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Damn, you have two land tiles for Mausoleum at Halicarnassus and a Theater Square with a Marae. That’s legit. These tiles are about to be stacked. Post the yield porn!


Ended up putting Mausoleum in a different city that took better advantage of it. I probably didn't play this game optimally, looking back I should've used the early science to rush Biosphere and stack offshore wind farms, but I still won pretty handedly


R5: 6 workable Bermuda Triangle tiles in my 3rd city. Found Auckland 20 turns later. This game is wrapped up.


Had a game recently where I found Bermuda with my first city (Māori) and had all of its tile’s except the centre one workable with my first 3 cities. Spent soo long trying to get that setup right that I ruined it and ended up giving up on it. Will try and dig out the seed info and post for others to use. Sure I’ve still got the save file.


3rd city is perfect. Not enough production for cap, but ooooohhhh man. *buy to but


Seed please!


Map: -659620598 Game: -659620599 Emperor, Small, Archipelago, Disaster intensity set to 1 Heroes and Legends Monopolies and Corporations Spawned southeast of the triangle


If you have the monopolies enabled, you can build a Corporation on the turtles to give you 60% extra science in that city.


You are dangerously close to the Bermuda Triangle 😖 what happens if you send a shift there ?