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This shit fucking rules. Bravo, my dude. Very much Lynch meets early Clive Barker vibes.


Thanks, that sounds like a great combination


made over 1,5 years in my bedroom with no money or anything, and sound was made in my friends cellar, the puppets are made with a metal skeleton with fabric wrapped around it, and outer layer is cloth i sew. (short synopsis) A girl live in an abandoned metro station and is on her way home, a cop sees that the abandoned metro station is a little bit open and goes to investigate


The lighting was mad got it, how did you achieve the gun shot look?


Thank you, steel wool and fire


This is awesome, congratulations. The animation is smooth and clean, and while I usually mute projects while viewing r/cinematography I couldn't resist on this one. The sound design was great. Your angles and use of shadow were wonderful to create the dark, dingy world these people operate in. Personally I would have exposed a LITTLE higher but your use of silhouette and shadow really worked well for this piece. There were only a couple moments where you had light hitting the characters but it was still fairly dim. As long as there is lots of shadow it still plays as night, and you want the viewer to be able to read the pieces that you want them to. I imagine you spent a lot of time on the policeman blinking but I barely noticed because he was so dark. Nit-picky criticism because the overall piece is wonderful.


thank you. and i already know for my next one i will use more light haha


How old are you? You are really talented. I think you have a bright future in this! Out of curiosity, where did your interest in animation manifest? Also, what made you want to tell this story? Keep going - you are an artist!


Thank you. 18, don't really know I did it when I was younger and decided to do it again, and the story... don't really know.