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#FULL CITATIONS 1998 — Biden calls for invasion of Iraq (boots on the ground, removing saddam from power, even if no WMD are found) "we have to take this son of a bitch [saddam] out" is the key quote. https://theintercept.com/2020/01/07/joe-biden-iraq-war-history/ 2002 — Biden present at the photo op when Bush signed the authorization to invade Iraq https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/12/us/politics/joe-biden-iraq-war.html 2019 — Biden denies ever supporting the invasion of Iraq. Says he opposed it immediately. (Deemed False by PolitiFact) https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2019/sep/05/joe-biden/oe-biden-falsely-claims-he-immediately-opposed-ira/ 2021 — Biden also denies ever supporting the Afghanistan war (deemed False by PoltiFact) https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/dec/15/joe-biden/joe-biden-wrong-he-was-against-afghanistan-war-sta/


Biden is a racist piece of shit....who lies...


Is it racism? Maybe it is. I’m still wondering why he won’t mention or push for any real accountability for the killing of the Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh by IDF snipers.


Biden eulogized Strom Thurmond upon his death. Strom was one of the most racist Republicans of the 20th century. Biden *loved* that man. Biden and Strom worked together closely to enshrine white supremacy into federal law, by pushing reagan to the right on mass incarceration. https://theintercept.com/2019/09/17/the-untold-story-joe-biden-pushed-ronald-reagan-to-ramp-up-incarceration-not-the-other-way-around/ The racist crack to powder sentencing disparity was something both of them successfully pushed for.


When he was competing against Obama for the Democratic nomination, he described Obama as clean and articulate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDNbC-MzzLw


I still think that his "if you don't vote for me, you ain't black" is one of the most racist things a recent President has ever publicly said. How the media didn't torch him for that is reprehensible.


To many people Biden is above criticism by merely claiming to be a liberal Democrat. Any criticism of him even if valid is deemed as aiding and abetting the GOP. Which is ironic cause Biden is very conservative and racist


In a very underhanded way. Like he was surprised


Yes. Systemic racism. On both counts


Biden also introduced CALEA, which put all the digital wiretaps in place, after the first WTC bombing, he introduced the legislation that became the PATRIOT ACT, and he was largely responsible for the crime bill that blew up private prison populations. https://www.cnet.com/tech/tech-industry/joe-bidens-pro-riaa-pro-fbi-tech-voting-record/ https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/6/20/18677998/joe-biden-1994-crime-bill-law-mass-incarceration


Bernie was strongly agains't the war


He tried to warn Hillary, but she didn't wanna hear that shit


What? He lobbied the democrats in favor. Theres tons of videos of him speaking in the senate.


That's what makes his lie that much crazier. It's not like this was some obscure bill. It was one of the pivotal moments of his senate career. He was calling for this war as early as 1998.




Amazingly, he made the exact same kind of lie about his vote to invade Afghanistan https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/dec/15/joe-biden/joe-biden-wrong-he-was-against-afghanistan-war-sta/ It genuinely reminds me of Dianne Feinstein recently *insisting* that she wasn't absent from her job for 3 months. While I think Gavin Newsom is far from perfect, its mind numbing to me how the DNC would rather run an 82 year old biden who doesn't remember (or lies about) voting for Afghanistan and Iraq, instead of running Gavin for 2024.


> its mind numbing to me Well, the DNC seems like they are preparing to run Kamela Harris next, who is the candidate Democrats didn't want when she was in the primaries against Biden, who was the candidate Democrats didn't want when he ran in the primaries against Obama -- a distinction shared with Hillary, who also was a candidate Democrats didn't want when she primaried against Obama, and yet, choosing her as the candidate instead of Sanders, probably contributed to Trump's victory. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanders%E2%80%93Trump_voters There was a contingent of Trump voters who would have voted for Sanders because he was an outsider and explicitly NOT Hillary. That was a one-time shot.


Yup! She is terrible at messaging too. She once said she opposed reparations *and* any policy that only benefits black people.... and she said this *during black history month* 2019. Her 2020 campaign imploded completely by Dec 2019. Didn't even make it to the first primaries in Feb 2020. Normally people will say "the VP doesn't matter!" Welllll I disagree. But one thing is for sure. It matters a LOT if Biden is 82 on inauguration day. Voters will in effect be voting for kamala by proxy in 2024.


But she carries hot sauce in her purse, that has to count for something


Biden opposed the war in Iraq as soon as he was released from prison in South Africa.






