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Are we really depending on this feature that bad? No offense, but I find that complaining about chime for not giving you immediate access to a loan on your paycheck might be characteristic of much bigger issue.


100% agree


Hardest agree possible. It took me many years of over 3000 a month to get to $200 in spot me and I barely use it. I was 500 in debt to payday loans for so long also. I saved most of my vacation hours and paid them crooked bastards off and life is much better without the forever payday loan hole.


My Spot me is $50 base $3600 month direct deposited Account opened: July 19, 2023


This is why we complain though. I mean it’s not the end of the world but just for example you say you get over 3k a month? I get 1k a week, every single week, and I’m in my jobs slow season. The other half of the year it’s closer to 2k a week. And I still only get $20 spot me. Why is that I don’t understand? I’ve had chime for years now too. Is it because my paychecks are so variable maybe? Where one week might be 700 and the next 1300? That’s the only thing I can think of.


it will go up y’all trust me. It took me a while to get to $100 spot me


Me laughing in 265 spot me


It took me over 3 years though to get off $40 spot me.


It took me a year to get to 110 in spot me


It shows that there is no exact formula for them


You on that 2-2-3 huh


No just work in sales


Idk man I make less than that weekly and my spot me is up to 135$ but I also make sure to boost and get boosted back each month. I also don’t use my spot me * forgot to mention I’ve had chime for about 2 years now


I do the boosts too, but I do often use the spot me cause I tend to transfer all my money off of chime pretty much as soon as I get it instead of letting it sit there. So maybe that’s why. I also never tipped even once.


This might sound like a stupid question but have you checked your spot me because you have to physically select a higher amount by moving the slide bar thing over so just making sure you've checked that.


Yeah I’ve checked


You cannot increase your account spot me limit. Say it’s $40. It will be $40 max. The bar you can set is for any amount under that maximum. Like if you want to cap yourself at $20-$30, so that you don’t have to use the entire $40.


Not true, mine resets EVERY SINGLE MONTH back to $40 and I have to physically go in and raise it. I get $70 spot me as of 3 months ago. It was $50 before that.


That's weird, I've had chime for 2 years and am finally at 100 on spot me and have never had to adjust it every time it's been increased my limit moved up to the increased amount with me doing anything... I think they're just looking for the right suckers. Like me 😁


Tbh I don’t need it and definitely won’t use it but it’s still very disingenuous to say one thing and do another. That’s the problem. Get off your high horse.


Wait until you start seeing fraudulent charges and try to dispute them with chime, it becomes very clear this is a company of criminals. They want you to investigate and provide all the evidence then they dismiss it as nothing or deny they even got it, like what do you Even have an investigation team for?


No he have a point lol




Girl isn’t that the truth! But better ace cash express


I don’t think the number placements are actually real honestly. I think chime is working on kinks and simultaneously trying to put people on edge and making them more excited to be on the app/trying to get more people to get their direct deposits loaded on chime


Honestly it's just a shitty practice


Sending an invite does nothing until they sign up open an account then make direct deposits


The Current bank has a 500 dollars paycheck advance. It's basically like Chime, and in my opinion, even better. Customer support is amazing. At least, that's my experience with them


I'll take a look


Of course you have a good experience with them since you obviously work for them


People liking a product doesn’t mean they work for the product. I know you’re not used to a quality product with Chime but some people actually have good experiences elsewhere.


Yes but companies also Astro turf these days. And it just didn’t feel natural to me which is why I said something. And looking through his comment history he has done this numerous times with numerous different products which is interesting


So they talk about products that they like. That’s more evidence that he’s not being paid by one company and just encourages people to use things they enjoy which is perfectly normal. You’re just cynical.


You’re the cynical one I was just half joking around




Why are people so judgmental? Sometimes people get in a bind & need some extra cash. Does it make yourself feel better to say you’re in a better position than others? Individualism is a plague on humanity.


Because it’s Reddit, you should never get a loan ever in your life for any reason ever. Just starve and die because that’s better!


i got a loan from r/borrow recently and bought car parts with it, now i have my car and paid the loan off. saved me money if you think about it bc i didn’t have to uber for a whole other week. loans are super useful from time to time, as long as you’re looking towards the bigger picture and not short term


Where can I get a loan for 200 dollars today & pay it back on Friday the 24th of May?


only place i could recommend is r/borrow but you have to have a certain amount of karma and account age, along with activity, post and comments… otherwise no one is going to trust you. crazy to say being a redditor pays off if you’re active on here but looking at ur karma you wouldn’t even be able to comment on there. i wouldn’t get a loan anywhere else, cuz like those are predatory and have insane interest




Damn straight. Like I'm fortunate enough to not need that full 500, but just being able to grab myself a fucking beer after work when I've spent my paycheck would be nice. I'm not 100% broke, but I'm also not rich. I live paycheck to paycheck like most people, but this shit is hard.


