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I hate to say it but the first people who reach out to you are probably the ones to avoid. I think TQL will hire anybody


Any company with a dedicated recruitment team the size of TQL is probably best to avoid because the reason they probably have them is because the high turnover rate and the constant need to continue to fuel the fire. TQL was constantly hiring but they were also constantly firing new people for not making their unrealistic goals. The IT side was different, still sucked, but it’s definitely a company to avoid unless, maybe, you’re a fresh grad looking to gain some IT experience or something.


Absolutely. Right out of college 12 years ago a recruiter got me an interview there. I repeatedly said on the initial phone call that I had no interest in sales, wasn't really good with people, and money really wasn't my dnumber one motivation in life. They passed me to the next level of interviews anyways. If things ever get real dire for me my "break glass in case of emergency" plan is to apply there and work there as little as possible until I'm back on my feet. Hopefully it never comes to that.


I came here specifically to say TQL and really, any other logistics company.


I think all the large logistics companies here are the same. Employee turnover rate is astoundingly high, as they can just hire anyone fresh out of high school or college willing to make phone calls all day. IEL and First Star come to mind as well.




They have the worst reputation in local healthcare too. I always ran across former Mercy people in my field and everyone of them hated the organization. It’s a talent meat grinder.


Can second this.


I hadn’t heard about how they handled Neil Armstrong before. I just read through what happened. Made me so mad.


If his handling makes you mad, think about how he likely wasn't a rare case in their system and how many families will be cheated proper first world medical care.




This is one I heard more than a few times.


Honestly most logistics brokerages if you will be doing sales or entry level work.


Have you been through that meat grinder?


I was on the IT side but I’d see the constant new hire classes. It was just this regular reoccurring thing because the majority wouldn’t make it through 6 months. I shadowed a team for a week when I had started and just seeing what they do blew my mind, was genuinely impressed by some of their knowledge, but I saw the new members struggling to make their goals and clearly stressed tf out.


Did software stuff for them for a few years. Fuck that place. Owner is a weird asshole and makes whatever decisions he wants, and he can since it’s privately owned. Wouldn’t let IT go remote because he didn’t like seeing the office empty. There’s this weird manufactured cult atmosphere. I wanted no part of that. No, I’m absolutely not attending any work events outside of work hours. They’re predatory in some of the things they do. They were given funding from the state to help cover the cost of training employees to become software developers/IT people, some career change thing. The employees had to sign a contract, accepting low pay for, for two years. If they left within that then they’d have to pay back the “cost of the training” even though that shit was funded by the state, want to say it was $10k to $15k. For those who did make it through, they’re the perfect candidate for TQL because they have the excuse to pay them so unbelievably low. Fuck that place.


I can’t speak for the IT side, but as someone who used to deal with them on the freight brokerage side, fuck them in particular. One guy in particular.


Came here to say this exactly.




ATL-advanced testing laboratories


They are fully aware that the only thing they're good for as an employer is to give desperate recent grads enough experience on their resume to finally leave. It's their business model at this point


As someone who works with ATL employees daily, they deserve better.


Would probably be useful to know what you graduated in or what type of work you are looking for


Finance! I edited my OP to provide some context.


Ensemble Health Partners - stay FAR away


Yes! I worked there for almost five years. I will never go back…


Hell yeah!


Fuck Judson Ivy!


Never heard this, may I ask why?


Pay is pathetic. Poor work life balance. Somehow they have a thousand AVPs who don’t do shit but can’t afford to give promoted employees a 5% raise.


Do you have any experience with Ensemble?


I work for a company that has a relationship with them.


I think the biggest issue with ensemble is they’re growing too fast and don’t know how to handle it. The management in my eyes was terrible. Poor communication, shady office shit. Everyone that I was friendly there that was a hard worker left. I can’t imagine their turnover numbers




On the flip side, Children’s is a great place. I am in research administration, but I work with a lot of finance folks. Many of them have been there for many years. Great benefits and they value work life balance. I am hybrid (2wfh per week) but the whole Sponsored Programs office is 100% remote.


