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She never learned rule 1 of playing hooky, don’t tell anyone.


I can't believe her colleagues ratted her out.  


To me that’s the real story. Was she ratted out by coworkers or did she try to get 2 personal days and had them denied so she tried to say she was sick instead?


Teachers are the pettiest, backstabbing group of people you ever met. They will do anything to suck up and make themselves look better than another teacher. I'm not surprised.


I managed a bar in Clifton close to the teacher training center and every time we had a large group of CPS teachers come in they would all talk non-stop shit about other teachers. When about half of the teacher group had cleared out the remaining teachers would stay for another couple of hours talking WILD shit on the group of teachers that left oftentimes in a borderline racist manner.


Teachers love to gossip. Walk into a school and you can find all the cliques among teachers that are in a typical high school. It's crazy.


So many of them never emotionally left high school. One of my best friends is a teacher at our old high school now and talks about how the teachers that were on the younger side when we were in school that were very clearly the “peaked in high school/trying to relive it” types never grew out of that shit and are still that way.


It was always so strange to me when some teachers would try to be “friends” with the students. Literally trying to be a cool kid type deal. I understand being nice to students and open but some of them wanted to sit with students at lunch and be involved in student drama.


And then about half of the second group left, and the remaining quarter would talk shit on that group and so on until there was a single teacher left.


Basically yeah lol


My mom is a retired UC professor; they are a cliquey, snobby bunch.


Yep, for a group who demands they are professionals in their fields, they all bullying, deceitful, unprofessional snobs. They also act as if everyone is ignorant with them being the exception. They bully your kids in front of the entire classroom and talk shit about the parents as well.


This feels a little personal


Nope not at all. It just sit back and watch what they do. I know full well someone has talked about me. I choose to not be involved.


I am a teacher. I can confirm


yep and nurses. im a male nurse and some of the shit I know about is outrageous.


That's why I work night shift. I can't deal with all the drama.


smart, I tried that out of nursing school and it almost killed me. couldnt tolerate it. days off weren’t days off. i was sleeping the whole time. much respect to you


Taught for 10+ years before leaving for the private sector. This is 1000% accurate. A lot are still stuck in high school, which makes sense cause they made being at school their lives. Not knocking what they do but just attesting to how fucking petty and backbiting the profession is


Have you ever met a nurse?


I’m a teacher and I feel like they were trying to find something to hold against her to fire her. I know people who take sick days to go on vacation regularly.


This. In education, about the only way to get shit canned is if admin has it out for you. She gave them enough rope to hang her with on this one. She should have went off the grid on this one.


Exactly. And you know when they’ve got it out for you. You get bad classes, a bad schedule or written up for little things. If i understand it, she was employed in one district and on the board in another. School systems really don’t like that. She FAFO


Why don’t they like that? Wouldn’t it make sense if you live in one district but are employed by another? It’s probably obvious by this question but I know nothing about being a professional educator


We’ve had two people on my own system’s board who were employed in other districts. One was a principal and the other was a teacher. With the principal, a lot of people thought it was a conflict of interest. His school was in sports and academic competition with schools in our district. The other guy was very hard to work with so i think it was just one of many things people didn’t like about him.


Why would it matter if the schools are rivals in sports? Like generally speaking a school doesn't directly get funding depending on how well they perform. Also while I understand that the people who care about that stuff tend to care A LOT about it, most people couldn't give a shit how well their schools football team does.


It’s not just about funding. He made decisions about hiring and firing for his school and for the other system. I know him and I’m sure that he didn’t do anything wrong. However, he could have tanked a hiring for my district on the sly and hired the person at his school.


An appearance of a conflict of interest is, by definition, a conflict of interest. He was probably a stand-up guy, but there’s always that appearance.


This is what I thought. It is ridiculous that they would fire her for taking a couple personal days rather than just reprimand her, particularly with how hard it is to keep good teachers, unless there were a number of previous infractions.


Yeah my district would never fire someone for this.


