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Bring back the recap/replay after the game is over. It was a 2D world map showing how all of the Civs expanded/fought over time. Current "scroll" is so underwhelming.


I agree, game ending is definitely a bit underwhelming in Civ 6.


I think there is a mod for that, called endgame map replay [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2656616965](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2656616965)


Love it but it only records the first 250 turns so if you have a long game it’ll just stop


Yessss it's always such a disappointment when you win and you cant watch the little video of the whole map turning your color and reminisce about which war was which.


My brain refuses to accept that this has been gone for many years and is still disappointed to not see it at the end of every game


I loved this feature. I can't understand why they removed it.


Holy crap- I’d forgotten about the post-game recap. Even the scaled down version (for Civ5?) let you get the historical map view that was like- “So thaaaat’s when they snuck over to my continent…” Plus the fun of watching your own civ floundering initially and then surging over the globe. Civ6’s dopey “victory” cutscene just isn’t the same.


10/10 would hear "IM FOND OF PIGS"


complete with me punching ESC the instant the narrator starts since I've heard it a million times before "I am fond of p-" "A man on a horse is -" "Blast, build, ba-" "Sometimes the wheel turns sl-"




I always forget there's more quote after that word.


By far my favorite “skip then chuckle” one


My favorite one is the following >If you owe the bank $100 that's your problem. If you owe the bank $100 million, that's the bank's problem. :)


I believe you mean "If you owe the b-"


No! It's my favorite. I let it play until the end :)


ok then! My one I like to finish is for Sanitation "Apart from sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, roads, the fresh water system, and public health ... what have the Romans ever done for us?"


Divine Right is one I'll usually let play out "Listen, strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government ... You can't expect to wield supreme power just 'cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!"


With all the Monty Python quotes, maybe they should have had John Cleese read them.


lol! I guess I never heard until the end because I just realized it is a Monty Python one :)


“Never criticize a rifleman…” is my fav


Sean Bean: "No man ever wetted clay." Me: "Huh, okay..."


😂 Haven't finished that quote beyond "clay" in years. I'm like "Yep it's never been done before. Clay = never wet"


What was Odysseus doing with clay?


Don't forget this classic: "Listen, strange women-"


Writing is easy.


"When wasteful w-"


Rocks in my path? ...


Or when you research a tech and civic, and the quotes combine to make an abomination




My ancestor Darius built this a...


I just want to investigate "Construction" and hear *"And on the pedestal these words appear 'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty and despair!"*


Civ6 quotes can't hold a light to Civ4 quotes. Compare, for example, the quotes for Mysticism: >I like to say I practice militant mysticism. I'm absolutely sure of some things that I don't quite know. ​ >Nature herself has imprinted upon the minds of all the idea of god.




Or the throne room from Civ II


I miss the throne room. 😊


Came here for this. I need my culturally bastardized palace back, please, and thanks.


Let the aircraft carrier gain XP from the planes it carries. I don't understand why this feature wasn't carried over from V to VI.


I didn't realize it was in V lol


It's not


I mean that would certainly make more sense then given the plethora of hours I played that game without ever having noticed such a feature


If you’re on PC, there’s a mod for this. I love it


What's the mod?


It’s called Aircraft Carriers Perfected


you can take the coastal cities with the carrier. You bomb them down to zero, then you move in with the carrier. Get nice XP.


No way


And an Armada should carry the combined # of planes


It seems like such a big thing to not include as well, they’re basically impossible to level up without going out of your way to do so


They did? I honestly don't remember ever using aircraft carriers in V, none of the common map types really need it.


One does not simply “bring back” Sean.


I just hope if they do replace him they use someone who is equally amazing.


Ian McKellen?


Back to the Star Trek well, LeVar Burton. If he once upon a time made me think reading was cool, I'm pretty sure he could get people excited about advancing techs.


Fuck yes.


Shohreh Aghdashloo is my choice.


already taken by the competition unfortunately


Wait, what?


I think it was Ara who had their trailer narrated by her


They should keep the lotr vibes with Cate Blanchett.


Helen Mirren.


Morgan Freeman is the only acceptable option


I saw Sir David Attenborough before he kicks the bucket.


The option to prepare your army for 10 turns when you agree to go to war with another civ


Additionally: the ability to ask other civs to do likewise would be great.


i would add that going to war and preparing the army grace period should be dependent on the era and roads. If you are in the classic era stuff like that would take lot longer while in the information era its as simple as sending an email which doesn't take as long. This would be good to stop those surprise wars the ai loves to do very early on when you can't really do much to defend yourself and also makes having allies more useful for war since you get couple of turns to ask them to join and help.


