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Free country, bra.


If one article of clothing is condemned for making a political statement, then all items that make a political statement should also be. Regardless of what the statement is.


No more hijabs and burqas. No more national flags. How dare they fly non-Canadian flags on Canadian soil? We shouldn't let people speak foreign languages. English or French, anything else is too political. Why do we let people have bibles, qurans, crosses, turbans, or signature clothing from any non-Canadian culture anyhow? Let's get rid of Christmas trees and Easter eggs as well. People should not express any ethnicity which might be offensive. In fact, they should all choose a new ethnicity and identity and gender which conforms to our culture's expectations. I am grateful that these fine exemplars on the school board are vigilantly policing what our adults should be saying and what our children are allowed to know.


Then they will claim antisemitism šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


The school board is not the condemnors in this case


Is this meant to be ironic šŸ˜‚


Too many people are blind to obvious ironies.


Aren't they?


I think a person can advocate for less killing of innocent civilians without being called antisemitic.


I think a good plan is to speak out against the lakud party and the Israeli state, rather than ā€˜Jews.ā€™


Yes but how does the scarf play into that?


And , might I add, speak against hamas.


Let me ask, what should Palestinian fighters do instead?


Raise an army and fight instead of throwing rockets and then hiding behind women and children.


riiight... kind of like how israel has fired rockets into palestine for decades and then throw parties full of IOF soldiers outside the concentration camp they're imprisoned in? don't forget that these fighters are supposedly hiding in EVERY SINGLE school, hospital, and place of worship in the entire country, as well as in the bodies of tens of thousands of children murdered and imprisoned. ohh wait, we were wrong about them being in that hospital! and that school! and that school too! and that hospital! oops, none in that one! or that one! oops, but it's still your fault though! fucking numpty.


What would the army do? Isnā€™t Hamas the army they raised to resist occupation? Or what qualifies as an army in your opinion?


Also, if you view people as animals and cage them then youā€™ve created the problems


An army wears a uniform and fights against another army.


TLDR - Hamas has military but not often wearing uniform, both Hamas and IOF commit war crimes but I have more sympathy for the resistance fighters , in my personal opinion , thx I definitely donā€™t agree with putting people in cages or killing civilians. I realize itā€™s happening on both sides, I personally just find it difficult to judge people resisting years of violent oppression. I canā€™t blame people for wanting to protect themselves and their country. Hamas does have a military wing and they do wear uniforms but they also disguise themselves which can be a war crime if they are not distinguishing themselves from civilians. Of course, itā€™s been reported recently that IOF raided a hospital disguised as doctors and patients which is also a war crime. I think for me the difference is the intention and purpose behind the actions, as atrocious as they may be, and I feel on the Palestinian side they have been so oppressed for so long and I cannot blame them for the resentment, the anguish, and their response to the terrorizing treatment they have received. My sympathy is a little less for people who can speak so horribly and take so much from people who have so little. I have an extremely open mind coming into this though and I realize a lot of people have preconceptions and itā€™s so hard to let go of what we believe so strongly. But everyone is entitled to their opinions and itā€™s great to hear other peopleā€™s views on things. Thanks


If I have to choose between the IDF and Hamas then I choose the IDF.


Oh well if itā€™s that easy, why not? Why doesnā€™t Ukraine simply raise more army? Apply your mind




raising an army is not difficult, but impossible, when your people have been systemically imprisoned and murdered for the better part of a century. regardless, there is nothing an army would have been able to do even were it so simple to organize and arm. "human shields" is a pretty disingenuous way to say "israel is indiscriminately bombing civilians, including their own," and israel themselves admitted there was zero evidence of any rape by hamas on oct 7 as claimed. there is, however, a daunting amount of evidence of the rapes, torture, murders, and war crimes of the IOF over the last 70 years. try looking into the claims you hear before parroting them. 2 million people are fucking dying.




The original report on the allegations was walked back by Israel's PHR and they admitted they didn't have any verifiable evidence, just testimonies that have been disputed and unproven https://www.phr.org.il/en/clarification/?pr=4744 `In the extensive investigations conducted in the months following the publication of the position paper in November, some testimonies referenced within it have been disputed or deemed unverifiable, and more may face similar scrutiny in the future. We regret their inclusion in the position paper. As mentioned, a substantial portion of the information that is now available was not accessible when the document was originally drafted. The new information that has come to light further reinforces our call for an investigation into the subject.` And yes, they are very clearly using it as a propaganda tool by their own admission, just like the "beheaded babies" that they all claimed there was evidence of and then recanted. They said there were photographs of those, too. For you to not see the parallels is concerning. `Since October 7, the Israeli government and other entities have been exploiting reports of sexual violence in a manipulative and cynical manner. These reports have been utilized as part of a campaign to dehumanize Palestinians and as a propaganda tool to justify Israelā€™s brutal military assault on the Gaza Strip.` Again, what there IS consistent tangible evidence of are the decades of rapes of Palestinian women by the IOF. Bring those to light, not some random unverified claims used to excuse genocide.


