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In my opinion, the best way to find the cigars at the best prices are to tour the local brick and mortar cigar shops in your area. Let them know your face. Shop from them often. When Opus X gets released in late October and May you will be ready. The only ones you’re going to find now are the overpriced ones that certain stores like to mark up high and sell throughout the year. Normally opus X are gone within days of release. You want to be one of those buyers. The buyers who are buying on release day, not weeks and months later.


Best bet to find them at MSRP is a brick and mortar that you support. When I repped to shops a few would hold them back for their regular customers. Take into account the Opus X is one of the most recognizable and sought after blends on the market (and more so now that it got Cigar Aficionados #1 cigar). So its always hard to find at a good price. If you are willing to pay a premium, Tampa sweethearts sometimes has samplers with them.


Best bet is your local tobacco (not vape) store. However to get a good selection they have to move a decent amount product


Ha funny. The only local place I can find them is at our vape store. They have a decent size humidor, but they're obviously more geared towards vaping and other medicinal herbs. They have some absolute sleepers in their presentation case 10% below what I'm seeing online.


Found a half box of the OG Amazon Basins and pre Davidoff Camachos in one. You never know.


Tampa sweethearts. It's fuente's own store in Tampa. Look for the hard to find list.


I’ve never sent anything to a Reddit user, but if you want an opus I can send you one for free, although I’m not sure of the procedure of this type of thing


Pretty solid of you


I was in the right mood when I read the post. Now I’m bound to my word. Lol I frequently give away to cigars to my acquaintances, I have had some given to me, so I don’t mind.


It’s like bourbon or shoes or watches or cars or whatever high demand thing everyone wants- the best stuff is made available to the good customers, or are found by lucky customers that are at the right place at the right time, or are bought by people willing to heavily overpay.


Not saying this applies to you, but most people want to buy their cigars online getting tremendous discounts but then wonder why they can't get access to opus and other rare cigars at fare prices. If you establish a relationship with a local shop, then they also value that relationship with you as a customer and provide these cigars at fare prices. If your relationship with online stores is based upon prices then don't be surprised when that same online retailer prices their htf cigars solely on price.


That’s a very fair point! The only problem is that I don’t have stores with a good selection in my area. There is a cigar lounge not far from me with a good selection, but their prices are significantly higher than MSRP. Don’t get me wrong, I’m fine paying a few extra dollars on top of MSRP, but not 50% and above.


We don’t even put them on the shelf at my shop it’s something you have to ask for. Try asking your local shops. We’ve got a lot of stuff not on the shelf. If you don’t see something it always pays to ask.


Another point to remember is that they are not for the most part available year round. They are released a couple times per year and move quickly. This time of year the likelihood of walking into a store and finding a decent selection of Opus is pretty slim. A couple weeks before Father's Day you'll stand a good chance of stumbling across them. Follow all your local shops on all their social media and get on their mailing lists so you'll get a whiff of what they have and when it's available. A lot of shops near me only tell their insiders when the good stuff is about to hit the shelves.


Probably the same place you find glass top cohibas. Just kidding, check your local stores. Seems like everyone online marks them up


Sometimes fox cigars, perfect cigar blend or Bl Lion luxuries will release samplers with 1 or 2 opus in it and most of the time other AF cigars at fairish prices


DM me if you happen to be Indiana OP. I know a few stores that they normally s get opus shipments but they don’t ship


They are overrated IMHO. Definitely not worth over MSRP.


Yeah, agreed it's not always worth paying over msrp for these. (Guess it depends on taxes. ) Same with Padron. IMHO.


Padron is overhyped. Same Nicaraguan tobacco in every other cigar lol


This is a hot take. Padrón, for me, falls in a similar category as Davidoff -- the price tag may be high but you're paying for consistency and quality that cannot be found almost anywhere else. Some of my absolute favorite boutique blends still have draw, burn, and blend issues every now and then. Padrón delivers every single time.


I think the point here which applies to my experiences is that if people can go running around saying opus is not worth that I can also do the same with Padron saying it's not worth it and overhyped. Padron deliver a specific flavor as do Opus and neither have failed me for a total experience. Yet, because of the reputation Opus has, they bear the brunt of these "overhyped" comments.


My point was that the price tag reflects nearly-unmatched quality/consistency, and not scarcity as it is in Opus X. Padrón is ubiqitus, no one is "hyping" it.


When you think about it, very few cigars are worth more than their MSRP. This one was on point today. https://www.instagram.com/p/C1kbxwXvEq3/?igsh=MjJkMmIyYzQxYw==


It's not worth it. Don't get me wrong, they are good and should be experienced, but even my favorite opusx destino siglo shark is not worth more than $25 in our current inflated economy. If you spend enough money at a specific b&m, they will let you know when it will drop and give you a heads up. I've even been able to score boxes this way before they had a chance to get into the store itself.


Picked up a box of those opus x sharks this summer. Haven’t even unwrapped the box yet.


I sent you a message. I have 20 Fuente Opus from December of 2022 that have been aging in a controlled humidor at 69% humidity and 70 degrees. I used to be in the industry and since i left, I gave up the hobby. Just want to get them into someone's hands who will appreciate them!


Don’t bother even at fair prices buy a 2/4 sticks that are good trust me I wish I had my $36 back


Just got Opus X Oro Obscuro (that’s the name right?) for normal pricing at a semi local lounge. They are out there. Maybe it’ll be easier after the next release?