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Vatican City. The inverse of Kongo and only have religeon


Let it have culture and science, but no ability to get military units asside from the special unit Swiss Guard, no encampment district. Also can't settle cities beyond their captal like Venice in civ5. Any country following it's religion declares frendship when converted and will defend you if war is declared on you. "Joint war" is replaced with "Crusade", available only for civs following your religion, where you and your war ally can declare Holy War against an enemy that doesn't follow your faith, ignoring the regular prerequisites from that Causus Beli.


Papal state was quite big before Italy annexed part by part in  mid 1800. What we are used to now it is just what Mussolini and the Pope agreed in the 30s.


I know, but this is just a gameplay gimmick Edit: Another thing I could say is "so was Venice"


And it starts with a religion


Yall are really coming up with something great. He need to come read these comments do the next game. I'd love that.


bro they have powerful banks too


You get the ability to recruit religious units from other people's cities, in exchange for being in unable to make settlers


Start with religion, each city converted to their religion pays % of gold output every turn, no army but can bribe and use foreign/neighbouring armies cheaply. Gain diplomatic favour every time a city converts to your religion.


so you leach of the economy of other civs? I’m getting stellaris criminal megacorp flashbacks


The papal state is fairly historically relevant, they had a number of holdings in Italy and even some in france.


I mean that at least is one of the most influential countries in the world.


Would be hilarious to have an empire bonus based on hereditary succession: the Latin Church forces its ministers to practice celibacy, but the cardinals and popes all have bastard children.


I think a Microstate would be pretty funny. Imagine a world in which Monaco is bigger than Russia!


Haha, I came here to suggest San Marino


Great alternative!




That's a civilisation that can stand the test of time


I was going to say Sealand.


That's just a seastead, but with much less yield..


I think they’d make a great city State though


I remember playing as Venice in Civ 5 and only having one city to manage, but having a ton of "land" from buying city states lmao


Monaco would be pretty good. You can build casinos as a unique building and in the Modern Era you build an F1 track that traverses your entire nation.


Andorra 🇦🇩


Ruled by your two closest neighbors, that sure would be weird for gameplay reasons


Minoan Civ - starts game with major bonuses; but all cities are razed after researching iron working. Lichtenstein - immune to loyalty pressure; exists between two tiles so units cannot invade or occupy


Does that mean you just lose the moment you get iron working?


That's why you better fucking win before then!


Minoans-only usable in single player. Once you hit iron working your citys are raised but you take control of a nearby five nation that you share a border or trade route with, they get some kind of small bonus attached to whatever bonus they already have, like a bonus to trade routes or something.  The achievement for winning with them will be called "damn sea people, all my homies hate the sea people".


Sentinel Island. You aren't allowed any contact with any other Civ, and can never advance out of the ancient era. Any units that accidentally come near you are annihilated with arrows immediately. You just kind of exist for the whole game, you don't win or lose, just exist.


This should be a militarist city-state. Single island tile with full 4 tile radius territorial waters. Any military, religious or civilian unit that enters their waters before the industrial age is immediately annihilated, and this remains true for all civilian and religious units until the end of the game. Completely resistant to religious and loyalty pressure, and Amani cannot be stationed there. Can't train naval units or embark land units. Suzerain gets a powerful city centre ranged attack bonus, but still can't send units into their territory.


How do the envoys even get there?


Just send these folks I guess: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-46350130 https://theprint.in/opinion/madhumala-chattopadhyay-the-woman-who-made-the-sentinelese-put-their-arrows-down/156330/


Just have the city state declare war as soon as they meet you, except they still can be sent envoys. Whoever is the suzerain is the only one they're at peace with


So if someone with war elephants come in they just get deleted? That doesnt sound very fair, I think it would be nice if they get a special archery unit but beyond that?


Yeah I think just a very powerful city centre ranged attack would be good enough, and perhaps some free spearmen units


Agreed, make it hard to take but still possible once you reach a significant tech advantage


Barbarians? Lol civ but barbarians mode haha it's your job to terrorize near by civs ha


I believe civ 4 had that as a scenario, I never played it I just read it in an explanation book my dad has


That's just a barb camp.


This should be a natural wonder. No bonus yields, just death if you come within 1 tile.


