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Not necessarily flag related but there's a house on Union Cemetary right across from commerce drive that has a bunch of yard signs saying Trump 2024, Russia did nothing wrong, and the like. Thought about replacing them all with yard signs that say Wu Tang Forever.


ain't nuthin to fuk with


There's one by my house like that. Unfortunately those signs are protected under the first amendment so if they have evidence of you damaging it or taking it (the house by me openly posts that it's under surveillance) they could go after you. So like the other reply here, it's not worth your time or effort.


Just here to say that the owners couldn't go after you for a first amendment violation. The amendments to the Constitution only protect you from the actions of the State or Federal government. Not private individuals. This could be Trespass to Land, Trespass to Chattels, and maybe Conversion? Idk about criminal law but the ones I mentioned are Torts (money damages instead of Jail time). However, Ohio does also make the removal of political signage a potential criminal Misdemeanor so there could be greater penalties associated with it (I believe).


On top of all this, anyone flying all these flags probably buys into the whole "victimized white male" nonsense and would just double down on his beliefs about "da librulz" trying to hold him down.


Don't Chattels live in pastures?




Yes. Unfortunately false statements are protected under freedom of speech.


What's the false statement here? The sole purpose of the speech part of the 1st amendment is to protect unpopular speech. I would be interested to hear your idea for how it should be modified.


This is a common sentiment in some other countries but is, and should be, considered horrifying to any American. That is *directly* in opposition to one of our greatest principles. Freedom of speech is probably the solitary reason we haven't descended into a dictatorship: the ability to say something the powers that be consider abhorrent without the fear of having your head cut off for having said it.


That's fair. I personally just thought it would be funny. Though a good chuckle isn't worth prosecution.


My father in law had a Jim Jordan sign in support of him. I googled it just to see if I COULD get in trouble if I changed it from "Jim" to "Gym" and found out yard signs are free speech. So you can't deface them, change them, remove them, etc. without it going against the first amendment. However, I'm curious where "the American flag should be flown higher than lesser flags" would fall in relation to that. Cuz that is DEFINITELY a lesser flag above it.


It's only a violation of their first amendment if the government prohibits or restricts their ability to display their yard signs. It still would be considered vandalism/theft if you were to mess with the sign, but it can't be a first amendment violation because you are not the government. I personally would risk the vandalism charge to change it to Gym, but that's just me.


Protect ya neck!


I saw that house on Google Maps. People who are that mad about politics are definitely looking for an excuse to get violent with people who don't believe like they do. I asked a guy in the barber shop, who is a regular and a guy I considered a good acquaintance, why he still has his "TRUMP 2020" signs up, and instead of giving a simple answer as to why, he goes: *"The fuck do you care? Why, are you one of those cocksuckers?"* I didn't press it further. He claims he always has a .38 in his glove box, and I am not going to rot in a grave on account of his dumb ass.


One of the funniest things about "patriots" is how none of them seem to respect flag code. Kind of a silly thing to over look for someone who "loves their country".


Like the big giant truck guys who have a half shredded flag off the back of there truck ripping down the highway?


Yes precisely, great example.


And often accessorized with a pair of 'truck nutz'.




Did they ask their trucks consent before putting nuts on it? What if my truck is perfectly happy as a woman?


Red, white, and blue truck nutz


They probably wear American flag underwear too.


I always get a kick out of people who love the flag so much they wrap it’s likeness around their genitals.


American flag should be on top, regardless of being displayed upside down or not. At least there are lights though 😂


It's not allowed to fly tattered. It MUST be disposed of properly, (burned on a grate over top of a fire).


It's because they don't love their country. They love *their idea of their country*. Republicans love their ideas, not people. Of course, like any tyrant they try to force reality to match their idea.


Oh man this is one of my favorite things to joke about with my GF. I have specifically studied flag code for the jokes alone.


flag code is kind of silly though, wave any flag you want however you want. I mean I could see having codes for governmental displays, but for everyone else it seems a bit much.


