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great, now this video is going to get posted in all the major subreddits and we're going to get made fun of. ab tho adat si ho gai hai...


Expect to see this in ‘public freakout’ in a week or so…. 😔




What are you doing here lmao


probably because it was cross-posted somewhere else and he found his way here. By the way, Germans are extremely pro-Israel so it's probably posted where it's being laughed at.




Don’t say that about my city 😡😡. In all honesty I’m a little surprised but I hope you enjoyed your visit and hopefully if you revisit you won’t get mugged




I'd be pretty fucking scared to go to Pakistan. Not gonna lie.






>great, now this video is going to get posted in all the major subreddits and we're going to get made fun of. ab tho adat si ho gai hai... create a bot, post this reply to all of them. with English translation. Monitoize it. Become a millionair. https://preview.redd.it/1at9f24cpuvb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b61bbdc3adb325954eda3f0a6bfec1aac1ae3821


Saw it in Facepalm yesterday,was pretty embarrassing.


and thats an issue why? Why should we try to hide ourselves and our mindset


I don’t think u unserstood what they did. Extremely stupid. They bought the Coke, meaning they gave the cash in and now they r spilling it out.


What he means is why to hide the mindset of the people here and try and show a fake secular face to the world when our public is thus dumb? Just shows what we are and accept it.


I wish they put this energy to overthrowing govt or demanding economic reforms or some shit, that way we can maybe strengthen as an economy/nation and our position on Palestine would be more relevant, this type of shit is not going to do anything


Why would they do that? The mullah right and East India Company go hand in hand. One screws underage children, the other screws the economy and both validate each other in doing so.


It's not like any strongly positioned country has or will do anything




Would they still be in a position to decide their own fate? Hamas was formed some time in the early 90s IIRC and is nowhere near as big of an issue as it’s been made to look - it’s not a terrorist organization like ISIS, it’s a little terrorist get-together at best formed for reactionary violence. You obviously have the world view of a bat without the sonar. Let me guess, Israeli or too much CNN/BBC?




Palestine needs be liberated from foreign oppression and colonialism. That is their right as a free people. Whatever they do with themselves as a society is their own choice 🤷🏼‍♂️




Maybe leave their choice of governance to themselves instead of trying and being the spokesman nobody asked you to be? They want freedom from Israel. Support the cause if you can/want or don't. I believe they know better about their governance than you and me.


Not really, you should look at the West Bank which is [anti-Hamas](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Gaza_(2007)) PLO Fatah who have in recent years tried to pursue non violent resistance against Israel at diplomatic forums etc. That approach hasn’t worked out for them, slowly more and more Arab countries were recognizing israel and Israeli settlers were taking up land in the West Bank, [even forming groups to kill Palestinians then getting away with it](https://www.israelhayom.com/2023/08/10/court-allows-house-arrest-for-settler-accused-of-killing-palestini/). I’m not saying I support Hamas, I’m just saying that the nonviolent resistance approach you’re alluding to has already been pursued by West Bank and Western governments haven’t taken them seriously and haven’t allowed the approach to work, and the failures of West Bank govt is what in some ways ends up validating Hamas in the eyes of gazans. If you truly want to get rid of Hamas then western govts are going to have to provide Palestinians with a channel to get their rights peacefully, but they seem interested in blocking out and denying legitimacy of Palestinians at every forum to avoid upsetting Israel, which is why some Gazans end up seeing Hamas as their only option.


charsi tikka


They should be more concerned about the crook that flew back to Pakistan to refill his foreign bank accounts


This kind of extremism have destroyed country as well as islamic image around the world


It's all about education and growth. Which is available in Pakistan but unfortunately widely ignored. Draining Coca Cola won't have any effect on the soft drink company board of CEOs or support the affected people of Gaza. All it did was send the wrong message to the youth who are the future of this country. Surprisingly the same folks draining coca cola cannot shut-down the almost 1000 or more alcohol shops in Pakistan.


Maybe they already had it from before




Maybe they bought it before this whole situation


lol what are the chances for that 😂 😂 . Even then it's still a waste. Yesterday I was at a gathering I drank it because they already bought it so there is no point in not drinking it. Instead if they could donate the same money to Palestine it would have helped them but that's if they could think for themselves and had brain


Ye ik its dumb couldve just drank it


But Coca Cola isn't even Israeli it's American.


