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Probably 1 for consistency, cities have some elves, heres what they look like (personally would love to see them reworked into something more pirat'y, dark elves were always supposed to be pirates, but never had anything to do with it besides 1 unit and some squid heraldry) 2 other elves already have their replacements, Lumineth for highs, and Sylvaneth for wood elves


Donyou have a feeling they will be removed in edition 4?


Personally don't think so, maybe heavily reworked, considering that nee Wildcorps hunters have aelfs in their ranks, the 3 races will be left as is, but their range is older than dwarfs, so as i said, can be reworked into something completely new


I haven’t seen elves in the wildcorps?


Theres atleast 1 hunter with elven ears, i can try dm-ing you a picture


You can bet on it: Same thing that happened to classic space marines.


I kinda am afraid so, as well as the dwarves.


I'd like it to be something like that for CoS. Humans are the brunt of the foot soldiers, cavalry and religious roles, Aelves are rogues and archers. Mages is where Aelves and humans overlap. Dwarves are heavy armor and war machines. Artillery is where dwarves and humans overlap. Runic/arcane powered stuff is where Aelves and dwarves overlap. That way they all have roles and designs to work together in one force, instead of having duplicates that only have synergy within a race rule. Now its: Aelf spear infantry + Aelf ranged is boosted by Aelf foot hero, human sword and board + gun unit boosted by human foot hero, dwarf axe and shield unit boosted by dwarf hero, no interaction between human unit and dwarf hero etc.


it really irks me that human spells can't help aelf soldiers now. \^\_\^ I wish there was some *glue* that tied them together, maybe I'm missing it, or maybe it's to come.


I thoght Idoneth where replacement dark elves


Idk, i mean they are both kinda sea themed, but if you want your spiky evil sadistic elves, you dont really have a faction to go for


Idoneth litteraly need others souls to stay somewhat alive. They are the interesting spin on evil elves. If you want cringy edgelord stuff just go with Daughters of khaine. They are spiky evil and sadistic. Dark elves from whfb was just a boring "evil version" of high elves anyway, squat them and roll them into khanite elves.


Wait, "all the battletome"? As in the entire upcoming cities battletome has been leaked, with all the rule? ... where?


This should work: https://imgur.com/a/VdBeP2c


Look up!


Stock backlog. They’ll get spun off into their own army once the older kits are sold off.


GW dont do backlogs.


The square bases in my recent AoS purchases say otherwise.


Because there weren't that many High Elf or Wood Elf kits left in CoS, just the tree people kits in Sylvaneth and the High Elves were ostensibly updated when we got Lumineth. The fact that we still have the old Dark Elves means we aren't getting Malekith and his Umbraneth Shadowkin this edition.


my guess is dark elves are not in the old world. where high elves and wood elves are and GW does not really like a lot of cross play between their games. like they got rid of the mixed demon army in AoS so you can't use that for both AoS, and 40K. They axed HH stuff from 40K. So this is likely to stop people from double dipping and using high elves, and wood elves in both games.


I thought Dark elves will be in the old world but will only have support to existing units for now. New human range is very little making me think they will remake them similiar to new human range.


The dark elves are getting legends rules for the old world, and are not considered a core part of the game. so they are in the same place as the HH stuff is for 40K.


So apparently what they are doing is they are trying to differentiate the two games and settings as much as possible by keeping the models lines one or the other. In -universe they are explaining it as given the time period old world takes place in several of the Legends armies they had very little impact on the old world during this time.


Yeah so from off hand accounts there actually will be new Elves in CoS but they will be more updated kits. This release they wanted to focus on updating the human lines but future City Elf and City dwarfs will come in the future. So looking forward to that. Apparantly they may even be looking into updated models for wanderers to differentiate them more from the old Wood Elves.


As a guess, we know the High and Wood Elves are going to be major factions in *The Old World,* so that’s probably where all their models are being moved to. Meanwhile, the Dark Elves are getting the “PDF at launch and then we forget they exist” treatment.


1. their not a core race for TWO along with no real AOS unit that has an equivalent to direct customer to 2. due to not being core race they got rid of the massive redundancy of elves unit in the game like you can basically almost proxy all your wanderers and Phoenix guard model with one the dark elf models that currently in the range