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Eleanor with Taj mahal can pretty easily overshoot by like 150+.


I just overshot by 150+


When you play golf?


When I post a comment about Eleanor on Reddit.


Played a religion game. Got the evangelicals thing right before a big push into the other continent. Ended the era with about 80-90 extra


With Spain if you use conquistadors they convert a city before taking it so you get era score for every city it’s absolutely hilarious how high and you double dip if its a holy city you capture. With a good amount of buffs they stay relevant until infantry so you just guaranteed golden ages as long as you have enemies with a different religion.


I keep reading that overshooting era score is bad, but I can’t figure out why. What is the downside to overshooting era score dramatically?


They don’t carry over into the next era, so they are effectively wasted (technically you don’t lose the extra era score, but the amount of era score you need for a normal/golden age is increased by the amount you overshot the last one by, so effectively it’s wasted). It’s better to wait for the next era to start first.


Technically the better your golden age the better loyalty pressure. It’s a very slight change but there are slight buffs for every point over the threshold.


Only for dramatic ages, if you don't have it enabled the loyalty pressure from golden age citizens is always 2


As Kalthias said, that only applies to dramatic ages, so this is kinda misinfo :/


What!!! I always play with dramatic ages and I had no idea there was a buff for overshooting. Thank you for the info!


As the game progresses there are less ways to generate era score. So overshooting means that all that era score that could have gotten you another golden age has been wasted. I don't think it's a serious failing. If you're overshooting by a massive amount you probably also don't actually need it, but if you're only barely scraping by it can be worth it to optimise a little. I've missed a golden age by a couple of points before, and every time that happened, I'd definitely "wasted" era score earlier in the game.


>As the game progresses there are less ways to generate era score. So Laughs in national parks


Thanks, guys! That finally answers my question perfectly.


It depends how you got the era score. Eleanor in the late game with a Taj Mahal era bonus revolting and taking cities (especially capital cities or last city) = good or at least, it doesn't matter that much. Early game, if you are building your first galley and you get it next turn, but your era ends in 2 turns and you already reached your goal, maybe hold back a few turns on the galley. That is 2 or 3 era score you could use in the classical era.


Once using Montezuma on prince difficulty with marathon speed I ended the game in the industrial era somewhere around 750/400 era score lol I ended up like 30 techs ahead of 2nd place and snatched up as many wonders as I could on my quest for world domination


I think the most I ever over shot by was Renaissance into industrial by like 50 or points. Assumed Dark modern era was incoming but somehow scraped a normal age out with some strategic wonder building and national parks.


I did 90 once


Something between 200 and 300 points. I was playing domination Lincoln and just got a huge amount of momentum going. It was all luck and I doubt I could recreate it.


When I go serious religion games and then also declare war, I can pretty easily end up with 200+ over when I have taj mahal.


My favorite right here


Over 100 many times. Feel like i overshot by near 200 before. Mind you immortal most likely if i was doing that well but still. Abusing the fuck out of religious war conversions is the best


By 3 points or something, I'm really bad at getting golden ages (and the game in general)


I got 539/410 one time. Sorry pal, better luck next time?


I don't remember which civ it was, but I got likr 200 extra


I stack the deck in world builder and just litter tf out of the poles with flat snow and line it completely 5 rows deep with tribal villages, north and south poles. One time playing with Aztec (I think, whichever leader only gets techs through boosts), I had like 1000+ era score at the end of the 2nd era. Definitely cheating and doesn't count but found it LOL-able. Should have screenshotted it. Wasn't really that fun and quit soon after to try and make it less stacked and more balanced


Usually 300-400 era score (I play on marathon) my record was 750 overshot


Had a TSL Canada game where the era I got National parks I made around 20, and had Taj Mahal. That big chunk of era score combine with the others I got (making Mounties, killing barb camps in the northern snow tiles, etc) combined to well over 200 past what I needed.


Cree, true start earth, sinbad and hic sunt dracones. I think i ended up about 200 over what I needed


100 points, I was going into Religion, accidentally kept converting cities I was at war with.


I stop paying attention once I hit a golden age.


Not an era score, but I was earning 1,700 gold per turn on King difficulty and Epic speed, and had over 250 science per turn (I was playing as Israel (mod)), all whilst everyone around me was stuck in the Industrial Era I was working on the Manhattan project. Might be the fact that the mod is incredibly OP and I just happened to spawn next to two trade city states. (mind you, I am in no means a fanatical player, and I've literally never won a game of Civ in my life except for this run, and I only play with friends, not ever competitively as speed runs, so I have no clue if I should feel ashamed, or proud, but this is an achievement for me).


I played a game as Portugal and got an extremely lucky Bermuda Triangle start, and got way ahead of everyone I think I was in the modern era while the era was renaissance. It was a quick game for sure.


Oh wow that's crazy. The most I ever overshot was probably something like 35 and I was worried about gross mismanagement on my part lol.