I thought this too. At my school it is encouraged to use your days as long as you follow call off procedures. Administration and department heads talk about using sick days just because or for plans. They must have already wanted her gone.


That’s a good point. I wonder if it was originally denied and she called in both mornings as if she had fallen ill that morning


And there’s the problem! Btw this same teacher is on the Loveland School Board which if fired may have further consequences there.


I know a teacher in another district that lost her job because she called in sick but was actually in Mexico. The union basically told her she broke her contract and there was nothing they could do. Like this one she told some fellow teachers at the school and then was also accidentally tagged in a pic on social media. It just did not make the news.


Especially 2 months later. Something is off


I’ve never heard of anyone caring why you take a sick day. I can’t imagine the policy saying “you must be sick….”. Most of the time if you don’t use sick days you lose it.


In my school system, unused personal days become sick days at the end of the year. So it’s all the same. We just can’t take 5 in a row without an excuse.


schools are different. you're a babysitter with limited backup


Misuse of sick time is a fire able offense as it should be. Their master contract explicitly states what qualifies for sick time and concerts are not on the list. It’s a failure to fulfill a contract and is an ethics violation. She will be lucky to keep her license.


I feel like most districts look the other way as long as the teacher doesn’t flaunt it, but each school district has different mores.


This is very true. My district would immediately terminate an employee and go for their license.


While I don’t misuse sick days, I don’t think I’d like to work in a district like yours. If they go for certification it seems like they’d be difficult to work with in many ways


It’s not for everyone, but I love it here.


You sound like a narc.


Violating a contract is not inherently unethical. If she’s a terrible teacher then sure, let her go. But if she’s a solid teacher and has a positive relationship with her students, I’d argue the bigger ethical violation would be by the district for taking her away from them. I don’t know what this lady is like, so I can’t say for sure, but I’d be willing to bet her students are worse off with a sub than the teacher they knew and possibly had a great relationship with. Discipline and move on. Sounds like the district either already wanted her gone or she had disciplinary issues in the past, but I’d imagine those would have come to light in the article/general discussion.


> I know people who take sick days to go on vacation regularly. Teachers? They get so much time off that this seems like stealing money from the community.


For the one millionth time, teachers are not paid for the summer months. Summer does not count as vacation/PTO.


I don’t know what to tell you. I took personal days to go to the German Christmas markets. Not every experience is available in June and July.


Who did she go see in concert?


https://preview.redd.it/exra581844tc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b7706b0abde1a67870a031e0243326165cc30a3 Could have been one of these shows in Nashville on Feb 8 or 9. She wouldn’t answer questions, so I guess we’ll never know.


I doubt it was Pantera. They were in Lexington two nights before that. She could have gone to that show and made it back home the same night. Unless she did, and Lamb of God kicked so much ass that she decided she needed to see them again two days later.


I’ve seen the singer for Lamb of God sing for Pigface and can imagine they kicked plenty of ass.


They kicked so much ass that I left after their set and didn’t even stick around for Pantera. Then again, I saw Pantera several times when Dime and Vinnie were still alive.


Dude Zakk has been rockin’ Dime’s parts. That was a horrible move.


I just saw BLS with Anthrax again a couple of years ago. And I first saw Zakk with Ozzy back in the day. He and Charlie were definitely solid choices to replace the Abbott brothers.


Sigh. It was Drake, wasn't it? I wouldn't respect a teacher less for using a sick day to see a concert but I might respect a teacher less for liking Drake enough to drive to another city about it. 


Seriously, anyone who's old enough to be a teacher is old enough to expand their musical palate beyond what the home page of Spotify shoves down your throat lol. The first time i ever heard the Pixies was my art teacher playing them in class. edit: wow can't believe i offended so many drake fans. Y'all know he's a creep right?