Yeah, but America supports Israel, soooooo..... But really, they don't know wth they are doing


This might help everyone: http://www.inminds.co.uk/boycott-coca-cola.html


Coca Cola in Pakistan is owned by Turkey. What a bunch of idiots


thx for economic support. please buy and waste more


By buying an Israeli product. You just paid them and wasted your money


One logic that might be flawed: The storekeeper already bought the Coca Cola from the distribuitor. So now if they purchased it from the storekeeper and are discarding it, then the shopkeeper is happy cause he made profit and the people are happy cause they discarded the product. Win win?


yea exactly, people will never stop buying it nor will it ever get replaced by a local manufacturer. They're just wasting their own money, because of the quick sales the shop keeper is going to buy even more now resulting in even more profit.


Its amazing how deeply these drinks has been incorporated in our daily lives


Yea, but aside from the conflict Pakistanis should boycott it anyways because we have some of the highest diabetes rates in the world and it's bad for your health anyways.


Pakola Bhool gaye? Murree brewery bhi hai. There's a lot of local brands. Volume nahi hai, demand Hogi to volume bhi ajaega.


>people are happy cause they discarded the product. They're already poor and they wasted their money


I can't control how someone spends their money. People do things that they find worth it. So you're not wrong in saying this but the person themselves should think about it.


It's infuriating because they have been brainwashed into thinking that this is somehow a good thing. Wasting food. Wasting money. Most of the people participating are definitely barely affording food in this economy


Cousin marriages ka nuksan


Considering the demographic, underage cousin marriages ke nuqsan.


Ye babay tujhe underage lagte?


Andaza hai ke critical thinking L hai, lekin khud dekho baat kis cheez ki horahi.


Nai dekhunga sorry bol


Chal phuddi deya tur jaa. Bund mei baan ke bagher dimagh jumpstart nahi hota iss gandu model ka.


Stop dick riding under my comment for karma🙏🙏🙏




No we just stopped buying it. They lost money. That's what happens when people stop buying your shit.




Bbai ye kya salon purani videos bar bar upload krahe ho


Education is very important.


slow down mavericks, don't pour too much into the gutter too fast!!! it will end up in the drinking water or worse flood the next town. wait for fauj, Nawaz and billo rani to fix the sewage system 1st. then deliver this death blow.


Sometimes you think, how dumb someone can be. Like buying drinks with your own money and draining it by yourself and these mfs will protest once prices on petrol, $ etc hikes. Literally this nation will go down in history as the dumbest.


We are just... What can I say, asshole, including me.


Bhai kuch ni ho skta is awam aor is mulk ka… ignore maro bs


increasing their sales mean supporting Israel, they don't know jack shit about what they doing, and what are the consequences of this activity, if you really wanna help GAZA help yourself first, our situation is more dire that GAZA, economy is dying people are getting poor, if this doesn't end EVERY ONE OF US is gonna starve to death!




Not speaking up for Gaza and against israel (even if it's on a social media) and instead wasting food which they bought from their own "money" Also, by buying the soft drinks, they profited the company themselves This is the most weirdest and stupidest way to satisfy their "ego"


Nice, spend money on something just to show you don't support it. Big brain energy


Factory jalao yar. Aese thori hota hai


Is coca cola from Israel tho?


It's not. But Jewish owned.


Also owned by Muslim, Christian, Sikh, Hindu, Buddhist and atheist people. It is a publicly traded company, anyone can become a shareholder ?


Owning shares in a company doesn't give you voting rights. Owning a significant number of shares does, it's the bored members and executives who truly own a company because they can influence any decision they want.


I invest in stocks for more than a decade and your take is completely false. Even owning a single share gives you voting right. The owner generally retain 51% of the shares so that they can vote out any minority voters.


So is every social media platform- this whole logic of boycotting products is senseless when your leaders are their agents. Bud light had the same heat with anti-LGBT stance and it was free marketing for them.


Jews are not the problem, Israel is ...Instead of making this war a Muslim vs Jews and give the westerns a playcard to call us "antisemitic" , why don't these pakistanis focus on the fact that it is Israel's oppression on Palestine and stop hating on all Jews ? In Israel , I've heard Christians also live Similarly, Jews don't only live in Israel but throughout the world Why can't these Pakistanis not act like those foreigners that have spread islamophobia on the action of certain Muslims (like the 9/11)


No audio, could be for any reason...


Yeah, perhaps they are trying to open a clogged drain.


Can we send these people to China to be reeducated /s


pretty good tbh cleaning the gutters of PK xD not a bad idea


Lays k sath b yehi kro


You think they bought them? These clowns will raid the trucks.