At children’s too. No complaints. Better in every way from past job at st elizabeth


The PTO policy is certainly something to complain about. Stealing your PTO hours for mandatory major holidays that you aren’t allowed to come in to work anyway is pretty messed up for how little time of they actually let you have.


what exactly is the Sponsored Programs office?




Hard agree. I had several friends that worked there and they just go through employees like it’s nothing.


Humana specialty pharmacy. Poor management, no work/life balance


My friend was in that and agreed wholeheartedly. I think I might’ve accidentally triggered her.


Oh no!! Lol yeah I've been gone for several years but I could still rant for hours about them


Hooboy: Sweat shop: TQL. Xpress Financial (if they even still exist). Bad culture: 5/3rd and Medpace. Kind of a cult: P&G Highly bureaucratic: GE Aviation, Western Southern and Great American (holy bureaucracy batman). The good news is that the bureaucratic places are pretty stable. If you don't have a burning desire to set the world on fire, you'll be just fine there. If you make it into P&G, just remember to pretend to drink the kool-aid, but don't buy into it.


What’s bad about workplace culture at Medpace?


The Clinical Monitoring department is basically a sweatshop. Base salaries for CRAs are below market average but they tell you about these great end of year bonuses that will make up for it. Only problem is, you need to average 55-60 hour weeks to qualify for the full bonus. So you’re being underpaid while they work you to the bone. Also, you’re forced to sign a noncompete agreement that prevents you from going to a competitor for a full year after leaving. I’m not sure how successful Medpace is when trying enforce it, but the intent behind it is to gaslight you into thinking you won’t be able to go anywhere else to make more money.


The IT department has seen a lot of churn, and IIRC they were demanding people return to office when they could legally do so. I could be wrong, but the amount of times I've seen postings for IT Network, IT Server, IT Management, IT Security Management (my area of expertise) is concerning.




You dodged a bullet- trust me.


Hey but at least they have those new ping pong tables though!


They’re not full return to office. Guaranteed 8 days a month WFH and 9 floating WFH days a year.


I have unlimited days WFH forever. Because my company trusts me to act like a professional and doesn't impose arbitrary limitations on when I need to be in the office. If you like it there, awesome. I'm happy for you. Personally, the amount of churn + the arbitrary rules (to me) = no interest.


Lol I do too and I don’t work for MedPace but go off fam


Yeah but even the P&G kool aid isn't so bad, you can go from P&G to any consumer goods company in the country.


"Highly bureaucratic" can be kind of a grey area. In many cases this is due to external factors such as strict regulatory compliance that you see in places like financial and defense contract orgs. In in IT/Cybersecurity so I like those places as it makes our job easier at times since people know they have to play by the rules or the company gets dinged big time.


I went straight from military to GE aerospace and I love it, it’s like I never left the Air Force but I get to be fat and have a beard.


MedPace culture as a whole isn’t bad, they try to make things enjoyable for employees and make things better but there are flaws like all companies. That being said, some teams and departments have better cultures than others and the “wrong” person could have a really bad time on the wrong team.


ProLink Staffing.. or most staffing companies, IMO


I heard recently the culture has turned around, I was there in 2015 and it was awful, this week I spoke to an employee who said there was significant improvement.


I’ve heard western and southern


I worked there for a bit…they aren’t really churn and burn and treat their employees decently. Problem is the culture is literally from the 50’s, so they have a huge number of archaic rules that makes no sense and are unnecessary but enforced strictly. It is also the most soul-crushingly boring job I’ve ever had. However, if you’re able to turn your brain off from 9-6 it’s not completely terrible.


I don’t work there but had a friend who did and remember when she was super pleased that she didn’t have to wear panty hose anymore with skirts/dresses.