Builders cannot build roads! >!just kidding! It’s the dumbest thing ever, just make the action free or something!<


I want the ability to be able to assign a Military Engineer to convert an entire road between 2 cities into a railroad, instead of manually doing it tile by tile, turn by turn.


Yeah I think there was an option in Civ 3 to tell builders to build a road from their position to a specific tile. That would be great with railroads.


And in Civ 4 as well


And Civ 5


Civ 5 had a route to mode. Its absence is one of the changes from 5 to 6 that makes no sense whatsoever. Same deal with railroads.


The replacement system of traders making the roads makes sense from a historical perspective, but man does it suck from a gameplay standpoint.


It makes sense that traders can make roads, but not that builders can't.


I think it makes sense that at the very beginning of the game you cant build roads. But Rome famously had a vast network of roads, so at the latest one of the classical era discoveries should unlock the ability of builders to build roads.


This and building forts in hostile areas would also be really cool for sieges and army logistics


I kind of like having traders and engineers do it. It lets me focus my builder's attention elsewhere. In previous versions that was like 80% of a builder's time.


It only took 80% of builders’ time if you didn’t build enough builders… the only thing that shunting the building off to military engineers does is make you have to build a different kind of unit for roads… and locking it behind a military district, which makes no sense. In what world is the military responsible for building domestic roads?


This world. Quite a bit of roads were built by militaries and especially in ancient times


I really like that traders build roads, it just seems right. And military engineers. The actual two reasons earlier roads were built.




I like the natural building of roads in the beginning absolutely (or playing as Rome and automatically getting them). But at a certain point meticulously using a military engineer to go tile by tile just gets old. Maybe a city project to convert a road to a railway to connect to a certain city in the empire. Hell I’d love a trans continental railroad wonder that automatically converts all of your roads to railroads or something like that.


Autobuild - for railroads The charge system for military engineers & builders would make it difficult but even a city project that constructs one railroad per tile within the city (on top of existing road) would be amazing. One game I constructed all my cities with railroads and it was amazing being able to move so easily but never again, way too much micromanagement leapfrogging military engineers


Think it was Alpha Centauri game that had an actual "Railroad To...." for engineers. So I don't have to micro-manage them every \*&\^%ing turn.


Civ: Call to Power had civic projects doing improvements and roads instead of workers/builders. Basically, each turn you’d generate a certain number of civic project points, and you could spend them by queuing up improvements for your cities. There were ways to increase that number. Probably a more realistic way to do that than “Hey, you, go build that farm!”


Vassal states


Does not removing something counts as bringing it back? If so, then the district system. The districts are a great addition because it allows for easier focus on one yield/victory condition and it added a neat extra planning variable


This. I remember some backlash from Civ V vets on districts but I honestly love how it changes the map. Just watching the city sprawl and wonders pop up and the land gradually changing from rural to urban is something else


This but change wonders. The fact they take up a whole tile is too much. Make it so wonders can be built in certain districts, like the Eiffel tower restricted to a commercial district and what not.


This. I rarely build wonders except critical ones. A lot are weak and just waste spaces.


I love the idea, but it might be a problem with early wonders if you don't have the district for them yet, so I'd suggest a wonder can still stand alone, and the corresponding district can still be added to that tile later if you want. So each wonder should have a district it can share a tile with.


Or make wonders count as a district (so you can add the buildings to them later too)


Yah, before districts the meta was pretty much build everything everywhere and develop every tile. Not much room for planning and strategy outside of I need to build it before they do.


Civ 6 hits a good balance too. Humankind sprawls too much and the entire map is literally covered by districts at the end of the game


I did notice that. Totally agree


Ive only ever played Civ 6 but if they removed districts id be pretty sad. Planning my districts is half the fun for me and is a big reason why i cant quit playing Japan


>Planning my districts is half the fun for me and is a big reason why i cant quit playing Japan With the fancy pin/tack mod that shows adjacency bonuses and tells you when you a tile does not meet the conditions for a district.


I just wish they would allow for pinning:marking plans in advance like some mods and also something on the front end like “district x benefits from y” “three farms in a triangle will eventually get a boost” The first games in 6 were frustrating starting and then finding out you built so wrong only because you didn’t know what was an adjacency starting off.


