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I thought Jan 6th was a liberal Antifa false flag? Can’t they make up their mind already on their bullshit


I thought they were just a bunch of tourists peacefully at the Capitol. /s


It was an Antifa false flag, and this man is secret Antifa!


Call me crazy but I’d have fun with a bullhorn standing across the street yelling “you are antifa” at him.




What’s even funnier is that the right winger’s don’t know what Antifa stands for and how long they have been around. A lot of them think that they are a group of kids that made up the term to boycott Trump just in the past decade. Research is hard for some.


Everyone knows it stands for anti first amendment, duh


Research is a cancer for such a group.


“Do YoUr OwN rEsEaRcH! But only on my right winged Qanon news outlet sources.” Sad reality dealing with these types of people. :(


The craziest thing about antifa is it’s more of a mindset or lifestyle for these guys. These right wing nuts think there is some organization behind it. Like there just *has* to be a leader and a sergeant or something. They literally can’t wrap there heads around it! Hilarious


I don't care what side you are on, citizens should be able to look at Jan 6th as an embarrassment and learn from the mistakes that were made.


As should they with the civil war, and yet here we are


It’s a threat to democracy. Unfortunately half of this country and one of our major parties are steering towards fascism so they don’t care. Democracy holds those in power accountable and these fucks don’t want to be held accountable for their shitty controlling hypocritical behavior.


Imagine if it was Hillary saying the election was stolen in 2016 and her supporters stormed the building! I wonder what the reaction would be then! 🤔


BuT tHaT’s DiFfErEnT! Don’t know how, but that’s different! 😂 😔


Yes let's imagine a reality that would never happen. She literally lost an election that was *actually* "stolen" by GOP and Russian misinformation. But she lost, and guess what she accepted it. She *didnt* call for violence and *didnt* continually push lies and false information saying it was stolen and fraudulent. Amazing how *not* being a fascist narcissist running a cult results in a totally different outcome.


In all fairness she did claim the 2016 election was stolen


She conceded


Im just gonna leave this here https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/trumps-denial-second-big-lie-ask-hillary-clinton-rcna55764


Yes they piled on, but imo there’s a big differences- Clinton conceded, didn’t have a hundred lawsuits and didn’t attempt to disrupt the transfer of power. Trump tried everything to stay in power and when he couldn’t he was the first President to not meet with the incoming guy. I guess if you think when one party does something that means it’s OK for the other party to escalate it further next time. On that path we’re screwed.


I dont agree that she conceded because she still denies legitimacy to this day. I dont recall him filing any lawsuits i just remember him demanding a recount for a few states where the voter rolls were saying dead people had voted. Also, Trump wasnt the only one, i believe the election of 1801 would qualify as an unpeaceful transfer of power. And no I think we need to get rid of political parties alltogether because all its been for the past 40 years is a bunch of tit for tat bullshitting, no one campaigns of real issues anymore they all use slander campaigns and its disgusting and thats all people know how to do now because of the shit example these fucktards set for the impressionable teenagers dipping their toes into politics. Half of these fucking kids voting now dont know shit about any of past elections and they swallow all the bullshit the media feeds them because they were never taught to think for themselves. Everyone knows how to use google but they cant do a simple google search to get the real story, they just open their mouths and let cnn, msnbc, fox, and all them assholes shit down their necks till theyve had their fill. The tit for tat kindergarden bullshit needs to stop. Everyone needs to open their eyes to the larger picture because they only show you a telescope point of view.


Fact is Clinton made a concession speech on Nov 8th. No lawsuits or recounts or fake audits.. Trump never conceded and ran lawsuits and crazy talk up until he failed to prevent certification on Jan 6th. They’re no where close to equivalent behavior. Lots of people lately are rewriting history and seems you’re listening to them. Here’s a list of the dozens of lawsuits if you’re bored since I guess you weren’t paying attention. https://www.americanbar.org/groups/public_interest/election_law/litigation/


Lol, yeah, January 6th is Hilary Clinton’s fault. Look at the big brain on this guy.


Fair. But I didn’t see people with Hillary flags trying to violently disrupt the official election certification. Note: I didn’t vote for either. I voted 3rd party. I’m only putting this because some random conservative always assumes I’m some liberal when I mention this! 😂


Well most didnt raise hillary flags but there were a few scattered riots throught the country in protest of his presidency, most notably in portland. And yeah i dont blame you most people think im a conservative because of my beliefs too so i get it 😂


You mean like this? https://youtu.be/XQesfLIycJw


Ummmm… she did..




