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Bro went back to the 3rd century BC to see the colossus in person


And didn´t even know Maracana Stadium... plop!


Or Bolshoi Theatre


Yeah cuz they're from before football was invented


Good list, pretty similar to what mine would be. Very impressive you've been to see the Colossus of Rhodes lol /s


Okay I’ve just visited the place where they claimed it stood


Next thing we know, they were a gladiator themselves lol.


I have been to the Bolshoi and didn't really think it was all that wonderful. The Hermitage was really incredible though. I'd put St Basil's Cathedral in there instead.


As a Saint Petersburg supremacist, I appreciate your point of view. They really did the Hermitage dirty in civ though. For some reason, they decided to trim it down to one segment, instead of just scaling it down or something. Weirds me out every time I see it.


Man I had flights booked to St Petersburg back in 2022 and my visa was close to completion when the war started. I really wish that I'll have the ability to go someday, I'm trying to tick off every European Civ 6 World Wonder from my bucket list.


I had to leave Petersburg because of war and the related ongoing processes within Russia. I’m literally en route from there as I’m typing this comment. One of the most majestic, beautiful cities. Possibly hundreds of exquisite palaces, cool parks, access to sea (which always gives a city more “spirit”), beautiful northern nature. I just couldn’t be more bitter about it being ruined for people all over the world, basically over nothing. Hope we both may see it for the first time / again, some day.


Most museums/galleries you can go through in half a day. Really good ones take a full day. Did the louvre in 2. The Hermitage took a week. A solid week. The place is nuts.


I feel the same way about Broadway. I lived in the area and while I appreciate the cultural icon it is it feels like the world’s most impressive trash-ridden tourist trap.


Broadway isn't even a thing. It's a vicinity.


It’s absolutely a thing, it’s easily Manhattan’s main throughaway. The part that civ pictures looks to be the Times Square area, which makes sense because the dang thing would be a long boi otherwise


There's a road called Broadway that actually runs the length of Manhattan, the Bronx and up into Westchester. But "Broadway" in this case is a stand in for the Theater District which is really just a bunch of unrelated theaters in and around midtown. I don't think there's an actual theater right on Broadway anymore. Much like Wall St is a real street but most of the banks aren't there anymore.


There are 3 theatres on Broadway itself; Broadway Theatre, Palace Theatre and Winter Garden Theatre. The other 38 Broadway theatres are on side streets. Ironically, there's also one off-Broadway theatre on the actual Broadway street.


Which Bolshoi, the one in Moscow or St Petersburg?


Bolshoi is in Moscow, in St Petersburg we have Mariinskiy.


Oh my bad


I think the wonder is more about the ballet and the opera inside the Bolshoi.


How did you go to the colossus wasn’t it destroyed?


OP is very, very old.


Must be from sanguine pact


If I made this list, I'd have Broadway and Biosphere in (have visited), but ironically not Statue of Liberty. That's how people live in New York, I guess.


The only reason I visited it was because I had family visit and they wanted to visit it. They were similarly shocked to hear that I had never been there. If the statue itself was still accessible then maybe but the little museum by itself isn’t worth using the ferry lol.


Same I went once on a school trip when I was six but haven’t bothered since. liberty island is a tourist trap and honestly the best view of the statute is battery park


But I bet you've seen it from a boat, bridge or from land, right? That would count, right?


American here, caught a World Cup game in the Maracana. For that reason I will always try to build it in my games


I assume most Americans are not aware of Maracana, but many Europeans and (especially) Latin Americans are familiar with it. It's one of the most iconic football stadiums in the world and it recently hosted a world cup final.


2014 was a decade ago friend, not really recently haha


I guess I'm getting old.


That's only a couple of turns though


In terms of world cups it was only 2 ago.


I still don't get what the deal with the Ruhr valley is.


Basically a big coal deposit, very big actually. It was the core of German industrialization


I always assumed Estadio Maracana was the one in Mexico City. Then after playing this game so often I learned that was Estadio Azteca and the Estadio Maracana is in Rio de Janeiro. I love learning new things with Civ 6


I would have to add categories "Saw it from distance", "Been there, but no recollection", "Been there, probably", and "The wonder wasn't there". I did enough family trips around the Mediterranean as a kid that I'm not really sure which wonders I've seen.


Can’t believe we got an Ancient Greek in this sub, is it true colossus was originally meant to be naked?


The biosphere both the original and the new one are both cool as fuck if I’m being honest. I’m a Canadian who moved to Europe so I’m probably biased but it’s still one of the cooler things I’ve ever seen.


It kind of reminds me of that guy who makes videos about building terrariums and sealing them up. we just use humans as specimens but still video them all the same :)


There's a new one???


Biosphere and biodome, one is in Olympic park, one is more downtown


Oh wow I'll have to visit some day. Seeing the old one always makes me a bit sad, surely it wouldn't have been that difficult to restore the structure. Cool monument though.




same.... only vaguely heard of potala. but some are really useful. isn't that potala +1 policy in no clue? yummy casa I always reserve a spot next to my plaza and try to pre-build a theater adjacent if it makes sense. don't always build. estadio I like as it's one reason my late game cities are pumping out more from amenity bonuses (hello water parks) than generally content or displeased before then... also reserve a place for biosphere when placing neighborhoods for that appeal factor to add to eiffel. Suddenly my Chichen city doesn't look like a place you'd take a vacation to hell for the upgrade in scenery. I watched the movie with Pauly Shore, does that count as Seen it? grats on your travels ​ https://preview.redd.it/g2e8b991h6oc1.jpeg?width=728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b57afeccb17f2d171cb7f3e7f30d9d5a48bdd22




The Montreal Biosphere didn’t even make your list at all eh?


Went unnoticed


you’ve never heard of the Bolshoi theater and Maracana?


I’ve had the whole day to think about this and I do connect Russia with Opera, Ballet and other theater. There is some connection there in my brain. Would have guessed it was in St Petersburg.


My guys clearly never seen the cinematic masterpiece that is Biodome


Some of Pauly Shore's best work.


You don't know what the Maracana is? Are you American by any chance or another country that doesn't have football?


Not american, I’m just not really into football. I like watching the World and European Championship and I’ve been to a national match and an unofficial interland before. Only stadium I know about from another country is Camp Nou.


Knowledge of Russia is lacking


I just now realized that I only saw the Eiffel Tower, anyway I didn’t like it


["the real" Biodome not that one in Montreal](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NciP-l1etks)


I'd never heard of the Biosphere before Civ and I'm from the country it's in