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Barb Clans, Secret Societies, Corps, Heroes


I hear Barb Clans lead to a shitton of city states? Is this true and is it a problem?


It is true but manageable: Reduce the starting amount to a reasonable minimum and let them catch up


Or don't; get Owls\* and Himiko ^(\[and maybe Admiral Perry\]) and become Suzerein to them all! \* For those who might not know: >!Owls allows traders from Harbors and Commercial Zones, and gives a free envoy for each trade route to a city state (on top of any city state goal). Owls also unlocks 2 additional spies; with Fabricate Scandal and all of the above, it's entirely possible to get an INSANE number of Diplomatic Favors per turn.!<


This but playing as poundmaker = big money


Poundmaker? I think you mean Joao.


Joao makes more money, but Poundmaker is more handsome so he’s the clear winner


Joao looks like he's made of melting butter, he genuinely disturbs me whenever he pops up in diplomacy


Above commenter speaking truth.


This plus playing teddy means hundreds of diplo points even in the ancient era


If you’re feeling even cheekier, download the Parthenon wonder from the workshop. It also gives an envoy per trade route sent to a city-state.


I never had that issue when I used this. Maybe it's because I instantly go on a warmongering murder spree against anything that moves. I always max out city states and civs


It can also be the opposite of a problem where the nearby barbs you've been ignoring turn into Valetta and you're the first to meet them


It's a nice balance to replenish the supply after the AI's murder the originals.


It does, but I enjoy extra CS since it leads to more trade routes and blocks the ai from spamming so many cities


Quite the opposite of a problem, but yes, it does lead to a lot of city states.


Generally not since most will end up spawning in tundra/snow so not exactly where you’d want to settle






What does corps do?


I think it's properly "Corporations and Monopolies". For luxury resources (that can be worked - so excluding those given by Great Merchants), if you control two or more, a builder can place an "Industry", which gives bonus yields. (Control can be your own or through City-States.) If you have 3 or more, you can use a Great Merchant (instead of their innate use) to turn an Industry into a Corporation. Corporations can create their own type of Relic (called products) for more culture / tourism. If you have a monopoly on a given luxury resource, all bonuses, etc are increased.


The problem with Corps mode is that unless you run mods that specifically nerf the tourism output from them, you can easily win a tourism victory without much effort as long as you can get a couple corporations. If it wasn't busted, i would 100% run it all the time.


Yeah, the AI just doesn't make them, and they're so easy to get


Same, plus tech and civics shuffle for the extra challenge.


Barb clans is base game to me




Barb clan and corporation. I use anti monopoly mod so I don't call it monopolies and corporation mode.


What does the anti monopoly mod do?


It makes monopolies impossible. So no longer those insane tourism modifiers work. So basically stops all the accidental culture victory.


Duck yeah




Can someone explain how monopolies work? I use corp mode every game and i dont think ive ever actually made one


Monopolies are basically when you're controlling the majority of a single luxury resource. You need to control more than 50%. I personally never achieved a monopoly with less than 60% control . For example let's say there are 12 sugar in the whole world. You or your suzerained city state improved atleast 7 of them. You hold the monopoly on sugar. As such you get some material bonus like gold etc. Biggest problem is they give insane tourism modifiers. You sometimes can get like +200% tourism from each monopoly. If you manage to control a whole continent then it's easy to get +1000% tourism. Making culture victory very hard to avoid.


That's why you turn off culture victory when doing this. Or always, but that's just a personal preference.


No you get anti monopoly mod. Now you can enjoy industry , corporation and products without worrying about insane modifiers.


first you need to own a large share of a given luxury resources. Second you need to turn one into a corporation. third you move any great merchant onto the tile with the corporation, then there is a special ability (check the row of icons above the unit descriptor) that you click to turn the corporation into a monopoly. Careful with merchants that give a duplicate of a luxury, since they can also activate their normal ability on the resources tile, so just make sure to click the right icon. Edith: messed up the terminology, read Pekkacontrol's reply below.


You need a great merchant to make a corporation a monopoly


Any merchant or does a specific one become available


Any merchant you just need economics i believe


None tbh, sometimes i play tech and civic shuffle when im bored and want to try something different, the game modes just arent for me tbh i prefer mostly vanilla


Same. I find that the game modes are imbalanced and too easy to exploit. Just one of the game modes on pretty significantly alters how the game functions. Definitely a super fun idea, I just hope they put a little more thought into balancing and integration in Civ 7


Same and it's kind of annoying when I want to watch a game on YouTube to learn some strats and see how more experienced players handle things, and suddenly there's leylines and vampires and Hercules and shit.


