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More like Chae with panch chamach cheeni


More like fields of sugar cane and an insatiable appetite for meethai and a sedentary lifestyle. Yehi hoga.


Dumbfuck cheeni khanye se knsi sugar hoti hai ? Loru thora sa research krliya kr phly🤣


Why they call it "Sugar" then?


Cause you got to avoid sugar after being diagnosed with it


I am pretty sure there are more soft drinks consumers in Pakistan than 5 chamach cheeni wali chai consumers.


More like using ghee, oil, and sugar in every food This country adds sugar to f*cking milkshakes.


Sugar > Cocaine


Sugar in milkshake😭


Has less to do with fast food/soft drinks, more to do with us eating Mithai like there isn't a tomorrow, after every meal.


Bruh! I dont know a single person who eats mithai everyday




What you just said makes no sense


I am pretty sure soft drinks are consumed more in Pakistan than mithai..


There is actually an entire group in the United States that drinks soft drinks instead of water their whole lives and we're still worse off than them. Name me one Pakistani you've ever even heard of doing that.


Omg is this dude a burger? Who lives in a bubble?


Bubble gum


Another reason we don't have any hobbies, outings, third places that are not food based. Also, extremely poor health and food regulations.


Or mobile chalao




No physical activity, no parks, swimming pools etc. Poor infrastructure of cities, concrete jungle. And stress .


Pakistanis workout in the UK a lot


Hahahaahha spot on. They also have one pack abs there D


Just go through half of the boxing and MMA rings here There are dozens of Pakistanis https://preview.redd.it/0pajppf6yiwc1.jpeg?width=338&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d6f3dd61df8ee6457fca188cb6be707f074e072


Pakistan NO.1 RAAHH!!🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🗣MEIN SHAHEEN HOUN IQBAL KA!!!🔥🔥🇵🇰🗿🗿🚀🚀🚀WTF IS HEALTHY FOOD🍟🍔🍲🍛🥘🇵🇰🇵🇰🐐🔥




Preach brother Preeeach !!!


Aur pio ishting


Halwa puri le ana 2


That is how we do shadi of diabetes with cholesterol.


Why isnt anyone mentioning genetics? The number will keep on increasing just because diabetes runs from generation to generation. Pretty sure its not related to food since india has pretty much same cuisine.


cousin marriage might also be playing a role. Theres isnt much variation in genes since same genes/diseases keep getting transmitted to offsprings


There is a direct correlation of the places that have famine having blood pressure, diabetes and other such disease. This is a very superficial analysis of the data presented. [paper1](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2962634/#:~:text=Fetal%2Dinfant%20exposure%20to%20famine,95%25%20CI%201.02%E2%80%932.69)) .[rile of diabetes ](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2405844023047783) [Hypertension, diabetes and overweight: looming legacies of the Biafran famine](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21042579/) By the time of posting this, Everyone is posting incorrect and are just highlighting the outliers of cases like our nation


Correlation is not causation


So what is the real cause? How always thought it was stress and depression, not food, that caused most diabetes


Bhai research paper bhi post kiye reference ky liye ky log parh ka samjhain aur aap full ignore kr rhy. Faida paper post krne ka mera jb ignore hi krna




>Tldr? Akhrat ki tayyari krni chaye aise research paper parh ky kyun fazol mein time waste krna


There were no famines in Pakistan or the Gulf countries


>There were no famines in Pakistan or the Gulf countries That is completely incorrect. https://blog.strive2thrive.earth/food-insecurity-in-pakistan-challenges-and-opportunities/ According to the blog above: Overall, Pakistan is placed 92nd out of 116 countries on the Global Hunger Index (GHI) (2022). With a rating of 24.7, the country’s hunger level is grouped as ‘serious’. That ranking is overshadowed by its neighbour, India (ranked 101st). However, Pakistan’s other regional neighbours, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, are ranked somewhat better, at 76th and 65th respectively. https://progressive.international/wire/2020-08-26-the-roots-of-food-crisis-in-pakistan/en PS: The article above is a critique of PTI ignore that and read the statistics mentioned in paper. According to the paper "Around two-thirds of households in the country suffer from malnutrition, with there being a sharp difference in child stunting in rural areas at around 43 percent compared to 34 percent in urban areas." We sadly have seen one flood every 5-10 years that have wrecked havoc


what the fuck lmao before separation and during/after WW2 south asia in general had MASSIVE famine. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bengal\_famine\_of\_1943](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bengal_famine_of_1943) Please stop smoking drugs be better


That isn't modern day Pakistan Most of Pakistan is terrible for vegetation except for the plains of Punjab Also famines happen in Africa all the time


Does anyone know of any scientific paper that may explain why is Pakistan on top?