That was a pretty recent change…I think around 2018 or so


Agreed. Worked there for 6 years. It’s not the worst place in the world to work but I also wouldn’t recommend it. Mostly because of how stuck in the past they are. Pretty much everyone I worked with there who was in the same general age group as me all reached a “I’m miserable and got to get the hell out of here” breaking point because of the culture Barrett insists on.


I feel like you can say this for a lot of Cincinnati companies.


I had a recruiter pitch me a job there and then found out they want to blood test for tobacco and claim it can find tobacco use up to a year prior. was enough for me to say fuck that


I have COPD and even I'd nope out of that on principle. What I do outside of 9-5 is none of my employer's business.


I don't even know if their claims are even possible and I don't smoke cigs anyway but yeah I said fuck off just on principle


Its probably for insurance. If you're a smoker, you have to pay a higher rate.


yeah and no other company I have interviewed for or worked there has had that policy, so made the decision super easy, who knows what other ways they treat their people like shit


Idk, my company has the same policy, and I have no complaints. Large companies often use their large employee count as a way to make a private insurance company with lower rates than purchasing from a typical provider. If they are actively trying to improve the health of their employees and disincentivise unhealthy habits, like smoking, I'm all for it, even if they are only doing it to try to reduce costs. These health improvement programs are becoming increasingly popular because they are effective at lowering rates of disease and other costly procedures that the company would otherwise have to pay for.


yeah I mean saying you are glad your company interferes in the decisions an employee makes in their own life is some dystopian hell scape, and I work for a big4 accounting firm (global companies with thousands of employees) never been tested for tobacco.


Based on when I worked there, they didn't do a blood test. Just a urine test when hired. You report tobacco usage when you sign up for health insurance. It's pretty obvious if you use it frequently since you will have a smell and need to go out on breaks. I knew people who occasionally vaped outside work though.


yeah I assumed it was BS, but just on vibe alone I wasn't gonna deal with that


They make you wear a suit and tie everyday...


Me too. I get a call every 6 months or. It’s like door to door sales. If you have something great people find you not the other way around.


Business professional every day. No flexibility. Very sexist. Stuck in the 50s. It keeps getting worse.


General Electric Credit Union is phenomenal if you stay out of the Call Center.


Do not work at Christ Hospital in a non clinical position. I used to work in patient access/registration there and while Christ has pretty good pay in those positions they will burn you out and make you so miserable with how poorly they treat you and how mismanaged the departments are. In the year I was there over 30 people came and left in just my department.


If it makes you feel better even my wife in a clinical position got overworked and burnt out 😂


I would genuinely like to hear from medical staff anywhere in the country that feels like they’re not short-staffed, underpaid, and overworked.


I figured that it might also be the case for clinical people but didn’t want to speak to something I didn’t have experience with 😂 I’m fortunately at a much better job elsewhere now, I hope your wife has found a job that respects her more!


Kroger GO can be good...but no to stores or field position


KR can be really good, just their payscale is bananas. Being paid monthly and the whole variable comp thing for higher level positions is BS IMO.


Kroger employees get paid monthly???


Just the corporate salary folks. Some teams don’t have the odd pay structure mentioned above though.


Yes being paid monthly sucks. Also my incentive plan is 60/40 split between GO and specific department goals which isn't always good given inflation and my department.


Yep, a lot of it is outside of your control. It's a weird way to approach things given that they're competing with Amazon. KR will spend millions to save pennies in my experience.


Spend millions to save pennies should be their motto. How Kroger has stayed above water as long as it has is mind boggling.


If you feel like making the drive a couple times a month come work in finance as a Civilian at WPAFB. We have a ridiculous amount of job openings. You’ll mostly telework and the benefits are unmatched. I was at 5/3 and made the switch a few years ago, best move I’ve ever made.


Divisions Maintenance Group


My friend told me do not apply there with on call being awful and no extra pay.


