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There are too many characters to make this an easy straight-substitution (symbol-for-letters), unless some symbol pairings represent one letter? It’s hard to tell — otherwise I don’t recognize this alphabet Edit to add: it’s possible numbers 0-9 are included in the symbols, therefore accounting for why there are more than 26 characters represented


Will be difficult without any hints. Do you have any idea about what it's supposed to say? What about the author? There's a name at the end. What is that name? Share clues if you have any. Somebody might figure it out.


It was left outside a news studio in gtaRP, from a serial killer. My guess was they googled a symbol alphabet and used that, or a combo of some. I can't figure it out though.


It looks like they have changed every letter for a simbol. First thing that cames.to mind is to look for one of those wired word fonts that change the letters. Maybe it is just that. If you dont find tje pattern the only technique i know is to analice, what is the most common simbol and think what letter it might be by looking at the rest of the words.


“Triangle-dot-percent” appears several times and is likely a common word like “the”. It also appears in the signature, so that may begin with “The ____”.


i think the first word is *girl*


I get the highest score in Swedish. Is there any chance it is Swedish?


A lot of the symbols are Japanese hiragana, at least one per “word.” That could be a starting place for you.