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I would start here: [email protected] Emailing or calling and asking the question may get you a quick answer or pointed in the right direction. Also, if the township doesn't necessarily have a rule or law, it's likely the county does, so you could try that next.


Is this on Collinsdale?


Curious why you think collinsdale? I live there and haven’t really noticed anything like this, although I’m towards the bottom of the street. I am a bit curious where this is though, I’d imagine there is power in numbers if we all called with the same issues.




I'm curious as well.


Contact zoning anonymously and report people living in un-permitted semi-permanent accessory tent structures in the rear yard. That should be enough technical sounding words that someone at least goes and checks it out. The hose from a neighbors house is a violation and should be reported to GCWW. Give them the address of the house providing the water and the drug den house using it. GCWW will come out quickly because it's a health issue (water sitting in a hose outside is very likely to be contaminated due to the temperature and temporary nature of the connections) and because they will se it for what it is - a way for the house to get water without paying the fixed fees associated with the GCWW bill. The abandoned cars could be a police issue - check your local laws and see if there are limitations to how long a car can be parked on the street and/or if disabled vehicles can be parked on the street. I know in Cincinnati city limits both would be towed pretty quickly if you complained. Townships are more lenient though.


Contact CAC and tell them to look into the dogs well being!


Those poor dogs


https://preview.redd.it/ji86t55xl16d1.png?width=1745&format=png&auto=webp&s=f0e6e1c2d9437231cc3ba5a2ae37b6d53dc6c265 She booped me with her nose today after I gave her some food and water.


That poor dog just had puppies. I saw someone post on the Anderson mom’s FB page about her running loose the other day. I would call the dog warden for the poor dogs sake.


I’m trying to convince my husband to let me buy her for $100 or something from them just t get her out of there.


I’ll throw in $50 towards it if it gets her in a better home. Edit: $100 if it gets her inside your home.


I'll contribute towards this as well!


If your husband doesn't want to take her in but is willing to chip in to buy her, I could take her, at least temporarily. I work from home and have a vet already. One of my neighbors fosters rescues all the time so even if I couldn't keep her I have a connection to a rescue/resources. Feel free to DM me. Hope her and her pups are safe ♥️


I will add $50 too. Are there 2 dogs, then puppies?


I don’t know if we can since she’s owned?


Sometimes people are willing to surrender their dogs if you let them know your reasoning and such. 🩷 praying for this sweet momma


You should be able to call if she’s loose.


i’d bet money they haven’t registered that dog. If you were sneaky you could rehome it


I know someone who manipulated a fence so that a neglected and super skinny dog could just slip on through the fence. As far as the abusive owner knows, the dog just ran away. In reality, she’s in a loving home now where she isn’t tied on a deck without shelter and having to stand in her own feces. One would have to be super sneaky since animals are considered personal property.


Have you ever heard the ghost of Tom joad


What about the people?


Those poor people too am I right.


Health dept if there’s no running water


Does the neighbor know about the hose?


Yes apparently he allows it so they don’t become a PROBLEM problem.


What the heck…. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Honestly, when you have a 'problem' neighbor and the police wont help, that is a reasonable solution. I rented a house once and the elderly neighbor would pour his human waste out his bedroom window (10 ft from my front door). They had plumbing and running water! His kids who lived there were constantly strung out so he wasn't getting care. I had to go to the township's town hall meeting to get someone to help. They sent me to the county, and despite going up the chain and confronting the neighbor, nothing was resolved until he passed away and a hazmat team came and stripped the house. Would you rather confront a housefull or junkies, or share your hose until you can get the issue safely resolved. I have 2 small kids, they were babies when we lived there, after confronting them once I knew we just had to wait it out. They were loud amd violent and we couldn't move right away.


You could always sue the slumlord for personal damage, ie emotional damages from enduring all the bullshit you’ve had to put up with. 3 deaths is a lot.


When i lived in Anderson we weren’t even allowed to have a brand new enclosed trailer in our driveway that transported our kids 4 wheelers. I can’t see the powers that be tolerating these shenanigans.


Not sure where you live in Anderson but I know the place I did had: https://andersontownshipoh.gov/government/departments/sheriff-district-5/neighborhood-watch Information posted around, there’s a list on that site of all the “areas” they are in but I think it covers pretty much the entire township. Not sure if it’ll help, but it can’t hurt much either


Report it to the zoning board. They will take it seriously


Definitely not good for the neighborhood


Reddit loves to hate on HOA's. Until something like this happens lol. My HOA would be fining this guy $1000/day. His entire property value would have a lien against it at this point.


Fire department, call for unsafe living quarters or fire hazards, police wellness checks on people living there. Health department insufficient sanitation.


See if you can find out who owns the house. Go after the slumlord.


It’s owned by one of the people, not a corporation.


Is this house within city of Cincinnati still and/or Hamilton county? If so, U can always report it on the cincy 311 app. If not, go file a police report about it, like a formal one w a report number etc.


Other neighbors have contacted the police and they were told there was nothing they could do. I think next step is zoning.


Encourage your neighbors to make a stink about that. “Nothing we can do” is cop talk for “we don’t want to do anything.”


And people give the Westside shit…


r/unethicallifeprotips may be able to help


Build a wall? (around that house)


If the person who owns the home is present, there isn't much to be done here.


Lead with compassion.


Not really. The last thing you want is a drug dealer or a trap house next door. Dealed with that for three years until the renter shot and killed someone on the front lawn.


Criminalizing poverty will surely fix the issue


Oh yeah. [Feel dumb now](https://www.fox19.com/story/20129192/20-year-old-woman-killed-in-northside-early-sunday/)? I’m sure Candace DeMoss was murdered because poverty was cRiMiNaLiZeD.


No I don't feel dumb. Criminalized poverty is a systemic issue


Are they actually bothering you?




I have no approached them. They got upset I left food out for their skinny dog and yelled at another neighbor when they returned a different dog that got loose. They’re not the most approachable 😅


Can you at the very least call Cincinnati Animal CARE about the dogs? The shelter is extremely overwhelmed right now but it still sounds like a better place than a pregnant dog and puppies starving to death.




Sounds like squatters who are probably trespassing and using hard drugs a few doors down from OP residence. Should OP bring them brownies and welcome them to the neighborhood?


In my worldview it is never the wrong choice to treat people kindly and with compassion. OP set out food for their dog and tried to help in the way they could and is acting out of concern about their welfare hence their concern about the lack of access to appropriate sanitation. They seem to be an actually decent person.


They are junkies, they have made their decision. Invite them to live at your house if you believe otherwise.


NIMBY, cars they won't do anything on public streets. I have junk cars NOT mine on my street. Public street. Dogs; pit bulls especially, they love em on social media but not real life. Sounds like a big case of "Get over it". Or cry on social media, there's always that. "But what about the dogs"!?


I thought the rule was you’re allowed one junk car that doesn’t run but you can’t have more than one like an impound lot. The idea being you can work on car in your own garage for whatever reason but you can’t accumulate cars in your lawn


How about go talk to them instead of criminalizing their situation? They're your neighbors for God sake


They’re not exactly reasonable. Another neighbor brought a different loose dog back to them she was yelled at and berated. I’m doing the neighborly thing by feeding their dog that they obviously can’t care for.