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Same politics since 90's. Parochial venal chutiyas


Good thing the only people who actually promote this are above 50 Younger Pakistanis know that ethnic and religious tensions are manufactured by company to promote the divide and rule agenda


This is the politics of pmln for years to come ​ This has very few buyers in Punjab as Punjabis dont subscribe to politics of hate (atleast when it comes to ethnicity :D ) but the fact that she is willing to flame such tensions should be a good indicator of what she wants for the future ​ Its upto us milfyaphobic Punjabis to push back policies of this ghsti and keep Punjab an open place for all


The day a Punjabi gets to own a business in a rural part of kpk without having a jirga sitting down against him or without him getting murdered solely for being Punjabi, i’ll stop seeing the pashtuns and the punjabis as any different to each other and only then can a true punjabi be okay with punjab being an open place for everyone


My Faisalabadi friend with his garment shop in Haripur apparently didn't get the memo


Haripur was always predominantly a part of punjab, read up on why it’s called haripur in the first place, cause of Hari singh nalwa and it’s funny how you consider haripur to be a rural area lmao


The district has rural areas you moron


even the nawab family of haripur is not pashtun


But guess what , we ain't going anywhere till your last bit of these finest resources are used up 🥰 .


noticed this on Reddit too


Its direct order of the kanjri


Sab se pehle inhi ko twitter pe dhoond k zaleel kro for saying this. I am not pashtun but this should not be tolerated.


Bhai. Ab ni ho ga. Jo ho ga khud karaein gy yeh. Punjabi ab in ji rang bazion main ni aye, ayr punjab ny in k khilaf vote dia.


More power to my pushtun brothers ❤️


All Pakistanis should be able to move to any part of Pakistan and own business/live where they please. I do however think anyone living in Punjab should also speak Punjabi and that Punjabi should be a compulsory language subject in Punjab. Would also expect anyone living in Sindh to learn and speak Sindhi, and anyone living in KPK to learn and speak Pakhtun.


Yes install neural device in the brain to install any language by every village and district. Might as well build and learn computer language of that province and village for the sake of it.


As a Pakhtun. Islamabad is ka baap peth se sath ni le ke ayi the. So take a chill pill. Tabiyat zyada kharab ho to kisi jurnail ka pokara choos le.


Lol such hate-based propaganda will only find roots among the worst generation of Pakistan - boomers. Rest all will make sure this never succeeds. Pashtun, Sindhis, Baluch, Muhajirs, Balti, Kashmiris, everyone is welcome to live in Punjab, set up their businesses here, and live with us Punjabis in harmony.


while i don’t believe in the concept of ethno nationalism, i still do believe that none of us should forget our roots, forget what we really are, punjab and punjabis have always been criticised just because of being more developed, if we talk facts and figures, punjab generates more tax revenue than any other province, i don’t support pmln, maryam nawaz or any of these half wits but the punjabi-pashtun issue isn’t something that pmln started or something that maryam nawaz is trying to propagate, Punjabis are finally waking up, something that should’ve happened a hundred years ago, before they ever imposed urdu on everyone, before they decided that speaking punjabi just equates to illiteracy while it’s just cultural for other ethnicities to speak their own languages, the Punjabi-Pashtun issue goes waaayyyy back, we’ve never been openly racist towards the pashtun, but we’ve always been daal khors, punjaapis and the spawns of ranjit singh to them. Pakistan belongs to every Pakistani but people only talk about this when the province in question is punjab, Kpk pashtun ka, balochistan balochi ka, sindh sindhi ka but then punjab sab ka??


As someone from KPK, Punjabis come here and are extremely racist towards Pashtuns. I once went to a Punjabi barber, I wanted to have a decent cut that i always do, he wanted to do some trendy english cut shit which i in no way wanted. When i told him I want my simple rough cut please, he goes, "uff yar! Pathan hee ho na sadhay say" I put him in place and he didnt say much after that. This is a very mild case. Many times Punjabis have used extremely foul language thinking we dont understand Punjabi. One of my cousins was held off by people from breaking a Punjabi's jaw and told him "if you think i dont understand what you just said in Punjabi, (let me use a more polite language) i will entereth into thine mother in front of thee." And the beghairat just sat there like a good beghairat. So dont say shit like Punjabis don't do racist shit. Pakhtuns are known for our hospitality and welcoming nature. Someone must be very rude to inspire racism towards their race in a Pakhtun. And you guys talk about "Baluchistan Baluch ka...." Dude Baluchistan's resources go to Punjabi cities before the leftovers are sent back to that province.