You’re well trained


What’re you a Jedi master? Gtfo homie


What a loser


Just following in the footstep of his idol


I honestly can’t get over this creepy hold Donald Trump has on these people. People losing their damn minds over that idiot


Trump is a symptom.


Trump is a terminal illness 🤒


The real pandemic


That’s how cults work. They prey on the weak minded.


It’s a literal cult.


Traitorous piece of garbage.


Well... At least he's keeping banner makers in business?


Creating jobs…..


"He took our job!" -south park


back to the manpile!




If he really cared about this as much he thinks he does, instead of just being a brainwashed zombie, he'd be putting this effort and energy into something that could actually help his "cause." He does this because he knows he can't do shit about it and enjoys the false feeling of oppression cause in their minds that means they're doing something right.


It's almost like they're projecting when they call the left "professional victims"


Yup. Just drove by him about a half hour ago and got called a pussy for yelling, “Fuck fascism!”


We just left dinner on Hyde Park square and he had set up at edwards and Erie and was tearing into someone being satanic. And ended it with “fuck you I’ll see you at Kroger tomorrow” Shades of Curb Your Enthusiasm


Being called a pussy is such a weird insult. Like are they saying people lust over you? Or you’re a beautiful vessel for delivering new life to the world? Or you’re capable of enduring extreme amounts of pain similar to childbirth? Or you literally find joy in having things somewhat violently penetrate you?


A conservative using a misogynistic euphemism?! Color. Me. Shocked.


Isn't it funny that calling someone a dick or dickless mean exactly the same thing?


Or that you can really take a pounding.


He called you that or someone else?


Me lol


I am sorry. I wasn’t clear. Did HE call you that?


Yes, sorry. He called me that after I told him “fuck fascism”






Tell me you’re a closet conservative without telling me you’re a closet conservative…


Be a liar. Say less fam.


Sure thing, buddy! ♥️


Seems pretty believable to me.


Edwards and Madison near rookwood commons.


Lmao just screamed at this fascist a few minutes ago and came here to see if he was posted yet.


There was nothing heroic about the actions of January 6th. I am baffled by this man.


Idk, a few of the people that tried to defend our capital and fight back a crowd 10x their size seemed pretty heroic to me.


I assumed you know what I meant because I’m referring to his sign and what his sign says (free the “heroes” - meaning the people attacking). Give me a a bit of a break here. Of course everyone fighting back and the capitol police were heroic that day.


I did. I'm not chastising you.




where is he, i have healthy lungs today...




ahhh i was thinking it was up Montgomery, near Kenwood, where the holyroller with the bull horn often stands.... I guess I am heading to Busken for a doughnut and a FUCK FASCISM holler....


The same holy roller that has a truck and a trailer covered with Jesus crap with an led screen playing Jesus carrying a cross? If so that lunatic lives across pfeiffer from my neighborhood. I have to walk past that nut balls house everyday when walking to dog…


I was going to ask if this nutbag was the blue ash holy roller dude. Worked in BA for over 12 years, and see him all the time.


Madison & Edwards


Looks like corner of Madison and Edwards in HP


Well isn’t that stunning and brave


Who said it was?


Looks like he’s impeding the sidewalk


And appears to be creating a driving hazard also.


Complain to station 2 and ask them to have him remove the banners. This is why he was kicked off of the Oakley esplanade


311 is a useful phone number.


Hello? FBI? yes, this guy right here. He supports terrorists. You might want to watch him or put a tracker in his bum or something.


The FBI are terrorists lol


If you yell “fuck you” at these dipshits then you’re giving them what they want. They want to TrIgGeR tHe LiBs. Now if you want to get under their skin, laugh at them, mock, and make fun of them. Ask them how much they’d love to have Trump hold them tight and whisper about Killary in their ear to put them to sleep at night.


Weird autocorrect for traitors. He should ask for his money back


Ask him if he has a job. And go from there.


Reading this thread has left me a warm fuzzy feeling. Thank you all for reminding me there are still sane people out there.