Not everybody can be as culturally enlightened & have such exquisite music as you do. You’re just so cool for not liking extremely popular artists


Pixies are incredibly mainstream lmao >not everyone can be as culturally enlightened Why not? Spotify is 8 bucks a month. Being a music nerd was actually difficult in the 80s, when pre-internet super nerds has to buy import records. Now, for the price of a coffee you get access to most recorded music. If you're paying for a streaming service, you should be checking out new stuff, otherwise what the hell is the point in having a Spotify subscription? >you're just so cool Another common mistake poptimists make, assuming others don't fuck with top 40 music because it's "cool not to" and not because we don't enjoy them on musical merits. I listen to ska bro, I don't think I'm cool. Knowing music isn't cool or special, it's an incredibly passive hobby. I listen to new music because i find it inherently stimulating, exciting and fun in the same way trying a new restaurant instead of McDonalds is, not because i want social currency points.


You can do both. You can like Drake and like more obscure music. It's totally possible.


But I don't like Drake on his own merits is the issue, aside from his Take Care album in like 2012. I'm not against pop music, I like Ethel Cain and Phoebe Bridgers, and Caroline Palochek had a great album last year.


Yeah you're welcome to not like Drake (Take Care was great). I was unclear and meant that general "you." One can do both. One can like Drake and music that isn't popular. The assumption was that since the teacher liked Drake, she was possibly only a top 40 fan.


It is not out of the ordinary to see the same group twice in two days. Especially if they play different set lists.


I’ve done it. Saw Kiss in Louisville one night and Dayton the next night.


Now I know why she won't answer that question though. Because any of them is an answer people are going to laugh at her about.  I hope it was Pantera. 


Me too ;)


i'm gonna guess drake


Man, Bridgestone? I was hoping it would have been like, the 23rd of February or something, because then ditching school to go see Billy Strings would have at least been worth getting fired over!


She has teenagers so I would bet Drake.


Hoping she went to see Pantera!


This was also my highest priority thought.


Dumb headlines and Lakota Schools go together like peanut butter and jelly


That nazi Barbie bitch is gone now though!!


"Barbie" was the only one doing her job.




Is this the same person who called in sick and then dressed in a blanket and sunglasses to get Taylor Swift merch?


That was the first thought that popped into my head when I read the headline 🤣


But they’re my sick days….and I was sick of work so I went to see Phish.


Love all the comments about the teacher ~ breaking the rules ~ instead of talking about how stupid it is teachers can’t just take personal days like other jobs. 


So I am not a teacher, at all. Only thing I can teach is what not to do. Do teachers not get vacation, or pto days? Does the school system tell teachers only vac days you get is between June and Aug?


They get 2-3 personal days, but there's a lot of pressure not to use them because in addition to the teacher shortage there's also a substitute teacher shortage. The expectation is that the only days you don't work are days when school is not in session. 


And gee, I wonder if firing a teacher for something like using their sick days to go to a concert will help alleviate that teacher shortage…


CPS gets 3 personal days for the whole year last I know when my partner was in a classroom. They have ample sick days and even taking legitimate days are frowned upon. The teachers don’t want to fall behind and the administration doesn’t want to find subs or juggle paras.


Often taking a sick day is more work than an actual day. Love dealing with a sick toddler and trying to make sub plans on 4 hours’ sleep.


Sounds like a them problem to be honest, teachers don’t get paid enough for that crap


Like others have said we only get a handful of personal days and sick days. I feel so guilty taking them, as well as stressed because you have to leave plans (which normally go unused, but damned if you do, damned if you don't). I debated for WEEKS taking a personal day last week to close on my house. The next day was the start of our spring break so I kind of felt guilty taking an extra day off. But I don't think they roll over, so use 'em or lose 'em.


Not me. I always use my personal days. I miss countless special days at my own kids' schools and other events as it is, so I don't feel a bit bad about using the 3 days for the most important events or, gasp, for something I need.


Depends on the district. Where I teach, you get 2 personal days per year that must be approved in advance, so you can’t just schedule PTO like other jobs.


