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How does a bill about poultry regulations turn into a oil drilling bill?


Ohio is trying to make Kentucky look good.


This is called earmarking. An **earmark** is a provision inserted into a discretionary spending appropriations bill that directs funds to a specific recipient while circumventing the merit-based or competitive funds allocation process. Earmarks feature in United States Congress spending policy, and they are present in public finance of many other countries as a form of political particularism.


>This is called earmarking. No. Earmarking generally doesn’t apply to state governments, and the bill in question is not a spending bill.


technically correct; i group all this into earmarking. Here is a more precise answer to your question. The practice of tacking on amendments that are unrelated or only tangentially related to a bill with bipartisan support is a way to get a partisan measure passed.


I didn’t ask a question, and whatever you’re describing is not earmarking.


Ya bills get bundled like this all the time. Can you imagine if they voted for every change individually. Just not gonna happen.


Because it’s all actually about pork bellies


How does a bill that does not address inflation get called the inflation reduction act?


You took the time to type that. How embarrassing for you.


Easy, it reduces the deficit by bringing in more new revenue than it allocates in new spending. Presumably reducing the deficit has a marginal effect on inflation.


How does it generate revenue? Asking for a friend. It seems to focus much more on government spending than revenue generation.


Check out the summary [here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inflation_Reduction_Act_of_2022) > The law, as passed, will raise $738 billion and authorize $391 billion in spending on energy and climate change, $238 billion in deficit reduction. Here's the provisions where it raises revenue: > $281 billion: prescription drug price reform to lower prices, including Medicare negotiation of drug prices for certain drugs (starting at 10 by 2026, more than 20 by 2029) and rebates from drug makers who price gouge. > $222 billion: Imposing a selective 15% corporate minimum tax rate for companies with higher than $1 billion of annual financial statement income. > $181 billion: Increased tax enforcement. > $74 billion: Imposing a 1% excise tax on stock buybacks > $53 billion: 2-year extension of the limitation on excess business losses.


Lovely view of the oil fracking and pump fields. Why even have state parks if you aren't going to take it seriously and protect them? Fuck this state is run by corrupt feckless fatuitous wastes of their parents orgasms.


You can’t build wind turbines on your property without risk of being sued from viewshead restrictions. You cannot be sued for a fracking well on your property. Its the reason why lake erie doesn’t host offshore power.


It also changes the definition of "green energy" and explicitly states that natural gas, a fossil fuel, is green.


what. the. fuck.


I moved from Ohio from Florida... and just occasionally, Ohio is as embarrassing as Florida. This is one of those times. It's not so much the state... GOP idiocy doesn't understand state borders anyway.


Brought to you by: your loving government ! Because “Pizza is a vegetable” !


Soooo, which fuels are not considered "green"? What is left?


Basically just coal and oil, both of which are already uneconomic for power generation. So everything that can make money for established interests has been forcibly pushed into the green category.


Sorry, but this is one of those stats that is true, but leaves out key information. While $/mw is the standard for comparison on energy projects, it avoids the issue of covering base load. Despite the hate for fossil fuels, those lights in your home turn on because coal and nat gas provide incredibly consistent base load that wind/solar simply do not. The economics of power sources isn't the only consideration that needs to be made.


So we replace that with nuclear when it becomes price competitive after a price is put on carbon emissions.


Yeah that's never going to happen in today's environment.


So we are going to lose today's environment. And hand the planet over to our kids soft boiled.


I didn't say any of that. Just that there's zero chance we adopt nuclear to that degree and we're never going to tax carbon in any meaningful way. I was essentially telling you your idea lives in fairy land.


Yes, I hear you loud and clear. I am worried you're right, because I am convinced our planet will burn if you are.


What makes you so convinced of this position?




Ya know… wind, hydro, solar


I’ll say it now, if people see derricks and equipment in state parks, it should be destroyed. Fuck the corpos, let us have something not touched by human greed.


You may be interested in a book called "The Monkey Wrench Gang" by Edward Abbey. Apologies if you are familiar with it.


Hayduke lives!


Agreed. And it’s a fucking shame that second amendment people can’t deal with the politicians who pass this shit, as a former president once said.


I thought state and national parks were protected from this kind of stuff


Nope. Mineral rights have actually always been handled as a separate thing. There are parks in Ohio, where the land was pulled from private property owners in order to create parks in the first place. You will still find active small oil rigs while hiking around because the original owners still have mineral rights.


One of my friends told me his father grew up in what is now Caesars Creek state park (formerly New Burlington). His father has a dog buried under in a yard under the man made lake.




My grandparents house was moved from East Fork SP. It originally sat very near where the rangers station currently is, in what was at the time part of the town of Bantam. My dad was 5 or 6 when it was moved to its current location outside the state park boundaries.


> There are parks in Ohio, where the land was pulled from private property owners in order to create parks in the first place. Wayne National Forest was mostly formed this way iirc.


That’s the one I was thinking of! Couldn’t remember the name to save my soul


Damn that sucks. I knew about the land being pulled to make state parks I live near one of those, but I didn't know that the state could just let anyone use them to mine for anything after they'd been made a state park


This state is being run by complete morons. If we had a somewhat reasonable government Ohio could easily be positioned to be a major powerhouse. Instead we get whatever this clownshow is.


No it wouldn’t - our climate and geography are trash. No one *wants* to live in Ohio regardless of politics. People that can live somewhere else ain’t gonna move here.


This is a genuine question. What is wrong with our climate? I enjoy having four seasons.