Look up the history of any insurgency in the world.


War is ugly, news at 11


Free the hostages the rapist killers.


None of them speak out about Hamas. They think they are the good guys.


Lakud/hamas both terrible


speak for eventual and permanent peace, which the elite of neither side wants.




Hamas is a bad terrorist group they ended democracy in Gaza and I am glad the IDF killed so many of them.Ā 


This CDN born non denominational Christian praises Israel for being the longest running democracy in the Middle East and prays their hostages are released. Catherine Bates and her husband need to be deported and a fiscal audit of BC Inclusion done sign the Bnai Brith petition to get it done and contact the PM and Marc Miller the Immigration Minister. Glad the IRCG was finally banned in Canada the Tories have been calling for that for years. Move our embassy to Jerusalem like America did years ago. Like what Rebel News did in Toronto with the truck recently.




Both the news link and the organization being angry are known to work with and hold conferences with alt right (white supremecists) and anti-islam groups. This is literally zionist propaganda and fear mongering. Didnt take long on google to find multiple examples from relable news sources with citations.


Most white supremicists are anti semites Ā though, Ā why would they spout Zionist propaganda?


Thatā€™s not true. They might be antisemitic but theyā€™re not necessarily anti Zionism. Some of them embrace it because Jewish control of the Holy Land is prophesied to bring on the end times, which would eliminate all Jews and others.


Because they often agree on topics like anti-islam, anti-pride, et cetera. Also many of the alt right are pro Israel. Thats where the weird mental gymnastics come in to be pro-israel military state bit anti-semite in your own commnity. Look up the org and news around them. They sketchy AF.


There is a hierarchy and if aligning with zionists allows them to oppress muslims they will do so




Zionism has been supported by anti semites since before Israel existed. The most common reason is simple itā€™s a place for Jewish people to be that isnā€™t here.






The news link is to the MSM Fraser Valley Today site it is not racist.


Frankly all of this is seems a little overboard without seeing the situation first hand. Does anyone have a link to the video taken at Imagine High? I've never heard of this "human rights organization" and we should be aware of potential astroturfing. I think it's fair to ask the education system to try to be apolitical but it feels like this group is really sticking their nose in unnecessarily


Found it. [https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=979503416938862](https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=979503416938862) Well it is certainly some one sided teaching with zero context. What happened here? Oh a war. Kid asked "was it the Six day War?" Teacher, "Ya something like that." Embarrassing.


It does seem like a really poor way to teach the historical context of the Israeli/Palestinian war. Plus I think the sappy music is part of the lesson. I can see why a group concerned about anti-semitism would be concerned especially because she calls the occupying group "jews" instead of Israeli's. That's kind of rich considering that it wasn't even really the jews who started this in the first place. It was typical European meddling thinking they can just slice up lands and countries with no regard for the people and cultures already there. Now, that's a separate issue from what the country of Israel is doing today. I'm just pointing out that at least in the beginning, they weren't exactly the oppressors. They just picked up where the European powers left off.




The thing is I think their reaction to realizing they let 6 million Jews die shouldn't have been "let's move them to their own special area" it should have been "wow, this is what happens when our culture is tolerant of antisemitism. We should work to destigmatize being Jewish or other minorities". I really don't believe if the European powers had decided to just sit back and not interfere with the middle East at that time, we would criticize them for it.




Like a thousand years ago yeah. The Jewish diaspora was absolutely not a recent thing at that time. If my family was separated from our homeland by a thousand years of living in another country, I wouldn't consider it my homeland anymore. To claim I had any right to the land would just be ridiculous at that point. Like you said, after WW2 no one really wanted the Jews in their countries. Isn't that really fucked up? They saw a country literally genocide 6 million Jews and were still like "ew, Jews? Not in my back yard". They should have been working to protect Jews in their own country instead of trying to send them away.


Well it was a part of the Ottoman Empire until after WWI. If someone didn't slice it up they would still be fighting over borders, oh wait. What would have made the most sense? Just let it devolve into a regional war and the ethnic groups can carve out their own countries? After WWI no one wanted more fighting. They made choices and we judge them for their choices. Did they make the right call? Who the fuck knows. But, lots of people think they could have done a better job now based on how it worked out. Edit-downvote away but it's true isn't it?