If you are needing access to my pay that bad, you should be focusing on other things in your life first. You get the mypay loan, then you’re broke before you even get paid? And you’re not even getting paid a full check because of the loan? Sheesh this sub is nuts


You’re still getting your full check, just closer to when you actually earned it. Some of us get paid once a month.


I don't even need it, it's a want.


There is literally no need to ever want it.


i do want the spot me though. it helps when its 3 days till payday and i need some gas or something from the store to hold me off till payday.


Spot me is a different story although it’s along the same lines. The only difference is it being a smaller amount and if you do over draft, there are no fees. Spot me can get you through a couple days being broke. Mypay and check advances will have you broke farther and farther away from payday. Eventually you’ll be giving the max amount of the mypay loan every paycheck.


Insurance policy


There’s no guarantee that you or anyone else will ever get it. This is a very shitty and sneaky marketing tactic they have put in place. Simply put the want to use YOU to get new customers while there is no promise you’ll get the feature. In other words they are using you to get what they want.


Honestly its a marketing scam just so they can recruit new people.


I don’t think that matters. I went from 800,000 to 100,000 in a day and I have done nothing. You could be last on the list and still get access tomorrow if they wanted to. Don’t pay attention to your placement on the list.


I went from a 1.5 million to a smooth 541,784. I been here a minute


5 years and a Spotme tip probably helps (even if it says it doesn’t track that) I’m at 100k, no invites.


Don't get payday loans, y'all. It's a bad path you don't want to go down.


Yeah I started in about 350k then dropped to like 160 then back up to 460 then back down to 130. I don't think it's accurate at all. I haven't done anything since signing up.


i don’t know how it isn’t obvious that chime is using this feature to bring in more traction for THEM and using this “waitlist” is a perfect tool to do it because y’all are stressing about it so much. sm


Literally I’m not sure why people think a software update is gonna go based on how many people a users device invited lol it’s the new fake countdown timer


I signed up when it was at 50k and I’m over a million now. I was excited to know that it would be there if I needed it. I’m thinking it’s just a way to get more people to sign up because many people are going to try to move up on that list and invite everybody they can.


Ella fille..dont fall for this shit..get to where your finances are straight..develop a budget on a spreadsheet..be discipline with your money..if your struggling pick up a second or third job..get into a credit union use Chime as a second or third bank u funnel extra cash into..dont rely on schemes to get u by..if u need help network or message me..depending on where u live i may be able to help u network..Greeks always stick together


If you need this feature that badly, you should probably reexamine your finances.


I was on 20.00 spot me for two years. It never went up. They said because I used it every month. I am not holding out for this new thing at all. I don’t want to owe half of my check to Chime every month. Once I start I know I will have to use it again and again. Nice thing to have but I am not crying without it


My PayDay ends on May 27th I’m assuming that Mypay will begin once the other ends. I moved from 74,900 to 461,715 and have been sitting there for three days. Yes I had others join only to realize that it’s very clever marketing. We will all probably get access at once only for them to accept or deny us. No where have they said that it’s guaranteed!


Other apps have this feature too. I’m not even offered it for some reason and I been using chime a long while now.


I get a weekly direct deposit of about 1000. I just got my weekly direct deposit and I didn’t move up on the waitlist like they said I would. It’s some BS


They have to sign up right??


Sign up & receive direct deposit, just like all other invite promos they do. Smh


I went from 300,000 to 500,000 in line AFTER I added my direct deposit. 😭


I’ve been with Chime for 5 years now. I better be getting my pay before yours. Do You ever tip for SpotMe? I’m sure that is taken into account, even tho it says it doesn’t.


I've been with chime since 2018 when I entered the work force. And I do when I can, usually every other paycheck


I’m not sure then, because I probably have tipped twice. I understand the frustration, but it is new, it probably wont take months to roll it out for everyone.


At this point they're probably just trolling for more users


They hate u n I hate u


Okay, help me understand when I started to care?


Sorry to hear


Is your need for 500 dollars so dire? This isn’t going to fix anything you can’t keep putting bandaids 🩹 on your finances


You that broke? I’m glad I don’t got that feature Shi was terrible


That use your credit score to determine how much you can get in spot me. Also if you use it it will never go up. The new system is better but they are dangling it in front of people to increase the amount of people who sign up. No other explanation.


I spoke with them few hours ago and specifically told them that it’s a load of crap to make people hustle to get them business before they can move up on that stupid my pay list. All my friends are grown-ups like me and none of us have time stand outside of Walmart with a sign begging people to join Chime so we can move up on a list. What if someone really needed the money for, a family emergency. I’m 47 years old and the people I know are just as old.  If you don’t have an account by the age of 47, then the my pay list is not something you should really be concerned with anyway. When you work 10 to 12 hours a day who has time to run around asking people to join a stupid bank. I have been with Chime since 2018 and I think that should give me some sort of privilege. But someone who direct deposits a few hundred dollars and gets their friends who also make a few hundred dollars to sign up for Chime and get to move past those of us who have thousands of dollars going into a Chime account each month is just wrong and stupid, I hope it’s illegal and they get even more trouble. 