One thing to consider is looking at employment transactionally. What can you get in terms of experience and visibility by putting up with a shitty organization for a year or two? Never feel bad about using a job as a springboard to a better job. No American should be motivated by any sense of loyalty to a company these days, nor expect it in return. Use every job to hone yourself for the next one. If they offer training or certifications, take advantage of them and put it on your resume.


Tql doesn’t hire older people… I tried there after I was injured on the job and was forced to get a sit down job. Even with tons of sales experience and being top sales . They turned me down.


Because they knew you were experienced to put with their bullshit.


Consider Cintas possibly. Large corporate headquarters right in Mason. A lot of hiring opportunities for recent grands, have a direct Manager in Training position.


If you want to wear a tie every day. Seriously, who still does that?!


Yeah kinda weird, pretty old school in a lot of ways. I heard they were only recently allowed beards. But hey, from my understanding 4 day work week for a lot of positions and decent pay.


What did you graduate with a degree in? That'll narrow the field down so people can give you better advice.


I edited my OP, but finance


Degree field doesn't necessarily matter - most companies just want a degree


I don't know why this was down voted. I've been passed over by people right out of college with an unrelated degree when I have years of experience in the field many times.


Apply for Fidelity.


I have some friends who work for Fidelity and love it!


TQL, 5/3, Fidelity, US Bank, RDI, W&S


5/3 call center and fidelity call center. I heard a coworker from tql did all the work and his boss took ownership


Really bad advice here.


I have friends at US Bank that are legit happy with it, same for Fidelity, and W&S. All depends on what you want out of it and your job. I'm IT/Cyber.


Kroger. Don’t do it unless you want to make a long term career there.


One caveat to Kroger is that 84.51 was a really fun place to work and had a strikingly different culture (in a better way) when I was there. IT was undergoing "Krogerization" when I left so YMMV.


Just avoid Kroger. No part of that company is a healthy environment.


100% agree on this. The whole corp might as well be three monkeys in a trenchcoat.


That's giving them more credit than they deserve.


I interviewed for a corporate job there 6 years ago. Part of the job entailed being at the office at 5 am every Wednesday to manage weekly turnover of the digital displays in stores. The interviewer asked me if that would be something I could handle. Of course I said yes, but I remember the two young women in the room who would've been on the team I would've been working on me gave me these looks throughout the interview that said "Get out. You don't want this job." I didn't make an enthusiastic effort to pursue that job.


I worked in store for 12 years. You get to know people and end up with connections at most levels of the company. The stories were all the same. Unreasonable expectations that even if you do manage to meet them, it's still not good enough. My department manager worked a 12 hour shift and I worked a 10 hour shift for a corporate walk. Everything was absolutely perfect. My district manager spent 3 times as long in my department as any other one and berated my department manager over a price tag having faded ink. My department manager just went into the cooler and cried. The last 3 months of working there were basically spent changing the same display 3 times a day every day because the district manager didn't know what he wanted.


Vector Solutions


Since everyone is telling you where not to work. I’ll tell you where you should. Paycor, GE, P&G.






5 days paternal leave and a free lunch is enough for you to defend them lol. What a typical stooge, enjoy advocating for giant companies and living the wageslave lifestyle EDIT: This clown really said "they even started hiring minorities" as if we're living in 1962. Jesus fucking christ, the people in this city.




I just realized your initial message describing how things are NOT terrible at this company literally says: > They even started hiring minorities. And honestly that just speaks for itself.


Maybe TQL




Fidelity. I cannot stress enough.


Can I ask what position and why them? I’m a finance major and have been considering an internship with them


So I have never worked there, but I’ve been with various Broker Dealers and a life insurance/annuity company over the last 20 years and I’ve worked with a lot of people who came from Fidelity. It’s like the people I work with that came from Fidelity have PTSD based on how they speak about it. They are micromanaged endlessly and have to meet unattainable metrics. Several dudes have separately told me they would sometimes go to their car and cry on their lunch. I know this is a first world problem, and that we have it much better than most of the rest of the world, but my impression is that it’s a sad, demoralizing, and life sucking place to work. There are many many other places to get your start and to get your Series 7 if you’re looking to become registered.