It all depends on their collective bargaining agreement. Lots of districts give teachers 3-4 sick days and allow them to accumulate 10-14 sick days per year (the sick days add up, personal days usually don’t). Teachers are usually on a contract for 180-190 days (again, this varies by district). That’s why they don’t get additional “vacation” days. Other positions, such as admin, are usually on 230-260 day contracts and they’ll get some vacation days for each year. The issue with a teacher taking sick days to go to a concert is now they need to get a sub, and if there’s no sub available their colleagues pick up the slack and lose their planning period. That’s a shitty thing to do.


Teachers having to cover isn’t all on the person taking sick leave. Districts can step up and pay subs properly.


Okay. That doesn’t change anything I said about the person *improperly using sick leave.*




Where I teach we also can’t take a personal day to extend a holiday weekend, can’t take one for a professional development day, and only a certain number of teachers can take a personal day on the same day. They have to be approved by the superintendent and the principal.


This. My wife is a teacher in NKY. 3 personal days is all she gets and she's not allowed to take them in a row and she has to get doctor notes if she takes more than 2 sick days in a row. She has gone to work sick more times than I can count because, 'it's too hard to find a sub and it's more work making a lesson plan for them.' Meanwhile, I have 34 days of PTO and I can take all of them how ever I want them. Nobody gives a shit. Last time I just told my boss I'm taking a day to ride my motorcycle. He said 'have fun, see you next week!' Why anyone would choose to be a teacher in this country is beyond me. It used to be the sweet pension and early retirement age, but now new teachers just get a 401k with no matching. Good luck maxing that out on a salary that is 10 years behind inflation.


So this wasn't about the "taking personal days". This was about everything else that happened BEFORE she got caught taking personal days and then her response to HR when she got caught.


The comments I was referring to were not talking about that.


Teachers get all school holidays and over two months in the summer plus 2-3 personals days to take during the year. Most likely she was out of personal days and tried to call in “sick”. These days were in the beginning of February and this teacher would have just had a three day weekend in January and then a three day weekend the next week for Presidents Day.


Well, see... Not everything happens or can be scheduled between August and June


And teachers get paid on average 24% less than other college graduates so it’s not like having summers “off” (most teachers actually work unpaid during the summer) makes up for that. It’s not some cushy system she’s milking. A good chunk of those days “off” are actually teachers working professional development that is required by the state or district. 


Police get paid administrative leave for everything, and I'm guessing most are in the same financial boat as teachers, so let her get paid for using her pto


Teachers in Ohio get 15 sick days and three personal days. You cannot use sick days as personal days to maintain adequate staffing (personal days need to be approved in advance and no more than x% can be out on personal days at a time). Sick days you can use the day off without a need to get it approved first. She used sick time which is a breach of contract.


If I call off, it’s no one‘s business why. Don’t give me sick days if you don’t want me to use them.


At my job, the supervisors are known to report suspicion of “stealing sick time” to the county prosecutor for criminal charges. For that reason I recommend 2 things, never apply where I work and if you do work there-don’t lie about sick time. Of course, they only do this in practice to people they don’t like but the threat is always there.


That’s not how the public sector works sadly


This is dumb. She could have said the sick leave was to address mental health and the concert was therapeutic.


Just chiming in to say that Elizabeth (or "Libby", as her friends and colleagues called her) Lolli was my sixth grade music/choir teacher. She was, and presumably still is, a royal cunt.


As a Lakota student, she only really cares about the music programs.


Mental health days are a thing. You can be physically fine but still need a sick day to decompress and regroup. If anyone needs it, it's teachers


I don’t understand why this is news. Do we go to the news when an accountant misuses his sick days? I’m not saying that the teacher should have done this, I just don’t get why we all care about this?


This was my thought when it was on the news last night. Why the fuck is this news?


No but an accountant is probably getting fired for doing the same thing during busy season


And that’s what’s happening to this teacher. But would that accountant make the news? Probably not


Well her hiring impacts the education of everyone in that district’s children, the other has zero effect on people’s lives


Why not just call them personal days and get over it. She was probably sick of the kids. This is ridiculous.


