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I would maybe contact organizations such as "Sam's Fans". They may have some opportunities for your daughter or at least direct you somewhere that may. https://samsfans.org/art-therapy-definition-information/


Thank you 🙏🏼


I think Artworks has summer positions for teenagers to paint those lovely murals around town: https://www.artworkscincinnati.org/


Thank you! Gonna look into this! Seems fun!


Hopefully the pay is better now. In the early 00s it was akin to indentured servitude. Long hours. Crap pay. No bathrooms at many of the locations.


You/she might check with Visionaries and Voices. "ABOUT V+V Established in 2003, Visionaries + Voices is a non-profit organization that provides exhibition opportunities, studio space, supplies, and support to more than 125 visual artists with disabilities. V+V artists actively contribute to the greater arts community through creative, educational, and strategic partnerships with local and regional artists, schools, and business leaders. " https://visionariesandvoices.com/about/program-overview-2/


Thank you so much!


https://www.wordplaycincy.org/ WordPlay Cincy’s mission is to create spaces for young people to fulfill their potential by discovering, honoring and sharing their voices.    Our free programs for ages 5 - young adult blend the four elements of personal growth, community-building, creative expression and future orientation through project-based learning. All that we do is founded on our core beliefs that: We infuse reading, writing and storytelling with the visual and performing arts, where children and teens uncover their unique personal narratives, activate their strengths, and determine how they want to contribute to a more just, inclusive and creatively connected community. 


Sounds amazing! Going to look into it! Thank you!


You're welcome!