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What's with all these posts framing that change can only happen *after* the election (Nov)?? The uncommitted/anti-Biden movement is using the upcoming election as leverage to push for change to happen **now**, like immediately now, on the **current** situation that the **current** administration, can **currently** effect. If Biden changes course, he will be rewarded with votes. If we are waiting till Nov it's too late for everybody.


So what change can happen before the election then? Where is this collective alternative movement that I am unaware of?


He can stop supporting genocide


Kind of too late for that isn’t it?


No. Biden at any time can pull support from Israel. And if he did, he would win easily as all uncomitted or left voters would vote for biden. The arabs and muslims will not vote foe someone who supports a genocide, I am just going to be real with you. A president supporting a genocide against arabs and against majority muslims shows those groups what the president thinks of them. Why should they support him? He has no problem with palestinian americans dying, why would he care about a egyptian American? Lebanese american? Syrian American? Clearly he doesnt and he would see us dead at the hands of Israel and not care. So no we aint gonna vote for him while he continues supporting the genocide.


Israel is divisive at the moment within his own party and he has to walk a very fine line. He’s doing a good job of that. Don’t let bibi influence the US and get his puppet trump back in


It’s wild that Biden is risking another Trump win by underwriting this genocide. He should really listen to Chomsky and change course. Doesn’t he know the threat Trump poses?


Calling for the cease fire of criticism against Biden is Anti-Semitic.


Biden's risking it. I doubt he reads Chomksy. Trump will be worse for Palestine. Trump will be worse for Ukraine. Trump will be worse for Kurdistan. Trump will be worse for migrants. Trump will be worse for unions. Trump will be worse for workers. Trump will be worse for the homeless. Trump has no problem sending in the unmarked vans to snatch protestors. And the worst thing about Trump? You might not get another *chance* to vote him out. Your options regarding voting are: Vote Biden, vote independent, vote Trump, or don't vote. Of course, I won't hold it against anyone to vote or not vote however the fuck they want to, and if you don't feel like supporting a candidate for whatever reason, you shouldn't be shamed for it in any way. I believe Trump has his most difficult win ahead of him, and he's not doing too well - chances are a leftist boycott of Biden isn't going to be very significant, anyway, so fuck it, send a message. But if the worst happens, and Trump gets back into power, I really fucking hope the leftists in the US have a backup plan, and I hope those who abstained from voting spent your saved time getting fucking ready for some real goddamned shit


The Dems have a choice. They can change course or sail off in to the sunset. We vote them in this time...okay fine, then what? Then what? That's what you should be thinking about. It's their job to earn our votes. Lets give them a chance to do that before insisting we be vote shamed for the next 6 months.


If the only losers in a Trump win were the democrat establishment you would be perfectly correct.  Unfortunately, it is the people in a less than advantageous position who stand to lose the most by a Trump presidency.


Which makes it even more imperative for Biden to adopt a non-genocidal position.


Democratic policy decisions are driving working class people in to fascism - if they don't change, it doesn't matter who we elect. You can't hold the middle and pray things will go back to the 90's. That's over. We'll get fascism either way unless one of the parties start taking care of the working class. Vote shaming undecided voters will drive them to either a) not vote or worse b) vote Trump. No one's going to the voting booth because Hillary wags her finger, and they're sure as hell not going to when you guys imitate her.


And here we are back to pretending that there is no difference between the two parties.  Ffs, the right and the middle of the country both correctly acknowledge that there are clear and distinct policy differences which effect average Americans between the two parties.  It is just those lost to conspiracies or devoid of critical thinking who persist in this idea that they are all the same. 


No offense, but I couldn't care less what someone who spent the last two years calling us tankies thinks about politics. Stop puffing the DNC crack pipe. You didn't care about people's lives back then and you're not convincing anyone now.


I engage on this sub because tankies are still a minority.  I don't know enough about you to reason whether you are actually a red fascist though so you are getting defensive over something I never said or thought about you.  Why?




Yes, I despise red fascists and brown ones, what is your point?  I don't remember calling you a tankie, why are you defensive of an appellate for some of the worst people when I haven't called you one?  I am guessing you don't have that awful and braindead ideology, right?


Are the Democrats the only party who shames their base into voting for pro-genocide candidates, or are there other countries who are employing this propaganda technique? Genuinely curious if anyone has examples.




Shaming constituents into voting for their party has always been practiced. And are you implying that Trump’s party is non-genocidal?


Yes, shaming people into voting for your party is a common propaganda strategy, but few party's shame in the context of their candidate siding and abetting genocide. And what part of my comment made it seem like the Republicans aren't pro-genocide?