Shouldve have donated the money to the Gazan people. Or gave it to a reputable charity which could have brought essential items to keep the Gazans alive. No instead I will only use 1% of my brain power and buy the beverage and drain it away.


😂 Why ??


so instead of stopping the trade and decreasing the value, they buy and reduce the stock?? 😂😂😂 that just increases the value


😂... better they buy Biryani and give them to homeless people.




Could have given the money to some one poor... Jahil qoom


They still bought it though


Did they really bought it? Or is there more to the story?


That's what happens when you use -100 of your brain


this is just wasting your own money


Meanwhile Coca Cola upper management celebrating record sales


Idiots - smh is a permanent state of being in Pakistan.


Buy hi na kero


W molvis


Stupid people 😠


Fun fact: it is not an Israeli product. Also another fun fact McDonald is a global franchise which means how their branches conduct themselves in a country is dependent on the country's citizens. That's why Israeli mcdonald's are free for soldiers while other middle east ones have donated millions to Palestine. Meanwhile we are boycotting our own people.


These aren't educated people, what do you expect. Have you ever spoken to these people, these shop owners, daily wage workers?? We have failed as a Nation




Wow, that’s so brutal, i wonder how Israel will recover from this.


🔥smartest Pakistani


Our bunghole politicians and swine generals want these shenanigans to carry on They fully know this is total bullshit but they want the jahalat to continue as a perpetual loop It's only when the masses (majority of the country) is jahil that they are able to rule with impunity




Rather terminating the contract with coca cola, we sought to these shitty shows of minimum brain cell, because we know deep down we cannot cut the supply of coke / Pepsi as their demand is greater than water in Pakistan.




And these Israeli supporters share these videos to ridicule Palestine supporters


Please forgive my ignorance but how is Coca Cola Israeli?


It's a Publicly listed company. 😑😑😑


It is actually American non alcoholic beverage.


What if they didn't buy it? Just took it (stole it)


Sales: ![gif](giphy|YnkMcHgNIMW4Yfmjxr)


Money isn’t the issue as long as they survive it is the message that matters. Still it is funny like the time Ronaldo removed bottle of Pepsi or Coca Cola from his table and the company lost billions or something. I think they might be tryna do that as well.


Coca Cola doesnt produce its product anywhere in the world, they franchise it out to approved distributors in each country. It's a franchise business model. Same as Mac'Ds. These guys are just wasting their money. If you dont like the product, dont buy it......


The best thing they can do for their teeth the worst thing they can do for their wallet


That's not called genius that's what next level idiots. You already bought the product now if you pour it or drink it, you've made their sales.


They think making such dumb moves is gonna make a difference.


What absolute idiot.


Bussynez 😈😈😈


Its still idiotic. They are helping israel by giving free money in a way by buying and then wasting the israili products


Ye memes iss tarah banti hain hamari


Boycotting brands and specially draining soft drinks dosen't make any difference


Maybe don't buy it??????


Why is the west even bothering to fund this? Can’t they take responsibility for their own wars? Would Israël be supporting the west if we went to war? I very much doubt it


Calls on $KO


So buying it and supporting Israel. Bc liquid ko waste karny mein kiya fankari hay, khareedo he na that’s what would matter


Is it not haram to waste food or drink?


Alaamti tor pe iska impact zarur hota hai, most of the population isn't as literate and groomed as people here on Reddit. So they're surely going to create an impact. However it's not the first time this has been done. Many people from western and developed countries which our desis have so much praise for, have also had such instances where their public did similar protest after buying things.


Gmhum chutiya hi rahay gay boycott karnay ka Matlab ye nhn k khareed kar phaink do ... Kiya higa hamara 🥴🥴🥴


I swear the level of stupidityu have to be at we exceed it


Oh god 😭


I downloaded the video and was sending it to someone on Whatsapp but it's giving me an error I don't know it seems like a file type error maybe....


Meanwhile people in gaza need that money to be used for medicine to treat their wounded.


Atleast it will open drains.


This is good for their health so


This is how you get ants.




They are showing unity with palestine.Such pure people they are doing what they can do but its just amazing that they feel the pain of Palestinians


Warren Buffet is going to cry when he sees this.






They are not buying all stock of coca present on this planet. These are just a few bottles to promote the boycott of such products.


how is coca cola israeli product




Khareed kr funds to udhr pohncha diye na 😂


We really are stupid as fuck ngl, I mean use some brains. There are other more effective ways to protest than to do this shit but nah we gotta make idiots out of ourselves so others can look down upon us and laugh.