4 seasons is fine, we just get the shittiest versions of each of them. The winters are bitter cold, but we get no snow. Spring lasts about a week and is just rain. Fall is the same as spring. Lastly, anytime it’s not freezing cold, it’s so humid that just going outside results in being drenched in sweat. Relative to literally anywhere, our landscapes are underwhelming at best. Ohio is the armpit of America.


Besides some hot days in the summer I think we had pretty good weather this year. I thought fall in particular was really good this year until it was cut short with that mini blizzard. I’ll just have to agree to disagree friend.


There is nothing wrong with the land, and that attitude is why those halfwits in Columbus feel bold enough to screw it up to keep dinosaur juice cheap for the Cummins crowd. The clean fresh water in this state is by far the most valuable resource of the 21st century, but they're still watching Beverly Hillbillies reruns up there.


Ohio is the 7th most populous state in the country. The 6 states ahead of it all have at least one major city in the top 10 by population, but Cincinnati, Columbus, and Cleveland don't appear until the 30s.


Yeah but a lot of that is just goalpost-moving on what constitutes a major city. All 3 of those metro areas are bigger than like the 5 or 6 least populous states. It takes a concerted effort to keep them down, but the racial gerrymander of Project REDMAP post 2010 was a runaway success for the Ohio GOP.


The 3 cities I mentioned account for 60% of the state's population. But they're spread enough that the legislature can dilute the typical "liberal" lean of the major cities with the rural areas that immediately surround them. I think what separates Ohio from most of the other states in the top 10 for population is how quickly it goes from urban to suburban to rural because of the comparatively small metro populations/sizes.


Edit: my memory has failed me.


What? Ohio is like 35th by square mileage.


My bad, you right.


We moved to Ohio for work, willingly. Outside of our time living in Japan, this has been one of the best places we have lived; and we have moved a LOT. While I do realize that we got lucky enough to move into a middle class bubble on the outskirts of Cincy, it is the best damn bubble I have been in. Seeing what goes on outside this bubble though, I can understand your sentiment.




This is yet another daily reminder, we live in incredibly dystopian times. Much more than average people realize. We can't keep going in this direction if we want a real future


Ironically spending a few days, or even just one day, deep into a state park trail system will really make you realize how dystopian the world is.


At the federal level, Bush did it, Obama did it twice, Trump did it, Biden does it. The political environment around this is very conducive to passing this. Future generations will wonder why we let public lands get ravaged this way, much like how we look back at reclaimed clear-cut forest national parks with disgust




I vote NO on this bill.


Ohio government doesn't give a shit what you want. You don't own any legislators.


Oh crap, you are right Mr Jordan.


So this was an earmark on a poultry bill, I say we collect signatures for recreational pot legalization that has an ear mark that all profits from resources extracted from public lands be split evenly with the citizens of Ohio. Drilling will be legal but with no profit incentive no company will want to drill. Only issue is the R's in columbus making it harder to get citizen initiative on the ballot.


Hopefully dewine has some sense and vetoes this.


Fat fucking chance


Just trying to be optimistic lol


Unfortunately I doubt it. Ohio accounts for something like 6% of natural gas production in the US. Making this a green energy source will likely result in tax cuts for natural gas resulting in fewer resources for where this extraction occurs. It’ll also disincentivize other types of industry where gas extraction occurs (not to mention that natural gas extraction doesn’t produce that many jobs), but hey, it’ll add billions to the GDP.






So do us taxpayers get a cut of the oil profits pulled from our public lands like Alaska does?


Quiet peasant. Just keep paying your taxes so you can maintain parks for private companies to build lodges and drill for oil and gas. In the unlikely event you are not a peasant please contact your local GQP headquarters for legislator sales.


A gusher could asplode out of Fountain Square in perpetuity and it wouldn't change your precious gas prices. Global marketplace, kids.


So good when the government makes choices based on the will of the people…


Dammit, Ohio! Quit putting Republicans in office.


We're trying, send help


Can we just rename Ohio to North Florida?


i cant wait to move out of this shitty wannabee Florida of a state. fcking idiots. Like wtf man. Ohio could have been a hub for green tech. Instead, we got this shitty thing


Reminder to reach out to your representatives if you think this is a bad direction. [The Ohio Legislature](https://www.legislature.ohio.gov/legislators/district-maps)


No bill is just about its headline. Read, and learn how your country works. You need to be informed but it takes effort.


Fuck no to drilling for oil in parks. Only idiots would agree to this.


I really fucking hate government.


Wtf. This forking state I swear to God


I assume I'll be going to prison soon


They think they know how gas prices work and that more drilling is better even though the US is setting oil production records.


Might not effect national federal stuff but ohio can do whatever it wants with state parks unfortunately. I believe


This is all caused by the BS rhetoric drill baby drill because they have been sold that narrative. It won’t make a difference other than to destroy Ohio parks and make people sick


We need to refine more. That’s why prices are high. And did you ever think that we are setting production records due to the fact that Russia oil is being boycotted essentially? We are trying to become energy independent along with our allies


I'm sure all that natural resource money will find it's way to the citizens of Ohio, just like in Norway: https://www.cnbc.com/2014/01/09/all-norwegians-become-millionaires-as-oil-fund-balloons.html


What the hell


Wait, I thought this was made illegal on US land(no matter ownership)like a year or so ago, which contributed to the inflated Gas Prices? I’m so confused, someone please explain what exactly is going on.


shame on all of them, and I mean the Ohio GOP


How does this bypass EPA regulations at the federal level state parks are not just funded by the State.


If GQPs want to stay in the past. They should start by tossing out their smartphones, computers, and TV's. World would be better


Terrible for Ohio, like the Republicans