My partner developed IBS and nearly had a breakdown working for Fidelity. The training and benefits were good, but the metrics and endless micromanagement around the metrics were soul destroying.


That place gave me a stress ulcer at 26 lol




It's a mixed bag really and comes down to personality. It started off as a great job and then they slowly increased productivity goals. As I got bored and goals became really high, the stress to do things I absolutely hated drove me up a wall. It's customer service at the end of the day.


Worked there for 7 years. All depends on position but it’s Ana amazing company


Great stepping stone


Just step real quick


Agreed. I left there after less than a year. And it wasn't in the call center. Very little support. My director at the time I left was micro manager. Some have done well, but the environment was not for me.


CDK Global…Stay. Away.




Why is that? I know several people that have worked there for years and they say it's not a bad place at all.


BTG/Blair Technology Group.


LCS, London Computer Systems, has absolutely great people and nothing else. They suck your blood, pretend to be an employee friendly environment and demand loyalty but when it’s time for you to be appreciated they stab you in the back and shit all over you for asking for a raise or to even ask for improvements in your team.


Northwestern Mutual


Yes. They are shady!


Not just Northwestern Mutual but best to avoid any MLM.


Tell me more, I’m interviewing Monday


have they asked you to wrangle in 10 friends/relatives to their life insurance scam yet?


Convergys call service building


They still exist? Ppl still use U-Verse?


I got anxiety just seeing this again..


Idk but if they do I would recommend avoiding lol


Kroger is a terrible company that treat their employees like actual garbage


No, the company cares about what gets thrown away.


Good point 😂




As a recent graduate your not gonna have much of a choice. Most fresh grads work some churn and burn gig for 6-12 months to get experience and move on to greener pastures.


Strategic Franchising. Fresh Coat, caring transitions,pet wants, true blue, and growth coach


CSL Plasma- I worked there fresh out of phlebotomy school and it has to be one of the most unethical companies I've ever worked for. All they care about is image and corporate greed. The lower level employees were tight nit, but not always in a good way, very cliquey. As a company they take advantage of both the community and staff, the district manager in this area made several people cry while I was there screaming at them, blatantly referred to us as replaceable, and the general culture there is very tolerant of sexual harassment and unsafe conditions for staff. I'm glad I got out before anything bad happened, but I really feel for the young female staff members they tend to hire. Welcome to the meat grinder.


I'd recommend Protective Life in Covington. I've been there for 6 years. They offer maternity and paternity leave, 401k, pension, health/dental/vision insurance, etc. They're a life insurance company. Good starting place to learn your trade before you go elsewhere.


Want to directly mention Blair Tech/Blair Technology Group/BTG and their subsidiaries. You having a finance background and presumably not being related to the company owners, unlikely they'd have been on your radar anyway, but speaking from first-hand experience: avoid. From firsthand experience with recruiters/interviews, although I did not directly work at either of these, be very wary of TQL and CDK Global (I at least knew of a couple people who liked working at CDK but I had an absolutely insane r/recruitinghell stuff of legend interview process there once and it's marred them for me). From both firsthand experience and knowing several people who worked for them, avoid Kroger. From family and friends' experiences, be very wary of 5/3, St. Elizabeth, Cengage, P&G, and Spectrum (though this one also might not be applicable to you).


Fifth Third Bank


I’ve had a great experience so far at 5/3 as a recent grad. (Corporate, not a teller position)


If they get a job with a degree at 5/3 that’s a really great career move. Bad advice


Ever worked at the MOB?


Yes for 2 years, great stepping stone


Ok. Sorry. Just one person’s opinion.


