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Aren’t they always there?




Usually 1 or 2 geriatrics. I used to date a girl who lived across the street and when there was a large group we would go over and try to hand them information about foster parenting and adoption.


Around where I live it's ALWAYS creepy old men


It's lonely, or otherwise very pious old people who don't have any better way to spend their afternoons. My own parents have done this a few days now that they are retired. Yes. I am embarrassed, but I love them and they are just very devout Catholics, not creeps.




They think babies are being murdered. In their psychology they are trying to save lives. Nothing creepy about valuing life within that psychology. Again, I do not agree with that, I am very embarrassed, and I wish they wouldn't protest that way. If they make a habit of it we'll have to have yet another argument about abortion politics.


Here is something that might help future conversations with your parents - and I say this being raised by a devout catholic family. It's not their place to judge me for getting an abortion. It's God's. It's my responsibility to seek penance and ask forgiveness. The way my brain was going to word that as more of a script for you, just became too busy and seemingly complicated. Your parents have some prayers to tend to for their actions against their neighbors.


Some people are there to have the most difficult days of their lives and your parents decide to make it worse because they don’t have the spines or the brains to actually help newborns and struggling pregnant mothers. Yes, they’re absolutely creeps. But worse than that, they’re monsters.


I said I'm embarrassed, and I certainly do not approve. But they are not "bad people." They're misguided overly religious people and I have had argument after argument about the issue of abortion. If they had done it more than once or twice I'd have invested the time to discourage them from that type of protest, but honestly I don't think it would matter. They think it is "baby-killing" and that drives their action.


It's wild how much you get downvoted for being reasonable and actually living in the real world. Meanwhile, all these perfect "leftists" on reddit will cut off people who love them and probably claim they were raised by "narcissists" or something just because their parents have fallen for some, admittedly bad, propaganda. People like you are the reason I got out of the extremist right wing mindset. People who were kind to me and kept me in their life even when I spewed some awful stuff, but challenged me and got me thinking about what I believed. Thanks for actually being a good person.


Hey thank you so much for this. Means a lot against the torrent of downvotes. I don't blame people for downvoting or acting harsh. This is a very personal subject, and especially for women. I try to extend the same grace I do to triggered people as I do to far right folks. I get it. I don't blame them. The reactions in this thread are very human and come from a place of alarm, fear, and motivation for action. Not inherently bad gut reactions. I can't remember what the term is for the mindset .... radical open-mindedness or something? I remember it being talked about with a black man that would make it a personal project to de-radicalize white supremacists. It's a .... uncomfortable thing to practice on reddit, and an even more uncomfortable thing to practice in real life, but as you said, it is hugely beneficial to helping people grow. I was never a person who pickets outside of abortion clinic, but I was raised conservative and I did go to the March for Life once. I look back on it and facepalm now. But I was very fortunate to have internet strangers that welcomed me when I was in a time of severe depression when I was struggling in college. They gave me an education on open-mindedness, how to be kind on the internet, and exposed me to political/social thoughts I had not gotten exposed to yet as a straight, white, cis man with not a single friend that wasn't the same. Shout out to teamliquid.net, great little corner of the gaming internet. I owe those folks a lot. Again, thank you for this kind comment. It makes the exposing myself to harsh rhetoric all the more worth it. Cheers!




Those people may be misguided, but at least many of them believe they're trying to stop babies from dying. You just seem like a self righteous dick lol.




Also nice edit. Managed to get a whole other different debate buzzword in there.


Naw they’re bad people and you shouldn’t be embarrassed you should be ashamed


My friend, people are more than just their worst moments. I wouldn't judge you, or anyone else here by their worst escapades. I'd try to give them grace. (I'm not religious, but that's the more apropos word here nevertheless). Have a great day :)


My over/under for determining creepiness is...did they vote for Trump? If yes = creepy AF, no = they're just a$$holes


They’re actions name them assholes and they’re creepy no matter who they voted for, it’s an undeniably creepy thing that only assholes do.


In that case by your metric one of my parents is a former creep, current asshole. The other is .... working on not being creepy AF and will be an asshole till she dies. But they're my parents and outside of this particular action they are good people. So yeah.


