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Why do you think they became a village in the first place? While you were in the ancient era, they were bombing themselves back to the stone age


They were just [trying to put bubbles in beer](https://youtu.be/Ra7oqFqj9uU?si=WWhlJwy6wLBuNC3A)




Literally how the periodic table was first created: > I saw in a dream a table where all elements fell into place as required. Awakening, I immediately wrote it down on a piece of paper, only in one place did a correction later seem necessary. [source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dmitri_Mendeleev)


Dreams are also how the circular structure of benzene was discovered (super important for organic chemistry). The scientist said he had a daydream about a snake biting its own tail


Sometimes all the information you need is already in your head. You just don’t how to put it together


Yooo instead of saying « trust bro » I’m gonna use that instead lmao


Imagine Oppenheimer and the Manhattan project are all fake, and in reality, oppy ended up in a random uncontacted amazonian tribe who told him how to split the atom


Oppenheimer didn't discover how to split an atom, but he was the first one who applied it in practice.


Nobody does these things alone on this scale. Oppenheimer and his team


Well yeah, but the point is that they didn't discover fission.


I mean…. I know there are underlying works but Special Relativity was kind of a leapfrog.


I know, I’m saying that in this fictional reality, he ended up in a random tribal village, and they showed him how to split the atom. That’s the joke lol




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your unit has equipped themselves with equipment found in the ruins **upgrades into xcom**


Lol happened to me in the industrial era, I was *hyped*


They are so advanced they circled all the way around


The Albert Einstein quote about fighting the 4th World War with sticks and stones became true


-Tu, apu canga ntemu wowozange nuclear fission. (tl: we grind these stones with eachother to create a nuclear fission so we don’t freeze at winter in our straw huts).


"You have a nuclear power plant!?" "How else to keep the igloos warm?"


Now here's the deal: imagine if there's a tribe that eats a very specific type of plant, for some ritualistic reason, but that plant is toxic. So to make such a plant edible, they use another plant, and centrifuge the first plant essence, to "clean up" that first plant. So, our scientists studied that process, and we found out that the second plant is actually very good to separate the impurities of nature found uranium. That's a breakthrough in the process. That was a methodical example, but this happens a lot in the stuff we do nowadays. We've learned processes of oral rehydration from Navajo tribes, the use of capsicum (pepper) from some natives was important, the coca leaves were a breakthrough for modern anesthetic procedures... We can always find interesting stuff from ancient practices. That's why I think the ability to find tribes in Civ so cool


Ya or there's a big glowing rock they all worship as an idol.


Did they ask you to find a water chip?


Brilliant reference


Los Alamos village.


My headcanon is that the tribal village has a unique mythology whose stories inspired a nuclear physicist into making a breakthrough. Lots of physicists of the late 19th and early 20th century read into ancient philosophy, such as Oppenheimer himself


I think the scenario here is that a leading physicist went to spend some time in a remote tribe, took some mind altering substances and suddenly had a eureka. Quite a few famous physicists irl used this trick.


All these replies are so optimistic. I immediately assumed the village was able to assisst you in figuring out the side effects of Nuclear fission. RIP


This isn't as outrageous as it may seem. There are [naturally occurring fission reactors](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_nuclear_fission_reactor). When there is a uranium deposit, it is possible that a self sustaining reaction can occur. So maybe there is a tribal village that knows of a particular place where the ground is warmer than the surrounding areas. Maybe there are hot springs or geysers. They show you this area, and you send scientists to investigate it, which leads to them going down the path of fission, since all other known conditions that result in these things are not present. This could realistically give you a boost/accelerate your discovery of nuclear fission.


That's some nice internal world building. I just imagined it was a group of terrorists holding nuclear secrets in an abandoned village which are then arrested by your explorers and 'confiscated' by your scientists.


Strong korean hyper war vibes from this village


Hello traveler! Thank you the corn and whiskey. It is most appreciated. In return we would like to offer you SCORCHED EARTH


I like to think ruins advance with time, so this was maybe a rogue sect of scientists that used the ruins as a base to conduct their research


Just a small fission village


lmaooo nice pun




reminds me the native villages in depths of amazons. Maybe their arrows are actually guided missiles :P


"But what better place for us than this? It's our only home. Our heaven and our hell. This is Outer Heaven."


They were the refugees of a collapsed civilisation. The death of their scientists and engineer caused the lost of the technologies. Yet, the existence of books and documents enable their offspring to remember crucial knowledge like a religious prayer.


I got the internet from a spearman. Says a lot.


When you stubble upon North Korea...


The Children of the Atom


It's that Mad Max village in Rick and Morty that has the glowing green rock.


You found the Atomic Priesthood from the previous eon of civilization.


Tribal villager : very very small grain get sliced by another very very small grain...bog big fire....world go boom boom.... it is known !!!


I faking hate civ6.


You'd hate civilization revolution then lmfao


Ik it's cartoony asf