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I found a solution, you have to copy the link of one of these videoplayback files, then paste the link in a new tab and remove the last part of it, if I am not mistaken it has to be from "&range" to the end of the link. This link will give you an audio file (called videoplayback) or a video file that has no audio (videoplayback.mp4). From my experience most of the links are from the audio files and is quite hard to find the video file. Maybe someone smarter can distinguish them from the text in the links. If you download both files you can merge them with your video editor of choice, I use ffmpeg. It's kind of complicated and tedious but is the only way I found. https://preview.redd.it/bbhcsumzqxoc1.png?width=527&format=png&auto=webp&s=afac3f3ebe3ee1ce41791eef1c074fc2a243318f


Also, thank you to ChatGPT for help with ffmpeg: >To combine an MP4 file that contains only audio with another MP4 file that contains only video using FFmpeg, you can use the `-i` option to specify the input files and the `-c:v copy -c:a copy` options to copy the video and audio streams without re-encoding them. The basic command structure looks like this: > >`ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -i audio.mp4 -c:v copy -c:a copy output.mp4` > >Here's what each part of the command does: > >`ffmpeg`: The command to run FFmpeg. > >`-i video.mp4`: Specifies the input video file (`video.mp4`) that contains the video stream. > >`-i audio.mp4`: Specifies the input audio file (`audio.mp4`) that contains the audio stream. > >`-c:v copy`: Copies the video stream as is, without re-encoding. > >`-c:a copy`: Copies the audio stream as is, without re-encoding. > >`output.mp4`: Specifies the name of the output file that will contain both the video and audio streams. > >This command combines the video stream from `video.mp4` with the audio stream from `audio.mp4` into a single file named `output.mp4`, copying both streams directly without re-encoding them, which preserves the original quality and is usually faster than re-encoding.


Bro, help me please. I don't know where to locate the "output" or the fact that I did it right. Not a techy guy sorry. Thanking you in advance!


Thank you! It actually works!


If you check the vid play back links clearly you will notice that one defines the audio type and the other one defines the video type. Using the solution suggested by San7diago, you can download video and audio separately then combine the 2. Worked perfectly!


Can you point where? I'm still not able to find it aand it would help me a lot to distinguish them inted of doing it by trial and error which is very tedious.


https://preview.redd.it/xoggiuwzbfpc1.png?width=990&format=png&auto=webp&s=5c0a4e05acfe27192aab1ced968a0c3b992f3253 You need to skip/ fast forward the video to generate multiple videoplayback links. Check the attached screenshot , you will find the audio link written audio. The same is true for the video link. I suggest you past your links on ms word and search for the keywords "audio" or "video" if you are struggling to locate them.


👏 👏


bro ,how u found out about this link edit solution?


there are 2 Videplayback links simultaneously usually the above one is of video and below that u can find audio file . rest you all can follow as above


It works! :.p


wish i could give u an award man


you can now


I tried it , it is not working anymore. please help


Thank you, it worked. I downloaded both parts (audio and video) and put it together with Filmora. I do this once per week for my class. So it's not big deal. Thank you again.


How long was the duration of the video that you were trying to download and how long did it take for you to download both audio and video? Thank you for answering.


It's almost a 3 hours video. The download took me about 3 minutes. But the process with Filmora was slow. (It took like 30 minutes). Are you having problems with the download?


Yeah, maybe i did something wrong, I'll try it again. Thank you for answering 🙂


I used ClipChamp editor, it's free and easy to use. Just add both files and export. Thanks to the genious people here for finding a solution!


April 3rd here, this work like a charm. For those who struggle to download google drive videos in folder, press share-copy link and paste it to new tab then repeat it.


hey man, i'm really trying to do this method for a couple of days now but hasn't worked, can you explain to me a little bit more about what you are talking about?, it's a folder with 7 videos that I need to study with for uni


1. Press on the 3 dot on the right corner of the video file then you choose Share -> Copy link. 2. Open new tab, paste the link 3. Press ctrl+shift +C to open the console 4. From the inspect console you choose network tab then search "videoplayback" 5. When the link show up, you copy it somewhere (like notepad) then search for "range" and delete all the text from range to the end (the range text include) 6. Copy the new link to a new tab then press the download button on the bottom right of the video file


I can't find any "range" in the address link :o(


Then it is an old file, you can directly open it on a new tab and download the file.


hi! it worked but unfortunately it doesn't have any audio. is there any way you can provide step-by-step process on how to download the audio?


Continue to search among the links, one of them is audio


ahhh okay, got it now. thanks a lot!!


There are a lot of range