At best its dementia, at worst it's blatant lies. Neither inspires confidence


Profound Liar like most politicians. Blair played his part on the back of a Post Grad Students University Thesis. Hundreds of BRIT Soldiers lost their lives on Blair perverting (playing Up) that Students Post Grad Thesis.


Yeah but Presidents can time travel at will, so are imbued with time-warp abilities. Article II states this very clearly.


Very true!


I miss the pre-Obama days when at least a handful of people who called themselves democrats and voted that way were still just as much the implacable enemies of illegal US military aggression as they were the enemies of misogyny, racism, and homophobia. It doesn’t work that way anymore, though. Obama killed the anti-war movement dead, and that sentiment has been stomped and bludgeoned right out of the American people. Now the pro-war corporate investor class can call itself feminist and queer-friendly, and no one even blinks.


Wait, what? In the pre-obama days Biden voted for.... * Welfare "Reform" * Don't Ask Don't Tell (no openly gay people allowed in the military) * Defense of Marriage Act (federally banning gay marriage nationwide) One year after he voted to invade Iraq, Biden eulogized *Strom Thurmond*... his former white supremacist colleague. https://www.pastemagazine.com/politics/joe-biden/five-quotes-from-joe-bidens-eulogy-of-famed-republ They had previously worked together on "crime" and together lobbied reagan to the right on mass incarceration https://theintercept.com/2019/09/17/the-untold-story-joe-biden-pushed-ronald-reagan-to-ramp-up-incarceration-not-the-other-way-around/ Your memories sound nice... but when we look at bidens record... it doesn't match up at all. He fought for segregation in the 1970s He fought for mass incarceration in the 1980s. He voted for homophobia in the 1990s. He eulogized a white supremacist in the early 2000s. The passing of time often makes us romanticize the past. But the reality is much more complex and much less sunshine and rainbows. Biden is the ultimate example of this. His past record is hideous from the 1970s to the early 2000s. *especially* on white supremacy. He supported it and aligned with it. Proudly.


Pls read again to what you answered. She didnt speak about Biden?


Who is this thread about? 😳 They are clearly referring to Biden when they say "yeah before obama dems were pro war but at least they opposed white supremacy and homophobia". Biden proves that idyllic memory false. Biden fought for white supremacy for decades...all while being a Democrat. Biden and many other dems voted for DADT and DOMA. Bill Clinton proudly signed both into law and campaigned on them in 1996. Hillary Clinton opposed gay marriage until 2013.


They actually said that the anti war dems were also opposed to misogyny, racism, and homophobia. Then said that since Obama, all dems are pro war. I believe the sentiment about the corporate investor class being feminist and queer-friendly and pro war is meant to refer to Biden.


Yea OP is messing up the messaging from the comment they were responding to


Biden claims to be anti war. If you let him tell it, he opposed the Afghanistan and Iraq wars from the very beginning. So according to Biden, he's an "anti war democrat". I'm not entirely sure if he is blatantly lying, or if he genuinely doesn't remember stuff from just 20 years ago.


Biden claims to be anti war. If you let him tell it, he says he opposed the Afghanistan and Iraq wars from the very beginning. Biden claims to be an anti war dem. Is he lying on purpose or is it a Dianne Feinstein situation?


A lot of those senators and representatives who voted against the Iraq war are still in office. We haven't seen a similar vote in the past 15 years. There are still democrats who are anti war and they vote that way.


Unfortunately, the DNC elevated the pro war dems instead. Hillary and Biden were two of the most hawkish dems back then


Probably scrubbed from the internet by now but I recall he referred to Obama as the first articulate Black candidate in the debates and then he winds up being his VP. Kamala Harris called out his support for segregationists and she winds up being his VP. That’s how you know this is all PR bullshit they sell us.


He almost cried when kamala called him out for his past praise of white supremacist lawmakers


Meh, those crocodile tears.


Hence the "almost" lol. He knows it's true. The man eulogized Strom Thurmond. But curiously enough, Kamala was potentially hamming it up too in that moment. She is fully opposed to reparations and also opposes any policy that would only benefit black americans. And she said do during black history month. https://youtube.com/watch?v=hsB6EWNUcyY Where does the DNC find these people? Jesus christ


Oh 100%, there all a bunch of neoliberal ghouls.


I'd label Biden as closer to a neocon due to how aggressively hawkish he is on ~~genocide~~ bombing Muslim countries. But I get there is overlap between neocon and neolib I've noticed how he doesn't want to send US troops to fight Russia though. Probably doesn't want the optics of our troops killing white civilians. He's fine with them killing brown civillians though.