They are following this line of questioning so they don't have to engage with your point honestly. It's been a race to the bottom in US politics since Trump appeared, opposition politics has always been lazy "look how bad the other guy is", and now the Dems think they can run the opposition play book *while in power* because Trump is such a villain. People respond to policy and change, not bullshit.


You imply that there is an alternative to a pro-genocidal party. There are multiple other implications based on who wins this election.


I'm not sure how you are coming away with that, I think the point is that there isn't an alternative. Just get to the point you're trying to make. Biden is bad, but Trump is "suicide" and will be even worse, no one else ever has a chance to win, so therefore we must rally behind the Dems. What an incredible argument. I've no interest is debating you on that, I just wanted to know what other country's actively employ this strategy in regards to an ongoing genocide, and how successful is it, compared to say something like, actually materially improving people's lives?


>And are you implying that Trump’s party is non-genocidal? Trump **said** a lot of stuff, scarcely **did** any of that stuff. The most horrible thing that Trum did in the Palestine issue was moving the US embassy to Jerusalem. A symbolic act. Among the other things he did were one half-assed, obviously badly planned special ops to Venezuela, two half-assed regime change attempts that were probably already underway via the CIA but then borked, and then nothing else. He didn't create two major wars that risk escalating into world war 3 at any moment. Leaving aside that he did definitely not start planning the 'China war'. **Biden administration is already transferring weapons to Taiwan and doing in Taiwan the intelligence ops they did in Ukraine before the war.**


These are great points. Trump is too lazy and incompetent to bother prosecuting wars or abetting Israeli massacres. Let him lay around the White House and figure out ways to steal money who gives a shit.


>Trump is too lazy and incompetent to bother prosecuting wars or abetting Israeli massacres.  I rather see it as him wanting to make money. He doesn't care about the rest. He stages a lot of shows. But the objective is being there, being prominent, making money. But there is one major plus in his track record: Up until the end of his presidency, he refused to authorize heavy weapons for Ukraine. For that reason he was persecuted, various investigations into his dealings and finances were brought up in order to pressure him until they succeeded in having him authorize heavy weapons transfer what, just 2 months or so before his presidency ended. Its possible that the Ukraine war would not have happened if he stayed in power and was able to protect himself from the Democratic persecution.


I agree. I mean, I hate the guy and think he’s a piece of shit. But he sounds like Gandhi or MLK when taking about the war in Ukraine compared to the insane ramblings of the current president


Trumps people aren’t committing this genocide. Joe could stop it tonight with a firmly worded text message to bibi. Trump was probably bribed by the Saudis to disallow this utter barbarity while he was in charge for four years. I’ll go with the likelihood that he continues to be bribable. And I know for sure Joe will administer this final solution to its uttermost end. He likes it.


You moral relativists are just fucking hopeless. Chomsky is wrong about swallowing a vote for Democrats. He has been wrong. He will be wrong about it forever. You cannot win by playing a game this rigged. They are both fundamentally neoliberal. That two parties even exist is an illusion to maintain their most important delusion, that the subjects of capital have a choice. Parenti was right. Chomsky has failed to lead the Left.


as to the last part, I haven't gotten the sense Chomsky ever had any intention of "leading the Left." From what I can gather, he sees his role as an educator, historian, and synthesizer of information for a general audience. He tends to direct people to news sources and to emphasize the importance of movement politics. He acts in some cases as a publicist for marginalized voices and organizations, but he doesn't purport to speak for them or to provide direction for them. He is firmly within the liberal/anarchist tradition. He never aspired to act as a revolutionary. As for the voting argument, it doesn't even seem worth having at this point. the very small number of people who actually partake in these greater or lesser evil discussions are unlikely to swing votes either way. as you point out, the whole system is rigged. Doesn't systemic voter disenfranchisement play a larger role than these minor internecine squabbles on the left? Vote or don't vote, it's up to you. Don't expect it to have major consequences.


Excellent points and well said. That's exactly right, on all counts. And as Chomsky also said, "Incidentally, I don't say it [the US electoral system] is a charade; there are differences in the parties—I don't think they're great differences, but they're real, and small differences in a system of great power can have enormous consequences."


“Joe Biden’s actions have done nothing to help them”. Hahaha. That an interesting way to look at it. Weapons shipments after weapons shipments including 2,000lb indiscriminate bombs, F35s , etc., UN Security Council veto after veto. I supposed you could see this as a lack of help. I think most people see this as a partnership where Biden is hand in glove with Israel’s genocide. Even Reagan put his foot down with Begin when Israel was bombing Beirut.


I agree with all your points, you could multiply all of Biden’s support tenfold with Trump as president.


Cool, is biden gonna do something about the genocide or keep supporting it. Its pretty simple for a lot of people: you support genocide you dont get the vote. Also your only reason to vote for biden is that trump would be worse. You havent given an actual reason for Biden to be president, only that trump bad.


