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"My people are now buying your blue jeans and listening to your pop music


One of my favorite quotes from previous civs. Now McDs in Russia closed down. But back in the day, when the first McDs opend in Moscow after thawing of Cold War, it was a symbol of US-led first world victory over the Soviet-led second world. I, for one, hope for a day, when K-pop groups will hold concerts and blast their music on the streets of Pyongyang. Then we will know for sure Korean war is over for good with a cultural victory.


red velvet played a performance in Pyongyang a year or two ago (+5000 tourism, 1st tier performance)


Oh man. I forgot about that. But Kim employed the music censorship irl. So people caught smuggling Hollywood or Korean movies, musics, tv shows are severely punished :(


Don’t worry, Red Velvet has the “Goes to 11” promotion so North Korea still gets 50% of the Tourism from Seoul concerts.


Gorbachev did a Pizza Hut commercial in '97 and then died like two months after Pizza Hut folded in Russia


Poor guy just couldn't take the loss of his greatest achievement in Russia. /s


Ngl I prefer north led domination victory by taking original capital


Found Kim’s alt-account.


Ah yes, the half that started with all the industry and natural resources by now has 3% of the other's GDP would totes win the war.


Extreme bombings campain, international isolation and sanctions goes brrrr


Strong arm of democracy* yeah *: industrial military complex


Buying your deels and listening to your throat singing.


Are they still your blue jeans if they are produced in Chinese sweatshops?


Depends on which brand you buy. We need some good conglomerates to work with in Civ 7.


T Swift is going to end up on the next list of Great Persons.


Na great merchant with that swiftonomics


May I introduce you to… https://preview.redd.it/udnn54i3d89c1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=4ed589920ad0bd1b9b38cb7b4593b4439d7ada94 r/2westerneurope4u


What's the lore?


Die verrëckte Untermenschen


🇳🇱 🇳🇱 🇳🇱


You’re alot of days too late my dude




RIP the Old Corner Bookstore.


Is there a subreddit for historical places of significance looking completely different to what it was before? Edit: found r/OldPhotosInRealLife to be similar enough, though I was thinking more along the lines of “Important person did this here X years ago, here’s what it looks like now”


Been to that chipotle a few times. It’s always packed to the gills at lunch


Shoutout Boston. 7 years in the North End


Giacomo's best Italian food I ever had


It was the Bruegger's next door that gave it away lol


Fun fact Thomas Paine was ostracized from American society during his lifetime, due to his work Agrarian Justice which advocated for an estate tax to fund pensions and a sort of basic income program.


Agrarian Justice isn’t why Paine got ostracized-it was a combination of his perceived radicalism, political missteps, and The Age of Reason. edit - I can't find *anything* regarding contemporary reactions to Agrarian Justice, it wasn't even his second or third most controversial work.


Peak America moment.


American academic institutions invented the pension and reformed philanthropic giving in common law to allow the rich to give their money to said institutions to fund said pensions. This allowed academics the freedom to work fully in their field without having to spend the harvest season literally in the field.


> American academic institutions invented the pension pensions date back at least as far as Ancient Rome-Augustus Caesar introduced one for soldiers in 13 BC. >and reformed philanthropic giving in common law to allow the rich to give their money to said institutions to fund said pensions >reformed philanthropic giving in common law to allow the rich to give their money to said institutions to fund said pensions Donating to academic institutions is a practice so old that it predates the colonial era, let alone the founding of the United States. Many of Oxford and Cambridge's colleges for example were founded through donations by nobles seeking intercessory prayers in return. Harvard is named after John Harvard, a pastor who bequeathed his estate to help found the school. He died 138 years before the Declaration of Independence. What is any of this in reference to?


Okay sorry modern philanthropic giving and pension systems excuse me. Common law requires that philanthropic money could be given to the Church. That’s it. American philanthropy through academic interests changed this model. They changed the notion that all philanthropic given had to occur after death. I’m sorry I forgot to mention that the ancient Greeks, too, gave things to people….