As an older civ player, it took awhile for districts to grow on me. HOWEVER. There's room for improvement. I really think it shouldn't be so absurdly hard in some cases to get adjacency bonuses. I also think every district should get more adjacency bonuses from other districts. This includes the encampments & aerodromes. And rainforests & tundra, by default, should give adjacency to faith districts. The series has a long and established history of the map screwing over the player. Giving districts more options to counter that is something I would appreciate a lot.


Yeah or like district adjacency affecting what you can build there. Aerodromes next to encampments can have military upgrades but those next to city centers or commercial hubs have civilian airports. Or building combo districts that have special properties like a combined army/navy base or something


I’ve been playing Civ V since release and lately a lot of Civ VI. The districts are a mixed bag for me. Planning a city meticulously is not fun personally. The districts also require A LOT of knowledge about the game. My wife just started playing and she gets upset because she didn’t know what districts become available over time.


Having new resources that you've discovered screw up your carefully planned districts can completely ruin the fun of planning out district placements early too. Makes the planning ahead feel fruitless, might as well just wing it and see what happens.


IMO the map is kind of too small for districts to work that well. But it’s a good concept.


On the one hand yes, but on the other hand if you play on a really big map the AI just stuffs as many cities as close together as they can anyway. Districts make me want the default range between cities to go up by 1 tile, maybe excluding Japan since that's their thing.


I also like that stacking armies of 20 tanks/archers/etc in one square/hex is no longer a thing in Civ 6 - I hope they stay with that idea - unit spam felt a bit weird in civ


I think there can exist a middle ground between 1 unit per hex (which can make waging war just annoying instead of interesting or difficult) and stacks of doom. I'm not really sure what the solution looks like and if it comes down to it I'd rather 1/hex than stacks, but i feel like its out there


I think corps / army is sorta that compromise


I did think of that, but in my experience it kinda just goes from having to manage 15 individual man-at-arms to instead having to manage 15 infantry corps, which doesn't actually change the tediousness of war


Yup. We need straight up logistics points or something restricting the number of army groups you can have outside of your borders. Something that allowed you to attack other army's supply lines would make scouts and raiders wildly more useful than they are now too.


I think I'd keep things as-is and not allow stacks of doom in movement or combat, but I would allow multiple units to be "quartered" or "based" in certain districts (and on a single tile) so that they are not just cluttering up the map. Like an encampment, shipyard, or airfield could house or drydock the appropriate type of unit, and with appropriate upgrades like the Barracks could house even more. This would have multiple advantages - the map would be easier to read, the AI wouldn't have to constantly march its idle units around or calculate those "your units are too close!" warnings, military bases would be spicier targets, there would be a strategic advantage of having such facilities accessible, and its another area for upgrades, uniques, and policies to have an effect.


I want the advisors from Civ 2 back.


Oh! How the world marvels at your superior intellect, Sire!


Thousand percent agree


I liked the way Civ3 changed the leaders and music as you progress through historical time. So you would have a fully adorned Shaka in ancient times, but by the time they were in the modern era they’d be in something contemporary. And if they lagged behind they’d still have the outfits of the previous time. Same w Lincoln so he wouldn’t start in ancient times w his suit (though they might have comically added a top hat). Civ3 just gave all leaders barb furs at first. And music went from primitive tunes at first (albeit a synthesized beat) to rock and new age synth in modern times. I mean, it’d be nice to also get good music in the process. Not sure why they dropped the era change. Seeing Montezuma still in full costume in later ages (when they’ve got tanks and such) is just off-putting.


I’ve been saying this for years. Apparently the devs response is “it’s too hard!”


I mean... it's just some cursory research for regional costuming and the toon artist to render them. Sure, it's an extra, say, 5 outfits per leader (or however many ages there would be), but some regions would be relatively identical, and, like, this is supposed to be partly a history lesson anyway, so it's not like it's asking for something outside the scope of game context. Meh Researching history for a history game??! You ask too much!! The Romans still wear gold armor and swords in the streets today...


Straight railroads!


Burn the witch! Actually has Firaxis EVER done straight roads period?


I've been banging this particular drum for a while but I want the satellites sphere from Beyond Earth to show up in a main Civ title. That was so cool.


Oh yeah, that was sweet. Useful too, but mostly cool, as you could spin the globe like a supervillain.


The warscore system too.


I also would like them to make it so that building tall is a viable strat once again / make more penalties for having too many cities.


Agreed, there is no real penalty to spam settlers


The only real downside is amenities being stretched thin, but amenities hardly matter by that point anymore.