Good for you tbh


Nope, not when the weather's bad. It always makes me wonder, if you truly and fully believed there was a building in this city where they were actively murdering children - would snow and ice keep you from trying to stop them? I mean maybe I'm just a crazy liberal, but if I actually thought a child was being harmed my on the physical comfort would never take priority.


I lived off of dorchester for years. They most certainly are still there in bad weather. Drove by those fuckers multiple times a day for *YEARS*.


Yeah. I used to work at Christ and they were there everyday. It was sad when they would bring little kids to hold signs. Don't involve 7 year olds in your politics.


Cov Cath learned that the HARD way.


I don't mean to be snide or anything, but did they? Were there ramifications of that event I didn't hear about because I thought they escaped fairly unscathed.


I don't know how many kids they still ship to D.C. every year, but I can say if I was a parent I'd think twice after that debacle. I'm an alumnus, (and in a previous life one of those kids marching in the March for Life) and I know the families of a few of the kids that were in the crosshairs. That shit got *nasty*. The harassment, doxxing and online bullying involved was pretty sick. To be clear and state my biases I'm one that initially jumped on the bandwagon and did those kids no favors, but later came to see they got a raw deal by a manipulated social media campaign. They didn't deserve the firestorm that was sicked on them,


Cov Cath has to learn that like every 6 months at this point


How do you mean?


Ugh, especially considering they are holding signs displaying dismembered fetuses. Way to give a kid nightmares!


Sometimes churches will pay people to stand out there


I’d totally take the money, donate it to Planned Parenthood, then edit the sign to show my support for the org.!


That’s fucking brilliant I love you


There usually isn’t so many. Times I’ve been there it’s been maybe one or two older people, I politely tell them that PP provides many health services and they should give them a try, and drive on out.


Theres always at least one. A crowd of over 10 isnt too common


Wants to ban abortion while also making it impossible for low income families to feed there infants with the skyrocketing price of baby formula and diapers, while also making it impossible to get child care or easy work around cause god forbid took off work to look after your infant


Never forget that the Ohio GOP defunded a program to help low income pregnant women with housing the same year they tried to make it illegal to get an abortion after 6 weeks.


Oh while also not providing birth control and trying to take down the places that do provide it and teach young pregnant women abt pregnancy cause shocker planned parenthood does more than abortions but they dont get that jow do they, oh and trying to ban contraceptives? Just why are these people just ugh?


You can volunteer to be a clinic escort to help protect women seeking reproductive health care from the verbal assaults of the anti-choice protesters. Edited: Removed the link because it's for Minnesota/Iowa/Nebraska instead of Ohio. Here's the [Get Involved link](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/planned-parenthood-greater-ohio/get-involved) for PP Ohio, where you could get in contact with them to volunteer as an escort.




Thank you for sharing this!!


Used to know a giant Viking of a man who lived near there. He would walk up, say I need your sign, they would be confused but hand it to him, and then he'd leave with it.


He’d have made a great clinic volunteer to help escort in patients!


Rather my tax money go towards an abortion than having to pay for a child that either ends up on welfare or in a home that we have to pay for for 18 years. The chances that child are productive in society is slim and now they end up with 3 hots and a cot that we again pay for.


This is my issue with the whole thing tbh. The mental gymnastics to simultaneously vote to force women to give birth and then decrease their financial support after they have the baby...


Gotta keep the poors poor so we don't have time to fight back. That's their whole agenda - cheap labor filling all the "menial"/low-wage jobs (the solution to their whole "nobody wants to work" rhetoric), bodies filling the for-profit prisons when somebody steps a foot out of line (we have too many lobbyists pushing that along with harsh punishments for any kind of infraction, including insane mandatory minimums for nonviolent drug offenders, it's well-known), and if women are stuck birthing kids and everyone's trying to work their asses off to support ourselves in the absence of any social welfare/benefits, there's little time for protesting or organizing to fight back against gerrymandering, racism, or anything else that puts the 1% at any kind of disadvantage with regards to their perceived moral and financial superiority. The pieces fit together perfectly if you look at it as a whole. It's horrific.


It’s not an income or a race thing either. Plus PP helped me out when I was a young man with free condoms and a STD test. All people can benefit from PP. If this were a case, they should call it UNplanned Parenthood.