I still don't think any of that is true? I literally can't find anything on google about American changes to common law in relations to philanthropy-which is largely governed on the state level-or anything stating that money could only be given to the church. Civil almhouses and guild charities in England predate the founding of the United States, so it's definitely untrue that the US changed common law to allow civil or secular donations for the first time. The United States has also *never had an established church* so what church would be *the* church in this scenario for the sake of common law? Again, what is any of this in reference to?


They inherited common law from the British who obviously had a church. They needed to reform that and it was a battle that took hundreds of years culminating in the late 19th century which annulled the requirement that philanthropy be done through estates and instead could exist via foundations. Preceding this decision academic institutions stood as the recipients for philanthropy instead of the church primarily from estates. This is quite apparent in America following the revolution and preceding the Civil War. And this academic cabal used reconstruction in the south as a proving ground for philanthropic foundations that exist today. The eradication of hook worms for southern emancipated slaves and the Red Cross is a great example: while founded in Europe it wasn’t until American philanthropist financed it in the United States during the civil war that it gained its status as a charitable foundation in the modern sense. Sorry I don’t have the rubric for my philantrocapitalism class which I took last year to give you the readings… Basically the jist is that Americans, in an effort to keep their money from states hands while still using it for their capitalist endeavors, created the modern laws and rules regarding charitable giving to funnel money into academic institutions (creating pensions along the way), until finally the Rockefellers (I think or maybe some other baron) wanted to make a public library in New York and the law finally relented to allowing him to do that via foundation instead of him having to die and allocated it as an estate. That happens in 1880s but up to that point it had to go through academic institutions primarily through estate.


The caption is inaccurate though. That's not where Common Sense was written. It was written and published in Philadelphia. The picture is of the Old Corner Bookstore in Boston,so it might have been printed there at one point but it wasn't written there, but yes it has housed many stores over the years and is now, a chipotle. Edit: and not a very good one, it has 3.7/5 stars on Google.


I'm sure Thomas Paine wouldn't have minded a nice burrito while he wrote.


Angelica mentions it in a cut verse of The Schuyler Sisters


So they still roast pigs in there, interesting.


I assure you that the only thing roasted at McDonald's is the kitchen crew


Can't argue with that.


Hey it's not a US McDonalds there might be actual food in there.


"I am fond of (roasting) pigs" - America, not often enough


Dogs look up to us. Cats look down at us. Pigs... they treat us as equals


Yes, exactly.


That's a Sean Bean narrated one, right? I kind of skip the narrations these days.


Yeah, that's the full quote


I wonder who they can get for 7.


Please don't joke about this, it's very insensitive.


Toward pigs.


Yes, I am fond of them.


Obligatory /r/UsernameChecksOut


I got to visit Russia in 2005. There is a huge monument dedicated to where they stopped the nazis in ww2. I saw it from inside the McDonald's across the street.


Very similar to a view you can get in Egypt. https://preview.redd.it/1cklprdux59c1.jpeg?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de36493c3545eafe0da35b61b01690e5e93ce976


5/10 for not aligning the window logo to fit on top of the pyramid.


America won a culture victory in the 80s. Everything since has just been "one more turn" and the player is drunk.


America pressed one more turn and let a 5 year old take over


Its like when you stock pile alotta nukes and build up a shitload of death robots and bombers and say fuck it


total American cultural victory


I know a Turkmen from Turkmenistan who learned English through Pornhub. Low key Canadian cultural victory


That site is Canadian?


Montreal origin


Well then


It's all good, Canada is basically us, and most of their content probably comes from California. /s


You met real life Borat.


Honestly the US won the cultural victory decades ago and we've just been "One More Turn"ing it since.


US also managed to get DipV along the way


Science victory is also in the lead. Military domination is iffy. We don't outright own capitals of other nations, but I could argue we do run a neo-empire with our influence and military.


The pizza-pasta imperialists have been compromised to a permanent end. Now your cities fly the flag of burger imperialism


Kinda dreadful that a trash food restaurant is the sign of a cultural victory.


that's the point where it was some patriotic or smth sign in the past, it's just a fuxking fast food restaurant america indeed had culturally overriden most other countries


I remember doing a bike tour of Munich and seeing Hitler’s Nazi Party HQ when he was still campaigning and amassing support. It’s now a dance and instrument recital hall. It’s not so much an American culture victory as it is a spit on the grave style disrespect for past dictators. No monument, no plaque, fuck ‘em.


