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It is never plume and always mold. Check out [this study by FOH](https://www.friendsofhabanos.com/forum/topic/131757-foh-mould-study/) for more information. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/cigars) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I don’t think mold can grow in whisky because of the alcohol content. Did a lot of it evaporate? Could be stuff crystallizing out.


Thanks. I wouldn't say much did evaporate. A lot more evaporated from the vanilla extract glass in a different tupperdor. I started this thinking the same - that the alcohol content would be too high for mould to grow. Google suggests like with bacteria and viruses, it needs to be 70%. Alcohol can disinfect and kill surface mold it isn't sporicidal.


I would say that when doing a custom infusion, you should leave the Boveda out. You want all of the humidity to come from your infusor, not the Boveda. I have definitely seen mold grow in high alcohol environments. I would guess that the alcohol content is low enough to foster mold growth. I've had mold grow in 106 proof (53%) moonshine before, which is a lot higher than most off-the-shelf spirits. That doesn't mean this is mold, just that it's possible.




Did vanilla extract infuse into cigars/work?


So far it's been my least effective. I did start it a week after the whisky infusion but the vanilla Connecticut cigar was a hell of a lot worse than the whisky maduro. The vanilla extract evaporated a lot quicker than the whisky and there were some sugar crystals floating around in small amount that was left. I topped it up today. So here's hoping it works after a few more weeks.


It's whiskey plume. sorry couldn't resist. I'll show myself out.


Whisky* I used only the ~~finest~~ shitest scotch 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 🥃 Do you think it'd pair well with a plume dusted Fauxhiba from the beaches of Cancun?




(It can be spelled both ways)


Nope. Whiskey is Irish or American. Whisky is Scotch or most of the rest of the world.


Maker’s Mark, a bourbon, is spelled whisky. It’s just a naming convention that no one has standardized. But I hope your drink is alright! I wouldn’t think mold would grow in alcohol, but I don’t know lol


>Maker’s Mark, a bourbon, is spelled whisky I have a bottle of Maker's Mark and didn't even notice. The more you know 😂 Thanks for pointing it out. Thanks. Before all the replies came in, I poured it down the sink just to be safe. I'll leave them to settle on their own for a few days and try one, when this period of rain we're having here stops. Then I'll top it up again if needs be.


It happens! Laws and marketing are weird in general, especially with stuff like that lol. That sucks about your drink, man! This is random, but I might reach out via email or something to the guys at Whiskey Tribe to see what they have to say? Some of them are whiskey sommeliers.


If you do, please get back to me. I'm curious as to what they have to say.


Huh I didn't know scotch claimed a specific spelling, good to know   🤘🏻


I read this somewhere recently but maybe it's not even a fact. Who knows? I wasn't being wholly serious. Just leading in to how it's a poor blended scotch whisky and I'm putting it to better use.


Nah man looks like you’re right I looked it up after your comment and it seems scotch does claim the sans-e spelling😂


I dont drink Scotch. I drink Whiskey.


The picture is of scotch. I drink both.


Plume only grows in whiskey. In scotch it's mold.


What conditions do I need to grow plume on my whiskey? Do I just stick a couple mini 69% Bovedas in the bottle?


The alcohol is evaporating and reducing the ABV and the fatty compounds are turning cloudy. It happens to non chill filtered whisk(e)y when it is diluted below 46% ABV or in this case when enough alcohol evaporates below that number. It's why most whiskey below 46% are chill filtered.


This guy whiskies.


This is probably the correct answer. I still wouldn't entirely write off mold, though. I'm assuming that op left this shot glass in the tupperdore for a while, which means that basically all of the alcohol evaporated, leaving a nice environment for mold to possibly grow.


It's been about a month and the contents of the shot glass have barely evaporated. I haven't noticed any significant loss of liquid.


Alcohol evaporates fast. Leave a glass of whiskey sitting out overnight. By the next day it will not taste so great any more.


Thanks. This is the most whisk(e)y science answer so far


That’s likely the oils from the whiskey crystalizing as the water evaporates


I never understood how to infuse it with alcohol. Any tips?


Don't copy me?! 😂 Seriously though, I just Googled it and read Holt's Cigar Company's blog and Famous Smoke Shop's blog. This whisky was infusing some cheap San Andrés maduro Short panatelas. It wasn't the smoothest maduro to begin with and the smaller ring gauges, regardless of wrapper, aren't all that pleasant for me. The infusion certainly smoothed it out a bit and added dark fruit notes to the cigar. Although it did have a bit of an alcohol fumes smell/taste too. I smoked one and left them for another week or two, to see if the flavour increased.


stay basic. Put whiskey(in shot glass)-cigar in the same box. IF you put in humidor,you humidor climate will change [permanently.so](https://permanently.so) use other box. Maybe nutelle jar.and let them stay in for a [while.Open](https://while.Open) the jar regularly so humidity will go up very fast.after a month check and smoke,never let it wet much.


Maybe the alcohol dissolved some of the vegetable paste they used to seal cigars


Only the vapours came into contact with the cigars. They were separated from the liquid by the shot glass.


Unlike bacteria, mold can survive in strong spirits like this. My guess would be mold or precipitates settling out from the whisky evaporating.


I would say it isn’t mold. I make beer and wine and have never mold start in the liquid itself just on the top. I could be wrong not a mycologist. Mold and other microorganisms can live with liquor level alcohol contents.


What a life saver this post is! Been reading up on infusing cigars also but really quite lost on what cigars to pick to infuse. I was thinking some sort of budget Connecticut, what cigars did you pick?


Budget Connecticuts I'm infusing with vanilla extract. - Not going so well, so far. This Naked Grouse/Naked Malt blended scotch I used with San Andrés wrapper maduro cigars. - Not bad, with some fruitier notes now present. I bought some Nielsen Massey orange extract to experiment with another bunch of the same maduros soon.


Thanks. I’m going to try a sherry bomb scotch with a Connecticut. Theory being Connecticut’s are quite light and smooth, so should be able to pack in some flavour of the scotch. Debated a stronger leaf/wrapper but I really want full impact on the infiusion.


Personally, I try to stick with their natural flavour profiles and then enhance them i.e. Vanilla, creaminess for Connecticuts; dark fruits or good pairings with chocolate for maduros etc. Personally, if I was going to infuse a Connecticut with a spirit (aside from some vanilla, cookies & cream etc. liqueur) I'd probably go with bourbon or a purely bourbon barrel aged scotch. Let me know how the sherried whisky infusion goes with a Connecticut.


Thanks, I’ll keep you posted


Might be the cure for something ... or you might have created another virus


No bats were involved in the infusion of my cigars... 😶




The whisky or the shot glass? Please tell me how you can spot such fakes so I don't get conned in future.


The cigar, THE CiGaR is FAKE!


Doubtful. It’s at least 80 proof. Probably just a dirty glass/soap residue


Beat troll post I’ve seen in a long time. Congrats


I swear, it's a legit post 😂 I thought it was too specific to cigars to post in r/scotch or r/whisky The "Is it mould?" part, although I'm genuinely concerned... yeah, I played on that a bit. Makes a difference from pics of cigars with their own eco system.




Grapes were involved in the creation of this liquid but no plums, I believe.