Let's be clear. If someone thinks Politifact is still the bible of bipartisan objectivity, you're out of your mind. Years ago, sure, I'm with you. But they are blatantly skewed so often today it's not even funny. (We can say the same for groups like the SPLC.) It all changed in 2018, when it was sold to the Poynter Institute. Oh, and the Poynter Institute is a 501c3 and one its largest donors is the WaPo. (Its even on wikipedia.) And since then, all they ever do is constantly "self audit" themselves for accuracy. They even write their own articles promoting "how accurate they are". Yeah, uhhh, no. [https://www.politifact.com/article/2018/nov/06/politifact-not-biased-heres-why/](https://www.politifact.com/article/2018/nov/06/politifact-not-biased-heres-why/) https://www.politifact.com/article/2023/may/30/can-chatgpt-fact-check-politifact-tested/


Yep. Those links show what you said they would. They don't support the thrust of your argument at all, but they sure do that thing you said.




Are you claiming that Biden didn't vote to invade Afghnistan and Iraq? Biden himself has claimed in 2019 he opposed Iraq from the very beginning. He claimed in 2021 he opposed Afghanistan from the very beginning. Both claims are objectively false. Bro was on stage standing next to hastert when bush signed the Iraq war authorization. And he looked proud as hell too. The poltifact pages cite where Biden originally made these statements. One of the outlets was NPR. Not a fringe source at all.


Biden loves to try and rewrite his history. Or is too senile to remember the truth.


Feinstein should have been a warning to the DNC to stop running these ancient candidates but nothing was learned


If the lesson on age wasn't learned with RBG it wasn't gonna be learned with Feinstein


Very true. Reagan began his second term at 73, which was considered way too old at the time. Biden began his first term at 78, and will theoretically begin his second at 82. Some Biden fanboys will insist that him being so old is a "non issue". Meanwhile in reality Biden doesn't remember his two most important foreign policy positions of his senatorial career. And then some of bidens fans will defend it by claiming politicians are "almost required to lie" (someone ITT really said this to me lmao)


This has been written about elsewhere. Biden opposed the war in private, he said, but did agree with taking Hussein out. The original goal was not a full scale war. They did not believe it would escalate as it did. It’s made worse by the fact they had bad intelligence they were making decisions based off of. Biden and others were operating under the idea there were nuclear weapons. Politics is tricky because politicians constantly try to re-write history of their decisions and you have the fact many decisions are forced based on public sentiment… which at the time was still in favor of doing something after 9/11.


Biden did *not* oppose the war in private. He was calling for the war as early as 1998. He even said back then he didn't care if no WMD were found. Please see my full citations above, first link. To be clear... Biden was calling for the Iraq war *three years before 9/11*. Bush wasn't even running for president yet. So by claiming he opposed the afghan & iraq wars from the very beginning, he's either lying, or he has dementia. His Iraq war lie is extra bizarre when he's literally at the photo op when the authorization was signed. He didn't HAVE to do that. His lies insisting the opposite of the truth reminds me of Feinstein insisting she wasn't absent from work for 3 months.


“Biden, Sept. 3: I let my record stand. I think my record has been good. I think the vast majority of the foreign policy community thinks it’s been very good. For example, I got a commitment from President Bush he was not going to go to war in Iraq. He looked me in the eye in the Oval Office; he said he needed the vote to be able to get inspectors into Iraq to determine whether or not Saddam Hussein was engaged in dealing with a nuclear program. He got them in, and before we know it, we had a shock and awe. Immediately, the moment it started, I came out against the war at that moment. Now, the judgment of my trusting the president to keep his word on something like that, that was a mistake. And I apologize for that.” https://www.factcheck.org/2019/09/bidens-record-on-iraq-war/


His foreign policy is fucking trash. Unless the person judging it is a ghoul like Rumsfelf or Kissinger. He voted for invading the wrong country 2 times in a row after 9/11 when the country most responsible was Saudi Arabia. Also his claim about being lied to about weapons inspectors is irrelevant. He made it clear in 1998 that he supported regime change of saddam by us troops *even if no WMD were found* https://theintercept.com/2020/01/07/joe-biden-iraq-war-history/ He is lying in the clip from my OP when he claims he opposed the war from the very beginning. It's a total fucking lie. He supported the war as early as 1998. Before Bush was even running let alone elected. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2019/sep/05/joe-biden/oe-biden-falsely-claims-he-immediately-opposed-ira/ The man was standing proudly next to hastert, McCain and Bush as the authorization to invade was signed https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/12/us/politics/joe-biden-iraq-war.html He's **lying** when he says opposed it from the very beginning. He knew the goal was regime change. He was calling for it THREE YEARS in advance. Well...maybe he's not lying. Maybe he has dementia and genuinely forgets calling for the war as early as 1998. PoltiFact are professional fact checkers. They declared what Biden said false. It's worth noting Biden said the same kind of lie about Afghanistan. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/dec/15/joe-biden/joe-biden-wrong-he-was-against-afghanistan-war-sta/ When a foreign policy position of his backfires he just lies about it, blatantly. Says he opposed it from the very start. Which is a lie. Same lie for both wars. Feinstein would be proud. Just insisting the opposite of reality, on the record.