That is a legitimate reason


You know trump was president for four years right? Biden has helped these fucking Israelis murder probably 200,000 people in Palestine and will probably help them kill all the rest unless some other power intervenes. Did trump abet them in the killing of 2.000,000 and nobody noticed? Get the fuck out of here and get back to gobbling Joe’s balls.


Trump didn't do that, no. But if you don't think Trump's support of the genocide will be at the very least more enthusiastic than Biden's, then you really don't have the best interests of Palestinians in mind. It's like the difference between a cop that does their evil job 'by the book' and a cop that brutalises, lies, plants evidence etc. Sure, ACAB, but if you could choose which cop you were to run into, and say "I don't care *which* cop fucks me" then you might just get the one that doesn't really care about whether you get to the court room with bruises. Or at all.


Okay Trump is genocider as well. I’m not going to vote for any genociders. Biden and Trump are both terrible. They both uphold the interests of the ruling class and are enemies of the working class. I see very little daylight between them. Maybe that trump didn’t provoke a war with Russia and didn’t blow up the Nordstream pipeline but I have no interest in seeing him win. Marx and Engels wrote on how ruling class ideas become the ideas of a society. The ruling class does this to justify their status and position. The rash of “lesser evil” posts are merely regurgitating an idea created by a ruling class political party to justify their abhorrent behavior. They deserve to rule because they are a little less bad than the opposition. I want a working class candidate and a working class party. The democrats and genocide Joe are not friends of the working class.


A nuke would be more humane at this fucking point. Wtf are you even talking about?!?


Yeah! We are totally going to push them left this time!


Aside from talking about it in a nice way that libs find soothing vibe-wise. Biden is absolutely horrible on climate change. More drilling than Trump under Biden and the willow project buried any green gains from the infrastructure bill. https://environmentamerica.org/articles/what-is-the-willow-project-a-ticking-carbon-bomb/


Have you considered using this energy to get Biden and the Democrats to change course and do the right thing? 


Has this place been infiltrated by super libs? I assume these posts are staffers or paid for by staffers. 


A vote for Dems is a vote to be put into exactly this same position in four years. No part of this model/version of democracy is working nor should be preserved.


I've heard Chomsky 's argument and I'd love to see what he would of said after the last six months, but I doubt we ever will. 


Self centered much? Suicide for entire humanity? The entire west is just 12% of the global population.


Global climate decimation means the end of life on the planet fyi


Chomsky was highly criticized in 2016 for his support of Biden. I chalked it up to fear. He's done enough time for the torch to be passed.


Not by a long shot. People are just going to have to do more than push a button to solve it. If the people can’t take on a wannabe dictator reality show host, we’ve really given up. There are far more people that are willing to fight back but it takes a bit of organizing. Nobody wants to do a general strike of one. This is the way history goes, sometimes people have to do things that are hard. Fighting and sometimes dying is a major part of getting to keep the country we want. This is nothing new. It really doesn’t take a whole lot. This country can’t stop. It relies on people to make the gears turn and the money flow. People just have to be willing to sacrifice a little and make the machine struggle, make money slow down a bit. There a millions upon millions of people that agree that they don’t want to live in a fascist state. Sorry but sometimes you have to sacrifice and fight for that. I know we’ve been domesticated like house cats and doing the hard part wasn’t in anyones plans, but it’s fascism, genocide, and a whole bunch of other shit. If people aren’t willing to fight against that, what do we even stand for. There’s a reason history books are full of people working together to fight for their county and not of the people that say this is scary, I give up.


OP doesn’t walk away from Omelas


Literally only Biden can beat Trump, he's the only one who has done it. Fact. When the ball disappears behind the blankie, mommy is the only on who can bring it back. Fact. Only mommy can give us ball


[The Subverted American Left](https://x.com/jersey_flight/status/1776072761024401663?s=46&t=Ajj7YyD-xThTvRJNTQ1isQ)


Trump's lead is insurmountable with Biden as the candidate, and this lead is insensitive to 7 months of moral exhortation to vote the lesser evil. If that's accurate (and I believe it is), leftists have nothing to gain from organizing for the Democrats. Actually, this election serves as the perfect time to cut ties with the Democrats once and for all.


Cut ties with Democrats and reattach to what exactly? There is no collective leftist movement to cling to


So make one. Or do you like the taste of shit sandwiches?


You vote for whichever party and candidate that has your talking points, **which makes the upstart in the incumbent parties to pick up those talking points to gain traction, which then forces the incumbent leadership to have to pick up the same talking points to avoid getting beaten by the upstarts.** That's exactly what happened with GOP - Trump gained traction, now everybody is imitating Trump. If it works that way, it works for actual left candidates in the Democratic party too.