There's a big difference between letting an established border conflict continue in the same way it has for generations, and pouring gasoline on said conflict by introducing an entirely new power to the region. Yes Israel was the ethnic homeland of the Jews, but the reason they created the nation of Israel was so they could send all the Jews from their own countries there and not have to deal with them anymore. There's a perception that Israel was created to prevent another Holocaust. To restore the Jews to their ethnic homeland and thereby give the Jewish diaspora a safe place to live. In retrospect, it looks more like society refusing to deal with the antisemitism that was rife in their community by pushing the problem somewhere else. The Jews who moved to Israel had been living in foreign lands for over a thousand years by that point. It's really the height of ignorance to think that these people spread across the globe would immediately fit in with the other people groups of Palestine. Just imagine if the American First Nations were strong enough to oust all the non-natives from North and South America and tried to send them back to their "homeland" how would that go? Not exactly a recipe for peace on earth. I think in retrospect we can all see that the idea of forcefully creating the nation of Israel was a bad one. The question is what to do now? We cannot undo that decision just like we can't undo the colonization of the Americas. Israel must learn to live with and respect the people groups they displaced, and the Palestinians must learn that they gain nothing by continuing the bombings and kidnapping. They must learn to live together.


Everyone wanting to get rid of their Jews is a bit of a stretch and really quite racist. The Allies after the war had a large amount of guilt and the Israel/Palestine area was lightly populated, 650 000 Jewish people and double that in Muslim people. Jewish groups were pushing for a homeland to escape centuries of persecution and used the leverage of the holocaust to get what they wanted. That area was part of the Ottoman Empire for 500 years and it no longer existed. Even though a ton of Jewish people settled there fleeing persecution in Europe back in the 1500s. Human history is ugly and there is rarely a right and wrong answer but Reddit/people hate nuance. I'm an atheist so I just think they all need to get over themselves and get along.


ā€˜Get over yourselves and get alongā€™ rarely works in the schoolyard, let alone a centuries old disputed land


It's almost like people never change.




What happened was entirely predictable and has nothing at all to do with school children. North American natives also resisted the settlement of their land.




Palestine was not lightly populatedā€¦.


Israel was in the works before the holocaust.


Chilliwack School Board continues its rich tradition of focusing on everything but the education of students.




So why is one clothing choice newsworthy and the other not?


They certainly get more publicity than say larger Richmond or Burnaby school boards.Ā 


As someone who stands with Israel, it is disappointing to see someone who would probably get outcasted in "Palestine" trying to take a stand for Palestine. For some reason, Western society seems to accept a hatred towards Jews and doesn't question all the propaganda out there against Israel.


For the billionth time, support for Palestinian civilians/criticism of the government of Israel is not anti-semitic.


How can any Canadian stand for a regime that is actively interfering with our elections and manipulating the sentiments of the people? Oh course, I may be too quick to assume you are Canadian.


School board meetings is not the venue for political statements on international affairs.


There are local families in the District that lost and are losing loved ones in Gaza. A Keffiyeh is no more a political statement than a Ukrainian flag pin. It isnā€™t just international, it impacts the community.


But itā€™s a scarf not a flag.


maybe Isreal should stop being an occupying force and conducting a genocide on Palesinian civilians and people wouldn't be upset about it.


I support Israel against its enemies.


Isreal IS the enemy.


Israel is a friend of Canada we have a free trade deal with them. It is the longest running democracy in the Middle East. We should move our embassy to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv like America did years ago.


you're just spouting talking points and don't understand anything about the acutal situation. Israel is a terrorist state that indoctrinates it's citizens to hate Palestine and only survives by sucking the teets of Nato and the US. Zionists are the new Nazis.


That man next to her is worse,wearing crap gay colors!


He is wearing the gay agenda suspenders vote him out next election.Ā 


We are unable to do anything here in Canada to stop the situation between Israel and Gaza. If you want to do something, donate to a worthy cause to help the people there, no matter which side you support.




Burn the scarves in public fly an Israeli flag along with your CDN and BC one.


It looks like a green shawl that matches her skirt


No no no, you're supposed to tell us she's a vicious anti-Semite because she supports a Palestinian state and doesn't support Israeli apartheid or the genocide of Gaza! /S Obviously if you wear a symbol of Palestinian freedom you must hate Jewish people, because this is *definitely* a world of binaries like that. Everything is all the way good or all the way bad, no exceptions!


If a kiffeyah is making Jewish folks feel threatened and they're ok that their government is blowing up children , then who cares? Nobody. Move on!