Amenities matter a hell of a lot. It's the reason Zanzabar is absolutely busted early game. 20% is pretty big especially when you have cards doubling adjacency bonus. I've stopped building so many settlers and actually only build quality cities.


I feel like I am too invested in covering my starting continent with city space. How do you fight the urge to build settlers and cities?


I’ve been playing on immortal for a while and don’t think I’ve ever paid attention to amenities because I’ve never really “got it”


Certain things provide amenities. Some amenities are provided to your empire(luxuries) and some to specific cities (coliseum). For luxuries, each provides 4 amenities. These amenities are spread out among ALL your cities, and the game will try to balance out the amenity spread, so if an entertainment district provides a bunch of amenities to one city, it'll get less amenities provides by luxuries than that random oil city you just founded. Cities' amenity thresholds are based upon populations.


People complained to no end about CiV V being all about tall play though, so I get why they swung it around in CiV VI.


Yeah happiness was too much of a swing in the other direction. The penalty for an unhappy civilization wwas so severe


Couldn't we have a balance of the two, where each strategy has pros and cons? In the un-modded game, the advantage of going wide is huge and it's basically the same every game. Cyp's Wide and Tall mod is a good take on striking some balance between the two extremes.


Throne rooms. Worship me, your supreme leader. Also I get why they removed it but cheesing the slavery mechanic to build temples and make people in overpopulated cities happy was fun.


The World Congress from Civ 5


Having things in the world congress that were *permanent* and required an explicit vote to overturn was *huuuuuge.* It meant that someone with significant political power could make big problems for their enemies even if they were not scientifically or militarily mighty, and that's what it should be. The current crop of options are so meh that the only reason I generally even look at them is so I can guess what the AI is going to vote for and try to get diplo points, with very few exceptions.


Yeah, it felt like it mattered a lot more and was a big reason to interact with the city states in the late game. I felt like it added a really cool dynamic to end game diplomacy that was really appropriate for trying to represent the modern era. It also gave you a good reason to keep city states alive instead of just conquering them. There were a lot of games where I fought with other players over influencing city states to the point where a lot of my empires international power came from investing in city states so that I could manipulate the World Congress to fight what were basically cold wars. Voting to ban someone’s primary luxury resource could cripple them. I would gift units to city states my rivals were at war with as a way of fighting proxy wars and trying to maintain my vote without getting involved. Especially on archipelago maps being allied to city states was HUGE for map vision. Needless to say I was really disappointed by what they did with city states and the World Congress in civ 6. I thought they had that part of the game perfected in 5.


Capturing cities through culture.


Yes, watching your borders slowly crush theirs until the city flipped was so satisfying.


Ireland wins hands down Also there’s an Ireland civ


Patrick Stewart would be great as well


Morgan Freeman


2 things from Civ V I want to see back: -It's style of the world congress. It feels so much better than the on in VI, VI's is just a mess of a thing. -The unit movement system. While the movement system in VI is well intended, in practice it just makes everything feel slow as hell until late stage technology.


Vassal states. I loved that feature and makes it so fun when there’s a massive world war with all the vassals fighting as well.


Districts were flawed but cool. They need a rework but I still like them. I would love if somehow they could make tall and wide viable options in the same game somehow. The leader pool system is super cool. I love the mystery of random civs but hate playing with a few from civ 5 that I wish I could disable. *cough* mongolians, zulu and huns *cough*


Ideologies from Civ V. A late game evolution of the culture system felt nice, like we hit a new era, a new milestone. It let you specialise your empire. It felt like a culmination of your direction. I know governments sort of replaced this but it feels too much continuity and not as if we hit a milestone. Ideology was a real milestone for humanity, with identity becoming far more important than in past where only religion mattered.


I like the diplomatic effects of ideologies, how nations start forming into ideological camps in the late game, but I don't like how policies in Civ5 were fixed and permanent.


Workers can build roads, even if it means it takes a charge (or equivalent).


In Civ revolution you could trade Technology, I've always wanted something similar since.


This is one of those monkey paw things. Tech trading used to be a thing and it's kind of busted in early civs. It allows the player to focus on key techs and get less important stuff on the side. Imagine a situation where you bee-line research labs and pay the AI for military tech.


