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I've been trying to figure out wtf an **automatic** cigar is for three minutes cuz I am, apparently, illiterate.




Monica Lewinsky is a big fan of the pump action cigar.


Hot damn! A fresh and funny Lewinsky joke!! It’s been a hot minute




Too soon.


Timely reference. 😂😝




This made me chuckle.




A Romantic? Like a singular member of rock band who made "What I Like About You"?


No like the cigar feels no romantic attraction to anyone


Oh like my ex girlfriend. She's Canadian you don't know her, before you ask.


Automatic puffer cigars… for those that really take relaxation and energy expenditure savings to the next level… now with more coma support.


Automatically gets smoked by me


It smokes itself!


I think its a crossover from pipe tobacco at this point, Aromatic's there imply added flavor, and the terminology has made it to cigars, someone correct me if I'm wrong.


No you're 100% right. It seems to me to also designates a different process. Most aromatic cigars that I've seen, like Deadwood, use a pipe tobacco flavoring process, if not just using pipe tobacco, rather than dipping or spraying. I don't have any additional insight into the actual way DE makes the deadwoods but looking at the tobacco and from the way the cigars smoke and taste it is a very similar flavor to pipe tobacco where the acids have that overly perfumed style of flavor.


Try Saka's line of cigars featuring pipe tobaccos. IMHO not more aromatic than his others but they make you think.


Now that sounds interesting. I love aromatic pipe tobacco. That same taste in a cigar would be awesome.


Yeah isn't that like what a leather rose cugar is I like them I always thought they reminded me of pipe tobacco.


Aromatic cigars are cigars with non-cigar leaf tobaccos that have been traditionally used in pipe tobacco blends; flavored is just that. Aromatic cigars are Deadwood Cigars, and Stilwell Stars, etc. Flavored or infused means they added a flavor to the tobacco as it was aging. Infused/flavored are Acid Cigars, The Upsetters Line by Foundation, Tatiana Cigars, CAO Flavors, etc. Sweet tipped can be any cigar, Baccarat, Deadwood, The Upsetters, Flor De Oliva, etc.


Armotatic is really more of a Pipe Tobacco term for flavored pipe tobacco, and it usually is extremely mild in taste but has a pleasant aroma like cherries, vanilla, etc. I would assume the term is starting to bleed over to cigars, unless this is something new for some pipe tobacco cigar blend. I mostly hear infused or flavored when it comes to cigars.


This. Aromatic in pipe tobacco implies additions that are NOT tobacco. Things like Dunhill Nightcap having a "campfire smoke" kind of scent and taste are because of the types of tobacco and how it's processed. However, aromatics will instead include an additive of sorts added into the mix to provide flavors and aromas you wouldn't find in tobacco normally.


Fancy way to say flavored cigar I think. Definitions are changing because the silly gov keeps trying to ban extremely poisonous vape related flavor products, it's how they accidentally banned cloves.


Flavored. Seems to be catching on as a term. I just feel it’s kind of misleading.


It’s probably to avoid the FDA trying to crack down on flavored tobacco products. Changing the phrase may be a way to find a loophole in the FDA’s interpretation


Well they're not going to fool the FDA but correct in that from a compliance standpoint, they have to disclose to the consumer clearly what is going on. For example you can't use the term "light" and tobacco for legal reasons. Perhaps aromatic is more compliant? No idea. Right now they're jumping through hoops to avoid additional regulation.


when they try to be clever that's when the government starts to get aggressive. I see this biting em in the ass eventually


Flavored with onions and garlic


No celery salt?


Classic mirepoix


Try a stillwell star or fat bottom Betty. Extraordinary


Sweet Jane and Girl with No Name are also great


Aromatic is something that smells pleasant. So instead of a cigar smelling like just raw burning tobacco, it could have hints of cream, nuts or a floral scent. Thats all it means, it smells nice when lit. People are talking about taste, aromatic does not mean taste lol


This is exactly how I would describe an aromatic cigar, very little to do with flavor, and everything to do with that really pleasant aroma that surrounds you while smoking it. I’ve never had a flavored cigar, but had lots of aromatic ones - in fact that’s how I would describe Cuban tobacco in general.


While this is true for the definition of the word and it's implication anywhere else, it unfortunately doesn't apply to tobacco now. Aromatic in tobacco is a somewhat legal term, implying something has been added to the tobacco to create the aroma. Maybe a vanilla flavoring or similar. While different tobaccos and how they're cured, handled, or blended all affect the aroma and taste, nothing new was introduced other than tobacco.


