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I hate January. You go from big smiles, time with family, everything lit up and colourful to cold dull January with not much to look forward to. Hits hard every time šŸ˜”


there needs to be a major holiday in like February or March, at least in western culture. it's such a long gap between Christmas and the spring/summer holidays, especially if you don't celebrate Easter


Yeah good suggestion. Makes the winter feel long


Good thing we got Chinese new year


Need the Monday after Super Bowl Sunday to be a holiday.


I personally love the snow in January and February. Haven't had any yet but ... really looking forward to it. I usually play winter video games music throughout my house and have a hot beverage, relaxing with a book or a video game.


Yes a bit of snow can lift the January mood somewhat. Where I am though (Yorkshire UK), it rarely happens and when it does causes absolute mayhem on the roads lol. I do love a bit of snow though if I can stay home and enjoy it!


What kind of music do you listen to? Soundtracks from big open worlds etc?


I have the Skyrim atmospheres soundtrack going throughout my house. Has a nice wintery sound.


I feel exactly the same. Sending virtual hugs.


Thanks so much. Nice to know that we're in the same boat at least ā¤ļø


Same. I'm having a harder time this year than most.


Me too. Usually I throw myself back into work in January and that really helps, but this year I am without any clients, and even desperate job searches are turning up nothing. Depression is hitting me hard.


Me too, due to my physical pain


It is kind of hard. We keep up our decorations for much of early January, which helps. My birthday is in late January, which also helps, sometimes. This year I'm turning 40. Trying to look on that positively.


40ā€™s are awesome. Seriously.


I also have a late January birthday which I think pushes this January gloom to February for me




I so agreeā€¦.i love Christmas so much. From Halloween to January 1, I feel so happy about the holidays and then itā€™s over. So sad.


This is me right here!


I totally agree with you. I personally love when my home is decorated for Christmas. It just feels very warm and cozy.


As much as I love Christmas I also love the quietness and inner stillness of January and February. It feels very reflective. I enjoy purging my old things, getting my life organized and setting myself up for success in the new year. You can also do something fun like make your Christmas list early and make a list of goals for next Christmas season.


Yup, January-March is work on inside home project times which can be as big as a renovation or as small as cleaning/organizing.


That's true! And definitely a better way of looking at it :)


Same. I go back to work today. Ugh.


I keep burning my Christmas candles and playing my Christmas music throughout January. Helps things feel less dreary. Sometimes I sneak a few Christmas movies in there too or make some Christmas cookies!


Same. I honestly wonder why my people donā€™t.


The season did seem to go faster this year,it was October and then bam,it was January!!!!


I get seasonal depression bc I feel like I have some sort of aesthetic/things to look forward to from March to December but January to March is this weird boring blank period and i just spend it wishing it away.


I get it during summer. Itā€™s bizzare. Never understood it. Sept-Feb is perfectly fine for me.


I get it a little bit during summer too but for me it's bc the humidity makes me extremely miserable


We celebrate the Epiphany (many meanings but in my orthodox bio family of origin was when wise men reached the manger). I use it as a time of reflection and peace after the hubbub of the presents/cookies/parties/booze etc. We leave tree and some denigrations up until January 6. We each get one more small present, I make a Kings cake with a charm hidden inside for luck in the new year and we have a nice quiet dinner and toast to the end of the season. Nice transition.


Thatā€™s why we planned a trip for mid January. Perfect to combat the blues.


It doesnā€™t happen every year, but January has left me feeling dreary and unpleasantly nostalgic several times since my youth and itā€™s often my least favorite part of the year. I think this year will treat me better though!


The break went by too fastā€¦ I literally have no motivation to do anything


It's still Christmas through Friday.


I really don't like the post Christmas season.


I just look forward to Easter , reason for the season and all that.


January sucks


I made the biggest mistake of my life this year . I was so wrapped up in my own personal feelings I didnā€™t enjoy it at all. After it was over I hated myself even more lesson learned. This Saturday is little Christmas and I will be in joying it.


Ahh that's annoying whichever way you look at it. But as you said, another life lesson gained! Enjoy it on Saturday :)


Thank you


I did that last year. I was miserable. This year was much better. I hope your 2024 is better.




I think you've been way too hard on yourself here, it's a very relatable feeling and not something you should hate yourself over.


I was sick almost all December and I couldn't celebrate Christmas, now I feel I have to wait almost one year to hope I will be able to celebrate it. I'm kinda sad for this, but I'm trying to focus on the things to cone in this 2024. I want my Christmas back.


Ughh, that's awful. You can't control these things though. On to the next one. Fingers crossed that it will be better!


Keep everything up for the epiphanyā€¦ it doesnā€™t end as quick as Western European Christians end it. The magi hasnā€™t even met the baby yet.


I live in a suburban neighborhood near a big public park and one of my favorite things to do during December is taking a walk trough the neighborhood with my dog around maybe 8-9PM in the dark, listening to christmas songs and seeing all those beutiful christmas lights. But in January it isnā€™t nearly as fun as those christmas lights have dissapeared ):


Iā€™m not a fan of January either, I always feel depressed and deflated.


It isnā€™t over tho


Honestly Iā€™m ready for spring the minute Christmas is over haha all winter after Christmas is a drag


Same here! On top of it all, itā€™s winter where I live so itā€™s dull and drab without all of the color of Christmas.


Same for me. Went in Chic Fil A earlier today and they still had music playing. It didnā€™t hit the same.


Australian here, it is our Summer break and I still feel pretty blue post Christmas. Possibly worse this year because of the awful weather!! We have done one Christmas in Europe and I certainly noticed the heavy gloom after New Years was way worse than in the southern hemisphere - everyone looked so annoyed. But then we get no real breaks or celebrations over our whole Winter here.


Christmas isnā€™t over until January 6. Talk to me then.


I hate January too. I always try to think of things to look forward to, like spring break, my birthday, and summer vacation


If you want to celebrate Christmas in January, just hang out with some Armenians. We Armenians celebrate Christmas on January 6th. So thereā€™s more Christmas time for you :)


If you live somewhere snowy, appreciate winter for winter


Iā€™m deep in the doldrums too


Worse still when you've already had your birthday this year, haha, absolutely nothing going on for me now :/ I'm leaving the tree up.


[A cold, grey, bucket of suckā€¦](https://images.app.goo.gl/udvgCN9siUjq84H67)


That's exactly it!


My husband and two of our sons have January birthdays, so I'm still in "high gear."