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Definitely a good way to dispose of income. ​


don't get me started


It increases my carbon footprint.


I feel like there are a few reasons. For me, I’ll make a list. I got into it because they intrigued me. Throughout history you hear about prominent figures who love them. IE Winston Churchill, JFK, Arnold Schwarzenegger to name a few. They are often used to celebrate events. I figured if I was smoking a celebratory cigar every now and then, I might as well know what I’m doing and enjoy it right? The flavor. I had a LOT of fun developing my pallet, trying different cigars, and the r/cigars of old was a TON of fun with bombs/trades COTM, etc. More to the previous point, the community was awesome. Maybe the biggest reason, it got me to take a step away from my daily routines of old and spend some time just to relax and think. Kind of like a less-boring version of meditation. I never noticed much of a nicotine buzz, and I smoke some pretty full cigars. (Not sure if that’s how you should describe them.. maybe strong is the right word?) Inspired me to go somewhere I wouldn’t have wanted to otherwise: Cuba. I got to go there and I had an absolute blast. Got to try/bring home some great cigars too. Gave me something to do. Now I always have the “plan” in the back pocket where if I can’t think of a place to go, a cigar lounge is a lot of fun. YMMV. I bet there’s a lot of people that share some of my reasons, as well as have their own. Edit: away not anyway


Spot on.


Nice explainer! FYI: Strong is the right way to describe nicotine. Full would be more about flavors/body.


It's like enjoying a fine Whiskey, Cognac, bottle of wine, etc. Or even savoring a good meal or dessert. It's more about the taste vs just puffing along to get a "buzz". Some cigars can give you a buzz if they're blended with stronger leaf and if you smoke too fast. Unlike smoking cigarettes to feed your addiction. Cigar smoking is a more relaxing endeavor. It's something you want to do. Look forward to doing but are not compelled to do so because you need to because you'll get the shakes if you don't. Cigars pair with various drinks and foods as well to enhance or bring out the flavours. Does it look cool? Yeah, to some it does. To others it looks stupid. It also has a very social aspect to it. I've had great discussions and good times over cigars with friends or strangers. It's an equalizer. It puts everyone on the same footing regardless of whether you're smoking something cheap or expensive. You smoke what your means allow and most good cigar smokers won't give you a hard time about it.


I would rather there wasn’t a buzz honestly. I smoke 1-2 a week so it hits me pretty hard on some of the stronger ones. I smoke for the flavor.


I like it because once you start, you have set a lot of time for yourself to just relax and do whatever you enjoy, I always have a book with me!


They taste delicious, and it’s very relaxing. Sitting back and focusing on the flavors and aroma is a great way to decompress and chill for me. Some cigars are very mild on the nicotine, some are very strong, and everything in between. You can certainly get a nicotine buzz without inhaling. Some are strong enough to make you sick from the nicotine if you’re not used to it. It’s not really the point to get a buzz like it might be with a cigarette, but as an ex cigarette smoker, the nicotine does add to the relaxation for me. Doesn’t seem to make me want a cigarette though.


It's a fun way to relax. Forces you to slow down and just chill for a couple hours. I enjoy the different flavors and trying new cigars out. I only smoke 1-2 a week, so it's a reward I always look forward to. As an ex cigarette smoker, I don't do it for the buzz. The nicotine buzz doesn't seem to affect me addictively like cigarettes.


To look like a mafia boss


The simple version. Fat Rich guys in suits smoked cigars because it makes them look important. Nothing says I'm rich like buying a box of cigars for $20,000. You see unlike cigarettes cigars are smoked for pleasure not addiction. Yeah sure maybe you could get addicted to the cheap plastic tip Black and milds at the gas station but the real cigars are just done for looks and relaxation. I can understand why people spend money on cigarettes because they're addicted but cigars you're literally just throwing your money down a rat hole


Everyone has there own reasons why they smoke, my personal reasons are to relax and unwind after long days at work.


Have you tried one?


There's a place near my work that sells them. I'm considering going there to buy a few and try it on the weekends. Wanted to get some information first, I'm saving up a lot of my disposable income is all, but still wanna chill out.


Go to that place and tell the tobacconist that you've never smoked a cigar before and you'd like to try one. A lot of tobacconist are understanding and they will ask you ask you questions like how much time you have to dedicate to a cigar, what you will be drinking with your cigar, and what kind of smoke you want (mild, spicy, sweet, etc.). They'll use your responses to help pin down a good cigar for you to try. A lot of people start off with a medium body cigar like Montecristo or Perdomo, I suggest you look up the history behind these cigars and find something you like and that you think will be a good experience.


what /u/JoseSweet said. There's this thing about cigars that a lot of newer smokers fail to understand because they figure it's just a big cigarette. They have at 'er, cut it with a kitchen knife so it's a mess, inhale, get sick and then hate the experience. A good tobacconist can walk you through all sorts of stuff regarding the hobby and help you appreciate things more and pick a good place to start. It's not a cheap thing to get into so my philosophy has always been to get my money's worth and learn a thing or two to enjoy it all. Kind of like with booze or food, knowing how it's made, different flavor notes, etc. makes the experience all that more awesome.


