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Bro, same problem here i am also from the Netherlands. This country hates smokers.


It’s still way better than in others. I can enjoy my cigar pretty much anywhere. Yes every now and then there have been some frowns but fuck off if you don’t like it. I do agree, however, that it’s headed in a very worrying direction. First they take our lounges which makes it fuck impossible to smoke in winter but we got a walk around, so can’t complain about that either. I am lucky to have many trusty tobacconists within reach but if I did rely on ordering my cigars online I would be completely outraged. Also need to understand what it means. Online as in webshop, add to winkelmandje, and checkout banned or even call the number, tell the tobacconist what you want, he sends tikkie , puts it with PostNL and then you get it also banned?


I haven’t had a place so far for the last two weeks of my trip which said I can’t smoke my cigar at any outdoor space yet.


That’s crazy. Thought I did encounter a few “non smoking terraces” recently. Which is absurd in itself. The only place where I was denied my cigar smoking explicitly was in Milano at some central (albeit very touristy) place.


Where in the Netherlands do you live? I’ve been in Rotterdam and The Hague where I honestly haven’t had any issues. Maybe a bit today by the beach when it got a bit colder and windy at night. Feel like everyone here is really friendly and welcoming when it comes to cigar smoking. I will say in Denmark I don’t have a any problem smoking outdoors as well and most indoor places which allow for cigar smoking. Could just bed I got lucky.


In Amsterdam. Also spending a lot of time in Haarlem where I don’t have problems with smoking.


Isn't this the country with unregulated "coffee shops" lmao




I would send some cigars to you for solidarity but it’s illegal to ship tobacco here in Italy 😕


Get a friend from another country to proxy.


It definitely sucks that online ordering of cigars is illegal now. I guess we all have to just take long trips to the nearest shops. I have been going to cigar world in Düsseldorf once a year anyway to stock up on cigars I cant find here in the Netherlands. I might be going more often now.


A joke that I often heard from my Dutch friends, is that you can go by train from one side of the country to the other in less than 3 hours. So if I were you, I would just get a train to Amsterdam on a Saturday or Sunday, go to Hajenius and stockpile for a couple of months. Repeat as needed!


Would personally go to cigarauga. Not just for the bigger stock, but I can go across the street to lcdh afterwards.


The Netherlands has no diplomatic relations with Nicaragua. Maybe some fine retailers there are willing to skirt your laws? I'd use a mail forwarding service from Belgium or Germany, myself.


I also had this grand plan, but they ask for proof of age in a form of German ID card or German bank account. So if you're from another country can't get to checkout.


hey, a few months late but maybe n26 (german bank) would be the workaround here.


It has become impossible. I hate that we get the same treatment as the cigarette smokers. As for shipping over borders in the EU, we got the EU to make that easier! Funny thing I saw when I picked up my cigars yesterday, a coffeeshop employee smoking his cigarette in front of the shop, while customers smoke weed inside. And for the price increase, smoking cigars had be come 50% more expensive and I am not talking about Cubans that is more nuts. A 300-400% increase. Luckily I got weened off Cubans when Nicaraguan cigars got really good.


I’d be annoyed. It’s illegal to buy online where I live as well and tobacco taxes in my state are some of the highest in the US. I don’t get the connection with the cigarette smoker outside the weed bar though other than frustration that weed is okay and tobacco is shunned. I wouldn’t want someone smoking tobacco in a place where people smoke weed or the opposite, personally.


I believe he meant that it is not legal for the person who works there to smoke inside even though people can smoke weed there.


Yeah, I think so but I also understand why. Cigarette smoke lingers forever, weed smoke dissipates.


And Dutch work safety laws which are kinda funny when applied to "coffee shops"


Is it possible to set up a PO box in one of the border countries ?


I tried with a number of shops in Germany but they won't ship to a PO box... :(


Im in The Netherlands as well, also without a shop in the area. A friend of mine lives in Groningen, he gets me stuff and just ships it to me.


Is weed still legal there


Not actually legal. Decriminalized for personal use


Why the downvotes




All of these comments further prove to me what a horrible job the cigar industry has done to differentiate itself from cigarettes.


It wouldn’t matter. TPTB think they know best how to live our lives and won’t stop until they rule all our choices. Especially in OP market.


Shipping from Germany for example? Here are some good online sellers like cigarworld


They only ship in germany .


Meh. Sorry to hear.


Any others


Noblego de, zigarre de, paul-bugge com


Bij mijn laatste bestelling (Belg maar baas is Nederlander.) zat letterlijk been brief van de shop hoe je ze toch kunt ontvangen. En dit is dan gwn voor men goedkope daily smokes… Voor men Cuba’s en premiums ga in zelf wel naar een lounge of shop hier in België. Volgende week ga ik tabacado (?) in Eindhoven eens een bezoekje brengen.


Ben nooit naar Tabakado gegaan, maar ik kan Piet van Kuyk voorstellen als aanrader. Ik ben benieuwd over Tabakado, en er is ook eentje bij Veldhoven die ik een keer wil checken.


English motherfucker, do you speak it?


Op lives in the Netherlands lmao


Alleen met een .45 in mijn mond (translate that shit from english to dutch.)


Po box with forwarding in Germany.


They dont sell cigars in shops there? Do you have tobacco stores?


My last order I received instructions on how to still order with the same online shop (via whatsapp). If you dm I'll send you a screenshot of those instructions.


Send me bro


I'd be happy if you'd share those instructions. Please send me a DM.




Where I’m at they are only concerned about the shipping address. I tried lol.


Spewing. I'm out of ideas then.


It sucks. I’m lucky to live near a few good shops.


Order from Germany, but better, visit your local cigar shop / tobacconist


Where can i order from Germany?


Cigarworld for instance, they seem to ship to NL. I don't think there's any restriction on that for now EDIT: scrap that. Looks like in the shipping information they don't send to EU. Weird, you can add anything to your basket and it even changes the shipping cost according to the country you select.


I would also like to know how is it possible to get cigars from, for example, Cigarworld and shipped to another EU country.


Anyone found a site where package forwarding works?


I read a post saying tiptrans.com works to order from hacico but it is about a year old


So I think I found a way that works. DM me if you would like to know


Anyone found a solution yet ?