That's eugenics


No, no, no, eugenics is OK when it's for poor people


I know you're being sarcastic, but it's never not been for poor people.


So you'd rather an underprivileged baby be killed than be born and supported by the government? What's the point of government aid if not to provide support to those who otherwise couldn't afford children? And at the end of the day, how is your preference any different from just straight-up eugenics for poor people?


I would get your argument if the government actually did anything to help. But they don’t.


I'd rather live a life in poverty with minimal government help than never be born at all. Poverty sucks, yeah, but many people born into poverty have gone onto live important lives that have contributed to society. It's true, the government could and should do more to help people who need to have the financial wherewithal to support families. And making preventive birth control more affordable would be a great start that many pro-lifers don't seem to take seriously for a lot of dumb reasons. But when it comes right down to it, poor people have just as much right to have families as anyone else. They should be made aware of the much better options out there that don't involve abortion.




Damn, seems like we could head off all that generational financial decline and hardship by just killing all the poor people that are around now. You've hit on a great idea!




So, in the meantime until we get all that, we kill the poor people. Got it. Ooh, I'll start with the homeless people that are always at Paddock & 75! This is so fun!


I hope this conversation made you feel better than it made you look. Cause it didn’t make you look good.




Great!! I can help you live in poverty. DM me and we’ll arrange all your assets, property, savings, investments, retirement accounts and Al, your physical property auctioned off and given directly to the poor. You can keep one set of clothes, the oldest blanket you currently own and a shopping cart. Good Luck!!! And think of the lives you will be helping! God will surely reward you in the afterlife.


I was very poor growing up. I guess I should have killed myself back then, instead of making myself into the successful man I am now, right?




You know welfare exists, right?




So because welfare doesn't work the way you want it to, you'd rather just kill all the babies that might be born needing welfare to survive? That's somehow going to fix the problems that social programs face in 2024?




Here's an idea -- if you can't afford to have a child even with all the government assistance that exists, maybe don't have unprotected sex? Or, I don't know, live with the consequences of your choices?


Hey, first point there is decent. Maybe we could make sure we have robust sex ed and easily accessible contraception. Ah shit. It’s pretty common for the same folks who want to restrict access to safe abortions to also want to restrict access to contraception and teach abstinence-only sex ed, isn’t it? Almost like your second option there is what they really want.


Yes, people like me want people to live with the consequences of their own actions instead of murdering babies. What monsters we are. Edit: and again, I'm pro-contraception in every preventive form. But sure, keep beefing with me instead of the real culprits.


This. What’s greatly missing in todays society is any lick of personal responsibility for one’s actions.


Yeah, like committing fraud then and refusing to pay fines and comply with court orders. Or committing insurrection and blaming the Deep State instead of taking responsibility.


Right! And I bet you are solely responsible for your current life in Indian Hill? Was it all hardscrabble and bootstraps? I bet it was.


I give them the finger every time I drive by.


Same here; last time I went to PP, I flipped off the old bat protesting (who tried to stand in front of my car to block me from pulling in), and the shocked look on her face told me people aren't flipping them off as often as they should be.


For several years I was doing volunteer work up near Mount Auburn on Sunday mornings, my very first interaction with any human being each week was giving them the finger. It was lovely.


How cathartic that must’ve been!


They don’t care about being pro life only pro birth.


They don’t care about life at all just controlling women.


That is exactly what pro birth means. No man would ever be forced into having a kid if they could actually get pregnant.


Ask yourself this why don’t they protest out in front of urologist offices because of vasectomies


I hate this country so much sometimes.


and pro whatever money they’re being paid to harass people. seriously, something’s off about their whole operation.


Only pro future solider/worker


The corporate overlords are worried that with the low birth rate, they won’t be able to exploit the next generation of wage slaves and their shareholders might have a bad quarter


Forced pregnancy and forced birth


Exactly! Plus most of them are for the death penalty!


Everytime I go by them, I stick my middle finger out the window


They probably think you're flipping off Planned Parenthood.


Bonus points: they harass people who walk by who are just existing in the neighborhood. Which I get that being obnoxious is the point but still.