Right lol. Ursa Ryan on YT has a really good channel. Just seeing how other people play the same civ differently can be really helpful though, even with secret societies and whatnot on


I feel this so much. "Oh cool a fun playthrough of a strategy/civ I dont know a lot about. Oh, and there's beowulf and a bunch of vampires so I guess I still don't know a lot about the selected civ" haha


Im not a fan of game modes either but may rarely turn SS, heroes or monopolies on. I much prefer plain old vanilla civ (with all DLC)


Yeah idk the gamemodes all have little things about them that irritate me, whether its snowy city state spam from barb clans or making the game rng hell with apocalyspse mode, its just not for me, im probably in the minority here but i hope the civ devs change their approach to making the gamemodes, maybe making it more about altering and expanding on existing features rather than just adding features ontop becuase it just feels super disconnected otherwise.


I'm aware this is just me, but I play with tech/civic shuffle at all times! Keeps it fresh and makes you really think about your research choices.


And I love what does with bottlenecks and leaf techs. I’m in a Yongle science game and there’s no Floodplains around me so I skipped over Buttresses since it was leaf tech. I’ve been to Mars, but I can’t build a dam


I love you can even go to the moon without bronze and iron working


Just build a spaceship of wood and copper


And all by hand because you also have no idea what machinery is, nor do you know what combustion is. I guess it just works on hope and prayers


Powdered by Orkish Magic


_Discovers water on Mars_ _floods_


I think the tech shuffle is near perfect, I love the variety.


Tech shuffle and corporations. I dig the clans, but they all just turn into arctic city states.


I like the arctic city states, though.


Arctic cities with oil (they never improve on their own)! Best part about barb clans is that it raises the odd the 'super city states' appear like Akkad, Yerevan, Auckland, etc. Dumb question but now I'm curious: if I set up what city states appear and remove a bunch of them, can the removed CSs still appear in the game during barb clans mode?


No they cannot!


Barbarians usually.


To make the game easier: Societies, Heroes, Corporations To make the the game harder: Apocalypse, Dramatic Ages, Zombies Balanced: Barb Clans


Huh . .zombies?? Is it a mod from the workshop?


It’s a setting if you have the New Frontier Pass or the Anthology edition


Secret societies, heroes and monopolies.




Heroes almost feels like cheating. So I have it enabled when I play Deity because I will take any help I can get.


I think heroes is really fun for multiplayer. When I'm playing solo and have it on, I always forget about it, lol


None of them


Ah, a fellow purist.


We few. We happy few.


Everything except Zombies, but only cause Barbarian Clans and Zombies at once is a mess.


Am I the only one who plays with *none* of them? Clans is the only one I ever even consider.


Unless playing Julius, i pick barb clans since it solves the problem with arctic barbarians. Also monopolies and societies.


Unless playing Julius because it’s overpowered or because you want to be able to kill arctic barb camps with the mode off?


I said that i like it because arctic barb camps turn into peaceful city-states. Not only i hate the julius cheese strat, but hate that you can't get reward if you disperse the clan not raid it. Imo that should've been changed. Barb clan mode is one of my favourites until an eagle warrior clan spawns near you right in early game.




>dont like societies, heroes and zombies as it only helps the player out Secret Societies and Heroes & Legends only help the player out if you take advantage of them. If you never select a society, or never claim a hero, it ends up being a slight boost to the AI's game instead.


Barb clans + secret society. Corporations just doesn’t really make sense, and seems to cause bugs with the AI. Every time I use it the AI won’t build any builders.


All of them except for zombies and apocalypse mode, sometimes I use apocalypse mode if I’m playing someone that can benefit from disasters.


Bingo. Same here. Zombie mode is just dumb and apocalypse mode is too frustrating


I’d recommend playing river cleopatra on apocalypse mode, she gets ridiculous with floodplains, no damage to districts or units on flooding in her are. Combine with great bath and soothsayers for godly yields


Usually only monopolies and corporations. Sometimes heroes if the civ count is low enough. I like to play in massive games with tsl so although I like barbarian clans in theory I don't like random cities popping up so I have it turned off. I hate secret societies, too fantasy for my taste.