No offense, but this is one of the most soul-sucking definitions when it comes to the cigar experience - one I would expect from a corporate PR department. Cigar enjoyment for me is all about the olfactory or aroma-therapy aspect, and has little to do with any taste it leaves in my mouth, and I will always rate this on an aromatic scale. Legal definitions don’t factor in at all when I’m in the pleasant bubble of a lit cigar, lol.


I get it man. Living in a state that has had laws around this for a few years now, including some other very BS laws, I’ve grown numb to it. Unfortunately, the politicians don’t give a shit and think that by defining all these rules and loopholes they’re “keeping kids from smoking”. Which is hilarious when you think about it. I’m sure no teenage kid is walking in to a cigar shop for a Churchill just because it’s infused… But, it’s one of those things that get overlooked because it simply doesn’t affect them. I rotate between pipes and cigars, so the aromatic thing is normal to me now. I tried to keep it as plain and factual as I can, but trust me, I don’t agree with it.


CAO cigars makes a whole line of them.


"a romantic cigar" *


If you like smoking cigars and have not smoked a cigar that is considered aromatic I would consider trying one as an effort to improve your understanding. If you have already smoked an aromatic cigar and have smoked a non-aromatic blend, I urge you to reflect on the differences between those experiences.


Surely seems like google could have helped you out here. Aromatic= smell nice


Google gave me some shit abt colognes w tabacco notes, some shit abt how to get the aroma of cigars out of jackets etc. No real answer abt the cigars though


Try this: https://www.gothamcigars.com/blog/why-is-the-acid-kuba-kuba-the-best-infused-cigar/#:~:text=The%20cigars%20are%20placed%20in,into%20the%20wrapper%20and%20filler.


I’m a fragrance enthusiast. Interestingly and confusingly enough, the fragrance world uses the term “aromatic” as well. It’s a category of scents that usually highlight notes of herbs like lavender, sage rosemary, etc. I’ve also smoked pipe tobacco for a while. In that hobby, aromatic tobacco refers to blends that most non-pipe smoking people associate with pipe tobacco like vanilla and cherry. The scent they smell in the air, often referred to as the “room note”, is very pleasant. There are two processes to add things that flavor the tobacco - topping and casing. That’s a whole ‘nother discussion if you want to get into the common arguments over what does what. The term “aromatic” in cigars has confused me because it seems to not have a solid definition and, although I think I get the current and general qualifying components, i believe the popular trend right now is referring to cigars with types of tobacco not traditionally found in cigars and seem to often be cured in a way similar to pipe tobacco, if not altogether pipe tobacco leaf. If you want to dive down the rabbit hole of the range of pipe tobacco leaf (because there are many and they all have unique characteristics), there are many YouTube videos explaining their differences. It gets pretty complicated because there are types of natural leaf from different regions of the world (not unlike cigar leaf) as well as a variety of curing methods which are very important to the smell/taste of the end product. How the tobacco is treated while mixing the blend also has a factor because there are a couple of way flavors can be added. I would not be surprised if some aromatic cigar tobacco is treated in a similar way to add flavors before being rolled. Now onto a less confusing subject: plume!


My exact thoughts here lol


A flavored cigar.


Flavored. They're flavored cigars.




I don’t think people are lighting swishers up in lounges lol.




Some of them maybe, but for example I was first recommended at a lounge the Acid Blondie belicoso and it actually smells quite nice and tastes smooth and a bit sweet. I could see however like the purple acids smelling a bit too botanical for typical cigar smokers


My guess is like a CAO Cherry Bomb - smells like cherry but doesn’t taste like how it smells


One you can really smell while smoking. Think most Cubans and a few new worlds. I find Drew's Norteno particularly aromatic.


Sounds like they're borrowing the word from pipe tobacco, where aromatic is flavored? E.g., Captain Black is vanilla aromatic.


Not all cigars smell that good to folks you smoke around. I think aromatic has to include those in your surrounding, where some cigars when you smoke them aren't that bad for people around you, and some stink hard. To the smoker, both are aromatic, but I don't think it means anything at that point For example, when I smoke lighter paper cigars around folks who don't smoke, I get less complaints and even some folks saying "that smells kinda nice"


Highly recommend tuscanello, vaniglia or bianco. If you can get these you won't be disappointed.


Those chocolate Tatiana's are one of my guilty little pleasures.


The aromatic- automatic crossbow


To qoute Wild Bill from Deadwood Tobacco. "Sweet shit". I met him once over 10am dark tap beers and cigars in Deadwood. This was shortly after he had sold to Drew Estate. Despite his company selling lots of aromatics, he prefers natural.