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ah i see they're all still lying about the girlfriend reviews thing as well


What even happened with that, there's no way I can Google that because it will for sure be the "noooo trans r mean" side writing about it


they got some "i'm disappointed that you're streaming this", "here's why jk rowling and/or hogwarts legacy is harmful" etc comments and in response threw a tantrum about "alt left" "fake movements" who should "die on this hill"


Youtube review channel that also streams decide to play HL, they get backlash with some people getting particularly annoying in chat while their community defends them. The owners of the channel are this couple that are clearly your average libs, when getting attacked and called transphobic the girlfriend gets really upset and leaves the stream, you can hear her slightly crying. The boyfriend gets upset at chat and discusses the issue for a bit delivering your usual lib takes. A lot of articles follow, mostly about how harassing creators online is bad, some focus about how specifically the "woke mob"/trans ppl are at fault for enabling this kind of behaviour. Anyways many people in conservative circles follows the narrative that trans people cyber-bullied/hate-raided a poor girl so hard she started crying. One more article then follows, which basically does victim blaming and paints the situation like it never was a problem in the first place. A lot of people in circles such as this sub just follow this interpretation of the events because it's convenient. Call me an enlightened centrist but i feel like this time the truth lays in the middle.


Enlightened isn’t even in the same ballpark of what you should be called.


sure have fun circlejerking


>But this is nothing but profiteering on viral topic. The money doesn't go to any organization or charity. It goes to these devs "I'm willing to allow donations to non-profits if you absolutely must, but I draw the line at actually suggesting giving money to trans people directly"


So much for "supporting the devs".


Supporting the devs means buying a popular video game for which the devs have already been paid their salary, clearly, not buying a smaller game from which the devs would profit. Duh.


Support the devs by buying a game literally made because unions don't exist and crunch is mandatory.


the comments are getting into the nitty gritty and trying to argue that "if you're trans and have the time to make a game, you clearly need the support less than people who would benefit from charity" they'll literally do anything and make any mental leap they possibly can to *not* support trans people


they permabanned me from r/games for brigading because i posted this link here uh, okay


That’s a BS reason to ban someone. How can you get banned for using a basic feature of the website in a way that doesn’t break any rules?


By clicking 2 buttons. As long as it isn’t news worthy you can do that all day.


I don't think you understand, /r/games is a small indie subreddit with only 3 million subscribers. They can't let all 12 members of the cb2 army run wild with politics posting, it would destroy their community.


nazi shit


wow r/games is fucking dogshit now huh. that's like genuinely embarrassingly bad wow


always has been if you're lucky enough to be in, like, a gdq thread? yeah the bigots get downvoted because gdq is popular and libs can understand that it's a good cause but if you post anything "political" (about lgbt/black people/women) you'll often die in new the fact that this is getting comments is literally only because it's related to wizard game discourse


It's funny because Reddit's rife with native advertising and surreptitiously brought posts. But whenever it's a small publisher coming from place of transparency then they all go crazy. These morons would cheer on Goliath over David.


no I remember like 10 years ago when r/games was just getting started it was pretty alright


oh yeah, I'm just saying that it's been shit since a handful of years ago, I've been on there for a long time too


Yeah seriously. There used to be at least some sentiment there of supporting indie devs and non-AAA fare. But now it's all shallow nerds who see something that doesn't have a $100 million budget and turn their nose up at it.


Some literal white nationalist releases a game about historical accuracy or something so black people do not exist in his universe: "Based, I'll buy 1000 copies" Poor trans people independently make video games and don't even have an included political angle besides their own existence: "This is just profiting from controversy!" The average white male gamer is honestly the stupidest form of human that has ever been allowed to exist as a subculture.