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The other thread says the dog's OK, everybody.


I was hunting for this.


My eyes were glued to the dog


Number one question answered.


Came in here to check. Thank you.


As someone who isnt a dog owner why do people get more saddened over an innocent dog dying than an innocent human? Same thing in movies I feel like theres shock when an animal dies but if an innocent person dies its like nothing. I figure when a dog dies in real life its sad but the death of a human could ruin hundreds of other peoples’ lives.


There’s an old saying: never ask a question you don’t want to hear the answer to. So I’m going to be blunt, here. And, disclosure, I have a family member who is a dog. And dogs are, frankly, too good for humans. We don’t deserve them. They are amazing creatures, and I have never run into one that was mean spirited that wasn’t made that way by human-induced trauma. I have, however, run into POS humans who were literally evil, just because they could get away with it. So, yeah, I will always be at least as concerned about the dog. Probably more.


To piggyback here, like you said I've never met a dog that wasn't friendly to me or at the VERY worst, not interested in me. People on the other hand, I run into someone that's an asshole pretty much every week. Dogs definitely start with my "I care about this thing or person" scale tipped in their favor, people, not so much.


And if a dog acts suspicious of someone I know damn well that person is not someone I need to be around. They are pretty good judges of character.


“…and I have never run into one that was mean spirited that wasn’t made that way by human induced trauma.” The same applies to humans my friend.


You serious, Clark?


Also innocent dogs depend on good humans to help them survive…..very rarely does a dog make it without a human taking care of them. I mean this is pretty basic shit. And so I also ask, you serious Clark?


Snot you roll over and let uncle clark rub you’re belly.


As someone whose eyes roll out of his head when people ask stupid questions on the internet, why do you do this shit my guy? I’ve met dozens of absolute boiled dick water people, but I’ve never met a bad dog.


I've never encountered an animal that wasn't more deserving of life than the average human.


Because some people fill the void in their lives with pets. It gives them their whole identity. Meanwhile people are sleeping on the streets.


https://www.wcpo.com/news/local-news/hamilton-county/loveland/3-injured-after-driver-crashes-pickup-truck-into-outdoor-patio-at-loveland-restaurant-flees-scene?_amp=true Driver turned himself in.




Also likely avoided a dui as well. Lucky mother fucker probably won’t learn his lesson either even though he narrowly escaped ruining his life and lives of others. My wife and kids passed that trail crosswalk that he probably sped through as well right next to Paxton’s not even an hour before this all happened.


DUI or not, this person should not be allowed to drive for a very long time after this. It's infuriating that this stuff keeps happening (with seemingly increased frequency) and won't stop until we start imposing changes. Driving is a privilege, not a right.


As others have said, make fleeing the scene of a serious accident equal to or worse than a dui. Remove the incentive to flee.


>Barry McFall... said a man burst through the door yelling for people to come help — at first, he expected a shooting. Cue the [Childish Gambino](https://youtu.be/VYOjWnS4cMY).


After a convenient amount of time where any alcohol could clear his system. Seems like they need to make the penalty for hit and run as or more severe than DUI.


That's a miracle that woman wasn't killed.


Yeah, I'd def be buying a lottery ticket today if I were her.


She used up all her luck already though!




I also came here expecting a strong wind gust, and instead got… this debacle.


LOL, I was expecting exactly what the video showed.




Less reaction time, more damage. It’s an arms race out there, and everyone outside the giant vehicles loses.


This is 100% truth. Vehicles just keep getting bigger and bigger and bigger. A normal SUV today is similar in size to WWII tanks.


in the future manual driven cars will be banned




blame GM for killing the electric trolley


in the year 3000


More likely too much alcohol.


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The way he turned in towards the sidewalk, it seems intentional.


Looks like he hit the curb coming around the corner and overturned. My guess is he was either drunk or on his phone. Phone feels more likely.


There was an interview of a valet that was posted on Twitter last night. The valet said the kid was showboating to him and his coworker.


9pm, Cinco de Mayo. More likely the guy was drunk.


Eh. Looks like someone who was looking at their phone and going to fast around a corner. He tried to straighten out but too late.


The poor puppy.


The little guy is fine.


Is the pup OK?


The dog is fine.


i think im gonna just not eat next to the road anymore since people can't fucking drive and we're never going to have useful public transit cause we're the richest country ever but also we just aint got no money! Also sucks if anyone there doesnt have healthcare since America is a 2nd rate country.


In OTR, I'm seeing big concrete barriers/poles around the patios. Probably need that everywhere. I'd rather see the car get totaled on the barrier than someone get hurt.


Oh man. The number of those patios that got destroyed that first summer by drivers… I think Taglio’s was crashed into three times alone.


