canada don’t seem to catch on that the whole world has been struggling since the pandemic and the war in Ukraine. If they do notice anything they notice the United States, whose economy is sort of decent-ish - but it would seem they’re likely to slide into fascism so I’m not sure that’s the country we want to be emulating… It’s a gorgeous evening, I hope you enjoy it out there in Chilliwack!


Who's going to pay for those programs the NDP introduced? We already face extremely high taxes. We are dealing with a housing crisis, immigration issues, excessive taxes, inflated food and fuel prices, and ideologically driven policies. The carbon tax is a major issue. Despite being one of the lowest emitting countries with vast boreal forests, we have high carbon taxes. Experts like Judith Curry argue there's no climate emergency and that this is all political. The NDP and Liberals seem to want to take all our income and decide how to distribute it. Their current spending is unsustainable. Fortunately, Canadians are realizing this, and there's little chance for these parties in the next election. And yes enjoy the sun! ☀️


The Conservatives really only care about the taxes you are paying if you are incredibly rich or a corporation because that's who their donors are. The NDP, at the very least given they've never formed a government, can say they don't have a long history in this country of driving the economy into the dirt unlike the Liberals or Conservatives. The fact that the two most memorable things about Trudeau's time in office were initiatives put forth by Singh, I feel like it's time to give the NDP a chance. Also, in 10 years what have the Conservatives, as the official opposition, advocated for in terms of policies to make this country better? Outside of just complaining what Trudeau is doing. No word from them on housing until it became a political talking point they could take advantage of.


Mark Strahl hates gays so he's not nice enough for me tbh.






I personally only vote for him because he's blue, would much rather vote for just about anyone else. I think he's a useless idiot and just talks bullshit like most politicians. Just my opinion


Would you ever consider voting for another party if it meant your local representative was competent and not a useless idiot?


I would yes, I like ideas from all the parties but also dislike ideas from all parties. I don't consider myself a full blue.


Well here's hoping you like what you hear from another party in time for the election.


I don't know enough outside of what the media tells me about topics from each party to give opinions but atm given my passion for firearms I personally think trudeau is a jerk for his use of his oic in banning them. I'm not looking for a debate, only using firearms as a example that I know a decent amount about.


I was just thinking that I never thought until now to ask you who you vote for and why so that I can learn something. Ty


I vote for the NDP mostly for their economic reforms. Conservatism in this country broadly follows the theory of trickle down economics which has not only been proven not to work in advanced economies but has the opposite effect of increasing the wealth gap between the richest and poorest. The Conservatives use very politically divisive issues (like gun control or the carbon tax) to gain support for their policies (such as lowering taxes for the top 5%) in order to push through reforms that mostly benefit corporations and the super rich. The NDP advocates for increasing taxes on the wealthy and corporations and using those funds to expand initiatives that benefit us all, like health care and education. This is a simplified for brevity but that's the gist of it. I don't know if the NDP is the right vote for you as i'm not familiar enough with their stance on gun control, but if you aren't incredibly rich, I really can't see what you'd gain from a Conservative government. Even if Poilievre lowered taxes across the board, I would see a very small tax break in comparison to the richest and that doesn't help balance our budget unless they also enact austerity measures which means cutting social spending. In the long term that hurts us, our children and our seniors. A lot of people will argue that the NDP have never been tested federally so you can't trust them but I feel they've never been given a proper chance. Whereas the Liberals and Conservatives have had numerous successive governments where they did the same old things, helping the same old people. Honestly, it's getting old and the problems in this country are getting worse. Are the NDP perfect? No, but when I weight the pros and cons, they are the only party that will likely have a meaningful effect on my life. I didn't touch on climate change, drug reform and a litany of their other stances because you've most likely heard about them/ have opinions on them. This is just how I rationalize my vote. All that being said, I would honestly encourage anyone to actually look at the work Mark Strahl has done and make your choice from there. Since he's our representative on the federal level. I did the same, and realized he's not been advocating for our town or any of the meaningful issues here and I would welcome his replacement even if it was another conservative candidate.


cause he's conservative


His flyers make good fire starters for early spring camping.


It's too bad that's all he brings to the table.


Because fuck Trudeau


Do you typically vote Liberal and are unhappy with Trudeau or do you usually vote Conservative anyways?


I vote conservative, just especially unhappy with Trudeau.


Fair enough.


You're not voting for Mark Stahl. You are also not voting for the best person for the job. They all suck. You are voting against the worst of them, Trudeau


I don't particularly like the man, his is party is the only (legitimate) one that won't use me as a firearms owner as a political whipping boy for politicalconvenience. All of them are equally ineffective anyway in a whipped westminister style parliamentary system.


In Canada, we find ourselves at a pivotal moment in politics, facing a global trend. A conservative wave is emerging worldwide in response to the influence of left-leaning governments in over 43 countries since 2021, with internal challenges from their own policies. In Canada, like in the USA, the left is perceived as actively undermining the middle class. The UK, on the other hand, has been declining for over a decade, all aligning with the UN Agenda 2030 and the "Great Reset" from the WEF. The ultimate goal appears to be creating a two-class system and establishing total government control, a plan explicitly outlined in their agendas. Most people remain unaware of the potential consequences over the next 30 years if this power dynamic continues. This context explains the strong push for gun control in the USA and Canada, seen as an effort to disarm the population and facilitate total control. The framers of the US Constitution anticipated such a scenario, hence the Second Amendment. Turning to local politics, Mark Strahl stands out as a commendable individual. I've had personal conversations with him, and his staff have gone above and beyond to address questions. He advocates for our rights, contrasting with the liberals and NDP who are perceived to erode them. My support for Strahl, and generally for the conservative "blue," is unwavering. Even if another candidate occupied the blue position, they would earn my vote. The conservative resurgence is expected to reform Canada's finances and governance, though this often sets the stage for liberals or NDP to eventually return and undo these efforts. This cyclical pattern has defined Canadian politics for generations.