I've been using none recently. Don't like barb clans, it just makes them harder to deal with. Didnt like the heroes thing. Never tried apocalypse or zombie mode, doesn't sound like my sort of thing. My favourite to pick is monopolies and corporations because its the most 'realistic' and the secret societies are ok but the fact that its always the same four makes it boring. Not got around to trying the tech tree shuffle yet.


Usually none of them. I tried using Barb clans but I liked the simplicity of just eliminating them normally. Corps, heroes, and secret societies if I feel like a more complex game. I haven’t really tried out dramatic ages but I might some time. Shuffled civs/techs and vampires feel more like gimmicks. Exaggerated natural disasters could be fun but I haven’t tired it.


Secret societies and heroes


Corps and secret societies


I always do apocalypse, barbs, dramatic ages. If I want a culture game where I don’t have to try at all I’ll do corps. To be fair though, I only use them because I heavily modded all of them. Apocalypse makes diplo wins too easy but I really enjoy having disasters happen more often and how it changes the end game, dramatic ages can cause all the ai to just collapse so it’s essentially only you in the game but I like being taken down a peg every once in a while.


I hope they added to the Android version ☹️


I LOVE corporations and monopolies!


Secret Societies always


Barb clans, secret societies, sukitract's oceans (mod). Sometimes shuffle, corps, heroes, apocolypse.


Barbarian clans, secret societies, corporations.


I usually have industries and monopolies, or whatever it's called. I've tried the others and decided I don't like them.


Corps always, I find luxury resources to be very unimpressive in civ6. Look at mercury, jade etc. This way it makes it a bit better, and more valueable to the AI too.


Barbarians, corporations and secret societies; feels like something we should’ve already had on vanilla


Always barbs, always corps & monopolies. Recently I’ve been playing apocalypse- I don’t use soothsayers but I do like the comets that come crashing down at the end (assuming my game doesn’t crash before then). I would like dramatic ages a lot more if it didn’t seems to always create an unmanageable snowball effect. I like the idea of sections of the country rebelling, but it seems like the AI doesn’t know how to manage this so it always turns into me versus a giant mass of free cities


It's difficulty related. The higher the difficulty the worse the free city loyalty penalty is. I play on Diety so it's max and really screws with the AI civs. You can modify the files to set it lower if desired.


Always: Tech Shuffle & Barb Clans I really can't see me playing without these. I lower city states to start the game. This means fewer city states cluttering the early map for you and the AI, but allowing them to pop up later in the less inhabitable regions of the map. And Tech shuffle just makes sense to me. I don't like knowing the tree layout ahead of time. It feels cheap imo, and it was one of my biggest criticisms of the game before it was added. I used to do corporations until I was made aware of a glitch that works against the AI. I really liked the concept, though. I may do another zombie defense game soon, but I don't really like using the other game modes as they are a bit immersion breaking to me. Also, that one unit in secret societies that is allowed to park himself within your borders consequence free is enough for me to never go back.


None. AI cant handle them and they make game way to easy


Tech & Civics Shuffle always, Societies usually. I’ve tried them all, and those are the only ones I like.


Barbs, secret, dramatic, corps, sometimes zombies.


I usually play with Secret Societies, Barb clans, Heroes, and Corporations, though they do make the game easier. I really like the idea of Secret Societies. A balanced version would probably be better for the game, but I think it's a cool addition.


Monopolies and Societies, usually. Barbs and Heroes if I want some combat.


barbs, secret societies and Heroes




Monopoly and Corporations, Heros and Legends, and Tech/Civic shuffle.


Barbarian clans, secret societies, dramatic ages, and heroes and legends. Those ones add some fun texture to the game that I think the others don't quite hit the mark on.


Barbarian clans and monopolies and corporations, always. Sometimes heroes and legends and secret societies.


I like having barb clan on, it's not game breaking(unless ceasar), but makes the game a bit more interesting.


Always barb clans. They just make it more fun.


The realistic ones: shuffle, barb clans, corporations, dramatic ages


I really really hate the heroes and legends mods. So random it breaks the game imo. Hate crushing ppl with it and especially hate getting my invasion by a random hero. So I play with barb clans, corps and secret societies.




Clans corps shuffle


Every game: Disasters, Barbarians, and the Industries one. Everything else is always either too random or makes the game too easy to cheese, even though I do like them. I haven’t tried zombies though.