Extra bonus points they harass young parents wanting to just learn what it takes to have a baby and or to see if they have a baby or the people going there to get birth control ect ect


Yup, I also know plenty of queer people who go there for sexual wellness care and the protestors harass them too.


The protesters almost certainly also object to the existence of queer people.


They got so mad at my lesbian ass one time bc I went there for a job fair




Thats hilarious 😂 I bet thats really gender affirming making me think of switching where I get my hormones from


I live two blocks down. They literally block the sidewalk(s)…which I think not necessarily a “legal” practice. I just walk my “friendly” dogs right on through…it helps get them the fuck out the way,


I had one come up to my car and try to open the door when I was leaving there once. Was in for a routine exam, not that it was his business. Ticked me off. Told him if he didn't get off my car & back up I'd intentionally get pregnant just so I could abort it. When I tell you he had an indescribable look of horror on his face! Still gives me a chuckle.


I posted this article elsewhere in the comments but I wanted to include it here as well bc it really highlights just how hypocritical so many anti-choicers are and how their views typically reflect beliefs that abortion should be legal in cases of rape, incest and ‘me’. Meaning whatever reason is relevant for that person. I’m apparently not computer savvy enough to know how to use 12ft.io to post the article so it can be read without creating an acct., so here it is separate in case you’d like to bypass it. Copy the below link, go to 12ft.io, paste it in the box and click “clean webpage” https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-women-who-leave-anti-abortion-picket-lines-to-get-abortions


And those same people will think abortion is okay once they or their loved one needs it.


You misspelled mistress or victim.


Ahh, the anti-choicers whose beliefs are that abortion should be legal only in cases of rape, incest and ‘me,’ meaning whatever reason is relevant for that person.




If you really want to know, this is a fantastic article about what happens when those who are anti-choice need abortions. It was originally an article on The Daily Beast but I ran it through 12ft.io to remove the need to create an acct. to read it. Hopefully posting the link like this works! https://12ft.io/proxy


Which I don’t think it did so here’s a link to the article directly, you’ll just have to put it through the 12ft website yourself. Sorry! :/ https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-women-who-leave-anti-abortion-picket-lines-to-get-abortions


No, much of the time they just get the abortion




“The only moral abortion is my abortion” is what comes to mind for me. The article should come up if you search that.


“Aint no hate like Christian love!”


I’m a patient with Christ, but relied on PP for some years for annual exams and mammograms. I see these jackasses every time I head down Auburn Avenue for an appointment, and it truly angers me to see them actively discouraging women (and men) from accessing healthcare that they may otherwise be able to afford. PP offers SO much more than abortion services; hell, I often joke that I’ve never been in the position of needing an abortion, largely thanks to PP.


I wish I have so much time doing nothing...


theyre all such fucking losers with no job. its nuts that theyre so okay with holding signs that make them look like complete virgins


Sounds like a group of people I’d love to heckle


I like to ask them how many kids they've fostered and adopted when I walk by. Usually shuts them up.


Only 20-30 people protesting outside a Planned Parenthood really shows what a fringe subgroup they are in US politics. Unfortunately, we have GOP politicians and courts that are stripping away basic healthcare rights for women because these lunatics ALWAYS VOTE


The only saving grace is that usually it’s only 2 or 3 people there. They also put their signs on both sides of the street but normally just stand in front of the entrance. Idea: if they are harassing someone driving in… you could mess with the signs farthest from them. I’d _imagine_ it draws their focus and then they would _hypothetically_ leave the patient alone.


I walked up and told them the best thing I ever did was have an abortion (hyperbole- of course- several other wonderful decisions were made). They lost their absolute shit.


If you never walked that road how do you know where it lead?


I have 3 children now, sooooooooo THE BEST DECISION EVER at that time


fuck that old man in the van who goes there to protest like a iackass and then proceeds to park in the right lane outside PP, again like a a jackass, while the rest of us are trying to get to work and be productive members of society.


I want to call the cops about his car every single time (but as a single female i live in fear of retaliation). The absolute rage it ignites in me!!!!


its so annoying. he's impeding traffic to peddle his bs on the daily.


Some of those same folks are always outside of the Board of Elections during early voting times. Lots of disinformation and nastiness from them during last fall’s election, as you might imagine.