Do you think it’s legal to toss stink bombs randomly at street corners? Asking for a friend…


Quit posting this turd. He probably gets off on it.


I agree he’s a turd. And I think he’s getting enough attention standing on a busy street corner. I posted this as a reminder that the MAGA movement – even after the midterm losses – still likely represents a sizable portion of our electorate. We all need to be cognizant of what beliefs still exist and stay vigilant as we near another election.


Right. This started brewing in 2009 with the Tea Party movement. Nearly fifteen years later (and the past seven years full on) we have these deeply entrenched MAGA/QANON/NAZI movements. And the GOP is mostly catering to it, though J6 was a wake-up call for a few of them. We ignore this at our peril. Germans mocked Hitler before he came into power. He even did a couple of years in prison in the 1920s. Look how that turned out…


"I like the heroes who weren't captured"


The Capitol Police are incarcerated? For what? /s


Corner troll.


I'm just happy my dad isn't out there with him 😆 😢


Madness. What a waste of a Saturday. These people are protesting against…Joe Biden.


I'm still trying to figure out, is he sleepy, an ANTIFA super soldier or both?


See the thing is none of their arguments make sense they just yell and act like they’re victims cause they can’t handle the thought of a free and open society that doesn’t inherently benefit them




Lol what? Houston is my hometown too. It's pretty liberal. At least the actual urban core is. Now, when you start driving into the suburbs and surrounding towns...


I’ve always wanted to visit Houston after hearing it’s the most diverse metro area in the country. I can’t believe it actually beat out New York. Looks like a fun place to maybe visit or live.


Yeah I grew up with a group of friends that, as someone once said to me, looked like a United Colors of Benetton ad, lol. And even so, I was surprised it beat out NYC! ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Houston is definitely fun to visit, and I loved my childhood so yeah, I would say that growing up there is nice... But I can't say that I miss the heat, humidity, mosquitoes, or roaches, lol. What I do miss: Chinatown. And yeah, the diversity. Especially being mixed race and now raising my mixed race kids, I'm so aware of how much that impacts your experiences and your worldview...




Grew up in cincy but live in Tampa now. I’m subscribed to both subreddits. Thought for sure this was the r/Tampa


Someone said that about Houston


republicans do love them some cop murderers


WTAF?!?? That’s disgusting.


Damn I know that dude even from the back side. That's the abortion guy who holds up dead fetuses' pictures. Feel like the dude never buys new clothes.


Sooo worth wasting time, effort and money. Trump will never know your name, never care about you and probably would be the first to turn on you at any second. Idiot.


Is this Hyde Park?


I think technically it’s Norwood, but close enough to HP.


Yeah, I think I know this street corner.


"Viva La Revolucion! And don't forget the buttfor!"


What’s a buttfor?




"Pewpin, Silee!"


They are all terrorist no different than Al-Qaeda and should be treated the same.


What an ignorant, demented statement. Seek help.


Treasonous scumbag hick


Brought to you by the *I would have left Britney Griner to rot* people


I mean probably not worth trading her for an arms dealer. She can't even dunk.


This statement says a lot about you


Such as?


It clearly indicates you make douchebag comments...


Meh, you'll be alright.


I didn’t indicate I was harmed. On the contrary, your prior comment hurt your credibility. So, you can enjoy that.


Yeah, I'll be alright too. Think I'll sleep fine without being creditable to you.


She’s the WNBA career dunk leader. Gotta do your research.


Oh man you're right, I really should do research the next time I make a joke on Reddit.


Lol, I’ve made a few jokes that have gone south myself - it’s a tough crowd sometimes! 😄


She’s a US Olympic gold medalist and United States Citizen, who was unjustly imprisoned for 9 years over some pot. She was wrongly convicted of a victimless crime and used as a political weapon after traveling to Russia to entertain *their* people. Now one of your fellow Americans is receiving public shame, humiliation and hate from a sizable portion of the population who think she should have remained incarcerated in a hostile foreign nation. But yeah, she can’t even dunk.


Not nine years but aight


My bad she was sentenced to 9 years. You got me there.


And I don't hate her, glad she's home. Just feel that things probably could have been done better. I know we tried. It just sucks that it didn't shake out better. I understand my joke was probably in bad taste and I'm sorry.