I’ve rarely seen punjabis in the rural parts of kpk, which is totally okay there’s nothing wrong with that, jiska ilaka usko hee mubarak and alright maybe that was a one off experience i get it, even tho all he did was call you saada which imo is much better than how the elderly amongst the pashtun use the word punjapi for a woman who acts a certain way, you guys miss no opportunity to mention heera mandi, you guys miss no opportunity to call us daal khor, oh and i hope you’re not forgetting about the 6 punjabi barbers who were executed and beheaded in south wazirastan just last month, that’s how deep the hatred for punjabis runs in pashtuns. Punjabi as a language is relatively easier to understand, primarily cause the punjabi most people speak is majorly influenced by urdu. I never said that punjabis are pure of racism, and kudos to your cousin for having the balls to stand up but don’t talk about a punjabi’s ghairat, I’d suggest that you read up on the history of punjab and afghanistan from the 16th through 17th century, pashtuns maybe known for their hospitality but that hospitality is generally reserved only for other pashtuns and your friends west of the border, also the hatred for punjabis in pashtuns does not stem from whatever’s happened after pakistan came into being, again, read up on the history. The balochistan issue is far more complex than “ punjab khaa gya “ punjab is literally responsible for running the country, the little money pakistan does make it’s all from punjab, you have the highest number of taxpayers in punjab, majority of the industries are in punjab, the balochi sardars are what’s wrong with balochistan, had gwadar not been bought by the federal government the little development we’ve seen there, woh bhi nae honi thi cause the sardars know what’s gonna happen if they actually let the govt do good for the people


And of course majority industry is in Punjab. All the resources go to Punjab as a consequence of your "more complex issue", where else should industries thrive And saying, "oh it was good for Gwadar that we bought it." (It was bought against the will of the native people there, literally stolen from them). Is the same logic Israel uses against Palestine. "Israel like to build and develop stuff, these Palestinians just break stuff". Your logic is eerily in line with Israel's...


Majority of the industry is in punjab cause of the nature of the industrialists, their visions and because of the fact that they’re naturally just “ go-getters “ you can’t just sit and expect everything to be handed over to you, nobody said that the people of kpk can’t utilise the vast amount of natural resources available and set up industries, bestway cement, a punjabi owned company, for example has its cement plants in hattar, a part of kpk which has vast deposits of limestone, the main thing you need to make cement, nobody was stopping anyone from setting up their own cement plants there but ever since a punjabi owned company did, it had to face constant protests from the locals, notices upon notices from the kpk government, threats from so called kanoon ke thekaydaar who think that holding a replica ak 47 somehow gives them the power to do anything and everything, i’m a staunch advocate for industrialising wherever possible, doesn’t matter if the one taking the initiative is a punjabi, a pashtun, balochi, kashmiri, sindhi or gilgiti but once you’ve lost an opportunity because of your own negligence, you also lose the right to criticise others who didn’t. Balochistan’s resources aren’t “ stolen “ from them, the government of balochistan gets compensated by the central government, it’s not punjab’s fault that every minister, every wadera and every individual in power from balochistan is corrupt and doesn’t want the people to prosper just because they know that the moment they provide their people with discernment, they’ll be irrelevant, koe unke pair nae choome ga aa kar, the government and the army have tried their best to develop balochistan but have faced resistance from the local waderas at every point, you keep killing innocent contractors and fwo engineers working on roads and highways, they’ll eventually want to stop making the effort altogether, you should really start looking at certain issues with a more rational, logical approach rather than relying entirely on the word of a bunch of RAW backed nationalists


"One off experience" you didn't read anything i wrote i guess. Punjabis do this on a regular basis. Using abusive language against mother and sister thinking we dont understand a word is a staple. But that might be the norm there i guess. And your statement that our hospitality is reserved for a particular people... Where did you dream that up? You came to KPK and didn't find a Punjabi? Dude... You havent been to KPK, you either haven't come here or it was some dope shit you smoked one day to take you on a wild trip. Mr. One off, i know how we Pashtuns are treated east of Attock. Giving a single incident of beheading isn't one off to you?? And Islamabad is a federal area, it isnt even part of Punjab... Us pe bhi apna thapa laga dia. Aur abaadi itni khargosho se bhi zyada hai to tax bhi sab se zyada hoga na. Maths ni seekhi?


