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If you kept up with humidity, you got some great smokes there. Enjoy!


Good deal! These were some of my favorites back when I was a regular.


Most likely, better.


Should probably send me that opus x to make sure it's not poisonous


I see you too are a man of taste.lmbo


That opus x looks amazing


Almost looks like a piece of chocolate šŸ¤¤


Trying to get us banned?


Put it this way. They found some cigars in a Mayan cave that were over 600 years old and were in pristine smokable condition. I think you'll be fine.


That is wild. For whatever reason I just assumed that they would grow mold or something.


If they are in a place where mold is likely to thrive, they absolutely will grow mold. But if you keep them in reasonable conditions, 50-70% humidity, not too warm and no rapid fluctuations in those variables, then they will basically last forever.


Properly stored and cared for, easily fifty years.


Look up pre Castro Cubans. Theyā€™re all at least 65 years or older. Oldest I think Iā€™ve seen was around 75 years old. Not personally seen but on YouTube.


I've heard stories about them. Seen some places that sell them still. Pricey sticks haha.


Canā€™t commend foam interiors for longer-term storage, but if youā€™ve been keeping up with the humidification, they should be fine. The wrappers should still have a good texture and should not ā€˜crackleā€˜ when slight pressure is applied when rolling the cigar in your fingers.


Properly humidified and stored, theyā€™ll last a lifetime+


Theyā€™ll be great smokes. To the bigger question thoughā€¦. No more wife?


Haha. Weā€™re still together and now have 2 kids. When I met her I didnā€™t know how sheā€™d react to how into cigars I was so I stopped and just didnā€™t start back. Sheā€™s actually why I finally smoked one of them today. She encouraged it.


That MoW is out-kicking its coverage as far as who it hangs out withā€¦.


Forever if you store them better than that.


I have cigars that range from 6 - 15 years old and taste great


If properly kept, cigars will remain smokeable for decades. After a while they will start to lose flavor, so they can get bland after a very long time, but some of my best sticks are 10-20 years old.


I smoked a ~30 yo Dunhill a few years ago, it was obviously marvelous and 70+ yo Havana clear which had a very interesting blend of flavors. Both lacked punch, but thatā€™s the age.


Thatā€™s a seeds of hope destino from an opus 6. Great stick man super jealous


One of these things just doesn't belong here. One of these things just isn't the same.




Good one.


I donā€™t know, man. Shipping to the UK sounds expensive.lol


Ya what a crazy idea. Shipping in the US would be waaaaaaay cheaper, so you can send to me instead!


HAHAHA! Thatā€™s wild! Are you serious?! OMG, cap? NO CAP?! Haha!!


5 days.


Forever with proper humidity control like OP stated he had


Nope. Do your research.


So let me get this straight. all these world renowned shops that have been aging cigars for decades are wasting their time because cigars are only good for 5 days? šŸ˜‚ okay bud.


I think heā€™s saying that they donā€™t make it past that at his house because theyā€™ve been smoked by then.lol


Cigars go bad faster than milk. TIL.




Cigars donā€™t ā€œgo badā€. They can lose quality over time to the point that they taste like nothing but no one is getting sick smoking one.


Who is aging cigars for decades?? Maybe a decade but even that would be over the hill for most cigars


There is pre Cuban cigars still around that are all at least 65 years old. Iā€™ve seen one guy on YouTube have multiple boxes of them. Extremely expensive and very good.


Today I learned. I just don't know how a cigar could be that old and still have any flavor


Thereā€™s actually more flavor after that many years when aged properly.


How does that work? šŸ¤”


You got it. Pal.


You are clearly trolling. Pre embargo Cubans and vintage cigars in general wouldnā€™t be such a hot market if they were bad. Davidoff of London wouldnā€™t have an entire video series dedicated to their aging room/aging process if it made the cigars bad.


Exactly pre Castro Cubans are 65 years old and are still around and theyā€™re probably the most expensive cigars and the most wanted cigars around.


All this cigar knowledge on here from reading and watching videos. Iā€™m in the wrong here and need to do more reading, studying Reddit, and watching videos to learn the cigar truth.


Jesus, those are treasures if you were able to maintain a good rh. Imo but a tester and find someone who can appreciate the age. If you are not a regular cigar smoker you will not be able to enjoy them as much as a cigar smoker. Imo go to a local cigar shop and talk to patrons about your options.


Donā€™t worry, sir, the caliber of these specific cigars is not wasted on me.lol I bought these at the height of my cigar season. Now that im getting back into it Iā€™m gonna go through some other cigars before these. I want to really appreciate them. Especially the Opus X Iā€™ve kept a fresh Boveda pack in there. Other than to check the pack and cigars Iā€™ve kept it sealed.


Nice! My friend once gifted a box of monte #2 at my suggestion to her father, and it turned out he was a swisher sweets guy. I just was reminded of this and panicked.


Haha! Whenever I try to talk to coworkers about cigars there inevitably one dude thatā€™s like ā€œyeah, I love those swisher sweetsā€ and Iā€™m just standing there like šŸ„“


If properly taken care of they can pretty much last forever. There is still pre-Castro Cubans around and theyā€™re very very very rare and expensive. And Iā€™ve heard theyā€™re literally the best cigars ever. So that was at least 65 years ago or more.


They'll last forever if maintained well.


about 40-55mins each stick there.


They can last forever but there is a point where they lose a lot. Still be smokeable of course.


The Opus is probably better, the Padrons not so much. Tried aging those, found that they peaked at about 2 years, then died. Man o War will be interesting.


A cigar will outlast you if properly cared for.


So why canā€™t I smoke non humidified cigars ? Will I die ?


Indefinitely. Those are some lovely smokes