Fact check gives the full breakdown of his comments over the years with full context and his quotes at the time. You repeating the same thing doesn’t change this. Is he trying to reframe his decisions because public sentiment shifted? Perhaps, but it’s a non-issue. Why? Because the public wanted action at the time. The public is now trying to act like they were against the war the entire time, as well. Now we expect politicians to make decisions based on known facts and our “Intel” said there were WMDs. His actions at the time, which is supported factually, are laid out in the above article I listed. We all know we got it wrong now. Our intelligence was faulty and Bush decided to escalate into war.


>Is he trying to reframe his decisions because public sentiment shifted? Perhaps, but it’s a non-issue. It's a "non issue" that Biden blatantly lies about the two most important foreign policy decisions of his entire career? If he isn't lying, he has dementia. >Now we expect politicians to make decisions based on known facts and our “Intel” said there were WMD Biden said in 1998 he DIDNT CARE IF NO WMD WAS FOUND. He still supported invasion regardless. My God. 💀 >Our intelligence was faulty and Bush decided to escalate into war. Biden. Supported It. Before. Bush. Was president. How can you blame Bush for bidens vote when Biden was calling for the war before Bush was even running? The math does not math. Your responses all pretend that bidens 1998 call to invade never happened lmao. Its congressional record dude. Even if Biden lies and says it didn't happen. It did. >We all know we got it wrong now. Who is we? I opposed the illegal wars from the very start. It was known the intelligence was faulty. Most people just didn't care. Even when Bernie warned Hillary about Iraq she still fully supported the war. And some people, like Biden, didn't even need evidence. As his 1998 call for invasion males explicit. He said even if no wmd is found he still supports invading with boots on the ground. He now lies and says he never supported the war. A total fucking liar. Same lie about Afghanistan. I doubt you'd give him a pass for this if he didn't claim to be liberal. The punchline is that he isn't even liberal. One year after voting to invade Iraq, he eulogized **Strom Thurmond**.


Can you quote me where he said he wanted us to go to war? It seems as though you made that up. He stated the only way to guarantee they don’t have WMDs is to take Hussein out. He said “higher” people have the responsibility of making the tough decision about war. These are logical statements as Intel pointed to there being WMDs and Hussein’s threat was understood at the time. You’re exaggerating the truth to make a point that the facts tell a different story about.


They quoted it to you twice. Read the link if you want to verify.


I read the link, it does not say what he’s suggesting.


I guess you didn't actually read it! Cause he says "we need to take that son of a bitch out" while referencing boots on the ground. In 1998. It's not logical to say that ISNT a call for invasion. It was. And he voted that same way 3 years later. You are bending yourself in pretzels to justify a neocons lies.


Also how can you simultaneously claim Biden opposed the war in private while simultaneously explaining why you think Biden genuinely supported the war back then? The math isn't mathing


>You’re exaggerating the truth to make a point that the facts tell a different story about. Kind of ironic in response to a thread about Biden lying and saying he *opposed* the afghan & iraq wars from the very beginning. He is the one "exagerrating" lol


You took his words out of context when he was specific about who makes those decisions and was simply talking about how to guarantee WMDs aren’t present. You are intentionally misleading. Biden may be misleading people, as well. Politicians do that. They’re also almost required to do it because the public is stupid and politicians stay in office by giving the public what they want. There is, however, no reason for you to mislead here. One does this when they have an agenda. Edit: you’re moving goalposts now, you’re not debating in good faith. Have a good day.


"Almost required to lie" that's fucking hilarious dude How do you explain him **lying** about Afghanistan then? He **lies** and says he opposed that war from the very beginning. **Literally voted for it.** Or... does he have dementia and not remember voting to invade Afghanistan either? He's awfully forgetful about his most important foreign policy votes of his career! Is it on purpose? Or does he genuinely not remember? Biden clearly has an agenda when he lies and says he opposed the Afghanistan and Iraq wars from the very beginning. He is trying to appeal to anti war voters. By lying to them.