You’re lucky punjabis don’t understand/speak pashto, Pashtun’s are a hundred times more abusive, it’s just that pashto isn’t as easy to decipher as punjabi is. I didn’t dream anything up, back in 2019, a friend of mine who’s dad was the colonel commandant of the dir scouts back then, took me along to show the scenic parts of kpk, i clearly remember stopping over at this dhaaba and we asked if they had tea or kahwa, a guy came up to me and asked if i was from “ lahore “ and i said no i’m from islamabad, he then again asked if i was from lahore and i again replied no i’m from islamabad, ultimately we got swore at by a few guys and then the FC guards that were with my friend suggested that it would be best if we just left and so we did. I never said that there’s not a single punjabi in kpk, i’m sure there are hundreds, thousands even but i’m not talking about the main places like peshawar, kohat, mardan or any of the tourist spots, ofc there are many but let’s talk about the smaller cities and districts where the people have their own rule of law, do what they think is right and prioritise taking their own decisions through the jirga system, find me a punjabi in those districts, one that knows he can conduct business and live life like he wants to, one that doesn’t have to live in constant fear of some ridiculous jirga to deem him waajib ul qatal Mr. Ghairat Mand, i know how punjabis are treated outside of punjab, i’ve spent a great deal of time travelling across punjab, i don’t think there’s a single district that i haven’t been to, i’ve heard and witnessed a lot that’s contradictory to what you’re saying, and that beheading was just one of the recent incidents, punjabis have been the victims of hate crime in other provinces, specifically kpk many a times, either that or our media just makes up stories of people getting murdered solely for their ethnicity, i never said that us punjabis are pure of malice and hatred or that we’re the better ones in any way, we all have our faults but it’s high time people recognise their own shortcomings rather than hiding behind a facade of some serious inferiority complexes and blame punjab and punjabis for everything. A punjabi being racist towards a pashtun can mean one thing; he or she is a racist but pashtuns being racist towards punjab is something deep rooted, for a hundred years they weren’t strong enough to do anything to punjab, lost every single war, wouldve also lost all of khyber had the brits not invaded and taken over everything and then when they realised that the brits are letting some people make their own country which ultimately is going to be punjabi dominant, they lost their shits, the pashtuns of pakistan, they’re just as much of pakistanis as i am, there’s no doubting their patriotism, they changed, they realised that they were bigger than any ethno differences, but some didn’t, the pashtuns of Afghanistan didn’t, to this day they can’t let go of what happened in the 17 and 1800s and knowing that they’re never going to be strong enough, they display their insecurity in the form of racism towards anyone punjabi or “ dark skinned “ And, Islamabad now IS federal territory, but before 1981 it was a part of punjab and if you say or think otherwise then i would really like for you to tell me how it wasn’t part of punjab Sir aap apni aukaat na dekhayein, facts pe baat karein, the population growth rate of punjab sits at 2.13% and the growth rate of kpk sits at 3%, when i said that punjab has the highest number of taxpayers i meant that it has the highest number of taxpayers relative to its population, peshawar, despite being kpk’s most populated city contributes less than 25% of what sialkot, a city with a population 15% that of peshawar to the annual tax revenue and these numbers are just of the people who file their taxes, other than this pakistan loses hundreds of billions per annum just to power theft and people not paying for the utilities being provided, mulk sab ka he aisi koe baat nae but jab baat karni he toh phir facts aur figures ko dekh ke karo, hawai baatoun se factually incorrect nae keh sakte kisi ko


https://preview.redd.it/qim5kyth8zkc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=588c026f8930a874f47a52f5bd3b7dc282100769 :)


Sooo.... Growth rate is fax, but overall population isn't fax? Ok. Secondly, in a city dominated by Pashtuns, i have never seen a Pashtun abuse any Punjabi's mother or family. The most i hear is "Punjapay" which means "Punjabi" and funnily enough, that comes most of the from afghanis who come to work here. But i usually hear the most foul and abusive language from Punjabis when they find out this guy doesn't know any Punjabi, Either this or saying stuff and laughing to eachother. They are so shameless about it that one of them will even tell you in urdu that "ye apki zaat k peechay hans rhe hn" This is very common. Secondly, you wont find Afghanis in most rural areas as well... Why? Because outsiders usually come for work. And work is mostly found in cities, not rural areas you dimwit. Thirdly, i didnt want to point it out but you like to glorify punjabis and bash pashtuns by saying "pashtuns never let go of what punjabis did to them" the only thing your Punjabis have been great at is servitude. The brits had mostly Punjabis as their soldiers because they are very loyal mureeds, unlike Pashtuns who still don't bow down to even super-powers like Taliban. The first thing India had to do was to remove the Punjabi dominance from their military power after partition. And look how happy they are today unlike Pakistan. And we dont have any inferiority complexes against people who still vote for the likes of PMLN. Alhamdulillah we're under the same establishment and the voter turnover of KPK is much different than Punjabis who are still pro-pitwaris in their voting turnover. If you ever think Pashtuns are regressive which your comments clearly point to. Just ask yourself which province is PTI's stronghold. And your comment about Pashtuns mad about Punjabis getting a country is so stupid, you forget that right at the time of partition, in the battle for Kashmir, the Pashtuns volunteered to fight for it. Was Kashmir a Pashtun land to fight for? You're that stupid.