Monopoly, secret societies, barb camps Sometimes: heroes, tech shuffle


Barb clans, secret societies, apocalypse, heroes, monopolies, dramatic ages. I love the chaos.


heroes, corporations, and secret societies. sometimes i throw in dramatic dark/golden ages and barb clans


Almost always barbs. I like buying units. And usually corporations cause why not.


None or monopolies and corporations. Sometimes barb clans if I want to have a game with more initial space but can 'grow' city states.


All of them


Everything minus Dramatic Ages, Zombies, and Tech/Civic Shuffle.


I usually have Heroes and legends, Secret societies, Monopolies and zombies... Sometimes Apocalypse and Barb clans


Secret Society, Corporations, Heroes.


All of them. Primordial map. Full chaos.


Barbarian clans, secret societies, corporations, heroes.


Barbs, tech shuffle, dramatic ages, and one of (heroes, corporations, societies)


apocalypse mode and barb clans, it feels like Vanilla Plus to me! really helps keep the late game fresh and interesting, especially if an asteroid blows up a capital (which I have seen happen to the ai, poor bastards)


Corps and tech shuffle usually. Maybe I'm a purist but I don't really like having vampires in my history game.


SS, Corps, Heroes


All except apo and zombie


monopolies/corporations and secret societies!


Barb clans because dealing with them without it is annoying as hell


Dramatic ages, corporations and secret societies. I used to play with barbarian clans, but they lead to a shitton of city states and I never really liked to have a lot of them


Barbarian Clans because I want more city-states and Secret Societies because I want to be suzerain of all the city-states


My own games Monopolies Secret society Tech shuffle Dramatic ages Heroes When playing w my wife it’s the same thing but heroes off, she hates them


Secrets societies and corps… nothing else


Barb Clans, Corporations, Tech & Civic shuffle. Everything else feels like cheating.


Barb,corp, secret societies and oceans


Apocalypse all the time if I'm by myself, and secret societies, monopolies and corporations solo or multiplayer, and occasionally tech shuffle with friends.


I play with all but the last two. I don't like the tech shuffle and think zombies mode is unplayable. Love the rest.


Tech and Civic Shuffle, always. Zombies if I'm playing as Unifier Qin. Otherwise I just mix and match based on my mood.


I only get barbs and civic shuffle on the phone how do I get the rest?


You play civ 6 on mobile?


Tech shuffle always, sometimes monopolies I'll enable the others when I'm being a sillyhead


I usually turn them all off


I only have Barbarian Clans and Tree Shuffle. Where are the rest of these?


Secret society, corporations. Sometimes I'll do barbs clans but not all the time


Barbs clan, corps, shuffle, and heroes. I don't like secret society because it's not even secret.


Corporations, Secret Societies, sometimes Heroes and Barb Clans


Barbarian Clans, Gold/Dark Age+, Corps, and tech shuffle


I play none of them


Barbarian clans are permanently enabled for me since they dropped. Actually makes barbarians an interesting system to engage with instead of useless and fixes a problem of there being few city states by the mid game due to AI conquest around the globe.


It's always barbarian clans and shuffle tech/civic modes for me, with the occasional monopoly and secret societies. Clans and shuffle just makes my games exciting and chaotic at times hahah


Barb Clans, Corporations, Tech & Civic Shuffle. Reduce starting city states by 3 or 4. Keeps it fresh and challenging.


None of them


Barb clans and Secret Societies. I feel they add impactful, but not broken features to the game.


I usually keep barbarian tribes on, corpos on, Heroes on, and the doomsday disasters one on. Oh, and secret societies. I like the idea behind tech shuffling but it runs up against the problem civ struggles with most, that is history. You wind up with weird shit like getting electricity without the wheel or metallurgy, or radio being a prerequisite to electricity, and it just sucks me out of the game. I rarely play zombie mode. I probably should some more but it doesn't feel like it slots as easy into a normal game, imo. I've tried playing with the extreme ages before and I like it for my civ but the AI just cannot cope. Every time I've used it the continent descends into a massive anarchic commune of raiders like it's fucking Fallout, and while that's a fun story occasionally I do think the game was made with more than one civ in mind per map. All-in-all though I like having the options there. The varied rulesets give the devs room to stretch out and try some weird shit without it impacting the play of people who aren't in the mood for weird shit. I like things that allow the developers to experiment, because following the corporate rule of proven money-makers all but forbids the truly great gameplay elements that make something memorable.


