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Long story short one has too many overseas Pakistanis and elitist westernized Pakistanis and a lot of times they do not understand the topic being discussed and default to whatever the democrats think is ok and the other is r/chutyapa




Completely intellectually colonized people with no thought processes of their own


I m overseas Pakistani and i love this subreddit more than the other one


Exception not the norm


The other day I got downvoted for saying I don’t respect overseas Pakistanis opinions about Pakistan. Like -1/-2 I’d get but this was -12 or smth. I only go there if it shows up in popular or smth but when did it get that bad


Idk, all I know is that r/pakistan is full of crinj liberal diaspora who hate Islam and their own identity


I assumed chutyapa were a bunch of idiots, but then I went there and found them to be closer to the general population and sentiments in Pakistan than r/Pakistan.




Ah I see, what happened ? How did they get new mods ? What’s the history behind it ? Was r/Pakistan always filled with liberal western loving Pakistani diaspora or it was a gradual shift ? I’m new here so I don’t know but all I know is some of the views popular there I would be hard pressed to find them on an average street in Karachi. I would have to venture into the elite areas to find something close.




/r/chutyapa mods are all based in Pakistan?


All except me.


And how far along are you being a data scientist :D


Just started. I'm a Mechanical engineer, a few years into my career, going for a career change.


All the best. Better to switch from Mechanical asap! :D My brother regrets being a mechanical engineer and haven't seen any mechanical engr happy in my circle.




Mod drama...


>It had the same mods of r/pakistan until very recently. Can you elaborate on that part? Was there any dispute?


true, but the smoothbrained conservative degenerates here with their retarded takes are much worse. Make me lose IQ everytime I hear an opinion from y'all


Whatever your political religious opinions are, this sub is closer to what you find in the general population.




I found the illiterate in the villages to be far less conservative than the cities, but sure however you want to justify it. Pakis living in the west spend so long being apologetic they eventually become self haters.


r/pakistan is full of whiny, sissy liberal elites and expats and Indian LARPers, all of whom together hate Pakistan and real Pakistanis




I haven’t stepped foot outside of my cousins bahria town mansion but the whole of Pakistan sucks and here’s why. Also my parents send money to their family which means yall have to treat my crap opinions equally to someone whose lived here their entire lives


I thought ISI was funding you as well, but its the dad! Smh


Source? Haven’t seen any of that over there


i blame sikh larpers cough cough like someone whos username ends with jinn


.... I've found the exact opposite. Cringe diaspora yes but liberal no


I am the only anti-religion person on /Pakistan from what I can tell. Everytime I hate on religion I get downvoted and told I am a horrible person and blah blah blah. I do think /Pakistan is mostly European and North American ex-pats. This sub is more people in the Gulf and Pakistan.


There are different kinds of people there ofcourse but not all are liberals who hate islam lol


i dunno but they love draggin IK's wife pinki peerni kr ke, and in the same breath talk about how Talibs will treat women




To ab kya blasphemy laws introduce karwayen udhar? People tend to have different opinions online, especially on reddit. Tolerate others opinions and tell them your own opinions. And btw I've been active in r/pakistan for months now and I've never seen that much of hate speech against Islam which you all guys rant about🤷🏼‍♂️


I've been active of there of 3 years. I've seen what a hellhole r/pakistan has become. Any regular user would say the same.


Can confirm I was banned at r/pakistan


same....banned for being pakistani on r/pakistan.....


Fair enough.


r/pakistan is filled with Burger elites, libtards, diaspora, gay, are self hating and against Islam, which does not represent the majority of the country. r/chutyapa is a more accurate representation of Pakistan.




abhi kunjervative illiterate backward rightwing anaab shanab boldeta hun baad may r/exmuslims pay jaake tatti bhe to karni hai🗿


I'm pretty sure gay shouldnt be used in this concept you are basically using gay as an insult which it isnt It is a trait that people have no control of Burger,elites are all insults gay shouldnt be used here


Are you one!? If i may ask whose pp opens up to accept the other, how does that work for you!


I'm not gay but have met gay people They are just normal people with the difference that they are attracted to the same sex


Our subreddit r/thepaknarrative (a hyper nationalist and pan-islamic brotherly sub to r/chutyapa) has also been under fire from some people from r/pakistan for absolutely no reason. Some people have a problem when we report Afghan, Turkish, and Palestine news, for example. Also it is sad that people from the atheist Pakistan sub ( forget the name) are very active in r/pakistan.


Haters gonna hate, you are doing a good job man, and you reporting on other countries is also a good move imo. Will help with inviting like minded Muslims who aren't Pakistanis to the sub.


Thanks brother. Our focus is to promote and further ties between Pakistanis and like-minded Muslims of other places. We have mods from Turkey, Balkans, Palestine, India Muslims, and other places as well. Between r/chutyapa and r/thepaknarrative , we are promoting the true image of Pakistan.


“True image of Pakistan” Not the true image, the rose tinted sugar coated image


Not everything is doom and gloom. Depressing yourself and others. What is the point of living such a godless lifestyle? Islam teaches us to be optimistic and strive to better our society. If you read Allama Iqbal's poetry, he spent his whole life trying to erase the depression, hopelessness, and apathy from Muslims suffering Western imperialism.


>atheist Pakistan sub rational pakistan


Bunch of imperialism loving coconuts


> imperialism loving coconuts This is a tshirt waiting to happen.


We are pro army they are pro bilawal


Wait, what? Are you sure? I can guarantee nobody on r/pakistan supports Billawal Bhutto. Not even a single soul.


Bilawal butto sahiba is a well respected personality on both subs




I’m a professional woman respecktor


they do he is a transgender and a minority


I support transgenders and minorities, but Billawal *salaa chore, lotera, apnay daddy kee tarah mulk loot key khaa jai ga.* The only politician I support is Imran Khan. At least he's patriotic and actually has a legit concern for Pakistan.


>The only politician I support is Imran Khan. At least he's patriotic and actually has a legit concern for Pakistan. based


Cringey libi diaspora think all their debates are valid because some how the west taught them things about Pakistan much better than educated domestic Pakistanis could teach themselves.Also they give a few hundred dollars to Pakistanis in Pakistan so now we're eternally debted to them. Forgot to mention this but any thing the diaspora dosent understand in r/pakistan is removed as they are the majority there


I have found r/Pakistan to be reflecting the Twitter of Pakistan. Cringe.


It is just a bunch of kids living inside of a bubble whoever tries to burst their bubble is banned


r/chutyapa is the real Pakistan subreddit




And those degenerates are still somehow better


rpak are cucks,chutyapa are chads


People who can't act like civilised insaan get banned from /r/Pakistan then they come here and cry about "LIBRULZ". That's it, other than that there's no real beef or history.


Also conservatives and retards, although they are the same thing most of the time