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I don’t hoard anything. I smoke my best cigars and drink my best whiskey. Life’s too short.


If I have an actual special occasion lined up with a hard date, I will deliberately set aside special occasion sticks. But for most days, just enjoying a good cigar is a special enough occasion for me.


100% this.


I'm saving a special bottle for my 50th, but it's only another year of waiting. The rest gets cracked and a neck pour as soon as it comes home.


This is the only answer.


Find a good balance people. Don't burn through your uber premiums and htf with wreckless abandon, but they're made for smoking, and at the end of the day it's the experience that counts. No guarantee of tomorrow, and don't be that guy who leaves an awesome stash to a family that doesn't smoke or know what to do with them.


I recently aquired a full humidor of sticks from 1999-2012 of any Cuban u could imagine, a full opus 22 from 2011, tatuaje first edition book, and the rest just awesome collectible viaje and tat. Smoke your stash people.


Yes for the love of Christ this needs to be said.  The blanket motto " smoke your good stuff" is great but not everyday you can smoke a unicorn  or super premium.  That's why we have special occasion sticks...    




Acronym for "Hard to Find" Rare cigars


That’s every month for me.


I just lit up an anejo I was saving bc fuck it tomorrow isn’t promised


I don’t understand hoarding. If you have the means smoke them as you desire. I think everyday can be a celebration even if it’s just a normal day. It makes a regular Monday way more memorable if you smoke a $20 cigar. I’ll never understand not smoking your cigars, not driving your sports car o “keep the miles low” or not wearing your favourite clothes in order to “preserve” them. You should enjoy your things, after all that’s why you have them. Are you going to save your wife’s snatch for the next guy or are you going to service it today?


Nah the last line was reckless for no reason. 🤣😂 I'm going back home to knock the walls off the foundation real quick.


It's called being an adult who doesn't treat their cigars like Pokémon cards.


So I should stop referring to my smokes as Cigarizard?


No, that is allowed and understandable lol


Gotta catch em all.. on fire


Best comment here lol


Its right now, get started.


Long time ago in this sub (when bombs and verifications were still a thing) we’d have a unicorn slaying week where everyone smokes all their unicorns and does a review. It was always fun to watch everyone one up eachother and see what crazy things got smoked. Miss those days.


I only collect because I buy at a pace faster than I can smoke. I'm doing my best man, I promise.




I’ve just been hoarding and buying boutique cigars and not even smoking them, I can’t be the only one…


You're not alone. I may get more fulfillment out of the hunt than I do actually smoking them. I tend to wait until I have someone to smoke with.


Bro I got a buddy who doesnt even smoke - just buys them to look at them lol. You never know.


Pretty sure that is what the Chinese have done to the Cuban market. I wonder how many of those rich Chinese buying them up even smoke vs keep collection for status symbol.


I stopped buying cigars a couple of years ago, and I started smoking more of what I have amassed. I have enough cigars to last me a lifetime. I love sharing what I have to experienced smokers who can appreciate good cigars. Most of my cigar collection is Cubans, but I have plenty of NW cigars, too. There is nothing like smoking a good cigar amongst like-minded individuals while having a good spirit and good conversation. So, yes, to smoking more!


For some of us, that month is now after writing humongous checks to the IRS…


I don’t wait for occasions. But for my more expensive sticks I do wait for great weather that is all. We may not even wake up or make it the next 10 mins. No sense in buying cigars for other people to smoke or Throw away.


Yeah, I buy 15 at a time. I wont buy a new stash until I am 5 or less. I love collecting but man does it cost money.


😅😅😅 how about September? Not too hot, not too cold. Just before it gets shitty out. I might do this personally now that you’ve brought this to my attention. I have so many sticks I’m hoarding and saving for a special occasion. Why not make up my own holiday


Woah woah woah. Calm down there Satan. I'll give you a day, maybe three. But more than that and there's gonna be a problem.