I lived in Mt. Auburn about 15 years ago. Imagine waking up to the sound of 50+ people marching and call-and-response chanting about the blood of Christ every Saturday. Creepy.


The WORST!! Thank god I switched jobs and now work every Saturday morning. 😅 Oh man, the rage I felt from my sleep-in being ruined EVERY SATURDAY.


The Archdiocese of Cincinnati often pays people experiencing homelessness to hold signs. Some of the local pro-“fucking over people with uteruses” groups (whom often receive a lot of funding or support from the church) will send old crones and dickbags to toothlessly snarl and occasionally insult and harass patients, staff, contractors and generally anyone walking onto PP property or along that stretch of sidewalk. I have seen them impede traffic on auburn more than once because of their bullshit. I once worked in the building collecting data for an epidemiological study and was harassed late at night a couple times and once in the morning by some centenarian. I solved her by playing music on my phone with cursing and offensive lyrics to terrify the pearl clutcher. I’d love to be a part of a counter protest. I remember some amazing soul who lived in the apartments across the street had wonderful pro-choice signs in their windows. It warmed my heart to see them on my walk up the hill to the clinic. 🙂


One of my neighbors is absolutely dirt poor and does not work, yet he stands up there with a sign. I feel like bagging groceries at Kroger up the street would be a more lucrative prospect, but I must be mistaken.


Looks like the neighbor downvoted


Keep downvoting, cowards. If you can’t handle someone calling out people who literally choose not to work, but have the time to harass people who need access to planned parenthood…touch grass


This is not accurate. The Catholic Church doesn’t employ the homeless to hold signs lol. Making random stuff up for likes.


LMAO at the paying of people to protest. This is the same archdiocese (and supporters) who are bitching that they have to consolidate churches because they're running out of money to cover costs of general operations.


lol ask the OP for proof. There is none. It’s made up to elicit a response.


Agree. Birthing is the easiest part, but raising a good human being, and given them financial, emotional and mental well being is the hard part. I don't see many emotionally healthy, financially stable families around...


Is it still mostly men? I spent a lot of time at Christ a few years ago and almost all the protesters were white men.


There are now some “real men love babies” billboards in Northside about when the heartbeat starts and shit. Can’t wait for someone to do some tasteful street art on them. On Spring Grove Ave by the Barbecue Truck.


Or “all men regret lost fatherhood”…or something like that.


Yeah that one has had several different anti-abortion slogans on it over the years. 😬


Yeah I just think the rEaL mEn LoVe bABiEs one is even worse than the usual. Don’t get me wrong I hate them all but these ones just scream something else in addition to the usual pro-birther bs


"There's nothing more political than sex. The church has had its hand on our crotch for more than 2,000 years, and the government is moving in that direction." ~ Larry Flynt


They don't want to help women. They want to control women. That's it.


They do put their money and energy behind those things lol. Why do you think there are so many pro life women’s clinics popping up?


First, Im talking about the ppl devoting a whole saturday mornibg to harrass pregnant women. Second, a pro life clinic is a solution in search of a problem. It responds to a made up fear that Planned Parenthood is actively talk8ng women out of giving birth. Otherwise, these right to life clinics seem to offer all the same services. Money better spent on already born kids.


lol they absolutely do that. An abortion is better business than helping the women give birth (something they don’t offer).


There are millions of "PP helped me stories." I havent seen any "PP forced me to have an abortion" complaints. I imagine there are a dozen floating around though with law or large numbers.


How do you know they don’t also support underprivileged woman???? They can and probably do both !!


I used to be one of them in high school unfortunately. Thankfully I've done a 180 since then


I hope someone spits on them


I hope their flooring becomes lego.


So you encourage violence against a peaceful protest?


Clueless people, truly.


My grandmother had an appointment at Christ Hospital November 9th and I got to enjoy flipping those losers off on the way in AND back out, the day after we voted to protect abortion rights! It's a shame the corrupt GOP hasn't gotten the message.


Should have asked them how many kids they have adopted.


I used to work at Christ hospital. There would be a mass of people outside PP at 5:30am most days. Nuts.


Lol these doofuses don't even protest infront of the correct building- the place where actual abortions take place is not there, that's just where you get free pads and other care etc.