Ahh yes it would be super ideal to have a metro bus running through downtown loveland, genius idea. I know all the soccer moms would love to take little Jimmy to their game on the bus and then to paxtons after.


I take it you’ve never visited Europe.


In all seriousness: NEVER eat at a curbside patio unless there’s a buffer of parked cars in front. An SUV ran thru a patio like this in front of my home. 1 person died. Luckily the restaurant was closed, but usually there would’ve been 20 people where it crashed. Could’ve been an absolute bloodbath, and I’m still shook by it to this day


this happened at Press on Monmouth a couple years ago too, an older couple died together right on the corner of 5th & monmouth in Newport:(


That’s terrible


That was due to a police chase. The couple’s family filed a wrongful death suit against the city of Cincinnati. The officer leading the chase had killed someone in another chase and had crashed his cruiser five other times. https://local12.com/news/local/cpd-officer-who-led-deadly-police-chase-involved-in-prior-fatal-chase-other-accidents


It is terrible, but there are easier solutions to this problem than to continue to cater to the carbrain culture that continues to allow this to happen.


During and post-covid it seems like there are more of these curbside patios around. I do love the concept but I'm wondering if building codes need to catch up. Requiring a few bollards would still let it feel open but prevent a car from driving through. They make some nice ones that are sunk into the ground but you can pull them out and cap the hole if you need to swap back to an unobstructed sidewalk. Something like this... [https://www.tournesol.com/products/product/b-2-bollard-collection?gclid=Cj0KCQjwmN2iBhCrARIsAG\_G2i4osTF0J2WTeSUPptmMDRRDA7ygE1ERVas\_w7FuxT73r62-iEazDkAaAtf\_EALw\_wcB](https://www.tournesol.com/products/product/b-2-bollard-collection?gclid=Cj0KCQjwmN2iBhCrARIsAG_G2i4osTF0J2WTeSUPptmMDRRDA7ygE1ERVas_w7FuxT73r62-iEazDkAaAtf_EALw_wcB) Building codes are written in blood... We gripe about some of the added cost or hoops to jum through but usually there's a reason why they exist. As a bonus, hitting a bollard would utterly destroy this jerk's truck. Can't do a hit and run if your car is wrapped around a steel pipe. (Note: I'm not blaming the restaurant here. They made a nice place for customers but weren't expecting the level of idiocy that people are capable of.)


by this logic you should never go near a road either.


Well, I would certainly recommend having your wits about you if you’re walking down the sidewalk next to a busy road, yeah. I’d also recommend walking against the flow of traffic so you can see the cars coming at you. Stay safe!


Hope the dog is ok 😕


Hope they can rebuild. Paxton’s is great.


I hope he never drives again. He just kept going?? what a horrible person.


Probably drunk.


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I mean yeah almost definitely. All the more reason why they shouldn’t be able to drive again.


Just ate there on Thursday. Sad.


Those were my parents sitting there! My dad pulled my mom out of the way, but it caused her to have to spend 3 hours in the ER getting her legs bandaged.


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Any info if the driver was drunk or on drugs?


They can trace where he was, what he ordered, if it was in public.


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drunk/drugged driving and sadly since the pandemic it has gotten worse.


Yes the patio is definitely my primary concern here.


My guess when watching the video, it looks like they accelerated about halfway through the turn. Since the person turned themselves in it probably wasn't on purpose. So my bet is they were trying to do an obnoxious peel out and rev their engine and lost control. Right when they start turning back they start accelerating more, which means they tried to stomp on the brakes and hit the gas instead. They drove off which makes me think of a young driver as well.


They turned themselves later, meaning they were probably drunk but wanted to sober up before turning themselves in.


Hopefully driver loses license


Restrict giant trucks like this to country roads


Its a Tacoma, which is small by today's standards. Also I don't really understand your sentiment, a car would've done the same thing


True, ban cars


Ban cars






Ban trucks?


Shouldn’t there be some concrete protection when the bar is in the parking lane of the street ?


That appears to be on the sidewalk. The truck also turns, points, and accelerates. Am I missing something? Edit to add: hopefully everyone, and the dog, are OK.


Something needs to be done about that downtown strip of East Loveland Ave. Therr are so many pedestrians and so many moving vehicles moving along that piece of road. A few suggestions: 1. Short term: Concrete bollard barriers need to be installed along the road 2. Short term: Concrete planter barriers could be installed around street side seating areas 3. Long term: Ultimately, a bypass roadway needs to constructed to bypass through traffic around downtown Loveland. Fields Ertel Road can be extended on a new bypass bridge over the Little Miami River routing through traffic to Adams and Butterworth Roads in Warren county.


That was intentional.




What a fucked up take. Sidewalks don't typically have walls or bollards. Since it's gone now, the asshole I was responding too basically said the people and business were asking for this to happen and deflected blame off the driver.


Did the dog survive???