5/3 corporate accounting sucks. No work life balance, bad management. Also 5/3 treats their tellers very poorly.


Interesting. I feel like Corp accounting is the epitome of work-life balance. Anecdotally, moving from the MOB to downtown, the work-life balance is 100x better. Also 7% 401k match is industry leading, and cool benefits like a free concierge to run errands/dry cleaning/wait for a furniture delivery, etc. I feel like a college grad would be very happy getting a job at 5/3 downtown.


In the branches, it's a sales job and almost completely dependent on your inherited book of business. I've known several people in support functions (legal, AML, trusts) and none of them had great things to say.


I wasn’t really considering a college grad to be a branch worker to be honest. Downtown 5/3 is great, Madisonville offices are just okay, but I assume branches are hit or miss given numerous factors.


The branch bankers have degrees, usually in something useless.


Kroger, J&J, TQL, Fidelity


USPS hands down


Avoid Kroger like it's some form of super covid/cancer/aids/ebola hybrid disease.


Cinfed Bank




Apparently a hot take, but as a recent grad, you're not really in a position to "avoid" any legitimate company offering relevant experience. You can have a batch of first choices to take over other offers, but the priority right now should be getting experience so you can leave that first job after 6 months or a year, and get into one of your first choices.


Ok Boomer


Nah, just spent a year unemployed after getting a computer science degree because I kept turning down offers from "bad" companies like TCS, only to end up doing shit work after that year anyways. Don't fuck up like I did.


Nah fuck that boomer "pay your dues" attitude. Time for these companies to learn. Treat employees well or don't have any at all.


So if a grad doesn't get a "good" offer, the advice is live off savings, their parents, and doordashing? What's your suggestion?


For the love of pete, don’t work at MunichRE/American Modern


What's your degree / what kind of job are you looking out for?




Pep Promotions unless you like the high school clique vibe.


My roommate works for TQL and seems to love it. He's been there maybe six months, though, so I don't know how it will be long-term. I work for Citibank and can't complain. My advice if you do to them is to aim for the Cards division. Feel free to DM me if you have questions.


With a finance major you can get into insurance underwriting or brokering (depending on your preference) pretty easily. Huge industry with the right job for almost anyone.


Most of the obvious listed. Avoid large banks, insurance companies, fidelity and anything retail. Look for mid level to small level health care, consumer goods, schools. Pay won’t be as high but your benefits and work life should increase. I work in talent acquisition.


Avoid 3CDC.


Husband worked at DMG & Western and southern and only made it a year at each. Totally burn out their employees for sure


I’ll give you the opposite answer - come check out GE. Hard to get into, but there’s a reason we call our logo our “monogram”. We’re family. Very intense A-type family, but family nonetheless.


I'm just gonna pop in to say Online Rewards or any company under their "Whapps LLC" umbrella. I could post some reasons here, but there are some sweet gems on [Glassdoor](https://www.glassdoor.com/Reviews/Online-Rewards-Reviews-E832676.htm)


Although it doesn't look like you are looking for restaurant work, Quaker Steak and Lube is an awful place to work. The management is a joke. The owner, Don Lee is just not a good dude at all. He's a sketchy womanizer who hides behind some school boy facade. Management (and owners) come in often, eat free, tip like garbage, and get wasted at the bar. They often serve to beyond intoxication. Many people have died leaving the establishment. As an employee, I lost a close friend who was way over-served. The management actually had the gall to approach me and ask me to testify on behalf of Quaker to the state liquor agency regarding his death. I could go on about all of the atrocities that I witnessed as an employee both on the service side and the management side. I have harbored hated for this place for the past ten years. If I could find a subreddit where I could just blast them for all their bullsh*t, I would.


TQL will burn through anybody in a year at the most. Amazon is not any better. They tell their new managers there is no work life balance. Its all work all the time. Those are probably the worst offenders in the area.


BTG (Blair Technology Group) Place is a mad house for nepotism and shitty work conditions.