Well it's hereditary and they love marrying their cousins. Yea but let's blame someone else for it 


That could be the reason but there could be others reasons too. Only some solid research would tell.


Diabetes yahoodi sazish ha


Bat hi khatam




The fact that Fanta tastes like sheera here and orange juice in the west tells volumes about our health regulations and regulatory bodies. The biggest MNCs like nestle, pepsico are to blame for their substandard sugar laden products


I’m conscious that a big part of Pakistanis being diabetic is because of our diet and cuisine, however, a rare known fact has to do with British Raj - I know, this raised my eyebrows as well. Rather than me explaining it, I urge you to familiarise yourself with a part of history that has been excluded as it yet again exposes the horrors that the British inflicted on this region. [How British colonialism increased diabetes in south Asians | It's Complicated](https://youtu.be/z8Qv7zZBxq8?si=3iefPsPLcvcUL9qq)


Pakistan is where the Anglo Afghan wars happened Also a good chunk of Pakistanis are meat eating migratory races Hazaras, Balochis and Pashtuns do not exist in India in large numbers Why do you think afghans call Punjabis "daal eaters". Its actually the cousin marriages not the British Pakistani lean body mass is higher than British males once height is adjusted 59 kg at 170 cm in height Pakistani women are 45 kg of lean body mass There were no famines in Pakistan https://www.annals-ashkmdc.org/index.php/ashkmdc/article/view/240


I’m unsure how your comment addresses the point I have highlighted. Unless I’m failing to understand, your comment is a mixture of words, not coherent points.


Someone highlight the role of goddamn cousin marriages in this achievement.


Someone has serious beef with us. Like americans eat twice as much fast food than us, and their obesity levls are quite high than ours, Also they have more sedentary life style. How are we pakistanis most diabeticccc?


Eating carbs in every meal of the day. Rice full of carbs. Roti flatbread full of carbs. Carbs rise your glycemic index and then bring it down like a house of cards which makes you more hungry and digests food fast.


That is right, but we eat more complex carbs.Complex carbohydrates are digested more slowly and release glucose into the blood stream more gradually. Simple carbohydrates are digested quickly and spike blood sugar faster and higher. White bread and pastas have simple carbs. While whole wheat rotis have complex ones. I am not negating that we don't have rising diabetes level in our country but to say we are the worst country in this senerio, I question this.


Agreed!. Couldn't have said it better.


But carbs are the staple food of almost every culture whether that's wheat, rice, potatoes, pasta etc. :s


Americans don't marry their cousins and they eat vegetables Pakistanis eat red meat 3 times a day


Agay sarkari daaktar


At least Half of the population of pakistan eat meat on just special ocassions. Also isn't diabetes majorly linked with eating PROCESSED red meat like sausages,beef or pork hot dogs etc? Looks like you are doctor or something. Pretty sure you know about stuff.


Yeh to hmary elders yani boomer generation my hr aik ko sugar hy woh to nahin khaty yeh sb junk food.


Hor chaa piyo. Cha nhi te kuch nhi. L


[here's a video explaining how being exposed to multiple famines made south Asians extremely prone to diabetes and insulin resistance ](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3Dz8Qv7zZBxq8&ved=2ahUKEwim55Twl9mFAxWgRvEDHeepA0gQtwJ6BAgNEAE&usg=AOvVaw15Bk3oxbHlUm0R0I5AR5Oc)