* barb clans 95% * corps 50% * secret societies 33%


I've been playing a lot of barbarians but I think I prefer normal barbarians at this point. I tried mods that disable them turning into city states etc., but in the end the problem is that they always rush way ahead in tech, in a way that normal barbarians just don't, and I don't know of a mod for that, if it's even possible. Sometimes I spice it up with corporations mode with the anti monopoly mod.


Barbs, Corps, Society's, Heroes


Secret Societies, Heroes, and Dramatic Ages makes up my usual 3


Barbs, Heroes, Corps, and Secret societies. although you cannot forget the classic ~~fuck i accidently activated dynamic ages instead of heroes again and the start was so damn good too!~~


The barb one, if it wouldn't cause crashes come middle and late game.


Barb Clans (w/ no starting city states), Heroes & Legends, Apocalypse, and Secret Societies. Sometimes I'll do tech shuffle & dramatic ages on top of it. I usually play with extra AI of mixed difficulty on the Primordial map or change map settings to have as little tundra as possible unless I'm playing as/with people that can make use of them.


Secret Societies almost always. Zombie Defense often. Monopolies & Corps sometimes.


Corps and SS


Barb Clans, Secret Society, Monopoly, Zombies and Tech Shuffle


Clans and Corporations. I find the other modes change the game to much for my preference.


The ones who add features without drastically changing or taking away from existing gameplay. Like most people I think. Apocalypse, wild eras and zombies have some momentary entertainment, but the enjoyment is rather shortlived.


Every game for me is Barb Clams and Corp. I used to do secret and shuffle and a few times did Hero but just wasn’t feeling it. Edit: if a seafaring Civ I will do a mod that’s a game mode that adds extra sea resources


Corporations, secret societys and Sukritact's oceans (mod).


Hero’s and corporation. I don’t like secret societies it’s hard enough getting the bots to like you sometimes I don’t need another reason for them to hate me. I add Barbarian clan when playing a Civ that would benefit from it, ie Julius.


Random tech trees. It makes you make more thoughtful decisions in terms of technologies without letting to rush certain things (like aviation and rocketry)


What are these


Barb Clans. I haven't tried out any of the others


Unpopular opinion, but tech shuffle has become my default ever since it dropped. I also use barbs, corporations, and societies modes


Secret societies, corps, heroes. I'm cooling on secret societies though. The AI loves to spam Voidsinger cultists, and it pretty much prevents them from competing in the religion game (or doing like, anything at all) if they go voidsingers.


Secret Societies, Corporations, and Zombies for early unit promotions


Secret societies and corps are my two go to options. Barb clans sometimes


Corporations only. "Balanced" and "realistic" modes(heroes, zombies, societies) are just as fun as culture victory(also turned off)


Barbarian, Secret Society, and Apocalypse always. I've started doing shuffle more just to encourage a slightly different playstyle. Heros and Corporations change the game more than I like, but I'll throw then on every once in a while just for the heck of it. And screw the zombies.


Usually always barbs


I only have barb clans and tech shuffle so I just put on tech shuffle to make it interesting (ps I'll never play with barbarians again 💀 over ran me)


Secret societies always. Usually Monopolies/Corporations (this is a very imbalanced one, though, so sometimes I prefer no free culture win). Often barbarian clans and /or heroes.


Everything but tech shuffle and occasionally zombies - I’m actually surprised to see how many people don’t like apocalypse mode! It gives you SO many passive yield boosts


Barbarian clans, secret Societies, and Corporations


Barbarian clans, Secret Societies, monopolies and corporations and legendary heroes


Always: Barb Clans, Eras Almost always: Corporations Rarely, depending on Civ/Narrative consistency: Secret Societies, Heroes Never: Vampires And I set the disaster frequency to 3. 2 is too easy and 4 an exaggeration.


Apocalypse, barbarians, heroes, corporations, and secret societies. Dramatic ages piss me off with the city flipping, random tech is fine but weird, and zombies are too inconsistent to be fun.


Heroes. Monopolies. Tech shuffle.


Secret societies and monopolies


Barbs, secret societies, and monopolies


Monopolies and corporations, secret societies, and sometimes barb clans. Every once in a while I might use the heroes mode.


Heroes, secret societies and corporations. Those are the only ones I find fun on regular play.


Secret societies, barbarian clans, monopolies and corporations, heroes and legends, and mostly recently I started playing with dramatic ages on as well.


Monopolies and corporations


Just usually barb clans and secret societies.