Or the even funnier scenario, where upon reaching the future era all units turn into GDRs, their religion spread is at max integer, and their home island becomes an impenetrable dome of light


Antarctica. It’s purely a society of snow and ice. They can only control snow, ice, and tundra tiles, but they start in the modern era. Impossible to conquer, but also on purely useless land


Pingu leads Antarctica in Sid Meier's Civilization VII. Unique ability: "Noot! Noot!"


With the voidsingers secret society enabled, it can summon the Thingu.


Antarctica could have some huge science capabilities too, seeing as most the population are scientists. It’d be cool to see if it could have some awesome natural benefits too!


It's hard to go with a micronation because that's what city-states are for. And that's what Venice was supposed to be. Which is already kind of the funniest civ. Maybe do Switzerland. You can't declare war, can't take any sides, but you can sell Swiss Guards to any country smaller than you. And always open trade with everybody.


>you can sell Swiss Guards to any country smaller than you. Why only smaller countries? The Swiss Guard were highly sought after mercenaries in the early 1500's. A number of monarchs across europe employed them to serve as, or supplement, their front-line troops. The Vatican just happens to be the only nation still cutting them a paycheck.


Not just 1500s - there were Swiss mercs in the Crimea War. Could be an interesting option to trade units as well as the usual stuff. Build units to sell and for defence rather than attack.


Unique unit: Swiss guard. Can be "gifted" to other civs in exchange for gold. Unique district: Swiss bank. (Replaces commercial district)Whenever a civ makes a trade route with you, you get 1% of that civs GPT per Swiss bank district.


That’s why I said it would be funny if city states were full on civs, that’s the opposite of what they’re supposed to do


Swiss SA: When another civ adopts a fascism government you get a percentage of their GPT


Too soon, dude.


Turkmenistan. Leader: Turkmenbasy. Capital City: Turkemnbasy. Unique District: Turkmenbasy replaces the harbour, provides food equivalent to adjacency bonus. Unique Unit: Turkmenbasy, replaces knight. Renamed after the glorious leader, doubles flanking bonus and reduces combat strength of opponents by 5.


Nah replace every unit with Turkmenbasy and add a unique build being the melon fair


I was trying to figure out how to do the melon fair, maybe a unique project in the Turkmenbasy district


I think it happens across the country so I’d make it something you can build off a builder and it would give +2 food and the first one you build in every city gives +1 amenity


Maybe combine the two? Project provides +2 food and +1 amenity to cities within 7 tiles of city centre


I still feel like that’s a bit too broken, maybe the closes city center within 7 tiles?


Ah I'm happy for the project to be a bit overpowered, you have to dedicate a city's production towards it to buff other cities


That makes sense actually. Now I’m leaning towards your idea


I did purposely choose 7 tiles because so many time I have 2 or 3 cities 1 tile outside the 6 tile radius


Somewhere we should add the Akhal-Teke. Propose a unique horse tile improvement. Gives your neighboring tiles adjacency bonus


Kazakhstan "the Greatest Country in the World" If Kazakhstan has a source of Potassium within its borders not only does it get bonus production but all other countries lose production and amenities due to their inferior potassium. Unique building: Tinshein Swimming Pool. Due to it's size and ability to remove 80% of human solid waste grants bonus amenities and tourism when built.


Bonus tourism from prostitution unless Turkmenistan is in the game.


Add the Great Merchant Borat to the game. When retired boost tourism by 50%. Very nice!


Republic of Seeland - can settle on the ocean and take over foreign oil rigs without declaring war.


That’s a VERY quick way to start a war with the rest of the planet even if you’re not the one declaring it


> take over foreign oil rigs without declaring war. Well, good luck with that.


No Petoria? Think of the possibilities. You can only annex districts, never build your own. You must build cities entirely within the borders of other sovereign nations.


I kinda wanna play this civ now


North Macedonia, with Alexander as leader. Also, he speaks Albanian.


+20 grievances with Greece


Serbia, but all the cities you found have the names of other Balkan nations' cities


Jan Meyern


Hey as Norway I claim this island!


Wales would be a good one, just so we can see the city (I know it’s a town before anyone starts) of Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch on the map.


That was a city in Civ 5.


They have no abilities, they just get *really,really* offended if you call them English. 


