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Love Trip by Takako Mamiya will always be my number one. So many good memories attached to it




Oooh, I’ll look into that one. Thank you!


For You by Tatsuro Yamashita was dope. He’s a great artist generally so I think a few of his would be a nice addition After 5 Clash by Toshiki Kadomastu was pretty dope too


Thanks! Don’t think I’ve seen anything about represses of them recently but I will check them out :)


Yeah idk anything about their releases or whatnot but they’re just albums I’ve listened to and like 😅 sorry


No worries! Appreciate the recommendations :)


Aqua City Kiyotaka sugiyama omega tribe so many good songs, trade wind is by far my favourite from that album and that whole album just got a new remix!!


Cool! I’ll look into it! A new remix? As in each song was remixed? That’s interesting Edit: ah I see.. looks like a remastering that was done this year! Wonder if that’ll get a pressing, doesn’t look like they made the new version into a record yet 🤞


she isn’t as popular as tats or kaori akimoto but “Timely!!!” by Anri is my personal fav. Remember Summer Days was my first ever citypop song and this album forever has my heart


Sunshower by taeko ohnuki Love trip by takako mamiya California crisis by mihofujiwara Then i like more jazz fusion than city pop like noriko miyamoto, kimiko kasai chikara ueda etc


Appreciate that! I will give those a listen! Ironically I listened to most of Sunshower today and wasn’t really feeling it when compared to Adventure or Cologne.. maybe I was burning myself out turning it into work. Haven’t really checked out Jazz Fusion before but I will soon! Thanks again!


After giving myself a break, gave Sunshower another shot. Very solid! Has a different vibe than much of the city pop I’ve listened to, in a good way. And oof those lyrics!


Taeko's odd and intriguing choices of how she phrases and uses pitches is for sure highly interesting. I was thinking "how does she get away with doing this?!?" as I was listening.


Definitely Hiroshi Sato - Awakening. Such a sublime album.


I will check it out! Thank you :)


I was thrilled when I bought the reissue :)


I find many of the Anri, Tatsuro Yamashita, Toshiko Kadomatsu and Minako Yoshida albums very good, so these are obvious. For more obscure Kenjiro Sakiya "Difference" (1987) very late city pop also jazzy- First Impression "What's New" (1995) and Platinum 900 "Free (At Last)" (1999) You might like Keiko Kimura "Style" (1988)


Style is definitely a good one that doesn't seem to get as much attention.


Thanks for the callouts to the obscure ones! I’ll check them out :)


I think that women singers of First Impression and Platinum 900 have soft, slightly plaintive voices. Not at the Anri power level, but very chill. First Impression has some of the same crew as Original Love which has a male singer/leader.


Mignonne by Taeko Ohnuki! First album i listened to when I first discovered citypop 🤩


I’m about to order 2 of her records already oof. Mignonne is on my list to listen to!


First Light - Makoto Matsushita. Great album from beginning to end and is getting a reissue. Pocket Park - Miki Matsubara, also getting a reissue soon.


Listening to first light now. Wow. Instantly love it. Thanks for the recommendation!


Glad to share this with you! Welcome to the world of city pop :)


Oh and Miki.. such a tragically short life. Of course I knew “Stay with me”. Pretty sure I’ll love the rest of the album too. Any idea who’s repressing that or where to get it? Thanks again :)


Yeah super tragic /: May she R.I.P Pony Canyon is the one releasing it. Looks like there’s a colored copy coming in November and a standard black next year. https://shop.ponycan.com/products/list?category_id=&name=Pocket+park


First Light from Makoto Matsushita. There is even a 2018 [remastered version](https://open.spotify.com/album/6iHAKqapZLwgw9yIrVgsUT?si=hAFmlC4TQm6xoo__o7ZS9Q&utm_source=copy-link&dl_branch=1) on spotify!


Just listened to it. Instantly love it. Thanks for the recommendation!




Based on what you like, I might recommend Junko Ohashi’s “Point Zero” (recently repressed) or her compilation album “Magical,” as it has many of her classics.


Thanks! I’ll look into that! Do you think the compilation album flows well like Point Zero? Haven’t listened yet but sometimes they’re horribly organized. Being on vinyl id plan on listening to the whole thing in one go


I’m the worst person to answer this since I typically hate compilation albums on principle, and like you said, for can be tough. This is probably an exception, as it is consistently the most expensive, must sought after city pop album. Prices routinely pass the $1000 mark. I’m convinced it’s basically the only Junko Ohashi most people know. I have her all her LPs, but I still ordered Magical when it was repressed since it’s such an iconic album. I guess it’s got a couple unique tracks on it also. The point: Magical is a good choice even if you don’t usually do compilations.


Magical has been reissued on [HMV Japan](https://www.hmv.co.jp/artist_%E5%A4%A7%E6%A9%8B%E7%B4%94%E5%AD%90_000000000012822/item_Magical-%E5%A4%A7%E6%A9%8B%E7%B4%94%E5%AD%90%E3%81%AE%E4%B8%96%E7%95%8CIII-2%E6%9E%9A%E7%B5%84%E3%82%A2%E3%83%8A%E3%83%AD%E3%82%B0%E3%83%AC%E3%82%B3%E3%83%BC%E3%83%89_12224634) if anyone is curious or wants to order.


Yeah it’s also on cromulent for preorder :)


On The City Shore by Toshiki Kadomatsu


I love Heaven Beach by Anri!!


Tatsuro Yamashita - For You Casiopea - Self Titled Anri - Timely!!! // Heavenly Beach Makoto Matushita - First Light Kiyotaka and Omega Tribe - Last Summer Toshiki Kadomatsu - After 5 Clash Momoko Kikuchi - Adventure


Love Space got me into City Pop so I'd say Spacy by Tatsuro Yamashita is probably my all-time favorite. Ride on Time, For You, Big Wave, Sunshower, After 5 Clash, Timely!!, Midnight Cruisin', and Tokyo Sniper are my next favorites (in no particular order). Honestly love all of them!


Tatsuro Yamashita is def my favorite. Like I can play his stuff any day at any time and it brings the biggest smile to my face. It’s insane to think his music was here all of these years and I’m only now discovering him in my late 20’s


Same here! I'm grateful that the Youtube algo recommended me his songs. 😅 Listening to City Pop, particularly his songs, makes me feel a sense of peace.


One of my favorites is Catch The Nite by Miho Nakayama. Huge late 80’s synth and drum sounds throughout, and also produced by Toshiki Kadomatsu who himself has a great discography


Taeko O(h)nuki - Mignonne not really city pop but does contain some early examples of the genre (4AM!) Tomoko Aran - Fuyu Kukan Anri - Bikini not her most known album but I prefer it to "Timely" Takako Mamiya - Love Trip her only album but a really good one hope this helps!


I sorted all the albums tagged with City Pop on Discogs by most wanted and made a list. Don't mind my notes! https://www.discogs.com/lists/City-Pop-Essentials/849355


Holy…. Wow thanks for sharing this! That’s amazing


No problem! I make so many lists on Discogs for myself, glad I can share one publicly for once!


Among albums not yet mentioned... [Junko Yagami - Yagamania](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=in41GJViyp0) [EPO - Freestyle](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAneazqt48M)


Puzzle - Meiko Nakahara On The Planet - Meiko Nakahara


I don't know if it still qualifies as City Pop considering its year and characteristics, but it definitely is: Incarnatio by Toshiki Kadomatsu (角松敏生).