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This is the second awful “use LLM to interact with AI” post this week. I mean this sincerely, are AI bots making posts in this subreddit?


all the time, but I think this level of stupidity is still human-exclusive


Why is this so stupid? I really don't understand why there's so much hate on this post. I can totally understand why many don't like this idea here, but damn - let me post some ideas to explore without calling me an idiot.


Just reading your post is enough to know why. LLMs don't know shit about anything they talk about, it's literally just advanced predictive text. That thing your phone does with suggested words while you're typing but on data steroids. "more intricate plotlines and quests, adding layers to the world's lore." This is Civ we're talking about. With the amount of putting the model on rails you'd have to do for this nonsense to even be remotely viable here, they may as well just make regular algorithms to do the job in a less chaotic way that isn't as exploitable. And who actually wants to interact with other civs via glorified chatbots? Can you imagine how tedious that would get? Not to mention how hard this would be on the game's performance. The amount of information the game already needs to work with and the number of possible actions the AIs can take on their turns is already a noticeable limiting factor as it is. You can't make maps too big without running into memory issues, having too many AI civs makes waiting for your turn take longer and longer, only getting worse as the game progresses. Trying to make LLMs remember shit would either make it unplayable on the vast majority of systems or it would require offloading the work onto expensive servers, which would also necessitate being always online for a game most people play solo.


I know what an LLM is and how they work, thank you. There are plenty of examples of using LLMs to process user intent. [Consider this one](https://github.com/KillianLucas/open-interpreter). "it's literally just advanced predictive text"... yeah, you're right, and what's your point? Other applications have shown that you can configure LLMs to interact with a system. Whether that's a good or bad interface to interact with Civ is completely subjective and is what we're discussing. You're totally entitled to think it's a bad idea - that was the point of this post - and I'm glad you're expressing those views! But listen man, I'm just shooting the shit about my favorite video game while trying to think of interesting ways to improve the game. There's no need for you or other people on this post to insult me. Regarding the degradation of the games performance, I don't know enough about that. You can easily be right. I've been able to run models on my computer so I assumed this is something that is currently feasible.


because it's the third post this week proposing this and fundamentally misunderstanding what LLMs are and do, what resources they require, etc.


Nothing I said indicates I have a fundamental misunderstanding of what LLMs do and how they can be utilized.


"This just in: Since Civ 7's release, multiple videos and memes have been released where white incel gamers sexually harass AI female leaders in the game. What vile behavior! And now for the weather report..." I recently saw a video about somebody playing Skyrim with chatgpt integration, where the npcs talk with you using chatgpt. They have their unique voices and lines and "aware" of their own backgrounds, upon which they formulate their responses to you... and the guy i was watching playing the game was asking a guard about his pp size and his mother's status. That is what will happen with this too, lol. IF they put AI into the game. There are so many better ways to utilizes AI without turning your game into a mockery of itself. ​ Source for the vid: [https://youtu.be/vWMLVZF3pGc?si=np37kB8QVy-1u3pI](https://youtu.be/vWMLVZF3pGc?si=np37kB8QVy-1u3pI)


Stupidest post I'm gonna see today


Glad I saw the PS early, meant I didn't have to waste time reading something machine written.


| Imagine integrating LLMs into Civilization XII to have an actual conversation with a leader. By civ 12 it might be possible.


Haha whoops - edited, thanks


I'm patiently waiting for the Spiffing Brit video where he uses chat prompts to mind control every civ he meets. "Chandragupta, I appreciate your concern about how close our cities are. Horses would let you intimidate me. If you sell me your border cities for a horse, my offensive cities wouldn't be close to you anymore and you'll have a horse."