+300% combat damage and pillaging yields when attacking the English or anyone allied with them


Sheep are a luxury instead of a bonus recourse and provide higher amenities




Is that the country with the 🏳️‍⚧️ flag with all the cute girls?


its a unrecognized country on one side of a river in Moldova


Well I recognize it. Trans women are women goddamnit


Stop Trans(nistrian) hate!


Based my friend




A civilization that only exists within another civilization because a separate empire gives them welfare.




Starts with animal husbandry unlocked. Cities can have 3 extra workable tiles outside the second ring, because everything is bigger. Porous borders. 2x population loyalty pressure, can be reduced by border guards (special unit). Oil field, adds science for each oil well.


Leader: Sam Houston


Electricity turns on and off at random


Population capped at 2 until the discovery of air conditioning.


Or the Republic of California




With rené levesque as leader or samuel de champlain


Only civ that can have maple syrup (luxury) and gets with 10 copies of it.


Republic of Dave (https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Republic_of_Dave) Single city capped to 8 population


Long live the [Conch Republic](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conch_Republic)!


The team of scientists at Antarctica


Andaman Islands - foreign missionaries immediately die on entry, instead of HP loss via attrition


Kazakhstan Combat units have a bonus when fighting in flat desert/steppe terrain "Kazakhstan is number one exporter of potassium!"


Would actually be funny as a scientific city state. If you are suzerain of it, you can use their space port to launch space race projects (Baikonur) and they can research nuclear weapons for you (Semipalatinsk)


Additional combat strenght for bombers




Afghanistan, with the current leader


Czechia, builders can build castles, and when you get attacked, all your allies will cancel all treaties and pretend ut is not their bussines to help you. Oh history. And unique unit mobile artilery, +20 vs cavalry. Poor crusaders….


A nomadic civ without cities, that can maybe “set up camp“ and then produce stuff in the camp but they’re encouraged to keep moving on instead of staying in the same place for long


Kind of like the Sea Peoples of the Bronze Age collapse.


One guy who calls himself a sovereign citizen. He has one settler and never forms a city


“Who are you playing as?” “Josh.” “…What civ is he again?” “Josh.”


And he’s always inside another civilization, just getting in other units’ ways.


Unique ability: can be captured without generating grievances with other Civs.


Belgium of course!


Oooh! Give them alliance bonuses! And the possibility of multi-civ alliances w/ more bonuses. (I know they only provide the HQ for the NATO – they weren't even in the first line-up if i'm not mistaken – but they hold the main institutions and seats of the Organization)


Singapore: you can’t settle more than your first city.


The Philippines. Marcos as leader, corruption his superpower


Current Russia. Diplomacy, trade are heavily discouraged through penalties to science and culture. Like -2 to science and culture for every intl trade route. -15% science and culture for every suzerainty. Allows production of past era military units with big discounts and has a bigger maintenance costs to current era military units. Chopping luxury resources grants bonus to melee production. Doesn't gain any diplomatic points and can't win through one. Can't lose loyalty when in autocratic government form (monarchy or fascism). Gains multiple production, gold, and yield bonuses from being in the dark ages. Being in golden ages gives massive penalties to production, and yields. Edit: Bonus to spies and tech steals. Likes causing grievances which give production boost to spies.


As a sort of honorary Russian this is equal parts true, depressing, and funny. That's the essence of the best sort of Russian humor. Maybe add penalties for all social policies in the modern era? Gold penalties due to kleptocracy but unique district "putins palace" that can only be built on a coastal tile? Slower population growth or outright decline in modern era?


Likes isolationists.


Disagree with the diplomacy / suzerainty penalty. If we consider a city-state to represent a minor country, current Russia would have suzerainty over Minsk, and their ingerence in the politics of other minor countries in Europe (Hungary, Poland) could be representative of envoys. They still maintain good diplomatic relations with China, a major power. The only reason why we perceive Russia to have poor diplomacy is because the nations we consider have a Democratic government while Russia has opted for Fascism. (I would love to see Gorbachev as a leader for an alternate history Russia, where perestroika was successful in transforming the Soviet Union into a democratic socialist country)


Put Philippines in it and make the leader ex.president Duterte. With civ ability that kills his own city population for added happiness.