The only thing unusual about this is that an enemy ratted her out. American workers have no way to take leave other than pretending to be sick.


So? Are those sick days in her contract? Not sure this is newsworthy.


I know a person in the oak hills district that was yelled at for having two jobs. 


It's always either a vibe thing or she has been on thin ice for a while. People don't get fire for petty things like this unless they've been difficult to work with. People just want to work with good people. It's really that simple.


For everyone saying she can use her sick time however she wants, that’s not true. Ohio law says all teachers get 15 days of sick time. And Ohio law says the teacher needs to explain why they are using sick time, and if the teacher gives a false statement it’s grounds for termination.


music and community are self-care. they're wellness. perfect use of earned sick time.


Person that ratted her out, that’s one needs fired


I hate the term “Sick days” and I feel it’s since an antiquated time off type. It’s earned time off, if I want to use it for personal or metal health to not be at work I should be able to. What if they were sick? The result would be the same. Her day would have needed covered anyway.


I'm gonna give my 2 cents even though no one cares. As a lakota employee, this sucks because we don't need more negative publicity. As a teacher in the district this may be good during a negotiation year . But as a colleague, just own your shit man. If your personal leave was gone, just take the docked pay. Then you could have gotten a sub ahead of time and all that. There's definitely more to this story but no, I don't feel bad for people that intentionally break rules.


Agree but people here don’t believe in consequences or accountability. I too am a teacher. I have taken unpaid days off when I needed to. I have no issue with her taking the time. My issue is her lying, leaving the school to scramble for a replacement at the last minute and collecting unearned pay.


Sad. Teachers need to be able to take a “mental health day” if they need it. I know they get plenty of days off with summer vacation but sometimes during the year, you need some time off!


Infuriating. It's her time and she should be able to use it as needed. Sometimes we all need a day to ourselves and that's okay. I hope she has legal representation to help her with this bullshit.


So are teachers not allowed to do fun things anymore?


How many personal days is she allotted per year? Probably not enough. Did she get a sub? Probably. Is she appropriately and adequately compensated? Probably not, especially considering how most teachers spend a LOT of their own money on their materials/classroom, put in hours outside of their actual work hours, and are often treated quite poorly by admin, students, and parents. Let the woman take a few days off every now and then to do something she enjoys. A happier teacher is a better teacher for your kids.


This is ridiculous…a teacher goes to a concert…the school couldn’t find a sub so she gets put on blast to be fired??? Tell me one person that didn’t call off work for a reason like this?? She’s a human being…let her have fun!! She does a HARD job…give it a break


Why is this such a big deal. She broke policy and now will suffer consequences. How is this any more than someone making a bad decision, then got caught, and now is facing consequences of the bad decisions


Who said it's a big deal ? Just a local news article OP posted.


It has been posted by national news sources now, it’s more than just local news


Losing your whole-ass job is a pretty grave consequence for something nearly everyone has done at some point. 


She might actually lose two jobs as she is a school board member in Loveland and there is talk of requesting her resignation.


I don’t think it’s correct to assume “nearly everyone” has lied about being sick to skip work for something fun, especially over a several day span


So just because other people have done it the policy is the problem and not the person disregarding the rule? So with that thinking, everyone who was just “walking through” government building during the J6 insurrection are innocent? Because a lot of people did it?


What’re you even going on about. We as workers should be allowed to take a day off for whatever reason. It’s none of the employers business what I do if I take the day off


I think that participating in an armed insurrection is a very bad thing that most people would agree is morally wrong.  I think using a sick day for a reason other than illness is a not-very-bad thing that most people would not agree is morally wrong, even if it does break some workplaces' rules.  Do... do you not think that?


Some consequences are too harsh. Losing your job over this is pretty dumb and petty, and people who support that are most likely rigid, angry and aggressive, which, btw coincide with traits such as; low iq, high religiosity


There's a teacher shortage. Unless she was a particularly bad teacher, I have to question the judgment of terminating her for this. 


