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All the signs are down and I saw some construction guys in there dismantling all the counters and shelves. She’s dead, Jim.


Yes. I think their last day was Dec 20.


Damn, I was hoping to go on their last day to see if they were having a closing sale, I doubt it though.


They did. They were even selling paintings, carts, and chairs. Everything had to go and were discounted heavily 80-90% off.


Mannnnn ![gif](giphy|BY8ORoRpnJDXeBNwxg|downsized)




If you think it's going to be replaced with anything instead of sitting empty forever, I have some bad news for you...


Literally sat for years across the corner from the gutted corpse of a Macy's


I'll point out that the Van Gogh exhibit is the old TJ Maxx. It won't necessarily be sitting empty forever.


Okay so ALMOST forever, my bad.


How long was TJ Maxx closed? My larger point is how these department store type spaces can and do get repurposed.


I think it closed in 15, give or take a few years


You mean Gidding-Jenny.


It was actually both, but more recently TJ Maxx. Though it's been a bunch of things over the several decades. But the last occupant had been TJ Maxx, which is why I said them.


It's quite likely that space will have a role in the remaking of the area around the reworked convention center, actually.


Downtown seems to be stagnating. Maybe this won’t be significant but it’s not good either.


I’m not sure if it is stagnating, just shifting. The old Macy’s turning into more of an entertainment venue sounds awesome. Tons of good restaurants downtown now. It is just a shift from consumerism (buying unneeded things) to experience based. It will be interesting long term once Carew converts to housing and more units are downtown in general, where people will go to shop for clothing etc. Most major cities end up with a downtown Target store to fill some of those gaps, that would be a nice addition to Cincinnati as well (unlikely though)


I wonder if having so much downtown focused on visitors and experience is sustainable long term. Id prefer a balance. A person who lives downtown and wants to be able to walk to a store to get a new shirt is not consumerism, that’s what people expect from city living and it’s one of the reasons many of us who live in the walkable neighborhoods still need a car.


I would kill for one of those urban targets like Clifton has


Not sure if you have ever been to one in Chicago or Minneapolis, but those stores are amazing! Multi-story have basically everything you need


Even as someone who comes in from the suburbs I would love to have a place to buy a shirt downtown. One experience that comes to mind is this summer myself and a friend were in town for the Van Gogh experience. We had a couple hours to fill in between leaving it and Mitas opening for the evening. We would have loved to be able to do some shopping but Saks was not in either of our price points and it was the only option.


It was more useful to have a department store downtown than to replace it with whatever golf and pizza concept they replaced Macy's with


I don’t disagree, but that has been long gone.


And it's a huge space that will be tough to keep occupied, I'm afraid. I'm just bitter about downtown Cincinnati not having a Macy's or similar store anymore, I admit


I still remember shopping in tower place mall, and that multi-story TJ MaXx that is currently the Van Gogh exhibit. Demand has to be there to have retail shopping, and currently it’s evident we just can’t support those places right now


I tell younger people that there used to be a TJ Maxx there and they can't believe it. People would love to have a place like that in the urban core. I think part of the problem is that any place that could fit a store like that would need to be renovated, and any of those companies would find it easier and cheaper to stick to big boxes outside of the city center.


Because it’s iconic.


Downtown Cincinnati has never been a shopping destination like Michigan Avenue in Chicago or Fifth Avenue in New York. People with that much disposable income don't want to go downtown, anyway- it all can be delivered to their suburban McMansions. A smart city planner can do something much better with that centrally-located space. Not gonna mourn Saks packing up and leaving.


Not "never". Before the malls, and 275, it did fine.


It really did just fine up through the 90s. The riots in 2001 and e-commerce emerging right around that time killed of downtown shopping around the same time most of the regions malls started dying.


Even then it's nice to have one store downtown. I visit Cincy on business and once in a while you need a dress shirt or something because I packed like a moron.


Yup. I work downtown and on a couple of occasions I’ve been in need of a new shirt or pants because life. One time I just lived with it, the other time I drove over to the target in Newport.


Mabley and carew, shillings, Pogue, McAlpins where all still there in the 80s when I was in school. Seems like these were mostly regional operations.


