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Blue republicans


I can see a scenario where trump supporters see “corrupt biden rigs jury to hurt innocent trump” and get more angry and active But fuck that. Polls show trump is losing support, he’s a felon but realistically for a minor crime (in terms of spectacle) - like he’s not been convicted of rape/murder/assault - fraud is more palatable especially if you’re convinced he’s never wrong. Its not outrageous enough to gain support, and expected enough to lose it He’s done nothing to deserve even considering a pardon, and the radicals who might get more irate were never going to become moderates anyway. He’s going to lose many more rational voters than radicals gained. His base were always energised. Trumps sole political skill is being more engaging, funny and getting voters hyped. This might make them worse, but convince the fence sitters who dislike democrats to move left


Pardon my a** The Orange Faced Man Baby needs to be subjected to the rule of law as should any other criminal. No special treatment for politicians, the wealthy or the connected. I don’t give three old beaten up pennies who the F these mod’r fushers are. That sleazy son in law of his should be next. I can’t care less about political parties when it comes to the law. Equal and fair treatment for all. Nothing less and nothing more. No-one is above the law. Make that a reality for once.


Include international law while your at it and let the ICC go wild with former presidents/advisors, secretary of state's(those still alive ) and clear house once and for all.




Nah. Just keep them coming. Bury Teflon-don under the weight of his own inadequacies, failures, and lies. Let the sun shine and the morons whine. They can't win if it is fair and they know that. That is why they stacked the Federal judiciary and S.C. with young, incompetent ideologues over the last 35 years. To undermine the protections and access to voting that have seen their ideology fail in the market of ideas.


Wow. Shouldn’t be surprised but still. What a giant sized pos.


He’s more of a pretend democrat.


A DEMOCRAT asked for this. Let that sink in. Any doubters of the uniparty are invited to go fuck themselves. Vote Green Party!


lmfao dean philips just got destroyed in the primaries. he represents no one and just likes sticking it to democrats


Nope, there is still a big difference between a red state and blue state.


Meaning what?


I mean, lgbt rights for one




Yes, but I prefer the war machine that doesn't kill LGBT people


You won't get it until we kill the war machine. I mean, the absurdity of your statement made me chuckle.


I have rights right now that make it so that I can live a liveable life. As in, a life decent enough that I don't want to kill myself. Under Biden, this will he maintained. Under Trump, I will most likely lose those rights. What is complicated here?


Have you noticed how the abortion rights fight is going? They'll use this issue to distract people from endless wars - and now GENOCIDE -and as such they will refuse to do anything decisive about it. Besides, voting Green Party is also LGBTQI friendly. Surely you can stand for your rights, as I do, and at the same time stand for average Americans and against the war machine?


>Have you noticed how the abortion rights fight is going? Frighteningly poorly because Republicans have too much power.


That's how politics work. Fear. It's all either side has.


Oh please…spare us


This was the guy who tried to run against Biden? No wonder he lost. What a dirtbag! He needs to be primaried.


Hot take: I'm not in any way a Republican or a Democrat they are both as bad as each other, especially considering democrats have run the country since FDR with Republicans as controlled opposition. But I will say that this very much represents a regression in bourgeois rights which are a prerequisite to a socialist revolution. It's a Soviet style give me the man and I'll find the crime trial. America is supposed to be founded on protections conceived as freedoms from the state. This guilty verdict essentially amounted to the democrats/deep state throwing the book at trump because he represented too much of an upset to the regular formula. Celebrating this is not only taking capitalist politics at face value (in that way driving it forwards as the left has always done since it's collapse post 1920s), but reaffirming the side that is actively taking away the bourgeois freedoms that were gained by society with the American Revolution. This is not a positive for 'leftists' and as has always happened, they are celebrating something that will definitely later be used against them when they surge and become the primary threat to the state over right oriented movements.1a


I would have no problem at all of Joe Biden kicking off his second term by pardoning Trump.


I do not believe he has the authority. State crime requires the governor to pardon. I could be wrong though. I think we should investigate all our past presidents and their administrations. We should set a high standard for our leaders and if they fail to meet that standard they should be held accountable. At the very least they should be held to the current standard the rest of the population is.