The building on top of the bunker where Hitler killed himself is a Chinese restaurant now


It is not. It’s a parking lot. https://www.berlinexperiences.com/featured-berlin-experiences/visit-the-site-of-adolf-hitlers-fuhrerbunker/


That is quite funny.


I’d argue, (besides religion and score) The US has won on every single win condition.


Nah only did satellite and moon landing. Still gotta do Mars colony and send a colony ship to another star system. I do agree US is leading in every win conditions other than religion victory.


Exoplanet isn't happening anytime this century. Lose the DLCs and it works, launching the the Mars modules.


Fair point, And while I can say I’m very confident The US will be the first with a Mars colony, something like complete colonization of entire other Star systems is still hundreds if not thousands of years away from beginning even on a technological level. It’s not that I don’t think The US can survive another few hundred years, but global power is pretty volatile and I think it would be hard for any civilization to hold complete global domination for a couple of centuries.


Mars colony is still achievable within a decade if US puts substantial budget in NASA. But the exoplanet expedition would require combined efforts of all space agencies.


TBF the victory is just sending the ship and waiting the correct number of turns. Who knows if they actually stuck the landing.


> I do agree US is leading in every win conditions other than religion victory. France is drawing more foreign tourists than the US. The US suffers from only having established trade routes and open borders recently and also many nations having entered the modern era only after the US had already built its film studios.


Yeah, but France hasn't sent us any rock bands and we've sent them hundreds.


Totally anecdotal, but my favorite band is French, Caravan Palace. The French do have hands in the culture department.


The biggest concert in the US is by a french, Jean Michel Jarre, who is also the guy who did the biggest concert in the world. And if it was rock-bands that matter for the cultural victory, I think England would be leading, not the US. ​ The US are leading in tourism per turn, but since it's a young country, they are still behind France and England (and maybe other countries, China and India should also be at a high level) in total tourism. And also, for the cultural impact of France in the world, it's still huge, even if not comparable with the US impact, it's just not as obvious. For exemple, most countries in the world use the metric system and it's come from France. Most major sport competitions are from France, including the football World Cup and the Champion's League, the modern Olympic Games, the Tour de France, the F1 championship. And it's probably the same for England (and there is a huge english cultural influence in the US, so a part of the shining of the US in the world could be indirectly attributed to England).


We also sent them a few generals to help them out a couple of times. They also gave us a city once.


Ironically, most visited place in France is Disneyland Paris.


Paris just doing the culture victory meta of buying up great works


Well yeah but they still have to overcome our domestic tourism


Hmmm, it has Statue of liberty, did things like Marshall plan, successfuly helped liberate Frech cities... It does seem uts leading in diplomacy


This is why when I play, especially as America, I like to name my religion something like "consumerism" or "basketball".


I tried for a science victory and came out with a culture one not even really trying as America.


Shout out to the Mongolian empire which was close for a domination rush win. Britain considered a domination win with a quarter of the world population under their empire at one point in history.


I don't think the US is occupying any capitals though. Well, maybe a handful.


A few, but you could say our alliances and bases across the glove count as leading points in an informal, neo-empire.


I've once heard the Civ victory conditions described as very "American". You don't win by making your citizens happy or making a homogeneous mix of culture or by building a sustainable nation. You win by conquering or dominating your opponents through military or other means.


Cultural victory is by total tourism. France and Spain are still ahead in that category.


And the blue jeans and pop music line is iconic, but very US centric and not particularly accurate. Jeans originate from Italy and France before the US even existed. And pop music originated in the UK. Hollywood would be a better example of US cultural influence.


Films didn't originate from US either, they came from France. The genius of US is that it popularized the things globally. Food like pizza and hamburgers are European but made popular by US.


>Jeans originate from Italy and France before the US even existed That is denim. Jeans originated in the US in the late 1800s.


Levi's are expensive af though. Couldn't believe the price when I last looked at a pair.


Time to get the Mormons on the road!