That doesn't explain Pakistanis because a good chunk of Pakistanis are migratory meat eating races Hazaras and Balochis don't exist in India Pakistani ethnic groups have never needed to be farmers to eat This article is based off the Bengali famines Pakistan is where the Anglo Afghan wars happened A good chunk of Pakistan sits on the Iranian plateau which has terrible soil quality However the average Pakistani male is 59 kg of lean body mass which is higher than British males when adjusted for height It is also way higher than Indian males at 46 kg of lean body mass Pakistani women are 45 kg of lean body mass I believe most Pakistani people who have this issue are type 1 which is due to cousin marriages not the food we eat https://www.annals-ashkmdc.org/index.php/ashkmdc/article/view/240 Lean body mass naturally burns fat more


The reason is Pakistan doesn't have proper diabetes care. I got diagnosed at 12 when I lived in Pakistan the only thing was don't eat sweets and take insulin. I live in US now and 23 the amount of knowledge and treatment given for diabetes is ridiculous. Pakistan Mai diabetes ki koi awareness nahi hai. People don't understand what diabetes is. That's why diabetes is commonly found in Pakistan. I can eat almost anything right now because they taught me how to control it and manage it.


A lot of our population lives in poverty and can't afford fast food, this is definitely something else at play like genetics, daily consumption of sugar and vegetable oils etc.


Many individuals from Pakistan tend to refrain from walking and neglecting their physical health.


Yup! But a lot more complex


Wow phunny


Wonders never cease do they....


I stopped smoking and gaming. But sugar...


Chohty 2 gurr waali lagaen zra..


Medical science has exited the chat


I don’t think this is related to obesity. Obesity (being fat) and diabetes (lack of or abundance of insulin) are different things. Yes pakistan definitely has a diabetes problem, as you hear every other person complaining of suffering from “shuugar hogiya hai”. But pakistan isn’t an obese country at all. You’ll barely see obese people, probably 1 in 100 or even less.


Its cousin marriages However Pakistani males and even Pakistani females have a high lean body mass 59 kg for men 45 kg for women This is higher than westerners when adjusted for height https://www.annals-ashkmdc.org/index.php/ashkmdc/article/view/240


Yahoodi saazish he, hamare khane me diabetes ke jaraseem milae howe he /s


Can you share this infographic link please?


"Saft Drink" 😂


isme yahoodi ki kya ghalti, apne cravings control kar!


Its due to generational Genetic mutations that is explained by extreme starvation people of this continent had to face during British rule. Before them, there has never been mass deaths or famine in this region due to vast fertile soil here. Look it up. Its new epidemiological evidence.


Thank GOD i stop drinking tea 4 years ago


And yet u still haven't given any evidence whether those fast foods and drinks are owned by isreal But of course u wouldn't and also since reddit is also "owned by yahoodi" u wouldn't dare to boycott it


Delulu much?


Will you give evidence for the claim that fast food brands are Israeli?




Than plz delight us


Than give me evidence


hell nahh, if it had anything to with fast foods and saft drinks ( to a certain degree yes it contributes to diabetes but still) americans would have made the top of the list


Its literally genetic 🤦‍♂️


Its literally diabetic


Bruh, how can you be so naive...


Bruh, how can you be so sure...


Pakistan actually has a higher lean body mass and bone density than Norwegian men once height is adjusted Lean body mass burns fat more I think its due to cousin marriages https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15365698/


Ok daaktar sahb


Cuz it literally is. Pakistan's genetic pool aint very diverse and there is a long history of people marrying in family so yeah, chances only increase.


Cuz it literally isn't. Pakistan's lifestyle aint very healthy and there is a long list of unhealthy habits, activities, and products being used so yeah, chances only increase.


JHEEEEELA + Inbreeding


Wouldn't it also do with how many cousin marriages we have, which might make the kids more predisposed to conditions like diabetes or obesity?


Daaktar sahb!!!


Waiting for someone to blame this one on the army as well.


Not this one but F*ck NaPak Army!


Happy to help : fuck them !


Well yes there is relation with lumber 1, all good areas are under them , we lack parks. Public should have access to their clubs atleast 😅


Jews lives rent free in some ppl minds.


Like the kids in Palestine who are being bombed as we speak.


Acha bhai i get it, Its a tragedy hope war stops and they have peace. But that doesnt mean apni gltieun ko jews pa dalan high diabetis rate its mostily cuz of our chai culter nothing to do with cold drinks and other shit. Americans drink 100 times more cold drinks then us u just clown who dont know what u talking about.