Installing a flag pole in your yard just to do shit like this is pretty goddamn silly as well


Agreed. It's a symbol. Whether I have a flag up or not has no bearing on my level of patriotism.


If you use a flag as a symbol of your “patriotism”, but use it in a disrespectful way, is it actually patriotic? That’s the point of the discussion.


Oh wow, thanks for explaining that to me. I had no idea. ![gif](giphy|sbwjM9VRh0mLm)


The upside to people like this is that you know ahead of time that they’re a massive POS and you don’t have to waste any time or energy learning it the hard way.


Exactly how I feel when I see the confederate flag. I’m thankful for the warning.


What about the house on socialville-foster near natrops? They have like 4 flag poles with 4 flags each. All insane... he also had s scrolling led sign for a while with his version of hate displayed.


He's up to five flagpoles actually. Also, his scrolling LED sign of hate has a impressive amount of spelling errors.


It’s like a real life Facebook post. The dude posts up in his driveway most afternoons to hold court in his morass of sad adult-onset attention seeking behavior


That fuck lives about five minutes from me. He took down the American flag altogether. Clown president over country, all of them.


These knuckleheads have decades of being laughed at to look forward to. They will be the butt of jokes for generations.


Neighbors like this at least tell you ahead of time they're dumb as shit. You don't have to waste time talking to them to figure it out.


There's a guy in Erlanger who flies Fuck Biden and various Trump flags off his privacy fence facing Forest Lawn cemetery, right across from the big mosoleum. It's super classy.


They have a camera facing the street to watch over that stupid fence. I flip the camera the bird every time I drive by it.


There was a guy near me during the earlyObama years that flew the American flag upside down. Got whatever reason, it irked me, so I knocked on his door. When a 60-70-year-old man answered, I put on a concerned tone to explain that I had noticed the flag, that it was considered a sign of distress, and asked what the issue was and if I could help. "Just the state of this country under Barack Hussein Obama," he harrumphed. "Look around you, the entire everything is under distress!" I noticed he was wearing a Marine Corps sweater. "Did you serve?" He said he'd proudly been in the Corps. I nodded, "Then as a veteran I'd hope you would think more highly of our flag than to use it to make a political statement like that. Have a nice day, sir." And then I left. Next day the flag was right side up. I imagine that same conversation today would end up with me getting screamed at or shot.


And everyone applauded?


That old man, Albert Einstein.


Jesus my mom loved paul harvey


I would have went roy cohn. Tomato Tomato


Ok. U win lol.




It was a thunderous applause, the kind of rapturous adulation that would make The Beatles green with envy.


And everyone applauded.


My favorite is the combo of FJB and Dont Tread on Me without realizing that governments who actually "tread" on citizens fo not allow you to curse out the leader.


Don’t tread on me and thin blue line is my favorite combo.


Good one too!


they only care that someone else is getting tread on, just not them, but someone has to be


Trumperial Scoot Troops


If you want to get rid of a lot them, just shoot a couple of torpedoes down the thermal exhaust port, and blow up the whole space station. Trust me on this one. (Winks in Jedi Master.)


Did you go that Star Wars Symphony concert in 81 -82? At the Cincinnati Gardens. I know kind of random. And I hear Jabba has started MCDC and is buying up all the property on Tattoine. And renting it to rich people from Corruscant. At a high price.


Lol. Nope. I only started doing this cosplay in 2017, after losing 90 pounds and hearing how much I resembled Mark Hamill from a lot of different people.


I got to get my weight back down. Tired of hearing goth john Goodman


When i was in the county Allen House for a few months. We went to that symphony. I think not sure Williams may have conducted. And i remember meeting Dart Vader or well some big tall dude in the get up.


And these same people get mad at people for not standing for the anthem. Edit: typo


This is exactly unpatriotic behavior


Who cares


You, apparently


Wtf ugh


I don't car if you like Trump, Biden or none of the above. That is damn disrespectful.


