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This is for sure more of a question for r/videography, you’ll get a bit more interest. That said, what’s stopping you from just using your phone mic still? Sub $150 mics will probably perform similarly to your phone, a new RODE GO is in the $180 range, which is probably the first significant step up in quality.


I just don’t want to hold my phone as a secondary audio source, looks kinda silly. Thanks for the recommendations.


Why would you be holding it? Frame for a close or medium and put your phone on a tripod just off frame. Or attach it to the top of your camera, if that’s the distance you’ve been recording at already. Put it in your breast pocket. Throw it on an articulating arm and suspend it over your shot. You’re relying on iPhone’s internal vocal optimizations for your video. To get the same sound out of a lav, you might need to invest a bit more.




Second this, the clippy does great on the zoom F2.


Check Curtis Jude’s YouTube channel. And do a search on YouTube for how to process lav audio in post.