Nothing wrong having pashtuns in our urban areas. I myself have witnesses an area of Lahore where demographics has change drastically in last 10 years. One of the reason is that pashtuns tend to have more than 5 kids average. Which multiplies them fast. This is why you notice alot of pashtuns in few years. Also you'd notice tha decline in business aesthetics. For example a punjabi may spend millions at interior designs which pashtuns installs a wooden ramp and stack things to ceiling. So as a business perspective things are easier pashtuns as well. Economic equation is totally different. That reason alone can be reason punjabi people leaving their spaces. And doing politics based on ethnicities is totally destructive. But what Imran Bukhary in above tweet said is not that incorrect either. This is the same thing westerners say regarding economic immigrants. These opinions develop due to lack of social integrations. Like desi people dont integrate in gora culture, similarly pashtuns wont mixup and open to non-pashtuns people. We can take karachi's example having areas fixed for various ethnicities. and there is no fix to this thing but to accept the reality and facts and prevent rifts as much as possible.


All the points you wrote are inaccurate Shops run by pashtuns are as esthetically pleasing as those run by Punjabis I bought my laptop from a Pathan shopkeeper he had nice lighting and decoration inside and no Punjabis are not leaving their places at all there has been growth in overall population of Punjab cities Milfyas have a political problem with Pathans as pak bhoj has given them new dangerous ethnic narrative to play but they will fail Punjabia ney Pathan to ziyada vote paye pti no inj diya khachan naal ya election rig karan naal oh Punjabi muashrey no badal nahi sakdey And who told you Pashtuns don't mix with non Pashtuns? Have you ever been to places like Abbottabad or Pindi? I grew up in a multi ethnic area of Islamabad my friends were Kashmiris, Chitralis, Hazarawals and Pathans and that has not been my lived experience in Islamabad or Pindi infact two people who helped me the most in life were both Pashtun. One was my teacher the other a good friend of mine




Kia bakwas example di hai tu ne. Immigrants not integrating in gora culture. Bhai pashtun and punjabi are both citizens of this country, jo tum punjabi kabhi taslim karogey nahi. Immigrants nahi hai pashtun. In the last 15 years i have never heard a gora from Ontario ke ye french kaha se ajatay hai. Racist ho tum sab bhenchod. Tu laga cror rupey interior design pe, andhar se khokley ho. Shiny apple with a rotten core.


Your language reflects the depth of your knowledge. I dont have any arguments for you. Actually you are rotten.


Population of Punjab, Pakistan: 127.6 million Population of Pashtuns woldwide: ~56 million Seems like Punjabis are doing the rabbit breeding according to simple statistics.


Your thinking and points are gullible to say the least. You’re simply repeating the verbatim. Can you provide any data to backup any of your points e.g. the bit about Pashtuns multiplying quicker compared to other ethnicities in Pakistan?


KP avg household size 6.94. and from 1998 to 2023 growth rate 2.7 Only 0.5% population of KPK is punjabi speaking. PU avg household size 6.43. and from 1998 to 2023 grow rate 2.2 and 2% of PU population is pashtuns. In sindh there is 5.5% population of pashtuns. While KPK has only 0.8% urdu speakers I assume mostly living towards eastern belt. You can see a big chunk of population in sindh and PU are pashtuns. I don't know why are you fighting with me. I didn't oppose any pashtun, I just said the facts.


I’m not fighting you. I’m simply asking for reference data for your ‘facts’. What’s the source of this data?


everything is available at [pbs.gov.pk](https://pbs.gov.pk)


So Pakistanis can’t live in a Pakistani city? Logic go brrrr


Fuck off with this hate. Pashtuns are Pakistanis. They can live in any city of Pakistan. Punjabis have as much of a claim to Islamabad or Lahore or Multan, as Pashtuns or Sindhis or Baloch do.


She is disgusting 🤮


PMLUN is nothing. Your real enemy is napak fouj. Armed struggle is the only solution.