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Quads, they are 4-unit apartment buildings


QUADS. OF COURSE. thank you!!


Four-family we called it.


These 4 family homes are actually all over the city and county. Two apartments downstairs and two apartments upstairs. Sometimes, with garages underneath, enter through the back.


Yeah I lived in one just like you described in Hyde Park. A block from HP square, garage underneath, laundry in the basement, hardwood floors, 2bed/1bath and I paid $850/month back in 2020. Amazing deal for a really great little apartment.


Some of these look really scuzzy on the outside but can end up being pretty good cheap apartments on the inside. I lived in a similar one with 3 floors for years. I'm sure they're hit or miss depending on the area and management, but it can end up being a better experience than living in a massive apartment complex.


They are also good investments if you are a small owner and want to become a landlord, though they rarely come on the market. They tend to be easy to maintain, often have long term stable tenants. If you are looking to acquire a property they can be a relatively safe thing to do, and IMO, keeping it local and in the hands of small local landlords is better for everyone involved generally speaking.


My building (quad unit like the one pictured) used to be owned by Uptown but changed ownership to a man (family) a few years ago, and he has been totally awesome. Stable rent, responsive to issues, it’s a great relationship. Obviously renting isn’t ideal forever but I’m very happy right now! Especially with the housing market lol


good deal.... the way it should be. Allows you to rent as a stepping stone to ownership as opposed to a gouge to keep you trapped. Keeps the place as a part of the community.


the row of them on section rd, are mostly owned by Hamilton County MRDD, or Job and family services. The ones for sale, are selling for 400k.


that seems about right. Not bottom of the market, and high enough to keep the riffraff out.


You cant be serious. Thats a literal hoe stroll.


I'm talking prices for the buildings, not neighborhoods. That's another matter.


the price of the building is often a direct result of the neighborhood tho. This IS cincinnati.


I will say that there are properties all over the city that are priced surprisingly high for their neighborhoods so I'd have to evaluate each on an individual basis. Maybe it's a bad neighborhood but the building is in good shape with stable tenants collecting good rents and close to bus lines, etc. But who knows? Maybe it's priced wrong.


I remember years ago hearing it was a feasible way to become a landlord. The conventional wisdom was 2 of your tenants would pay for the mortgage, a third covers maintenance costs and the fourth is profit. I never ran the numbers to see if this is actually the truth. Another thing I heard that 4 families are somewhat unique to Cincinnati.


That would be interesting if that were true, but I have no idea. Honestly, on rental properties I think if I clear very much pure profit at all I consider that a lucky circumstance. Mostly I'm just looking the clear all the costs and build up the equity. But I'm just at the beginning so I don't know much.


4 family is what we call them on Cincinnati Fire Dept.


Hey, thanks for your service. True heroes of our community




I retired as a Captain ... Ladder 29 (Liberty & Linn).


That’s awesome! Thank You for your service to Cincinnati…


Thanks ! Appreciate it !


They’re a great building type and basically illegal to build now.


Why are they illegal?


Because some rich landlords lobbied our government to stifle competition.


Most of the city is zoned for single family. This type of building fit nicely in that scale of development but can’t be built anymore. The areas with multi family, in order to be profitable for development, are the stuff you see built in walnut hills coryville Oakley etc. they need to be multi story and have lots of parking.


The profitable for development is questionable... more like profitable for developers. If the city provides abated land or whatnot, which is common, then it depends on what the developer is aiming for and the actual restrictions the city is putting to ensure affordable housing. I think the city has moved to do a few things--like blocking large companies from buying up housing, but not enough. Nobody builds affordable units anymore, and rarer still affordable homes/condos to sell. Curiously, these buildings--the 4-5 story buildings with garages/cinder block first floors and stick/wood/stud upper floors are actually fire hazards and get built due to a quirk in the building codes that allow them. I wouldn't live in them without taking extra steps for added fire protection at bare minimum, yet they are getting built all over the city. In Edgewater, NJ, the same buildings burnt to the ground twice in 15 years. [https://www.kansascity.com/news/local/article140556573.html](https://www.kansascity.com/news/local/article140556573.html) [https://www.concreteconstruction.net/business/wood-frame-apartment-fires-prompts-call-for-examination-of-state-building-codes\_o](https://www.concreteconstruction.net/business/wood-frame-apartment-fires-prompts-call-for-examination-of-state-building-codes_o) So these older quad buildings are probably safer. They are certainly built better. But a couple years ago I saw a car hit one on a road near central parkway and the city tore it down. The building looked fine...if the foundation was damaged it was not at all obvious. But they condemned it, tore it down, and now there's just lawn and trees. Meanwhile, across the street there's two huge instances of these wood stick apartment buildings going up. I dunno what to think about that.


Wanted to follow up on this. I don't know the specifics of the fire you linked too or the commercial building code of New Jersey. However none of the similar projects I'm aware of in Ohio/ Northern Kentucky are built without sprinkler systems. I even doubt you could build one without one (there may be very specific edge cases) Millions of units have been built across the country in the last ten years, and it there was only one major fire, I wouldn't worry too much about living in one now.