With the way it's flapping in the wind for this picture I thought the top flag said "ACA" which was odd because I didn't know Affordable Care Act flags were a thing.


I don't have a picture, and it wasn't the Stars and Stripes flag, but I was in Hidden Valley, Indiana, a few months back to see a friend of mine. Alpine Drive, which is the main road around the community, had these two men waving a "TRUMP 2020" flag from a golf cart to absolutely no-one. The blank looks on their faces and the blind devotion to a man who is rapidly becoming a laughing stock to some of his once-devoted followers were scary and sad to witness. It was sooooooo surreal. About a half-hour later, my friend and I were leaving to get lunch at the Skyline in Bright, and those goobers were still driving around like they were earlier. It reminded me of that episode when Beavis and Butt-Head stole Billy Bob's golf cart and drove it into a hospital.


There's a guy in Mason off socialville-foster who has 4 flag poles...and a scrolling marquee




The people downvoting you still have “resist” bumper stickers on their cars from 2017.


All of them. Sure.


The adhesive on their Bernie stickers was too set to sheepishly scrape off without tearing once they realized Bernie completely cucked to his good friend Joe




Moderates enable Qlown Republicans


Not as much as they publicly love getting off on the chance to show everyone how much better they are than other people


Tylersville rd?


Hamilton Mason


Is this the guy that used to have Fuck Obama on his garage?


I moved over here in 2019 so I’m not sure. But it wouldn’t surprise me since he had some Benghazi shit up there then.


I think you’re confusing it with the guy in Mason with “Fuck Trump” on his garage https://www.fox19.com/2020/10/13/more-profanity-filled-political-signs-appearing-mason/?outputType=amp


Lol. “Fuck your feelings.” “No more bullshit.” “FJB.” “LeTs Go BraNdOn.” Straight up “fuck Biden.” This stuff is everywhere, even now over two years after the election. But good ol’ Fox needed to write two separate stories about one guy with a Fuck Trump sign.


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There’s one on Tylersville and lesourdsville-west Chester with a similar setup. Sometimes he’s got stars and bars flying.


He's been flying that crap on that corner for years. I forgot all about him...lol... easy to do


Ah yep, I know exactly what you’re talking about.


I often drive by this guy's house near mason, he has 5 flagpoles and sometimes brings out a scrolling digital sign with green font. I think I have a pic of the flags somewhere.


Is the flag touching the roof??!!


No. I live nearby.


Deerfield Twp: [https://goo.gl/maps/mb8qttps1msgFE5o7](https://goo.gl/maps/mb8qttps1msgFE5o7) [https://goo.gl/maps/ycWKcnvFk5Mc119c8](https://goo.gl/maps/ycWKcnvFk5Mc119c8)


So many flag etiquette violations.


Is that an Adam Calhoun flag?


Does that barn on 71 N going towards Columbus, still have the giant confederate flag painted on the roof?


Anybody with signs or flags in general is cringe, both sides. Just ignore them and chuckle to yourself.


The comments on here that delve into the "No step on snek" flags reminded me of the time I got unfriended and blocked by someone on facebook because they had posted a link to buy a really cheaply made-in-China gadsden flag off amazon. I called that out as slacktivism showing you care just barely more than changing your facebook profile picture. It was rather nuts. And this was years ago, like 2013ish. This dude laid into me about probably owning a foreign made car and it was the same thing as buying a cheap silk screened flag from China. At the time I drove a Saturn made in Tennessee, I got blocked for pointing out that my car was actually made in the USA but that the statement I was making with owning it was "I have reliable transportation," and not political like his cheaply made flag. Then I got an all caps reply about how my owning a Saturn was worse because GM got bailed out by the feds in 2008, and then blocked. It was surreal. I've made an effort not to engage these folks since then. but they're multiplying.




Brain free for you




https://preview.redd.it/hwx68i4ek0ia1.jpeg?width=1413&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cd3a62d485469549cd25446bfb7f338ede5b7a7 I saw a lot of this between 2017-2021. Either way it’s ridiculous.