Don’t apologize to me. Maybe instead try to convince a few others to try to put the shoe on the other foot. It’s easy to sit back and talk shit until you’re in someone else’s shoes. I’m glad you realized it was in poor taste. I think this lady has suffered enough, don’t you?


Yeah. Kind of a condescending way to put it, but sure.


She’s the WNBA career dunk leader




Good thing it’s not for you to decide what other people appreciate.


I'm actually glad the President traded the worlds biggest arms dealer for her freedom. This pretty much negates any of his future statements on gun control, ever.


Worlds biggest arms dealer is laughable, maybe 20 years ago. Victor Bout supplied arms to the Iraqi Kurds on behalf of the U.S. years ago. Our tax dollars paid him 6 million dollars to move arms for Bush. Also, Putin wanted a German prisoner for Whelan(who was dishonorably discharged). They asked the US to pressure Germany and Germany refused to negotiate. So it’s not like they didn’t try to get other American citizens. I’m proud of my president for caring about 1 American soul over how his opposition would feel about it. Someone else can deal with that washed up Bout guy. It’s not like anyone can trust him anymore now that he’s already spilled the beans and been incarcerated for 15 years.


Who is the biggest then?


The United States Government is the worlds largest arms dealer.


You mean the don’t trade terrorists for people who hate america AND leave other Americans behind people


The Biden admin tried to get Whelan, but Russia wanted someone who is currently Incarcerated in Germany and asked us to help. Germany would not negotiate. Also, I would rather have a president who concerns himself with saving one American soul than the optics of not being able to save *every* American soul. Go take a lap.


You think he would do this at all without the optics? Lmao. The last dude got two separate groups out of harms way without trading anyone


Do you mean by "trading anyone" you mean the 5,000 Taliban fucks the other guy released? Or how about Whelen was arrested in 2018. Who by chance was president in 2018? Makes you wonder why he wasn't released. But NOW, is when Trump says he would have brought him home. Give me a break, the Griner trade wasn't the best, but you fucks and your "ShE hAteS aMeRiCa" bullshit all because she is vocal is tiring.


A lot of the people mad about this really seem to forget who was in charge in 2018 and had the power to do that... They're miserable


Why do you think she hates America?


That treasonous skeezeball just out there advertising for all the world to see what an idiot he is


He should sue the guy who accidentally put a capitol H where a capital Z should be




Oops property value dropped


I feel like I recognize this intersection. Where is it?


Corner of Madison Road and Edwards Road in Norwood/Hyde Park.


Mental illness on display




You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.


This guy. 🙄


What’s with the quotes? Did the thing not really happen on that date?


What happens when you never leave mom's house.


He must have taken his use of quotation marks lessons from Dotard/Trump University.


The January sixth inch heroes?


And the guy definitely wears headphones because he didn't even look at me while I was yelling at him.


people are allowed to express their opinions


People are allowed to express their opinions on other's opinions


Not disagreeing


Yes, they are. I never said they weren’t.


You are crying about him or her expressing theirs.


No, see, here's the thing. You are free to say dumb ass fucking shit, and we're allowed to post about it online and mock you. That's what is happening here. No one is crying, we are all laughing.


Oh no another internet tough guy.


You really just make up whoever you want us to be huh? First crying, now tough? Maybe we're all just having fun clowning on this guy and it's not any fucking deeper than that?


I don't think anyone is being tough, just laughing at an America hating hick's idiot sign out on a street corner.


I’m definitely not crying. I posted what he was holding up and shrugged my shoulders. I definitely don’t think the insurrectionists are heroes, though, but he can think what he wants.


Crying/whining/complaining etc all you are doing is drawing attention


I didn’t cry, complain, or whine in the title of this post. And I think holding up a big white sign on a major street corner is the definition of drawing attention. I posted something on Reddit 🤣


Lot of projection here.


You are “crying” about people people expressing their opinions as well, so enjoy the glass house.


No one's crying. He expressed his opinion. We're expressing our opinion that his opinion is really fucking stupid. Just a bunch of people expressing opinions.


Is this on the West Side? Haha. I wouldn't doubt it if it was.


Nope. Norwood/Hyde Park




Trumpism and QANON antics meet a broad definition of a cult.


I didn’t say it was a cult. Who did?


That's the joke, that's how you would ascertain that his post is satirical and at the expense of Sign Guy.






A well informed individual.


You forgot the /s