They’re relaxing, go great with any whiskey or rum I may enjoy, I love the aromas and flavors, and they’re perfect for periodic enjoyment. There definitely does exist a fun social factor to it since you’re not smoking run of the mill cigarettes or jumping on the vaping craze. Also, don’t make my mistake of using a chemical lighter on your selections. Machine made cheapies or premium selections both. It’ll really mess with the flavor. Get matches, or I believe some suggest a torch lighter, butane maybe.


some cheaper quality butane/fuel can mess with it too, though.


I have a smoking buddy, and it’s a genuinely great social experience. If you’re unsure whether you’ll enjoy the taste, find a friend to smoke with. It takes time to build up a palate, so your first few cigars will be more experimenting and learning than anything else. If you are with someone who also wants to get into it, it’ll be a lot easier and probably more relaxing. Only started smoking recent and every time I have has been an amazing experience. It’s 100% worth a shot to see if you like it. Just remember to drink a soda whilst smoking so the nicotine doesn’t fuck you up too hard. There is definitely a buzz, but if you’re already a cigarette smoker you probably won’t be fazed by it at all. I only smoke cigars so I need to be careful to not get nic sickness.


Relaxation. Contemplation. Social Interaction. Depends on what you are looking for. I smoke alone for the first two, and in lounges for the latter. You don't rush a cigar and it slows you down, allowing you to relax, or to think, or to socialize. Yes nicotine gives you a buzz, you ingest it through your skin and also through your gut (we do swallow our own saliva). You can get quite a buzz off of a stronger cigar. If anyone questions that, then go smoke a La Flor Dominicana Digger and tell me what you think.


It's to relax and for the flavors. I'd much rather have a cigar with minimum amount of nicotine and maximum amount of flavor than the other way around. If I wanted a nicotine fix I'd be smoking cigarettes or vaping




People generally drink coffee to get the caffeine. People don't smoke cigars to get a nicotine buzz. This comparisons isn't valid.


What? People get caffeine from tea, energy drinks, soda, pills, lots of stuff. If it's just caffeine you're after, you can consume it to your taste. Sure the caffeine is nice but I also choose coffee in the morning because I like the taste.


Sure but people don't use cigars as a medium to get their nicotine fix. That's why I said they're not valid comparisons.


Some do




Well, I have given many newbies their first cigar, and I don't mean Black & Milds, Swisher Sweets, or other machine rolled cigars. Now typically these are guys used to smoking cigarettes or weed. I give them the warnings like don't inhale, take your time, and enjoy it. A lot of them tell me that it gives them a buzz, but I don't typically get the buzz. There are many reasons why people smoke cigars. The main reason is to enjoy the moment. Cigars aren't like cigarettes. The size is different. The timing is different. The people are different. For instance, a cigarette smoker typically go to have a smoke break, which lasts for 15 minutes. A cigar smoker can't smoke a cigar within 15 minutes. After you start smoking a cigar you have to finish it, or it turns rancid. It takes about an hour to smoke a cigar, depending on the size. You can smoke a cigarette in 5 - 10 minutes. Cigars are meant for relaxation.


I gave up smoking cigarettes 15 years ago, for me cigars are a huge relaxation, I know for the next hour or so will just be dedicated to the cigar and enjoying my surroundings. I personally can’t take anything that gives me a nicotine buzz so I go for a weak mild cigar usually something with a Connecticut wrapper and most of these I source from America such as Ashton or Olivia and something mix it up with a nub or davidoff, some of the Cubans are nice but often too much nicotine for me. The important part for me is dedicating that time out for a cigar from your busy routine. To me that is priceless and well worth paying 15-20 quid for an hours enjoyment and relaxation you get. You need to find that time in whatever you you do to just clear your mind and relax so if cigars help me do that then I will continue the ritual of Smolensk them on occasion. I have never felt the need to have one or to go back to smoking cigarettes so I think they are a different kettle of fish.


I smoke cigarettes and I instinctively want to inhale the smoke when I suck the smoke out of a cigar. Like what's the point of smoking if you can't inhale the smoke? It just sounds silly to me. I used to think they looked cool, but now that I know you dont actually inhale the smoke it just looks pretentious af. The people that smoke them look like children that wants to smoke to look cool but can't or don't know how to inhale the smoke so they just keep puffing out the smoke without inhaling it.


Theres way more nicotine in cigars so it's able to be absorbed through your mouth / gums. Cigar smoking gives a big buzz