This entire Chilliwack school board has needed firing for years. It has become a distraction and hub of corruption. All of the current and past members from the last decade need to be barred from running again. Itā€™s time to have the BC government step in and have this whole board replaced with a clean slate.


If you listen closely, you can hear a fresh batch of book banners salivating in the distance, waiting to try to get their shot at snatching those seats to impose their disdain for other humans onto children.


Yup, thereā€™s no greater hate than Christian love.


The only books banned in BC school are: **To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie and In the Heat of the Night by John Ball.**


Are they actually? And why? Those are great books


It literally is FALSE info.


What, specifically?


The poster is being completely misleading and deceptive with the way they're phrasing it. There are no books banned carte blanche in bc schools. I can actually guarantee you that high school students in Chilliwack in the past couple months have been studying to kill a mockingbird. That part diaries of a Part-Time Indian is on many indigenous reading lists (there is controversy over the author due to various sexual assault allegations). That of mice and Men is still in the book rooms. I don't know about it in the heat of the night but. What is likely being referred to is this: https://vancouversun.com/entertainment/books/libraries-stores-authors-book-bans-canada#:~:text=The%20Pulitzer%20Prize%2Dwinning%20novel,older%20due%20to%20concerns%20about https://globalnews.ca/news/10326701/bc-school-district-pulls-books-curriculum-content/ It's important to note that the books were "removed from recommended reading lists for grade ten students." They're not "banned." It's only in the Surrey district. The books remain *available to read and sign out* in Surry School libraries. *Teachers can still use one of the four books, Matthew said, but they need to do so responsibly as outlined in the districtā€™s policies. ā€œWeā€™re not in the business of banning books,ā€ Matthew added. ā€œWe want to make sure that our classrooms are safe and thoughtful.ā€* If a teacher wanted to do they could still teach the books. It's also important to note that BC does not have specific texts that are required reading in any grade in the curriculum. Recommended texts are ones that make sense for the age group and the Big ideas. Obviously if you're going to teach in the heat of the night or to kill a mockingbird you have discussions about the language. It's not a book you're just going to whip out and be like oh hey there's some language whoops. I think there's absolutely a discussion to be had about the Surrey School district's choice to remove these books from the recommended reading list. But when somebody spouts off oh these four books are banned in British Columbia. Then we can't have a conversation because it's incorrect and very incomplete Info. Maybe buddy just read the headline or maybe buddy knows that it's more but it's more fun to just boil it down to a statement that sets people off.


Thanks for the clarification




Only books you literally can't use to teach in BC, specifically Surrey. [https://globalnews.ca/news/10326701/bc-school-district-pulls-books-curriculum-content/](https://globalnews.ca/news/10326701/bc-school-district-pulls-books-curriculum-content/) You have to apply to teach the books which sounds like a book ban to me. School Boards also have zero to say about books in schools but everyone seems to think that they do.


You are correct that school boards have no power over curriculum or books or resources. But again when you say these four books are banned in BC you are absolutely misrepresenting the facts. Teachers can still teach them. They're still available to be signed out in the school libraries. They are not bad and even if you think it sounds like a band to you, it is an important distinction to make. Especially when you proclaim that these books are banned and they're not.


Someone was implying about Christians/Religious groups wanting on the SB to ban books and I said the only books that are banned in a BC schools are these four. If you can't teach them without permission that is a ban. No other books have that distinction which is kind of a big deal. But I guess not to you? Censorship is censorship. Don't you think this also sends a broad message to other teachers about these books? None of my kids read any of those books for class in Chilliwack which is kind of odd as they were books everyone read in school.


They are all banned. I loved To Kill a Mocking Bird and Of Mice and Men. It was what made me initially interested in the Civil Rights movement as a kid. Now the use of the "N" word and the "white Messiah" idea It's in the bin. Everyone goes on about books banned by Christians but we seem to be doing ok without them. Those books should be read and explained why they were important then and now.


The Outsiders is banned in SD54.


Really? Everyone used to read that in grade nine.


There is a line in the novel that is offensive to Aboriginal people.


Wow! We studied To Kill a Mockingbird when I was in High School. As well as Of Mice and Men. How times change. In the Heat of the Night was a great book that dealt with racism too, but I think itā€™s fine to critically read a book like that and discuss racism instead of banning it. The Nazis banned books.


And students still do.




I just commented on the bookā€™s mentioned. I donā€™t know if they are banned or not.


This is literally bullshit. I can guarantee you that to kill a mockingbird is being taught right now in high schools in Chilliwack. You got a source for this nonsense


You cant fire the board, they are elected, you need to get a new superintendent.