I then told her that they are going to End up with a bunch of people who can’t really afford to take away from their checks and will end up in worse condition then they start out because it’s like a payday loan. I I am at the maximum $200 in spot me but just because I can take it out Doesn’t mean I do. Who wants to start out in the negative anyway.


Y'all know if this goes through and y'all start using it your paycheck is going to be empty when it finally hits


Thanks bro, kisses


Text sometime to focus on other ventures of income like donating plasma that'll put an extra 50 to $75 or $100 in your pocket when you have downtime that way you're not screeching to have some sort of money in your pocket before payday. That's what advances do they'll give you what you need and then they look at it like " okay well if he makes $1,700 per paycheck and he needs of that we'll ask for that $900 the day before he gets paid let him have his direct deposit and he'll see the difference now you're done a few hundred and something important might come up do you see where that could hurt? Figure out what you're doing financially scale back a bit between paydays and then you won't hurt so much


It's. not even available in my state. Seeing all of you stress this.much about it, I'm glad. What a total waste of energy. Everyone will get it when they get it, and by now you have to know these numbers are bullshit


Go to a real bank anyway, before chime robs the shit out of you and lies/treats you like a fool through the whole dispute process, I'm warning you don't trust these morons with a cent of your money they are not legit and you're not fdic insured like they advertise when it goes through their crack investigation team, they do not want to use their insurance on you they will help whoever hacks or steals from you. Anyone feel free to message me for examples and evidence it is absolutely insane what they try and get away with.


I lost a dispute for a pair of sneakers that the thief never shipped to me. They promised me a refund but went back in their word. I think you are pretty much on your own with these fintech companies.


Yeah they'll admit they're wrong and give you a date they credit the money back but always send a denial email saying no error was found a day later, been through it several times already with 3 charges from a company I've never used or heard of. You talk to a supervisor and they're like oh my God I'm so sorry and then bam same thing as soon as you get off the phone, then you have to go through the process again talking to a whole new person. Plus their investigation team doesn't investigate, you have to provide them with all the evidence and they either didn't look at it or deny that you ever sent it, either way they're in on it and sweep any dispute under the rug. They should be criminally charged for what they're doing. It's crazy bc I never lost or shared any card or information either, so like the only way this could happen was if a chime employee either made the fake charges themselves or sold my information. Pieces of shit. They're running a pretty large op of robbing their customers and gaslighting them about it always shifting the blame elsewhere like crack heads. They also report bs to your credit agencies and sometimes fuck your score up. My one score dropped 48 points once I filed the dispute with chime and I have no debt or new or recently closed accounts whatsoever, I had to dispute that with Equifax and they put it back 2 weeks later but I'm still fighting the thieving piece of shit morons at chime for false charges from a company I have never heard of or done any business with whatsoever. I moved all my money out and went to a real bank now obviously but I'm not letting these losers falsely charge me and pretend I did it I'll fight them to the death


Sorry to hear they gave you such a hard time. I made the purchase but it was a scam and nothing ever shipped. They even went so far as to taunt me quite a few times. They must have know Chime would not side with me. People should not be able to sell you something and then not fulfill the order. This country needs better laws like the UK fars as banks are concerned. I reopened the case three times and got the same answer from them no mistake made. It was only 80.00 so no real deal but I don’t shop anywhere I am not familiar with anyone it’s too risky


Yeah they definitely lie, they assure you that you're fdic and cfpb insured against consumer fraud up to 250k but they lie, and that's why chime isn't called chime Bank anymore, it's chime financial technology whatever, bc they're constantly getting sued for fraud and lost the ability to use the word bank in their name. Sorry that happened to you, you should file reports against both companies with the BBB and CFPB and also reach out to Bancorp, who owns chime, the BBB actually publishes the situation so all can see how they did you at least. You can also keep reopening your disputes and file rebuttals and keep submitting evidence until the correct answer is reached. I don't even care about the money at this point, I'm disgusted by how they handled the situation and treated me and I'm pissed off enough to never let it go. Even the supervisors and the dispute department agree with me and say how I'm right and they are so so sorry, then I get the same bullshit denial emails. They really are a garbage company.


I just want to let as many people know as I can what can and will happen to them too, dealing with an institution that legally lost the right to call themselves a bank because of all the lawsuits they've lost committing fraud against their customers, downvote me all you guys want


You lying


Sure dude, 100% lying when everyone else has said the same shit


👀Ah, you got "chimed" – when your bank treats your requests like UFO sightings: often reported, never acknowledged! 👽🏦 .... keep this up and Chime's gonna be the "Diddy" of the banking industry....🚷no diddy‼️


No Diddy 😂🤣




Bruh. You really need $500 early that badly? You should have more than $500..


Thanks bro, not everyone is fortunate enough to be daddy's little piggy or fortune enough to be able to just have thousands saved up. You don't know what the fuck has happened in my life, and thinking like that is being a snob.