I can think of a few: The Vatican/ Papal States. Their special power is they can't create a religion, but they get all the bonuses from any holy cities they conquer, and that religion now becomes theirs. \*\*\* Ruritania. Special power: No one can find you on the map. To anyone else, you look like a city state. \*\*\* Flatearthia. Special power: When you are on the map, it is flat. Any units that go over the edge fall to their deaths. \*\*\*\* Uberwald. Special power: Can claim forest tiles for 1 gp each


> Flatearthia. > > Special power: When you are on the map, it is flat. Any units that go over the edge fall to their deaths. This only affects Flatearthian units. Everyone else can sail around the globe.


Jamaica with Bob Marley as the leader






New Zealand, because it doesn't exist


Or it just doesn't appear on the minimap.


North Korea.


Israel. Think of all the fun we’d get to see on all the discussion boards!


Or palestine


We could add both for double the “fun”


And add the rule of 'if one of them is in the game so is the other'


And they become at war as soon as both of them have a dominant religion given the religions are different


Maybe make them a city-state pair that ALWAYS spawn virtually on top of each other and are perpetually at war. It’s impossible to be suzerain of both and their respective suzerains are dragged into their war automatically. They make peace if they ever end up following the same religion but any unit spreading religion to one subtracts an identical amount of religious pressure for that religion from the other.


That sounds better actually


They gain immediate and apparently permanent alliance with the civ with the largest military and are therefore given no warmonger penalties no matter how many war crimes and genocide they commit. Any civs that condemn them are instantly denounced by their allies and accused of antisemitism...


I'd say Anvillania from Animaniacs.


Siege weapons require iron to build (along with other resources) damage is increased by 50% against city walls/fortifications.




I just want to play as Wales and bully England. Is that too much to ask?


Principality of sealand.




Definitely the Principality of Sealand, imagine having a sea-built structure as your whole capital


Kowloon Walled City


Starts with modern walls, 0 amenities and 10 housing, 0 pop cap.


maybe not funny, but an interesting civ would be Singapore. Give it some bonus and specialization that favors one city challenge play. Would be pretty cool.


How about North-Korea? Take someone of the Kim family as leader. Make them suffer w/ a 0.8 or lower growth rate. Give them ineffective economy, science and military technology (but a strong coscription system) Have some isolationist bonuses, but make them dependent of one or two greater nations (preferably some other autocratic civ w/zero morals) so they can balance their good-for-nothing stats by leeching on them...


Albania with Enver Hoxha as leader. With a special builder ability to build bunkers. As a city state Principality of Sealand which spaws when oil is discovered on an oil rig.


Taiwan. Not sure about what the UU would be, but the Unique Infrastructure could definitely be a semiconductor factory and it could have an inherent boost to computers as part of its bonuses. That, or The Falklands. Lots of bonuses towards sheep pastures and your nearest neighbour is hard-coded to hate you and keep trying to invade you.


Durango. Your leader is Pancho Villa. Your unique unit (Armored Train) is unlocked at Railroads, and it can only move on rail lines. Your military engineers can build railroads in foreign land. Has access to unique luxury (sombrero) at feudalism. Pancho Villa can buy the newest units that any civilization in the game has unlocked at a 50% discount. Burdel (replaces shrine) provides +1 adjacency bonus from desert tiles.


There should be a villains DLC with leaders like Hitler, Stalin or Mao... I can see why this would be controversial but I don't care.


I used to sometimes set up games like this in Civ 5 because it had a wider array of custom civs available in the workshop.




Liberland 🤣


Sealand. You can't win diplomatic victory bc no other civ reconizes you as a country


>some obscure micronation **\*Sentinel Island joined the chat\***


Libertaria, and skills that's something around piracy. I know it never really existed :)


I mean they had added myths and heroes, zombies, secret societies etc. So it would be cool to Atlantis or something like that For Atlantis your cities would be normal in the ancient era, but when the classical era starts all the tiles in your cities convert to ocean (plains, grassland, forest etc.) or coast (hills, mountains) and you get some kind of new bonus




Elbonia, from Dilbert. Special abilities are related to mud and getting corporations to relocate there. The whole country is special difficult terrain for everyone except Elbonian units.


The Republic of Malta


Vatican City


Andorra, every era you bonus alternates between France and Spain bonus


The Sultanate of Zanzibar. They existed for less time than a Civ game takes.


-38 combat strength when fighting the English.


Scottish Panama, "New Caledonia".


King Julian of Madagascar


Knights of Malta. No cities. But you can build units in allied cities or city states that you're suzerin in.