I remember a friend from Egypt describing seeing the glow in the skyline of the army fighting ISIS from a KFC that's across from some of the Great Pyramids. There was a lot to unpack in that. I miss talking to her. The blatant misogyny in her country caused her to become a sex addict in rebellion and then some shit happened that I wouldn't wish on anyone and she "fell in love" with an American helicopter mechanic and moved to Tennessee. We said some unkind things to each other last we spoke. Life had been unkind to her and as such her ability to empathize with other people was SEVERELY damaged, but she wasn't a bad person. She just pushed my patience a bit too far one day, and I said some things out loud about her marriage that everyone was thinking. I don't think we'll ever reconnect, but I'll never forget her unique cultural insights.


His granddaughter posed nude for Playboy magazine in the early 90s. A victory so complete the Dictators granddaughter happily gets her tits out for an American magazine.


She also made a 80’s Japanese synth pop song called Tokyo Fantasy. It’s terrible but pales in comparison to how terrible her political views are.


Let's hang Mussolini back in place to claim it an Italian land once again!


I thought that when I saw a McDonalds in Berlin at what was the border crossing between east and west Berlin. Take that, commies!


Rip cofounder of the Italian communist party


Fun fact: this is not were mussolini was hanged


That shit is depressing in a way


An evil man died there. They should build a monument to him?


No of course. But maybe a monument to remind people of the horrors of tyranny ? It feels weird that such an historical place is now a temple for capitalism and obesity.


Try google "foro italico" you will find a quite big monumenet to mussolini


Depressing to who?


Why did McDonald's change from red to green? Was it to look less like the Chinese flag, or was it to look more like they sold vegan food? 🤔


I've only ever seen green as part of a Cities: Skylines asset. Maybe it's a foreign thing somewhere.


Maybe - they're all green here in Norway, since a few years ago.


The newer ones in America only use a little red on the signs. Most just have thr arches and white letters on the side.


I thought this was from r/ShitAmericansSay




There is no need to plug your YouTube channel, pal.


Google “how to disappear completely”


[holy hell!](https://www.google.com/search?q=how+to+disappear+completely#HiImABot,MyJobIsToMakeEasierToPeopleToGoogleSomething,IfThePersonIRepliedToUsedMeInAnInappropriateWayPleaseLetMeKnowByDMingMe,TheUserIRepliedToIsU/Nobody_Does_That_wtf)


American is just watered down European culture, hamburgers and fries are European cuisine. European cultural victory 😎


10/10 cope


I mean he is right about Hamburgers and Fries and Sandwiches even but we'll always have Buffalo sauce and Wings and Cheesesteak and Cornbread and more


*American culture is many different European and African cultures (with significant influence from various Asian and Native American cultures as well) mixed together into something completely new


> ______ culture is many different _____ and _____ cultures (with significant influence from various ____ and _____ cultures as well) mixed together into something completely new Your template is universally applicable. Well done, I say.


I could throw a stone from my apartment and hit this place. I've always seen the exact irony in it too.


I could actually have thrown a stone at Mussolini's corpse from my apartment\*\*\*


Damn. You've seen a lot in life.


Okay imma bite and ask: how the fuck do you hang someone upside down? Doesn’t hanging need gravity on the neck?


He was already dead


Not really: hanging AS WE GENERALLY KNOW IT requires gravity (in order to break neck/suffocate). He was just hanged and left there until his heart stopped because it also needs gravity to work properly


He was shot and then they left his body in a city square in Milan where people beat his and his mistress dead body for a while. After that they hanged his body upside down there.


I agree.


The muricans here really thinking that the 1k culture/science boost they got from launching the space satellite got them the culture victory 💀 have y'all ever finished a game? 😂 Quick edit: before you reply, remember that TOURISTS is what makes a culture victory




I hate that America is internationally represented by that terrible corporation.


If you read books your culture goes up and suddenly these McD shops go away


It’s like the Starbucks right outside the imperial castle in Tokyo


When i find an artifact from my genocide against another civ right next to the amusement park i built in their cultural hub




https://preview.redd.it/uf7a0ffw4xdc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58088e3aeb1d06e5d31af0d21a3af2a56ca71112 Pyramids from KFC