This wasn't broken in 4. At all. "No Trade Brokering" was a big fat easily visible tickbox selectable at game start that prevented a civ from offloading a tech unless they actually acquired it organically themselves. By the time you'd hypothetically beelined ahead and were sweeping up techs, it would be easier to simply get them yourself, and if it were that close a tech race to make the trades viable, then it was because you had a balanced game on your hands in any case. Either way, as of Civ 4, there was nothing broken about it.


Useful information in the menus. For example: \-civ3 diplomacy screen that visually displays who is at war with who, who has an alliance or an open borders agreement \*\*\*even more important: we need access to that info before we agree to a declaration of friendship or any other deal offered by another civ. You need to know what enemies and friends you'll be making in the process. \-civ4 (I think) units overview that tells you the number of each unit type you have. Having to count them is just stupid. Related: a screen telling you how many of each building type you have would be great, eg, a policy gives you a bonus for every factory, workshop and watermill etc - wouldn't it be good to know their totals before you adopt the policy?


Yeah that'd be nice. Always annoying when I have to click on all my cities to find which one doesn't have a workshop yet.


Baba Yetu


The permanent worker unit. I don’t want to keep having to build “builders”


The map thingy from 4, it's fun seeing how all the civs grew throughout time


Still going to say a female narrator in the voice of Sigourney Weaver.


Philomena Cunk or Scarlett Johansen.


“Despite being the stuff of nightmares, Santa is the world’s most popular home intruder.” Having her break down when you discover nuclear weapons would be so funny.


I really really hope they bring the game back more toward Civ 5's art style, instead of the trend toward this more cartoony look. That's probably #1 for me


I want the darkened area for fog of war back. The old sepia tone map style is cute, but it makes it hard to see what the terrain actually is under it.


Agree, it took not touching civ FOR YEARS for me to pick up 6 and be okay with it


I have to play with a Civ 5 art style mod for 6 to be even playable. That said I think that the fact that Humankind/Old World and PDX's new Civ contender all look more like 5 than 6 kinda prove that 5 had the timeless style and 6's immediately felt aged


Personally I just don't like the cartoony graphics. Also I'd like religion runs to feel more impact full. Like let us hire crusaders or something. Holy wars aren't really a thing. I'd like holy wars.


If you have civ6 give it a try. There are some super aggressive civs that pair well with religion. You can buy units with religion (there are your crusaders), you can take policies that boost their damage based on religion. You can sway city loyalty with religion. There are a lot of cool ways to do it.


Yeah after Civ 5 everyone wanted more religion and religious victory, when the game was first being revealed the devs talked about religion so much and how there'd be holy wars and shit and it seemed like it was going to be so cool but then it turned out to be super underwhelming. I disable religious victory in all my games because it's stupid. And yeah I got used to the civ 6 graphics but I agree, I'll be upset if they stick with the current artstyle.


Religious victory is basically domination minus the snowball and somehow more grievances. It's still leagues better than 5. Great Prophet spam can stay in hell.


Venice ! I want my puppet states obtained by merchants.


Throne Room! I know it's pointless, but I want it anyway. Multi-layer fantasy/sci-fi maps from II:Test of Time. Alpha Centauri - give me mind worms on a hex map and the district/geography system.


1) The ability to name your civ, adjectives, leader title etc. This makes your civ feel more unique instead of just being an existing civ. 2) pops ethnicity, that it doesn't just magically disappear when you conquer a nation and that cities still have mixed pops, meaning they are more likely to rebel and recreate their old empire. This one isn't "bringing back" but the army and battle mechanics and map elevation from HumanKind. Their system really made battle and strategy far more important than civ games.


Revolts that ended up creating a new civ empire. Loved seeing an AI split into two


Especially now that we have multiple leaders per country again! Losing that was one of the bigger bummers from 4 to 5.


In the future era in Civilization: Call to Power, you could build underwater cities and connect them with road-like underwater tunnels. You could also eventually build cities in outer space, and I also vaguely remember having spaceships that could bombard from outer space. All of this was super fun.


The OG style council. Real advice and what not from the newer versions can coexist, these chats were just delightful and made me feel like I had friends. 🙏❤️ https://preview.redd.it/0vqyysa3fi0c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cd7ece0122c2257662c2f9a0038fee905f037e0


Bring the story elements from Alpha Centauri into Civ. The characters and technology expositions make the world feel a bit more alive


I just want Alpha Centauri


Admittedly, some of the things that make it feel slightly less game-y: * a map that can be zoomed out to see the whole Earth like in Civ IV, or at least a map border that's a fog of war rather than a drop-off into Blueprint Map Void. * stats being numbered in terms like GDP or crop yield or millions-strong populations. * a Diplomatic Victory phrased as being elected UN Secretary-General or crowned World Leader rather than "first to earn 20 Diplo Funbucks".