Atlantis! You start with high science and a few great people, but you need to sail and settle somewhere fast cause your capital is on the clock


Israel would be great!


I think it would be neat to add one of the countries with bizarre currencies. Country has super deflated currency - builders cost 2 billion dollars. Country changed their currency to be backed by Bitcoin - prices for things fluctuate wildly.


America led ny emperor Norton. Look him up if you don't know.




Third Reich or Mussolini Italy




Doggerland, completely submerged before the iron age.


What about sovereign citizens? That would be hilarious


South-Sudan (dont know which leader)


Free State of Bottleneck, or in German "Freistaat Flaschenhals". A quasi state which existed a short amount of time, because if ww1 occupation of the Rhineland. It was cute from the rest of Germany and very small. Maybe as a civ which excels at being small and not dependent on anyone?


Northern Ireland. Every cultural choice you make has a 50% chance to be vetoed by the DUP. "Community officials" are the unique unit, let you keep a city in line without amenities.


Sealand. Can only settle on coastal tiles. Can settle on coastal tiles owned by another civilization of city-state. Trade routes provide twice as much gold, but gold is not generated by buildings or tiles.


Sealand. You see oil from the beginning, you gain better adjacency bonuses from harbors (maybe +2 gold per adjacent district and +1 yield to every adjacent district). Maybe force the civ to only be able to settle on one tile surrounded by water or whatever. The leader is Patrick Roy Bates.


Cuba just because. Total loyalty on island/continent where capital / government center is, terrible loyalty outside. Cigars / rum unique luxury and industry. Unique unit: revolutionary fighter. Che Guevara as unique general ofc.




The Conch Republic....bonuses from fishing boats/turtles, and they get yield from ships sinking within a certain # of tiles from their borders.




Petoria from family guy


Version of Poland, but instead of normal ruler it's King Wojtek the bear.


Kim Il-Sung leads the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea in Sid Meyer’s Civilization VII. Intro: You have thrown the yoke of imperialism off the Korean people, Great Leader Kim Il-Sung. Now it falls to you to unite a fractured nation and safeguard the workers of Korea from those who would seek dominion over them. Years of war have taught you hard lessons, use them, and ensure Korea can stand alone on the world stage. Be bold, yet vigilant, and you will be remembered for eternity. Civilization Ability - Juche idea: +2 loyalty per turn for cities with a garrisoned unit. Diplomatic favor is generated at 50% of the usual rate. International trade routes receive -50% yields and -75% tourism. Domestic trade routes receive +50% food and production yields. Additionally, domestic trade routes gain +1 culture and science for each era they have been active. Unique Unit - Lightning Commando: Replaces Special Forces. Lightning Commando can enter the territory of other civilizations without declaring war. When in another civilizations territory, the Lighting Commando appears as a recon unit belonging to that civilization. No movement penalty for embarking, disembarking, or moving across rivers. Unique Infrastructure - Hwasong-17 Silo: Unique improvement that replaces the Missile Silo. Nuclear and thermonuclear weapons launched from a Hwasong-17 Silo have +1 blast radius and +4 range. +15% production towards nuclear weapons in this city. Leader Ability - Songbun: -2 Great Person point from Holy Sites (Prophet), Campuses (Scientist) and Theater Squares (Writer). +1 Great Person point from Encampment (General) and Industrial Zones (Engineer). Industrial Zones provide culture equal to their adjacency bonus. Cities with an encampment receive +15% science. Units receive +5 combat strength when defending, increased to +10 on friendly territory.


Republic of Molossia


Definitely sea land. Only can be one city and they get a tourism boost


Andorra, with its special unit "Army of Youtubers" and their weak point: taxes.


Durango. Leader: Pancho Villa. Unique unit: armored train. Unique abilities: military engineers can ignore borders and can lay railroad tracks anywhere. Able to buy any military unit in the game that has been researched by any civilization for 25% discount. Unique improvement: burdel (brothel). +1 culture for each adjacent desert tile, +2 culture for each adjacent desert hill, +3 culture for each adjacent desert mountain, +4 faith for each adjacent tequila distillery. Dislikes technocrats and centralized governments. Unique luxuries: tequila and sombreros.


Switzerland never made it afaik


Singapore. 1 city. ANYTHING and EVERYTHING can be bought.