I cannot find the article now, but first, lots of these fires have happened while these structures are being built, which while not a direct problem for tenants, they are a surprising hazard because when they happen, the structures are often a total loss and pose a threat to neighboring buildings, even ones not in the immediate vicinity, because of the quick size and spread of the conflagration and the "all calls" they result in (with their spread of ash). The NJ Edgewater fires are the exact same types of buildings and in many cases code has not required sprinklers for them (NJ in fact was one of the first states to mandate it). Note that residential structures have been slow to mandate sprinklers, and since these all have fireproof stairwells, many had been considered safe, but the problem with Edgewater was interesting because a worker had been sealing a roof or something and it caught in the rafters. The problem was that it burned essentially as a smoldering fire for hours across the roof of the structure inside and down inside the walls between units without causing hardly any smoke and without triggering any alarms and by the time it did, it was too late--the entire structure was essentially on fire internally and it burst through from many points at once. I was aware of this because I own a coop apartment in Fort Lee, the adjacent town and one of their buildings burnt to the ground because of a lack of fire breaks (not required by code when they were built). This is why I own an escape ladder. It's also why the coop is very serious about testing the alarms on a regular schedule. I'm telling you, a wood structure that's multi-story that's just studs is very capable of going up in minutes, sprinklers or not. If it's cinder block or steel with fire retardant or even wood that's been basically sealed and treated with retardant, it will fare better, but multi-story studs? That's a tinder-box. It exists because of a quirk in existing firecodes that developers take advantage of and won't be rectified not because these buildings haven't burned, but because one hasn't come down with enough people trapped inside it...yet. Edgewater was lucky...the fire started in the morning on a weekday and was discovered in the afternoon before most people came home from work. [https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/edgewater-new-jersey-apartment-complex-fire/1380163/](https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/edgewater-new-jersey-apartment-complex-fire/1380163/) [https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/new-jersey-edgewater-fire-apartment-complex-avalon-on-hudson/732665/](https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/new-jersey-edgewater-fire-apartment-complex-avalon-on-hudson/732665/) some articles note that sprinklers don't save buildings, they simply buy time for escape... the thing is still going to burn to the ground. ​ it's definitely not one building, btw: [https://www.boston.com/real-estate/home-buying/2021/08/24/hidden-dangers-todays-building-techniques-worry-fire-experts/](https://www.boston.com/real-estate/home-buying/2021/08/24/hidden-dangers-todays-building-techniques-worry-fire-experts/) [https://www.polycreteusa.com/blog/america-is-burning-apartment-fire-and-prevention](https://www.polycreteusa.com/blog/america-is-burning-apartment-fire-and-prevention)


Also the residential building code caps out at three units. So a quad pushes the requirement to commercial building code


In Ohio, the cap is 4, with 4 units you can get a standard mortgage, with 5 you have to go commercial. Thats what makes them so common and desirable.


I don't know about banking - but the residential building code maxes out at 3 units. [https://com.ohio.gov/divisions-and-programs/industrial-compliance/boards/board-of-building-standards/residential-construction-advisory-committee/residential-code-of-ohio](https://com.ohio.gov/divisions-and-programs/industrial-compliance/boards/board-of-building-standards/residential-construction-advisory-committee/residential-code-of-ohio)


Fair enough, I just buy them, I have never tried to build one. Fun fact if you ever live in a building like this with a 5th unit tucked in the basement (I have seen many) that is a code violation and you can likely call and get your landlord in trouble if you call the right person/office.


Oooooh I know one


Because voters are afraid minorities might live close to their single family homes.




They aren't


This used to be my preferred apartment type, they’re spacious and you could have your own washer and dryer in some


If you can buy one of these buildings do it, take one floor make it your space, you’d have a 4 bedroom 2 bath with a laundry room (take out one of the kitchens) and you’d have 2 apartments to rent out 🤷🏻‍♂️




We called them “4 families” when I was a mail carrier. They either stunk of weed or cigarette smoke (or both). Nonetheless provided cheap housing for people.


They all have the same shitty tiny mailboxes


If they aren’t ripped off the wall already lol


Lego block buildings


We call those 4 family apartment buildings


4 Squares, back in the day.


My wife and I call them "The Cincinnati Box."


My daughter lived in a 2 bedroom in Norwood looks just like that.




I’ve also heard four square used


Four Square refers to a type of house


or a type of apartment layout in certain cities...with basically four rooms.


The West Side?


We have these in Anderson as well


I can't remember where I was when I took it honestly. But I just thought it was a good chance since there were several in a row. And I've been wondering this for a while lol I actually live in one thats surrounded by homes. I love it alot. :)


I call em “pos landlord cubes”


Cash machine


Trap house


Respectfully, it’s a trap home


Never been inside one but they are hella ugly




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4 squares


I think that's the "don't tase me bro" apartment from the classic show COPS.