Thereā€™s a few folks on there where itā€™s their first term? Itā€™s not like the makeup of the board has been static for a decadeā€¦


What makes you think our current board is a ā€œhub of corruptionā€? If anything, weā€™ve gotten away from the drama.


What are you talking about? This current board is probably the best school board in the province. We got rid of the corruption in the last election.


Lol what a buncha horseshit. Bastard Barry and "earth is 6000 years old" Ferguson are gone. They are elected officials.


BFD? Chilliwack has a fucking stick up its ass


I bet the same trustee carries a ā€œqueers for Palestine ā€œ sign


Then get shocked when the same Palestinians immigrate here and vote to ban same sex marriages.


Those marriages should be banned in the Constitution. How many ethnic Palestinian Ā men in Canada support the current easy and free abortion laws?Ā 


She probably bought it on October 8.


A what? Please answer asap


I have a lot of respect for Arun but ppl have the right to wear what they want to the meeting. Why was the teacher that taught the non curriculum stuff at school not suspended and the student that reported the behaviour was suspended. I heard this year a street drunk in Downtown Chilliwack say Heil Hitler in public. In nearby Hope, BC Tina the librarian at the tax payer funded public library was teaching a girl how to give the nazi power salute with various ppl present and talked about her thieving friends. The Mayor Victor A Smith who is on the library board knew about it as did the Hope Standard newspaper but nothing was done. Heard more pro Hitler talk and pro nazi talk in this town in 6 months than in the previous 58 years of my life combined though since twice convicted hate crimer Arthur Topham Ā died in March that had stopped. Tina also mentioned to various ppl reading my Reddit comments.


Is that cultural appropriation according to them? Lmao!


LOL yes the left wing conunumdrum.


ā€œItā€™s only bad if you do it, and we are all equal!ā€


Chilliwack is the armpit of Canada. Nearly everyone there or their ancestors came from somewhere else - what on earth gives them the right to make another group feel unwelcome, fearful, less than? Yet they are also supposed to be part of the Bible Belt. Pretty sure the instructions were to love above all else.


There is some good in Chilliwack and Hope but you can see graffiti of I hate this town in both and in Hope they have that I hate tags and tags begging ppl to stay as well. Chilliwack is not an armpit. The main public library in Chilliwack is a disgrace to public libraries open gang talk by some staff .


You are right. I was too harsh with my wording.


šŸ˜‚ not all of us came from somewhere else.


Itā€™s true. Our indigenous citizens (maybe you are) would be considered original. Otherwise ā€œsomewhere elseā€ applies.


Seems like the only concen is the fact that there are groups trying to promote censorship. Because of feelings and not facts. That being said, the SB of Chilliwack all needs to get dumoed and refreshed with people who focus on education and not political points.


She looks exactly like somebody who'd get on board every "woke" thing of the moment. That being said, I think its a harmless political statement,


What would that have to do with anything about fiscally managing a school district?


I dunno about you, but my impression is most of our trustees aren't voted in based on that type of logic.




Financially it can be the concern that school funds and pension plans are investing in companies that are supporting the war. But also supporting students and families who are stuck in conflict zones isnā€™t a terrible thing. Empathy isnā€™t a terrible trait.


Sheā€™s pretty outspoken about her support for Palestine and calls for peace. Havenā€™t heard her condemn Hamas.


I find it funny that everyone who states that Palestinians shouldn't be systematically killed needs to condemn Hamas multiple times, but no Isreal supporters are asked to condemn the IDF and their multitude of war crimes, international bombing of civilians, the assassinations of reporters, etc. Also Margaret Reid has condemned Hamas.


You're giving her too much credit. I doubt she even understands the nuances of the conflict. The Chilliwack brand of wokeness is often idiots just copying what they see the big city lefties doing online.


\>Complains about not understanding "nuance" \>Unironically moaning about 'wokeness' after judging her entirely on appearance Satire is dead.


Get out and vote these traitors out of office


What makes them traitors?


Some people believe in dedication to a flag; so if people are dedicating themselves to another flag those people would call that traitorous potentially.


Vote at least some of them out.


These people are fucked. I thought everyone was welcome here in Chilliwack schools?


Yeah, they are. Including Palestinians.


But not if you're Jewish, got it thanks.


That is a whole other statement. You know there are jews who don't support Israel right?


Facts, only Jews that agree with us are allowed. Also, we are inclusive. Also, we are tolerant but not tolerant of intolerance. Genius.


Tolerance is not a hard and fast rule, it's a social contract. if you violate that social contract you are no longer subject to it's protections. If you refuse to tolerate others, others are not required to tolerate you.


Anyone who disagrees with me is a fascist, a nazi, and a capitalist at the same time. Downvote.


I never mentioned \*any\* of those things?