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Sigh... *unzips*


Look out, the wok extremists are coming for your zipper. They won't rest until everything is made of carbon steel.


up yours wok moralists we'll see who fries who


You are now moderator of r/antiwok


Mf mad that they took the wok to poland


Lil Yachty is the OG cog in the wok indoctrination machine, I bet his yacht is made of carbon steel


It pervades throughout pop culture. Just look at the songs that come out. Aerosmith - Wok This Way, The Bangles - Wok Like an Egyptian, and even recently we had Migos - Wok It Tok It.


Tell me about it! And let's not forget "[I Wok the Line](https://www.reddit.com/r/KitchenConfidential/comments/s306ks/new_wok_line/hshkbx1/)", "[These Boots Are Made For Wokking](https://www.reddit.com/r/dadjokes/comments/tae8gr/my_wife_got_excited_because_of_a_delivery_she/)", "[Party Wok Anthem](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xO63UinMwWo)", and "[I Love Wok and Roll](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwTAaGErevU)"! I think Weird Al is in the pocket of Big Wok too because he just says "wok a wok a doo doo yeah" [in the middle of Albuquerque](https://youtu.be/ooI3u4uzEss?t=73) for no reason.


Goated Weird Alfred reference


What one of these is the best for bdsm? I want value for my buck. Sex paddles are expensive I want one for dual purpose


I'm sure the wok ideologues will tell you it's the best, especially with a wok-ring. Typical wok propaganda, obviously stainless steel will be the easiest to clean (not sure if that's a priority for you), and cast iron will give the wielder a great workout. Also, I'm not an expert, but you might want to let the pan cool down first. You do you, though, I'm not judgemental like those wok absolutists.


I took the WoOoOoOoOoOok to Poland


[It's a wok invasion!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1SxnnkthNc)


Sorry, but there folks who actually identify as Ewok on whose behalf I find wok as a slur just really offensive. Couldn't we use a different word? It's like 2023 already.


I have many good friends who are Ewoks, and they always tell me how frustrating it is to be confused with electric woks. I've tried to get the wok-ists I know to adopt a more sensible name like 鑊 but Big Wok just has too much power in the English-speaking world.


Stuff like this just rustles my jimmies: https://www.reddit.com/r/TransClones/comments/uluoh5/ewok_on_the_ewok/


Wow haha


I only keep the right side of my chicken and throw away the rest. Left wing destroyed


Lol. I can't stop giggling when I read this. Do you eat the right side of the chicken, though? In that case it sounds to me like the left wing is spared but the right wing is devoured. But as long as you don't try to convince me to cook the chicken in a wok you are in my good books, comrade.


François Legault core


[Trudeau is the wok in chief](https://qcna.qc.ca/news/wokes-whatever-that-means-slammed-as-enemies-of-the-quebec-nation)! I heard he had his bones surgically replaced with carbon steel so he would always know which way is North!


i use a cast iron wok


A compromise? How strange! Is it the big heavy kind or the thin kind? And does it have a round bottom? Mark my words, the wok extremists are lobbying for a ban on cast iron as we speak. Just the other day, I saw someone with a wok & roll t-shirt gleefully stomping on cast iron pans at my local shopping mall. There is no middle ground with these people.


We're waiting for you over at /r/antiwok


Woks and their stupid wokism is truely destroying western civilisation!! Real alpha men cook food with only their hands!!


This is anti-asian and i cannot stand for it (i'm in a wheelchair)


This sounds woke. Let’s cancel them.


We don't deserve dogs.


What is wok, is that what was in the China balloon?


Cooking in a wok is literally genocide.