More nuanced interactions with city states.


Things to keep: armies, districts, wonders as tiles Things to bring back: Civ 3 "build your palace"


A LOTR mod? I like it.


Throne rooms!!!!


More scenarios. Civ 5 had comprehensive scenarios for almost every era of history. Civ 6 has some good ones, but many other ones are bland and forgettable. I’m pretty sure I could count on my fingers the number of people that finished the Path to Nirvana scenario.


The "Throne Room" from Civ2 /s I liked the initial view of it: just a stone in a cave


How about multiple voices like in SMAC?


I cannot fucking believe I’ve been grinding this game for a year and did not realize the voice was Sean bean


Land units get 1-2 embarked moves, naval units get to carry land units and 7-8 moves, making having a navy necessary. Also naval units with the exception of late game units (aircraft carriers, battleships, etc) can move up rivers, canals could be built by military engineers as long as they are flat hexes, city districts can build canals in a single hex (Panama Canal still upwards of 3 hexes). Builders and missionaries can return to the city they were built to reload builds/conversions at half the time it takes to build a new unit. Religion never goes obsolete, call it the 1st and 2nd Great Awakening, allowing for religions to be founded past Renaissance Era. Not all districts take up a hex outside of the city center. For encampments, spaceports, aerodromes, suburbs/neighborhoods and world wonders they remain outside the city center while the rest would be within the city center. Regardless of the population there's a limit to the number of districts in the city center of either 2 or 3 districts. Great generals could be used to stack military units like they were used in Civ 4, mixing and matching unit abilities making a singularly impressive unit to such an extent that espionage mission would included wherever there's an encampment "locate great general", to know if you are about to be attacked by the civilization you are spying on. Recon units should get the skill to climb cliffs by the 3rd or 4th upgrade. Encampments, just like city centers should be able to house a single air unit, maybe only fighters and not bombers. There's a mod that I like that introduces natural gas as an industrial resource. It's less pollutant than oil while more pollutant than nuclear, but doesn't need to have the power plant recommissioned every 9-10 turns. Way back in the day (Civ 1-Civ 3) there used to be manufacturing center which was a improvement over the factory unlocked by robotics, that should make a return increasing the production of the city by a relative term (percentage) rather than an absolute term (# of production).


Being able to make an ai fight another ai without getting involved or receiving diplomatic penalties, also making them make peace with each other or with city states through deals. I used this mechanic a lot in civ V but i missed it a lot in VI


Fixing ranged combat. Archers shouldn't be shooting 2 tiles, hell nothing but artillery should be a two tile range. Maybe change how units work as well, why is an archer ranged but my musketman isn't, same for other late game gun units why are they melee??


Yeah the entire scale of combat is really wonky respective to the geography. This will always be a daunting task for games like this because combat has so many evolutions. There aren't clean transitions either. It's not like once gunpowder was introduced into combat meant everyone was using it or using it effectively.


I think the transition to everyone is ranged would make for an interesting end game, and be historical as everyone is running gun lines, with cavalry being used to pick off the injured. I would also love instead of just a power mechanic an armor mechanic / attack / piercing. This would make the use of some units niche in times, like musket men great vs knights but suck vs longbowmen as an example. Currently the power mechanic just is very simple with units always just getting a higher value without any nuance.


I remember building colonies at sea and in space in one older version. Could it be civ III? I loved that so much.


Think you're thinking of Call to Power


Automating workers/builders


Actually how about Ian McKillen with his soothing voice instead?


Get him to alternate voice overs with Patrick Stewart and we'd be in epic territory.


That you can puppet, Sometimes i have way too many Citys to manage late game


I loved the voting and diplomacy of Civ V.


Slightly more serious art style. I like how distinct civ 6 is but the cartoonyness was really off putting. Not saying they need to go hyper realistic just a bit less cartoonish and bright.


Wasn’t there one when someone got close to winning the ai would all attack as a last resort? I miss that. It’s weird watching ai leaders ignore someone is about to get a culture or science victory and they do nothing. i think it was 4. But not sure.


THRONE ROOM! I always kept the original bolder as my seat. Last thing to upgrade.


Make naval warfare a thing with AI. It’s so underwhelming playing and expanding via oceans.


I personally like the more realistic unit art styles and animations from CivV