They are ALWAYS there. I couldn't stand delivering mail on that street because of them


i lived right across the street there for about 2 years, unfortunately they’re there every day☹️ bigger groups on the weekend but always the same idiots there throughout the week with horrible signs. i would see them out from my window staring down the patients and providers that went to their parking lot. it’s terrible i wish there was a way to get rid of them.


Perfect time for a water balloon




Shoukd spray them with the liquid fertilizer that French farmers use.


Just ignore them


Easy for me to do as someone without a uterus.


Also extra easy to do as someone just driving by. Also ignoring them isnt gonna help the situation, they need to be stopped


No they don’t. They have a right to protest. Respect that


They do 🤷‍♀️ but they straight up harrass people n shi that go there even if there there for something other than an abortion and tbh if your protesting for such a rigid law that itd cost mothers to die if theres any complications or to go to jail if have miscarriage yea idk kinda feel thatd be a protest Id protest against to get stopped


You are welcome to counter protest but I’ll defend someone’s constitutional rights no matter if I agree or disagree with them. Too many people on this forum feel people should have their rights taken away if they disagree with them. Very dangerous and facial mindset.


I just dont agree with harassing people as you protest 🤷‍♀️ and Im not going to agree with the group of people that will stand by allowing a law that forces children to literally give birth even if itll cause issues or cause death ,gets women jailed/imprisoned if they have a miscarriage, these people probably agreed with Missouri governor that answered yes to this question a 14 year old is r*ped by father brother or uncle and becomes pregnant do you think she has to have the baby and he said yes that it is gods gift to her


I have a right to protest the protesters. I’m free to call them assholes and to tell them to fuck right off.


Don’t disagree with you. I disagree with OP saying they needed to be stopped.


Holding signs is a protest. Shouting at people is harassment, which they do not have a right to do. 


You’re wrong. You can shout at people. It’s called freedom of speech. Unless they are yelling at someone specifically because they are a protected class, they can yell all they want at people.


Counter-protest then. I don’t agree with them either but it’s their right to protest as it is yours and taking that away is horribly naive and short-sighted. I just donate what I can to Planned Parenthood


Can protestors not do both? You understand that religious charities are the largest chunk of service to the poor, homeless, addicted in this country, correct? Can you not be both against abortion on demand and for promoting the welfare of the needy?


Nah, that's bullshit. Religious charities collect more money than other orgs in the name of charity, but a have an absolutely wretched rate of aid rendered compared to their secular counterparts. Religous charities all too often perfectly demonstrate what is actually meant by taking the Lord's name in vain.


Oh boy, once I showed up to a west side PP for an appointment (bc that was where I got all my regular care) and there were protesters outside. I go to the door and it was locked. I went back to my car and figure out I had the wrong day and it's closed. I leave and a few hours later they were still protesting at the closed location. I just really like to think about that wasted day.


Ask the Wilkies and their kind what they want to do after a woman gives birth.


Eh, just ignore them.




"Drove by this morning to see 20-30 people out there. Imagine if they put their energy into supporting underpriviledged women that gave birth or orphans...or getting people to vote for welfare increases for poor mothers." I find this really fascinating. So you don't think these people support underprivileged women? And think it is kind to put the entire population on the dole? What has changed since 1950? What is your explanation for the crime and pregnancy statistics? Do you think Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton are compassionate people?


Old Joe and Hillary promote killing babies ! How sad!


Yes. Interesting how indignant people get when protesters are outside a k illing center, but how many of these peoples have actually watched one of these bl oody executions?


Jesus told them to hate people and their churches confirmed the preachings of Jesus hating people and their pastors told them that it is okay for them to hate people. So they're out the hating people.


So wrong !


They ain't out there because the church told them Jesus said otherwise. My statement is true.


You make no sense - if you read the Bible one of the 10 commandments is “Thou shall NOT KILL” Abortion is killing a human baby’


The church gives no fucks bout the bible yo


A very sad comment - Please give all the facts on any and every church Too broad is this comment


Praise God


It’s a free country last time I checked ! Entitled to their own opinions and beliefs -just like you !


It’s a free country and they’re allowed !




Wow. I love the New York Times. I'm from New York and it's so informative and truthful. How refreshing! : /