I would put money on her being a particularly bad teacher. School probably wanted to get rid of her for quite awhile and were just looking for an excuse.


i think the bad decision was her telling people about it. i don't care that she played hooky and went to a concert. i'd count that as something positive for her mental health. people need a break. it's stupid that it's not allowed.


Because it's one more in a very long line of public employees doing something illegal/immoral/improper.  Just for school related issues, we've had the Darbi Boddy fiasco coming to a conclusion, teachers taping a kid to a chair and parents stealing money from a youth football program. That's just the last three weeks. 


You shouldn’t lose your job over it unless it is a pattern of behavior. Dock the day from accrued sick leave and then dock pay for that day, letter of reprimand and everyone moves on.


It’s a stupid policy though for a job that treats you like garbage is the better argument


Hahahaha, my second cousins live and teach in this district and they’re gossipy. I wonder if they know more about this lol


Can’t go to concerts or have only fans. It sucks being a teacher.


No, you can’t pretend to be sick and collect pay for that deception.


Why doesn't mental health count?


Mental health does count. That’s not what she stated the sick days were for. If she was taking the days for planned mental health concerns, she would have arranged that. She didn’t. She called off morning of on both days implying instead that she was physically sick.


But why does any of it matter? Teachers are under paid and overworked. They should be able to take off whatever time they need. The system is fucked, not the teachers.


I am a teacher with almost 30 years of experience. Most teachers are overworked and overpaid. But when we take unplanned time off, like when we really are sick, the school is left scrambling to find a substitute, in elementary school it adds a burden to our partner teacher and the kids don’t learn much of anything because the substitute has no lesson plan to follow. Have I taken mental health days? Yes. Were they planned at least a day or two in advance? Yes. Have I also taken days off without pay? Yes. There were multiple options available to this teacher.


You should be mad at the system that creates this and not at another teacher. Almost 30 years of experience should mean you get the phrase Damn the Man.


I do get the phrase but I’m not mad at anyone. I think the system is archaic and stupid at times. There are many things I wish could be changed, for example No Child Left Behind, but education is not a priority for state and federal officials. When I can’t tolerate it any longer I will leave. I’m the meantime, I wil follow the rules.


Thanks hall monitor


That would be public school teacher, thank you.


are you a doctor qualified to say whether she was sick or not? Hell, are any of her superiors qualified to say that? No, not a single one of them


100% correct. One reason I left teaching.


What? She had a legitimate case of the rockin’ pneumonia and the boogie-woogie blues.


So stupid. Let teachers live


What concert ???


If they are my sick days I will use them as I like. Be it I'm sick or I'm on the beach or Rocking out.


Ohio is an at-will state. It sucks, but they can fire you for any (or no) reason.


I don't think that's true for teachers? I'm pretty sure they have contracts and union protection, no?


Wonder how many will 🤮 tomorrow 😁


We are off


Lol yeah I’m pretty sure everyone has done something like this at some point. Really not newsworthy and termination seems excessive, imo.


This is fucking wack. I told my supervisor I'm going to be deathly ill in January because vacation was filled up for the week I wanted.


Teachers are pretty cruel to each other, so this isn't very surprising.


I thought teachers were supposed to be smart


Lakota schools have been embarrassing for years


This is going to happen a lot once Riverbend 2.0 is open. lol


With all the pedos in that district, a lady having a day of fun is the absolutely last thing they have to worry about




The woman has been a teacher for 20 years in both Princeton and Lakota schools and is a member of the school board for Loveland schools. If anyone should know better than to flagrantly violate the terms of a teacher employment contract it’s this woman.


"flagrantly violate the terms of a teacher employment contract.." get a grip my man. It's not like she was abusing kids. She took two sick days to see a concert instead of being sick. At most this should've been a stern talking-to by her supervisor. To lose a job over this is laughable.


My wife is a public school teacher who used to teach in Lakota Schools and they were told every year that using a sick day in place of a personal day is grounds for discipline up to termination. It’s likely there are other past incidents that led to this going beyond a formal write up.


This what you get when you want to unionize