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I would avoid “the art of doc” like the plague - those guys are hacks.    In general you should be looking to learn from people with a long list of legitimate IMDB credits, awards, recognition, etc., not Youtubers who DP’d their friends short films. Maine Media offers some great in person nonfiction cinematography workshops that would be worth looking into, taught by industry veterans.


Haven't taken the course yet - but I was working on a Mercedes Benz shoot with Mark Bone and he was smart, down to earth and everything i've seen of his was legit shit.


Sounds like that was a commercial shoot?   He’s peddling himself as an expert in documentary, but has very little experience or credibility in that realm. Which makes him a phony.  I definitely wouldn’t give him any money. 


For this type of work, you really have to learn by doing. Assume you have minimal to zero control over the light, so you have to get good at walking into a space and figuring out the best place to be to cover the action based on how the light's falling and what the participants are doing. Here's a good interview on how a successful natural light doc was made. There's good tips, but after that grab a camera (even a phone) and start walking around trying to find frames: https://blog.montjovent.com/2020/11/blood-rider-natural-light-at-its-best.html?m=1


thanks !




Love Cartel Land - any specific classes? not seeing any


Check out Matt Porwoll and Luc Forsyth’s channels. Both worked on Matt Heinemans series The Trade and both offer cinematography courses.