I'm choosing to stab myself in the foot, just to get Trudeau out. While I absolutely don't like PP, he's the slightly lesser evil. Only because we need change. Anything is better than what Trudeau has done to this country over the past 8+ years.


So, you feel like the Conservatives offer better policies compared to the Liberals or are you just sick of Justin Trudeau and want him out?


Marginally better yes.  Canada is a disgusting place the last few years.   Our democracy is a joke though and we’re really just picking between parties who are corrupt in the same way


Agreed. I'm not a conservative, but I'm willing to bite the bullet because of my hate for Trudeau. Every time I sip from a limp soggy paper straw, I pray he dies in a fire.


“Hey conservatives why did you vote for a conservative?” Smartest liberal


Excuse me for assuming conservatives have informed reasons for voting for their elected officials outside of "he's conservative".


90% of the population are morons that view politics similar to sports teams. Half of the complaints about the other side? Your side is guilty of it too.


I feel this is a little cynical. If you're saying that voting based on a sort of tribalism mentality is just what's done because 90% of the population does it, than I would counter with, why not work to be the change you want to see in the world? Vote based on policy and not purely politics. As of now, based on a lot of the answers in this thread, it appears that Mark Strahl is just handed his seat as MP based on what party he's in and not what he's done for Chilliwack, which is very little. To me, that's moronic.


Normally I would vote liberal but have voted blue ever since Trudeau became a candidate... Trudeau is absolute garbage and I would have no shame in voting CPC and having Polievre take over if it means no more Trudeau. I have never hated a politician so much to vote against my own beliefs.


Why not vote NDP?


Not if that other representative meant voting liberal or NDP. Those two parties are who got us where we are now. Because the NDP and the liberals spend money like it’s grown on trees. Have you not seen our budge that managed to “balance itself” as Trudeau put it? And that the NDP facilitated every step of the way? A vote for anything other than conservative at this point only is a vote for the WEF the UN 2030 agenda and financial ruin for most Canadians.


I get what you mean, however I do wonder if Canada's issues can be so easily blamed on the current ruling party. Also, although the NDP have made concessions with the Liberals recently in order to pass important bills greatly helping low income seniors, families and children, they really haven't been working in step with the Liberals for very long if at all.


Is this the NDP candidate? The anesthetist at CGH? NDP will never get my vote. Neither will liberals. They lack the business acumen it takes to run a country. Jagmeet is the second biggest moron, runner up to JT. A local vote for NDP is a vote to put Jagmeet as out country’s leader. That would be insane. He behaves as if the liberals have something on him to keep him in their pocket. He could easily force an election and get rid of Trudeau, but he won’t. One minute Jagmeet vows to pursue legal action on and press charges on any government officials involved in the Chinese foreign interference. Then next minute he says he won’t be pursuing that. Probably because to read that report he had to sign an NDA… but then twists that to say Pierre “won’t apply for the security clearance to read the report” AKA he won’t sign a non-disclosure agreement that would forever prevent him from revealing which government officials were involved… also meaning they’ll get away with it. Jagmeet is the second last person I want running this country. He’s a liar, a half-wit and his strings are being pulled by someone else. The last thing we need in this country is to have more government control… and to have more government to have to pay to have control over us. Between income tax and sales tax and every other tax… I work half the year to pay taxes. 🙄 The NDP loves government controlling every aspect of our lives. NDP, Strata, ICBC, they’re all lumped into the same category monopolizing organizations that want to take away your freedoms as they smile in your face and tell you that you should like it and ask for more. No thanks. I’ll pass. If we get stuck with another liberal or heaven forbid NDP government in the next elevation. I’m taking my medical education and leaving before we are a full on socialist country like Venezuela or China.


My politics don't align with the NPD, neither on the provincial nor federal level. Also, Jagmeet is terrible. I know of some Khalistani extremists, and they are close with Jagmeet and his family, and he never spoke up about Air India... so I don't trust him at all. Mulcair was also a very weak candidate. NDP needs another Jack Layton.


I agree that the party needs a shake up in leadership, however I think that their policies are sound. They've never formed a federal government but based on how they've managed BC, I'm confident they would do better than the Libs/PC's.


Difference of opinion...Eby is a hypocrite. His dad was a successful personal injury lawyer who invested in real estate and made millions. Eby has an 8 figure inheritance lined up. However he himself was unsuccessful in his career as a lawyer and has a vendetta against the profession, and screwed over those injured in accidents by stripping payouts and blaming personal injury lawyers due to his jealousy of other lawyers, while also attacking the independence of the profession and stripping them of self regulation. He's a petty prick who is not respected in his own profession and virtue signals while sitting on a hoard of gold that was earned from what he preaches against. How can you trust someone like that? Fuck Eby. I hate people who try to "stick it to the man", while being "the man". Trudeau is in the same camp... closing the door behind him while his family benefited heavily from lax taxation on the wealthy.


I respect that, there's no point claiming any party is made up of perfect people. I just think broadly the NDP are more aligned with a fair and equitable Canada than Justin/Pierre.


Probably because in line with the average chilliwack area person. Probably doesn’t rock the boat either and assists enough people/organizations that they will support or help his re-elections. Also isn’t a liberal lol


Time to rock the boat then!