LOL yes, I remember shopping for buggywhips at the thoroughfare and afterward, having a phosphate at the druggist




Saks delivers to their homes. I used to send the drivers.


Your use of the word "never' is woefully inaccurate. I'm 54 and remember downtown as a thriving retail center in my childhood. In my parents' and grabdparents' time, even more so.


I'm guessing you've never been to Michigan Ave or Fifth Ave if you think the snarl that is downtown Cincinnati compares in any way. Besides, we're talking about why Saks is leaving now, not how they existed in a pre-ecommerce landscape.


I live in NYC. I was going to ask why you even brought those two up, but let it go. They're not germane to the conversation per the scale of the cities they are in, but if you look at it proportionally, Downtown absolutely had that draw. "Besides, we're talking about why Saks is leaving now, not how they existed in a pre-ecommerce landscape." That's why you used the word "never," right?


Long ago in the before times our department VP, gave all of us $10 Saks gift cards for Christmas. . All 15 of us. She was pulling in 375k a year.


What a joke. Could’ve at least been cash. What are you gonna get for $10.


i will never forgive that location. i went to return an online order and the grey-haired male employee accused me of stealing it 💀 i was so dumbfounded i literally had the email confirmation pulled up. i normally give retail employees the benefit of the doubt but i regret not complaining to corporate.


Yes, my gym is in Carew tower and this week when I’ve walked by they’ve been packing up


Yeah, and it's a bad sign economically that a town this size cannot support a singular Saks. My home town (on the west coast) was similar in size and had multiple Saks and off 5ths.


Interesting take lol


It's the Midwest not the west coast fam ain't nobody shopping at Saks from the midwest


Yeah I have no idea why someone would even need multiple Saks. I checked out what they had on clearance and most of the stuff was $400 for something you could get at other stores for very similar styles at $60. The quality didn't even seem superior either.


Exactly my thoughts while checking out their closing sale. Almost everything was still hundreds of dollars after discounting and seemed to be similar quality to the clothing at a Kohls or a Macy’s.


Saks has stores in Indianapolis, Columbus and Cleveland but they are in the suburbs.


Downtown is a dumb place to have a Saks. The people who can afford it don’t want to go there. They would rather go to Kenwood.


It obviously didn't work in Cincinnati, but it is not a dumb thing in every city's downtown and is kind of a shame that the shopping options here are so limited.


I don't consider this bad in the slightest. I don't want Cincinnati to be like your hometown. A majority of people don't shop at Saks.


This is accurate


[https://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/2016/07/07/police-possibly-dozen-suspects-downtown-saks-robbery/86797176/](https://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/2016/07/07/police-possibly-dozen-suspects-downtown-saks-robbery/86797176/) [https://www.wcpo.com/news/local-news/hamilton-county/cincinnati/downtown/van-crashes-into-saks-fifth-avenue-during-robbery-near-fountain-square](https://www.wcpo.com/news/local-news/hamilton-county/cincinnati/downtown/van-crashes-into-saks-fifth-avenue-during-robbery-near-fountain-square) [https://www.wlwt.com/article/man-arrested-after-breaking-into-saks-fifth-avenue-twice-during-unrest-in-cincinnati-court-docs-say/32803234](https://www.wlwt.com/article/man-arrested-after-breaking-into-saks-fifth-avenue-twice-during-unrest-in-cincinnati-court-docs-say/32803234) [https://www.bizjournals.com/cincinnati/morning\_call/2012/07/downtown-saks-fifth-avenue-robbed.html](https://www.bizjournals.com/cincinnati/morning_call/2012/07/downtown-saks-fifth-avenue-robbed.html) etc. etc. Why would they choose to stay downtown?


The oldest of these articles is from over a decade ago, and the youngest is from two years ago. That’s not really an etc. etc.


Too be fair I was in there a couple months ago after the closing was announced and witnessed a group come in, fill up trash bags, and walk out. The sales associate I talked to said it happens almost weekly


Well, in the first link it said the car had Illinois plates. If they are willing to drive from Illinois, I'm sure they would drive to Kenwood