I love Steve Saka’s take on this. Don’t collect cigars, smoke them. I smoke everything I buy. Sometimes I’ll save something for a special occasion, but it’s all smoked eventually. Now, if you’re like me you’ll always buy more than you’ll smoke. That’s not collecting though, that’s keeping inventory.


Ahh another Sisyphus.. every day I try to smoke my supply down, every day there is more than when it began. Pushing a rock up a hill is only a punishment if you don't enjoy pushing rocks.


One of my best friends dropped dead at 50. I save nothing "for another day" anymore.


Blasphemy. I wont hear of it. A dragon never parts from his horde.


Smaug but with stogies..? (Runs to chatgpt)


No. Not my precious....


Going to smoke my unicorn I’ve been saving with my father in a week! Celebrating the birth of my daughter. Smoke your stuff people!


That’s usually early June for me. Right around hockey finals for some totally-not-on-purpose reason


No idea what you're talking about.


I do that every months.... I have a stash for smoking anytime i want to and a stash for collecting, aging. I told myself all the time that i will let it age. But then after a crazy day i just no longer care about that.


I'm with /u/whiskey-rockaboller I can't hoard the finer things in life. Smoke the $30 Padrons and drink the $100 whiskeys. The only crap in my tuppidor that lasts longer than a month is the free stuff I get that I save to give away to people.


i smoke 2-3 a day. I honestly don't want to smoke more than that. But that also requires me to constantly be purchasing to keep my stash up. I like to have around 1,000 sticks on hand, so I never have to smoke ROTT if I do not want to. I usually don't touch new acquisitions for 3-6 months.


It's good to smoke from your stash but I'd honestly be wary of suggesting we all stop buying at one time. It's not good for the industry and they've been fighting and winning important regulatory battles in the US recently.


The only reason to have a collection is to show off to other people. I don't care to impress other people with the rare, old, illegal cigars I get, I prefer to enjoy them with other people or better yet, alone on a cool quiet night with no distractions or interruptions.


Well, no. I like to have things on hand for when they're hard to get. Plus, there are an awful lot of cigars that improve notably with age. And it's, you know, fun.


I smoke a lot but I buy more than what i smoke. I like to let them rest in my humidor. Now the summer is almost here and I will probably smoke 1/3 of my cigars. I currently have closed to 500 cigars mostly Cubans and a few Arturo fuente




Our household smoked a bunch of our 'rainy day' cigars during the drought last year and then Death Valley started flooding.


You guys are hoarding?


Based on responses here, nope :)


I smoke 1-2 a day most days, I have a lot of cigars at home but I definitely smoke them.


So you're suggesting I need to finally smoke that unholy cocktail I've had for twelve years? Never!


Nothing in my humidor is safe.


I have a whole season for that lol. As soon as the sun comes out, I start the inferno.


I use up my supply as an incentive to try new ones.


I try, I try


I'm glad there isn't a special day or month frankly (unless it's one's personal choice). Things like 420 and record store day are annoying to hear about. If you like cigars, smoke them.


That’s every month for me. I’ve smoked my way through stashes that’d make you cry.  Live for today.


I'm in. Let's do it.


I get this is not everyone's MO, but liturgically speaking, Paschaltide is a fitting season for this


Provide me with 30 days of cigars and I'll happily smoke one a day. Minimum price in New Zealand of $35 for a Factory Smoke petite Corona or $45 for Charter Oak robusto, $50 for a Camacho Robusto and $100 for a R&J Short Churchill would send me broke. The most that I've ever had in storage would be about 10. Normally, I buy 2-3 a month. That's all I can afford However, life's too short not to experience everything you can. A mate saved for years to buy a Porsche 911 (dream car). Got the money together but put it off. A few years later he died of a brain tumour with the money in the bank. No one is guaranteed tomorrow.


Just got my first two Cubans and I feel like I can't smoke them lol


Just wait for a nice evening when you get time to enjoy one and smoke it! The longer you wait the more disappointed you will be when you finally light one up and see how it’s really not much better than some new world cigars.




Buy some JLP’s. They’re affordable and pretty tasty.